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Friday, July 13, 2018
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Trump Is Killing the Affordable Care Act by a Thousand Cuts
Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Recent White House actions mean more Americans will be uninsured and rates will rise.
[Read the BuzzFlash Commentary](
Twelve Russian Intelligence Officers Indicted for US Election Hacking
[Read the Article at Chicago Sun-Times](
Donald Trump Backtracks Over Brexit Criticism, Calling His Own Interview "Fake News"
[Read the Live Updates at the Guardian](
GOP Moderates Hint at Smooth Confirmation Ahead for Kavanaugh
[Read the Article at The Hill](
Trump Won't Rule Out Ceasing Military Exercises if Putin Asks
[Read the Article at CNN](
US Accuses North Korea of UN Sanctions Breach, Demands End to Fuel Sales
[Read the Article at U.S. News & World Report](
For Disabled Sex Workers, Congress's Anti-Trafficking Legislation Is Life Threatening
[Read the Article at Rewire.News](
Endangered Black Rhinos Die in Kenya Reserve
[Read the Article at BBC News](
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[Reading Against Fascism](
Henry A. Giroux, Truthout:Â Fascism begins with hateful words and the demonization of others considered disposable, followed by an attack on ideas, the burning of books and the horrors of a carceral state. In these dark times, reading critically can be both a source of hope and a tool of resistance because democracy cannot survive with a public that is inattentive to the power of language and indifferent to history.
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[Armenian Youth End Soviet-Era Inertia in Velvet Revolution](
Theresa Lin, Truthout:Â Armenia's Velvet Revolution, which resulted in the resignation of its prime minister and aspiring strongman in April, came out of a history of civil mobilizations, some of which had failed to bring about regime change in the past. Under the leadership of former journalist and current Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the movement offered a counteraction to Soviet-era inertia for Armenia's post-independence generation.
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[Donald Trump Threatens Theresa May as Republicans Stage Peter Strzok Circus](
Heather Digby Parton, Salon:Â Trump told a tabloid that he had threatened British Prime Minister Theresa May over her "soft" Brexit plan, telling her that if she followed through on it, the US would not make a bilateral trade deal with Britain. We know that's fatuous nonsense, but he wanted to make sure it was public because May's hold on her job is tenuous.
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[Bradley Foundation Funds Web of Climate Change Deniers](
David Armiak, PR Watch:Â Bradley Foundation internal documents reviewed by the Center for Media and Democracy reveal a concerted effort by the organization to delegitimize climate science while promoting fossil fuel energy development in the United States.
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[Exploiting Pensions, Wall Street Cost Taxpayers $624 Billion Over Last Decade](
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams:Â In a frenzied bid for higher profits in the decade following the 2008 financial crisis, Wall Street pension fund managers have siphoned as much as $624 billion from Americans' retirement savings -- and, as a direct result, taxpayer coffers -- through a vicious combination of high fees and foolish investment strategies.
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[Will Parents at the Border Be Forced to Separate Again to Win Asylum?](
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!:Â Two days after a court-imposed deadline, the Trump administration said Thursday that just 57 of more than 100 children under the age of 5 have been reunited with their parents after they were separated at the border. This comes as the Trump administration has announced a new asylum policy at the US-Mexico border.
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[Out-of-Pocket Costs Put HIV Prevention Drug Out of Reach for Many at Risk](
Shefali Luthra and Anna Gorman, Kaiser Health News:Â Public health officials are expanding efforts to get an HIV prevention pill into the hands of those at risk, in a nationwide effort to curb infections. But the officials are hitting roadblocks, such as the drug's price tag, which has surged in recent years, and changes in insurance coverage that put a heftier financial burden on patients.
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[Caravan of Grandmothers Heads to Mexico Border](
Lornet Turnbull, YES! Magazine:Â This month, a caravan of concerned grandmothers will journey more than 2,000 miles to the US-Mexico border. They will host rallies in strategic political districts in cities along the way to protest the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy and deliver grandmotherly love to migrant families at the border.
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[Tech Industry's Push to Hire Autistic Workers Could Lead to Hyper-Exploitation](
Julianne Tveten, In These Times:Â Efforts to engage people on the autism spectrum interested in pursuing tech careers are, in theory, laudable, especially in light of the current labor landscape. What the work-in-tech narrative elides, however, is the exploitative, paternalistic treatment of the people these initiatives claim to exalt.
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[This Week's Progressive Pick: Another Day in the Death of America: A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives](
Yes, it is important that the media cover, and Americans protest, the gun massacres in our schools. However, it is lamentable that the press does not give the same concern to the daily shootings of young people throughout the nation. Journalist Gary Younge provides moving, incisive accounts of the shooting deaths of 10 youths in the United States.
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