Psst...the beauty is in the messiness [Tony Robbins] âNo matter the situation, there is always room for love.â â Sage Robbins Love. Itâs our essence, the very core of what it means to be human. Itâs not a âyou have it, or you donât.â The capacity to love is already there inside of you, {NAME}. It's not something you do; itâs simply who you are. Love is already there, waiting to be a balm to a weary world... Waiting to heal, bless, renew, and restore. Family love, romantic love, the love of an old friendship â itâs not only in our nature to love, itâs our evolutionary advantage. Itâs also our highest calling as human beings to love another person fully and completely. In fact, relationships are our biggest opportunity for spiritual growth. We all come to relationships with different wiring, conditioning, cultures, belief systems, biochemistry, and a blueprints for what love looks like. People think relationships are about selecting the right person... When they are actually about the part of yourself you select to bring to the relationship every single day... The state of any relationship is the state you bring to it. We all have a choice in the state we bring to our relationships. While playing with our kids, picking up the phone for a friend in need, collaborating with colleagues at work, or lying next to our partner in bed at night, there is a choice in what part of ourselves we bring to the table. And there are many different parts of ourselves to offer. Are you selecting the critical one? The complainer? The playful one? The sensual one? The problem solver? Sometimes life requires us to be agile in the part of ourselves we are selecting. To move beyond âself.â Hear from Sage Robbins â mentor, speaker, and Tonyâs wife â on how different seasons of love can be our greatest teacher. [Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 9.53.00 AM](113/d4K3xc04/VVnnbR2fYLwxW68LtCN6FqPDlW8DFYQL59wMhqN7TcW2P3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3lNW5Cxn2C4hlGf6W69rsqk4hSrvjW2RFCMV5H4WLLW8YJyqC4lKX4JW1QWPFS99j0bBN7Gdf1j688ljW5kTFL21H2GwZW6S_RXt8nMpTmW2HTNgM2BvPVmW47x0Y_6MvvqnW3YtSqG8V_qPpW3tbSXx2bvBR0W7GmWRF6vJmCsW6BF-Q52dgcRqW1L_kL975DL1gW4yS6XJ1XRBCFW7ns1BV18vHw1VqSWXH1Yn9GQW4b1gsQ9jFbv3W15V2hs3PNt7nW7h411b53GC4zW1lPY9F2C4CTCW6Pj9Wg4G87hJW53M_Hc3qcGCkW3C78hp8dhjL8W66RG773yzPZ3f5vbzfv04) [Watch Now](113/d4K3xc04/VVnnbR2fYLwxW68LtCN6FqPDlW8DFYQL59wMhqN7TcW2P3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3lvW1J35zM7-M7VFW2Sjw2b2f7ChJW3BVBXR8mLvWdW9cCk9f8ml0T2W9cznG74mHmmYVvyXnz5q_yq2W3qyw0X4c3Ly5MSx7pqGS4pxW8khjj88xQbGlW2lxmSD5H1tycW4xwBDs42gbQkW2zSLbC7wwqWfN2pcZH6MYYgFW2dH5B_2BP5lxW3rLwdt213HcxW8ZsMD04fVH6-N10hQSdwNPmtW27BPjY5yjMW7W98BwBh5lnLWsW3SJy7S2kx0SxVr-MKc7C0dNBW7z8QgH8MgMfHW1JhY454qQV4GW2QD_Wc43Sc5jW1fj87R7C80rMW1p7YHw5vW23Nf9lvVqj04) Our relationships are sacred learning ground. A place to fall and get back up, time and time again. Maybe today is an opportunity for a positive interaction where there may be a pattern for a negative one... Maybe your gift for your loved one today is the gift of your state; one that is loving and passionate... Maybe this is an opening for your words or actions to be a healing balm to another human who is struggling... Or maybe this is an opportunity for you to release and soften...and to say yes to the possibility of welcoming love into your life... Because no matter the situation, there is always room for love, {NAME}. Thatâs experiencing this life at a higher level. Thatâs spiritual growth. And thatâs how we heal the world. Cheers to letting love teach us, time and time again. Team Tony Robbins [Facebook](113/d4K3xc04/VVnnbR2fYLwxW68LtCN6FqPDlW8DFYQL59wMhqN7TcW2v3qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3lPW6PfFDv6Z6P8qW5qB46f2kCcjGW14MLRJ8sDrVlW8jDR0D8Zy-nBW8qPmp96glTTPW1-VKlP5pptvNW82ycX95JZwTzN3tKCqDDDF4_W19TBW580jcRNW66whs-7rKG20W2vZ1p41JQjzCVNM_dX3Pl189W2FdNHN13NHT-W8wqRwQ4y8154W4wQ0wF1Sxj8lW5zCS1N2H00KYW4h_W-b4rp8hrW3wjQTf1rgQZcN5B4BC-qXf1hW1TjRdB2qmj4yN53clrk-0h-rW7DFZCZ7493qNW1bkK9d7817VkW1x4SBH88kdjlf1rqskP04)
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