[Logo]( [Sonny Hostin's Reaction Pure Gold During On-Air Correction] [Sonny Hostin's Reaction Pure Gold During On-Air Correction]( You'll love every second of it. Watching The View scramble to clean up Sunny Hostin's latest blunder was nothing short of television gold. After spending several minutes breathlessly repeating unproven allegations about Matt Gaetz, Hostin was forced to choke out a legal correction on air. The result? A masterclass in reluctant accountability, complete with pained expressions and a palpable desire to be anywhere else. Here's the backstory: Hostin confidently stated that Gaetz had been involved in sexual misconduct with a minor, only to have the legal team at The View realize-mid-show, no less-that those claims could land them in hot water. After all, the Department of Justice had already closed its years-long investigation into Gaetz with no charges filed, citing unreliable witnesses and lack of evidence. Moreover, Gaetz's claim that he was the target of an extortion scheme was validated when Stephen Alford, a Florida developer, was indicted for attempting to extort $25 million from Gaetz's father during the investigation. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good smear? Enter the legal note. After Hostin's inflammatory comments, Whoopi Goldberg stepped in with the classic, "Sunny, you have a legal note," and you could see Hostin visibly deflate. With all the enthusiasm of a teenager forced to apologize to their sibling, she grudgingly read the correction: "Matt Gaetz has long denied all allegations, calling the claims 'invented,' and saying in a statement to ABC News that 'This false smear following a three-year criminal investigation should be viewed with great skepticism. The DOJ investigation was closed with no charges being brought.'" Sonny Hostin was forced to issue a "legal note" on The View that Matt Gaetz was found to have done nothing wrong after a three year DOJ investigation. Enjoy. [pic.twitter.com/wiz0OhynFK]( - Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) [November 20, 2024]( It was as if Hostin had just bitten into a lemon. Her tone was flat, her face contorted in irritation, and her delivery was a study in reluctance. Watching her struggle through those words felt like [poetic justice]( after the careless mudslinging that preceded it. [caption id="attachment_4203" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Sonny Hostin: That must have hurt.[/caption] The broader issue here is the left's favorite game: trial by media. Gaetz, like any American, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. Yet shows like The View often throw caution-and journalistic ethics-to the wind, gleefully amplifying unverified claims as though they were gospel. Hostin's correction was a rare moment of accountability, but let's be honest-it only happened because ABC's lawyers feared a lawsuit. This should be a wake-up call for Hostin and her co-hosts, but don't hold your breath. As long as sensationalism gets clicks and ratings, these "legal notes" will keep popping up. Maybe it's time Gaetz considers legal action. After all, accountability tends to stick when it hits people where it hurts: their wallets. Until then, we can at least enjoy the irony of The View having to eat its words on national television. Delicious. [What Trump's Transportation Secretary Pick Has One Big Focus] [What Trump's Transportation Secretary Pick Has One Big Focus]( He will make our skies safer. [Shock! Wash Po Goes After PA Senator & Democrats] [Shock! Wash Po Goes After PA Senator & Democrats]( Wrote a scathing piece. [Walz's Daughter, 23, Isn't Taking Trump's Win Well - WATCH] [Walz's Daughter, 23, Isn't Taking Trump's Win Well - WATCH]( Someone has anger issues. [NYT's Gets Mocked: Made Serious Error On RFK Jr. Hit Piece] [NYT's Gets Mocked: Made Serious Error On RFK Jr. Hit Piece]( Who knew a kids cereal would be what took down the NYT's. [Megyn Kelly Taunts Libs - Can't Stop Laughing At What They Did] [Megyn Kelly Taunts Libs - Can't Stop Laughing At What They Did]( This Is hilarious. You are receiving this email because you opted in to The Independant American daily newsletter. We take your privacy very seriously and will keep your information in the strictest confidence. We will email you from time to time with relevant news and updates, but you can stop receiving information from us at any time by following very simple instructions that will be included at the bottom of any correspondence you should receive from us. Copyright 2024. The Independent American. All rights reserved.
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