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Will The US Get Downgraded?


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Thu, May 25, 2023 10:00 AM

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JOIN OUR LIVE SESSIONS! Our LIVE session starts when the big institutions and elite traders do befor

JOIN OUR LIVE SESSIONS! Our LIVE session starts when the big institutions and elite traders do before the opening bell. We'll look at real-time dark pool data as the market movers position themselves for the trading day in secret off-market exchanges. [JOIN OUR LIVE TRADING SESSION @ 6am PT / 9am ET](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0SLaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQubHkvVEFMaXZlRFM4P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduJl9reD1USkZ4LTA2cmJ4eDZVYUpjX0xnX2ppclNiUTAyNDN3M1hQSXpxdkhoZHljR1c2VzVaWVFrWkw4SU9aWk9mQVRvLlc1cEFaV1cDc3BjQgpkYrcxb2SRgPmwUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44N0BnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAEC1Y~) [Shadow] Hello investor, While Wall Street still expects a debt ceiling deal, Fitch Ratings may create a massive urgency for both parties to strike a deal soon, after it placed the US’s AAA credit rating on negative watch, which means it may downgrade US credit ratings due to “increased political partisanship.” - “The Rating Watch Negative reflects increased political partisanship that is hindering reaching a resolution to raise or suspend the debt limit despite the fast-approaching X date,” the ratings company said in a statement. But Fitch Ratings said it still expects a resolution to avoid a default. As a result, yen strengthened against dollar abruptly after the announcement, as you can see in the graph below: (Source: Bloomberg) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy repeated his optimism yesterday that the White House and GOP negotiators would strike a deal in time to avoid a potentially catastrophic default. - “I still think we have time to get an agreement, and get it done,” McCarthy said after the meeting ended between teams of White House and McCarthy. What a run-up: Nvidia’s stock skyrocketed by around 25% in after-hours trading after the company reported that the boom in demand for artificial intelligence processors will electrify its revenue over the next few months. - “The company couldn’t have been more positive about what it’s seeing,” said Adam Crisafulli, analyst and founder of Vital Knowledge media. “In addition to the huge revenue tailwind hitting the company from AI, Nvidia’s gross margins have now largely recovered to prior peak levels.” Nvidia said its revenue is projected to hit $11 billion – a shockingly high number versus analysts’ expectations of just $7.15 billion. Adam Crisafulli, analyst and founder of Vital Knowledge media (Photo: CNBC) New Fed minutes: Yesterday, we received meeting minutes from the central bank’s meeting in early May. It said policymakers were split on the future path for interest rates. “Some” members wanted another rate hike, while “several” advocated for a pause. Those who are expert with Fed language, “some” is seen as more than “several.” In other words, more Fed officials want another rate hike than those who want a pause. Fed Chair Jerome Powell already hinted that he is inclined to a pause. But other Fed officials insist on being data dependent from now until its June meeting to make a decision. So, nobody truly knows what the central bank would do next. Could this be the next hottest software stock? Today’s Stock Pick: Sprinklr, Inc ([CXM](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0SeaHR0cHM6Ly9kYXNoYm9hcmQudHJhZGVhbGdvLmNvbS9jb21wYW55L0NYTT91dG1fc291cmNlPUtsYXZpeW8mdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbiZfa3g9VEpGeC0wNnJieHg2VWFKY19MZ19qaXJTYlEwMjQzdzNYUEl6cXZIaGR5Y0dXNlc1WllRa1pMOElPWlpPZkFUby5XNXBBWldXA3NwY0IKZGK3MW9kkYD5sFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODdAZ21haWwuY29tWAQABAtW)) Once in a while, the software sector goes through a market correction. And each one is a big one. The reason is simple – software stocks trade at massive multiples, and any whiff of anxiety will have investors selling these stocks to protect their risks. But of course, the sell-off creates a ripe, once-in-a-decade opportunity to buy hot software stocks at a discount. That’s what you have here with Sprinklr. Some analysts are already calling Sprinklr the next Salesforce, and you’ll see why its solutions make a perfect sense. You see, customers are now using 30+ different channels to communicate: Texts, emails, Facebook, Instagram, phone, mails, Whatsapp, and so on. (Source: Sprinklr) And they expect companies to be available to engage in any of these platforms. You’ve heard about parents joining social media to get attention of their children. If the kid is on Snapchat all the time, then the best way to get their attention is to message them through Snapchat! It is more convenient for them to engage. But here’s the problem – how can a corporation streamline customer engagement in all these channels? There is no solution for it! Precisely, that’s where Sprinklr comes into the picture. Sprinklr’s platform, which it calls “unified customer experience management” or Unified-CXM, brings all data from customer’s contact with a company across channels into one place. So, the company can monitor customer sentiment and share data across customer-facing teams (such as sales, customer service, etc). Meaning? A customer service member can monitor a certain client that already interacted with the sales team. The data is there. So, the member doesn’t need to ask for information for the third time. Don’t we all hate repeating information to different teams at a company? That’s a clear pain point, and the solution is clear. The CEO articulated its solution beautifully: - “Your customers are moving across these traditional and modern channels in real time seamlessly, but your teams they can’t, asking customers to share the same information over and over again, which is filed away in some siloed system. You are always reacting, struggling to solve your customer’s most basic issues with software that was built 10 years, 20 years ago.” Sprinklr CEO Ragy Thomas (Photo: Chris Beier) That’s the beauty of Sprinklr’s business. Its problem is simple, and the market opportunity is virtually unlimited. Every business needs to improve customer service. The market has validated Sprinklr’s solution with a revenue growth of 26% year-over-year. Nearly 83% of its revenue is subscription-based. And the time to buy is now. The revenue growth grew steadily in the last four quarters, with the recent quarter delivering a 26% growth. (Source: Sprinklr) Growing while maintaining margins: The biggest key to any revenue growth is maintaining margins. If your margins lose as you grow, it means you are not getting as much return on your investment. You’re losing more money even as you grow. But not Sprinklr. Gross margins increased from 71% to 74% as Sprinklr grew its revenue by 26%. (Source: Sprinklr) Logo customers: Sprinklr boasts one of the best rosters of clients – with over half of the Fortune 500 as its client. These names include Microsoft, Verizon, McDonald’s, and Netflix. They clearly see the benefit of Sprinklr, and the company now has a tremendous opportunity to expand relationships with these companies through cross-selling. (Source: Sprinklr) Cross-sell opportunities: Once Sprinklr penetrate an account, it can expand the revenue base through two avenues – expanding seats and cross-selling. First, when a team uses Sprinklr, it is likely for another department (such as sales or customer service) to join the subscription. Each person receives a seat, and the company would pay monthly fee per seat to Sprinklr. Second, Sprinklr have four key product categories. We won’t go over all of them. But the key thing is its artificial intelligence. It allows companies to visualize data they get from communication channels, and the A.I. will provide actionable insights. Once again, the CEO articulate these points beautifully: - “…we see is that, once one customer facing function comes onto Sprinklr, whether its brand, business unit or a team. And they put the foundation of governance and automation and analytics and AI that comes with an enterprise unified platform like ours. The other functions and other teams in other markets and other business units tend to follow and that’s when the true power of platform comes to life in a way that no point solution can ever demonstrate.” The CEO also said, “Enterprises don’t start with Unified-CXM, they arrive at.” In other words, they would start with one solution with Sprinklr at one department. Eventually, they will see the inevitable and unify customer experience with Sprinklr across all customer-facing departments. Bottom line: Genius is in simplicity, right? That’s what Sprinklr is. Its solution is clear and no-brainer. Companies face a huge problem of handling the explosion of communication channels, and they need to streamline all of them into one place. As the pioneer in this space, Sprinklr promises to become the next Salesforce. Its market cap is only $2.44 billion when its opportunity can easily be $30 billion or more. The company gave guidance of about 27% revenue growth this year, which would mean another year of excellent growth. If you are looking for the next hot SaaS startup, look no further than Sprinklr. FREE LIVE TRADING SESSIONS & TRAINING USING THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE DARK POOL MONITOR AVAILABLE TO THE RETAIL INVESTOR Join our LIVE Trading Sessions throughout the day where we will focus on how you can learn to master the markets through the use of advanced algorithms and AI to trade like the institutions. BEFORE THE BELL Starts 6am PT / 9am ET Our newest LIVE session starts when the big institutions and elite traders do, well before the market opens. We'll look at realtime dark pool data as the market movers position themselves for the tra ding day in the secret off market exchanges. LIVE TRADING SESSION Starts 8am PT / 11am ET Take advantage of Trade Algo's proprietary advanced algorithms for anticipating big market swings in our daily LIVE trading session. Trade Algo's Senior Analyst Luke Russell will walk you through the key tools and strategies that the institutional investors and top traders use to profit from high volatility in the market. THE FINAL HOUR Starts Noon PT / 3pm ET According to Wall Street Journal approximately 20% of the trading volume happens at the last 30 minutes of the day. Institutions make the majority of these trades in private dark pool exchanges -- away from the public’s eyes. The timing happens for two reasons: 1) Index funds make their trades to mimic the closing price of a stock. 2) Billionaires trade near the end of the day because they anticipate major news that will be released during after-hours. Because they trade in dark pools, the public doesn’t know about these trades until one day later. We’ve consistently spotted the correlation between a spike in dark pool volume at the end of the day and the next day’s price movement. In the Golden Hour we will identify and analyze these movements so you can trade with confidence. CATCH THE SPARK Starts 4pm PT / 7pm ET Catch The Spark is led by trading expert Luke Russell, starting at 4pm PT / 7pm ET. Open to all this session is a recap of the day and a prep for the next trading day with an emphasis on identifying and examining "spark" orders, those large institutional trades taking place behind closed doors in off-market exchanges, that drive stock movement. Bring the stock or options trade you've been waiting to make and we'll show you the information the hedge-funds, big institutions and top traders use to evaluate and time the trade. [REGISTER NOW! IT'S FREE](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0SLaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQubHkvVEFMaXZlRFM4P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduJl9reD1USkZ4LTA2cmJ4eDZVYUpjX0xnX2ppclNiUTAyNDN3M1hQSXpxdkhoZHljR1c2VzVaWVFrWkw4SU9aWk9mQVRvLlc1cEFaV1cDc3BjQgpkYrcxb2SRgPmwUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44N0BnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAEC1Y~) OR [SCHEDULE A LIVE ONE-ON-ONE DEMO!](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0TBaHR0cHM6Ly9jYWxlbmRseS5jb20vc2FsZXMtMjQyNS9saXZlLXByZXNlbnRhdGlvbi1vZi10cmFkZXItYWxnbz9tb250aD0yMDIxLTEyJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9S2xhdml5byZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWNhbXBhaWduJl9reD1USkZ4LTA2cmJ4eDZVYUpjX0xnX2ppclNiUTAyNDN3M1hQSXpxdkhoZHljR1c2VzVaWVFrWkw4SU9aWk9mQVRvLlc1cEFaV1cDc3BjQgpkYrcxb2SRgPmwUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44N0BnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAEC1Y~)       © All Rights Reserved, Trade Alliance [Unsubscribe](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0SoaHR0cHM6Ly9tYW5hZ2Uua21haWwtbGlzdHMuY29tL3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMvdW5zdWJzY3JpYmU_YT1XNXBBWlcmYz0wMUdTMEg3M1YzQUczUE5ER1dRTlpHREdGQyZrPTU2NWRkZWRlNDhlN2QyNDBkNTVmZjU1ZWE3NmU2OWUwJm09MDFIMTg4N1lWRUszSjlLM0VOQVgzREdCOVgmcj1WWEhyZ0JFVwNzcGNCCmRitzFvZJGA-bBSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjg3QGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAQLVg~~) | [Manage Preferences](~/AASl5QA~/RgRmUba3P0SjaHR0cHM6Ly9tYW5hZ2Uua21haWwtbGlzdHMuY29tL3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMvdXBkYXRlP2E9VzVwQVpXJmM9MDFHUzBINzNWM0FHM1BOREdXUU5aR0RHRkMmaz01NjVkZGVkZTQ4ZTdkMjQwZDU1ZmY1NWVhNzZlNjllMCZtPTAxSDE4ODdZVkVLM0o5SzNFTkFYM0RHQjlYJnI9VlhIcmdCRVcDc3BjQgpkYrcxb2SRgPmwUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW44N0BnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAEC1Y~)

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