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I genuinely fear it will be too late if Republicans sweep to power in November


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Fri, May 31, 2024 06:18 PM

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Our window to act is closing and I genuinely fear it will be too late if Republicans sweep to power

Our window to act is closing and I genuinely fear it will be too late if Republicans sweep to power in November and roll back all of the progress we’ve made these past few years. Established in December 2016, The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. If you'd like to unsubscribe, [click here](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP4QsAWh0dHBzOi8vdW5zdWJzY3JpYmUuZW1haWxkZXB1dHkuY29tL3Vuc3ViP3A9QyUyQjFEbE02dWtQUDdiNCUyQlp6azFpRXU4RWRyN2E3NCUyQk9pZjczS3QzbkozT2paYUNWbUlWZHo4WGF2cSUyQkN1WjZBeiUyQlY3eVZRRlZ6QzhTQktUMkJZRnpxMkNtMzk1YzBacGNzVGdpMENaJTJGTzVPQjE2VFdDNFRaJTJCTmpoU2d2Nmx3RUFieUo3VHl4Q3V4VWlzQndocTlvSkg1ZUR1cThzQXhLTHh2V1JVZWhGb1hRb1BmME9lbWdHNzBLY2Vid1V4VFc2SHVRbXg4MU10JTJCQ1B4Zk5VVlJCJTJCaTlZUjgyeGpLV0M3Qm1JOHkzaWtVUSUzRFcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~). Below is a personal message from Dr. Michael Mann – one of the world’s leading climate experts and the recipient of the Tyler Prize (often called the Nobel Prize for the Environment). [Josh Stein Headshot](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TNaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTE1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) {NAME},  I have spent my entire career researching the Earth’s climate and the climate crisis facing our planet. I have been attacked for my research, investigated by Republicans, and the target of countless smear campaigns to try and discredit my work over the years. I wanted to reach out personally to say first and foremost: In my professional opinion, climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity’s long-term survival. But! And I want to emphasize this: I am NOT a climate alarmist or pessimist. I am still an optimist. It isn’t too late for us to change course (and I make the case for that in my new book [‘Our Fragile Moment’](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TKaHR0cHM6Ly9taWNoYWVsbWFubi5uZXQvYm9va3Mvb3VyLWZyYWdpbGUtbW9tZW50P3NvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~)). But our window to act is closing and I genuinely fear it will be too late if Republicans sweep to power in November and roll back all of the progress we’ve made these past few years. [I’m humbly asking: Will you make a donation to my friends at 314 Action and The Majority Rules? They are working to elect climate scientists and climate champions at all levels of government and they can’t do this work without you.](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TNaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTE1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) You might not recognize my name. But chances are you’ve seen my work: I authored the original ‘Hockey Stick’ Chart as part of my 1999 publication that demonstrated the clear link between human greenhouse gas emissions and global warming that has been widely featured across the world. So believe me when I tell you that under President Joe Biden and under Democratic majorities in Congress and state legislatures, the most aggressive and important climate legislation in our nation’s history has been passed into law in the past few years and is taking effect. It’s a good start but we need to do more. In fact, for humanity’s sake, we have to do more. But if Republicans take power this November, they will slam the brakes on all of those policies, programs, and initiatives. They will block any meaningful future ones and in fact, will hand the steering wheel of our country over to the fossil fuel industry. This is the most pivotal election for climate to date. My friends at 314 Action elected the only two climate scientists in Congress (in highly competitive races) thanks to supporters like you. And they’re working to elect HUNDREDS of Democratic scientists who have pledged to take action on climate this November. If these candidates win their tough races, we will secure a climate majority in Congress and in state legislatures across the country. [Our window to act is closing. So I’m asking you to act: Join me in supporting 314 Action and The Majority Rules. Let’s elect a historic wave of Democratic scientists who will lead the fight on climate.Â](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TNaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTE1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically split between 314 Action and the Majority Rules. [DONATE $5 NOW »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TeaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTUmZXhwcmVzc19sYW5lPXRydWUmc291cmNlPXRtcl9lbV9mcl9jZF8yNDA1MzFfMzE0JmNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkdj1CVwNzcGNCCmZVZhRaZg1KJmZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABuQ~~) [DONATE $10 NOW »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TfaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTEwJmV4cHJlc3NfbGFuZT10cnVlJnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) [DONATE $25 NOW »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TfaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTI1JmV4cHJlc3NfbGFuZT10cnVlJnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) [DONATE $100 NOW »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0ThaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_JmFtb3VudD0xMDAmZXhwcmVzc19sYW5lPXRydWUmc291cmNlPXRtcl9lbV9mcl9jZF8yNDA1MzFfMzE0JmNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkdj1CVwNzcGNCCmZVZhRaZg1KJmZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABuQ~~) [DONATE $250 NOW »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0ThaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_JmFtb3VudD0yNTAmZXhwcmVzc19sYW5lPXRydWUmc291cmNlPXRtcl9lbV9mcl9jZF8yNDA1MzFfMzE0JmNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkdj1CVwNzcGNCCmZVZhRaZg1KJmZSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABuQ~~) [OTHER »](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TNaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTI1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) Thank you, Dr. Michael Mann Climate Scientist & Geophysicist Presidential Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at University of Pennsylvania Director of Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media World Sustainability Award Recipient 2019 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement Recipient [CHIP IN NOW!](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TNaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci0zMTQ_YW1vdW50PTE1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~)   [SUPPORT DMEOCRACY](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP0TQaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL3Rtci1mb290ZXI_YW1vdW50PTE1JnNvdXJjZT10bXJfZW1fZnJfY2RfMjQwNTMxXzMxNCZjZG1jPTJoQzlGejVOTkE3bE5LYmVOanVzR0ZnRmZVayZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaEM5Rno1Tk5BN2xOS2JlTmp1c0dGZ0ZmVWsmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmhDOUZ6NU5OQTdsTktiZU5qdXNHRmdGZlVrJnJlZmNvZGVjZHY9QlcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~) The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens like you, fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. We're focused on making sure everyone who's able to vote, can vote. We use your donations to promote state and federal candidates and initiatives across the US to achieve fair elections.  This year is going to be huge in the fight for fair elections! We have seen that voting rights and the integrity of our elections continue to be under attack. Some candidates and organizations have continued to use shady, undemocratic tactics to suppress voters. It's time to fight back! Paid for by The Majority Rules PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Majority Rules 15920 Hickman Road Ste 400 PMB 429 Clive, IA 50325 United States To unsubscribe from The Majority Rules' list, [click here.](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoPJlmP4QsAWh0dHBzOi8vdW5zdWJzY3JpYmUuZW1haWxkZXB1dHkuY29tL3Vuc3ViP3A9QyUyQjFEbE02dWtQUDdiNCUyQlp6azFpRXU4RWRyN2E3NCUyQk9pZjczS3QzbkozT2paYUNWbUlWZHo4WGF2cSUyQkN1WjZBeiUyQlY3eVZRRlZ6QzhTQktUMkJZRnpxMkNtMzk1YzBacGNzVGdpMENaJTJGTzVPQjE2VFdDNFRaJTJCTmpoU2d2Nmx3RUFieUo3VHl4Q3V4VWlzQndocTlvSkg1ZUR1cThzQXhLTHh2V1JVZWhGb1hRb1BmME9lbWdHNzBLY2Vid1V4VFc2SHVRbXg4MU10JTJCQ1B4Zk5VVlJCJTJCaTlZUjgyeGpLV0M3Qm1JOHkzaWtVUSUzRFcDc3BjQgpmVWYUWmYNSiZmUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAbk~)

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