Exclusive Leap Day Match offer enclosed! âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í â âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í â âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í â âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í âï»¿Í [DONATE NOW]( [One extra day ...]( [Service member in action, Service member hugging loved one, Service member eating a meal, Service member in action, Service member reading a book on a video call home.](CyPRAWQb/UHg4bTAwQTJaekoxOTFMcUJjUzNlL2QvMkRRZ1BzQVZuNnhhZUVIK3FrRmNYdXAyZlcvWlh0ZVJjOExIaTQxNUdQaFd1Z25iQVBTWHBrYlFDSnNscUlqMlRWenQ3T0Jva2Y5RWwxZGMvcFE9S0/aHV0ZzdTSzNsVWlLSVk2TEdBajJSSmtBSzEwSHp4dHRKUExxOXJTdTMzSExJVXo4eS96anVQbTRUYkRGOU5WZnN1bVkxVGEyczI4Z3ZnTC80WjRCVGZaOHpxTkRORk82S0) [DONATE NOW]( This February 29, we're asking you to think about what one extra day means for active-duty service members and their families. For us at the USO, Leap Day means one extra day of being there for our heroes — a job we're honored to do. But as a nonprofit organization, we rely on military supporters like you to help us strengthen the well-being of America's service members and their families. That's why we had to share this exciting offer right away: [In honor of Leap Day, a generous group of donors is MATCHING* all gifts to the USO, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $29,000, until midnight tonight. Will you rush a donation of $29, $58 or any amount before Leap Day ends to have it MATCHED for troops and their families all over the world?]( [MAKE A LEAP DAY GIFT NOW]( Day in and day out, hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops serve and sacrifice to keep Americans safe and free. Right now, with global conflicts escalating, they're facing increased pressure and dangerous conditions. The least we can do is send a little support their way, especially while the value of every gift goes twice as far. [So please, as our heroes spend this Leap Day risking their lives to protect our country and the freedoms we cherish, will you make a MATCHED donation before midnight to say thank you?]( [DONATE $29 (BECOMES $58)](
[DONATE $116 (BECOMES $232)](
[DONATE ANOTHER AMOUNT NOW](8eXC0Gx4wMG/UHg4bTAwQTJaekoxOTFMcUJjUzNlL2QvMkRRZ1BzQVZuNnhhZUVIK3FrRmNYdXAyZlcvWlh0ZVJjOExIaTQxNUdQaFd1Z25iQVBTWHBrYlFDSnNscUlqMlRWenQ3T0Jva2Y5RWwxZGMvcFE9S0/aHV0ZzdTSzNsVWlLSVk2TEdBajJSSmtBSzEwSHp4dHRKUExxOXJTdTMzSExJVXo4eS96anVQbTRUYkRGOU5WZnN1bVkxVGEyczI4Z3ZnTC80WjRCVGZaOHpxTkRORk82S0) We truly appreciate any support you can spare today — and we know our troops and their families will, too. Thank you. The USO *Thanks to a generous group of USO donors, your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $29,000, through February 29, 2024. United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) is a nonprofit 501(ϲ)(3) organization (EIN/Tax ID: 13-1610451) and not part of the Department of Defense (DOD). The appearance of DOD visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement. Photos by the Cpl. Kevin Jones, Lance Cpl. Dalton Swanbeck, Sgt. Taylor Cleveland, Lance Cpl. John Hall and the USO. ©2024 USO, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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