I know, it's weird... but let me show you! This may be one of the most strangely inspirational emails I've ever written, and that you ever read... But I'm going to give you a full breakdown of how to turn Sourdough bread making into a $1,000,000 business, and not because I think you make sourdough but because I want to prove you can do what you love and make money if you understand the internet the way I do. Feel free to read this and replace "Sourdough" with whatever you love... the principle remains the same. Here we go: So why sourdough? Well... when traveling in Portugal I did a sourdough bread making experience and it was amazing. We went out to the country side of a beach town in Portugal, to some random guys house, and we made 50 loafs of sourdough bread... then we spent 2 hours eating bread at his kitchen table where I asked this question: "You clearly can make 50-100-200 loaves of bread a day, why don't you do this as a business?" Of course, my mine went to "make as much money as possible"... He said, he didn't want it to turn into a job that he hated so he makes as many as he wants and makes as much as he needs. Of course my mind then went to "well what if he could use what I teach to make money without actually making the bread..." Boom... that's why we are here. So you should know, Sourdough is BOOMING. The chart above shows that search volume for the term "Sourdough" has climbed a lot recently and is significantly more popular now than it was in 2019. So let's make some money, without making the dough (Get it?) We would start by making a Facebook grou As you can see, here's an example of a group that's doing exactly this. You offer to give them something they would like, in exchange for their email address. This group has 8,200 people who've gone through this process so an email list of around 8,200 people. Pretty cool right? That's the first step to all of this. We are giving people community and access to information for free via a FB group. We use FB for a TON of reasons. #1 - everyone is on Facebook and spends hours scrolling every day so we don't have to get them to download a new app or anything. #2 - they will see and be more likely to engage with our content since there is a better chance they see it, considering they are using FB daily. Now is when the fun comes in... As you can see when someone applies to our group, they leave their email address, I have a software (available in our Mastermind) that will automatically send that email address to your email marketing platform (also available in our Mastermind) So instantly, when I approve this member... they will start getting marketing emails from me about (in the case of our topic today) Sourdough bread. I will obviously be sending them the information they opted in to receive, but we then also can introduce them to affiliate programs. So let's find some stuff to promote. A quick search on the good ol' Google gives me some options. I checked out these programs, most of them pay 10-60% of a sale and sell everything I need. Sourdough starters, kits, training programs, you name it. Personally I was intrigued by this one. The Art of Sourdough had a good affiliate program for their digital course and would be a really easy thing to promote to all of my "Sourdough for Beginners" group members. The course was like $47 and I get 50%... so $20+ each sale. This is a great way to get my foot in the door and to prove this business is possible. If I can get 10-20 sales a month to this other offer, all by generating members into my Free Group on Facebook... it proves that my audience will buy and that opens more doors than you could ever imagine. The beauty here is that the method is free... I'm not telling you to go buy a bunch of traffic from random places. The software (Wealthery Reach) that we give our Mastermind members that automates the process of collecting emails from group members... Also has some other powerful automations that can FILL your group. Check this out... ^That's inside of of my "Pipelines" and what this allows you to do is to go into any group you want, anyone else's ads, you name it... and you can import all of the profiles into this system and then automate the process of reaching out to them. So let's say I go to the that Sourdough for Beginners group and click "Members"... it'll give me a list of all of the members in that group and I can set it up to automatically Message ALL of them. I could automatically Friend request ALL OF THEM
I could automatically tag ALL OF THEM in a post It automates the process of inviting people into YOUR GROUP. You just import who you want to invite, set up a message to send them, hit "Go"... and it works to bring people into your group while you go about your day. So now let's look at what we've got... You have a group that you can grow easily because it's in a niche you love and are passionate about, you have tools to automate the process of growing that group, when people join they will give you their email, when you get their email our tools will add it to a system that automatically sends them emails to affiliate products... Boom... you just built a business and the only cost was your cost to use the tools in the Mastermind. To say "that's just the beginning" would be an understatement... There's a lot more you can do. To take this to $1,000,000 I believe you'd want to create your own Sourdough product. I'd teach you to create a PaidMasterclass which is a 2 hour training that shows everything you know about sourdough. You promote that to your new audience as they join your group... See, you only use affiliate products to prove concept. You do that while you grow so that you don't have to build a product BEFORE growing your audience. Now you're building an audience, in just 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night... And eventually you say "I know enough, I'm going to create my own product" Oh, and that's ALSO something you'd do in our Mastermind and is included in the software you get. If you can get 10,000 people to join your Sourdough for Beginners Masterclass - you generate $1,000,000 in revenue. The sourdough group I showed above has 887,000 members in it... so that's around 1% of their audience would need to pay $97... the numbers are in your favor. All of this... from making bread? Yeah I know. The thing is, you have to decide you're worth it. You have to decide that you're worth listening to. You have to decide that you could run and manage a group as it's leader. Most won't. Most won't commit to it and therefore they will fail. If you implement on the idea I've given you here... you will build an audience. If you build an audience you can make sales. If you build an email list you can make sales... But it's all an "if" until you take action. If you want to see the exact gameplan we give our Mastermind members, the exact tools, and how to get access to all of it TODAY... [Check Out The Mastermind Here!]( We'll see you there! Travis Stephenson
CEO, Wealthery Copyright © 2024 Wealthery, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is:
travis@wealthery.com Want to change how you receive these emails?
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