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August 12, 2022 Word of the Day [gegenschein](
Definition: (noun) A faint glowing spot in the sky, exactly opposite the position of the sun.
Synonyms: [counterglow](
Usage: The gegenschein is so faint that it cannot be seen if there is any moonlight or if it falls in the vicinity of the Milky Way.
Missing Idiom Contest The Free Dictionary has the largest collection of English idioms in the world. But we're always looking for more to add, and we want your help! Every so often we hear from users who have looked up an idiom on The Free Dictionary that it was not found in the database. Maybe it was some expression they heard at work, or some phrase they grew up hearing their grandmother say. If you know an idiom that isn't already defined on The Free Dictionary, [send it to us]( and you might win $150 USD.
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Idiom of the Day [yap, yap, yapping all day long](
— Talking nonstop, especially about insignificant things. [More...](
Article of the Day The Hope Diamond
The Hope Diamond is a large, blue diamond, currently housed in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. Its history can be traced to the "Tavernier Blue," a crudely cut diamond of about 112 carats originally mined in India, which King Louis XIV of France later purchased and cut into "the Blue Diamond of the Crown," or "the French Blue." Legend has it that the Hope Diamond is cursed and causes misfortune to befall its possessors. How did it acquire this reputation?
Daily Grammar Lesson One-Syllable Adverbs
One-syllable adverbs are formed into comparatives by adding the suffix "-er" to the end of the word. What suffix is added to create the superlative form?
This Day in History Last Quagga Dies at Amsterdam's Artis Magistra Zoo (1883)
Once found in great numbers on the plains of South Africa, the quagga was heavily hunted by Dutch settlers and became extinct in 1883. A century later, it was the first extinct animal to have its DNA studied. This research determined that the quagga was most likely a variant of the common zebra, contrasting the theory that it was a separate species. The quagga had a sandy brown coat but—like the zebra—had dark stripes on its head, neck, and shoulders. Where did the name "quagga" come from?
Today's Birthday Christian III of Denmark and Norway (1503)
Christian III was king of Denmark and Norway from 1534 to 1559. Early in his reign, he allied with Sweden to defeat the German city of Lübeck, which had invaded Denmark in an attempt to reinstate the deposed Christian II. That victory broke the power of the Hanseatic League and made the Danish fleet supreme in northern waters. As ruler, Christian established Lutheranism in Denmark and laid the foundation for the absolutist Danish monarchy of the 17th century. On what holiday did Christian die?
Today's Holiday Queen's Birthday (Thailand)
The Queen's Birthday is a nationwide celebration in [Thailand]( of the birthday of Her Majesty [Queen Sirikit]( (b. 1932). Throughout the country, buildings are decorated to honor the queen, but the most splendid are in [Bangkok]( where buildings and streets are brilliant with colored lights.
Quote of the Day [Discuss](
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. [John F. Kennedy]( (1917-1963)
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