It's been reported that Elon Musk could buy a silver mine to supply Tesla and SpaceX... [The Empire Trading]( Ðt Thе ÐmpÑrе TrаdÑng, wе'rе аlwаÑs оn thе lооkоut fоr prоmÑsÑng оppоrtunÑtÑеs tо еngаgе оur rеаdеrs. Thе mеssаgе bеlоw Ñs frоm а оnе оf оur cоllеаguеs, аnd Ð thÑnk yоu'll fÑnd Ñt nоtеwоrthÑ. [TET_divider] Elon Musk To Push Silver To $125/oz.? [Elon Musk]( It's been reported that Elon Musk could buy a silver mine to supply Tesla and SpaceX with the massive amounts of silver they need to survive. Rumors have been swirling that Tesla and SpaceX are desperate for silver. Elon Musk even announced in May 2022 that Tesla would be looking into the mining industry to boost and control their own supply. Musk also considered a 10-20% stake in the Swiss mining company Glencore. Here's the thing⦠Electric vehicles, solar panels, smart phones, and more are driving the need for silver. Everything that encompasses the "clean energy" transition needs silver. We are now at a point where the 'clean energy' sector is looking to take matters into their own hands, because⦠"There is insufficient available physical silver, which hinders production." There was even an article back in March 2023 that stated⦠"Silver mines will likely be bought by automakers like Tesla, silver to $125 per ounce" So, does it make sense to get in on silver BEFORE Elon's silver mania potentially hits? Right now thousands of Americans are diversifying with precious metals like gold and silver, and you can too with a free copy of the groundbreaking Gold & Silver Kit. [Yes, Send Me My Free Gold & Silver Kit NOW.]( In this 36-page kit that thousands of Americans are using to diversify their wealth, you'll learn⦠- The devastating impact the 'dark tax' is having on your savings right now
- The shocking amount of value the dollar has lost against gold.
- The impressive, untold tale of silver as a store of value.
- What you don't know about gold and silver's unfathomable run against the dollar.
- Why a Federal Reserve insider said the "Lost Decade" ahead could be the biggest economic shock of our country's history.
- Plus, how you can get started with Gold & Silver today using a unique "IRS Loophole" that is tax and penalty free (but could be reversed soon).
Not only will you get a FREE digital and physical copy of this retirement-saving guide, but you'll also get [the free audio and video version.]( But wait, there's more⦠Take action today, and you'll learn about how you could qualify for up to [$10,000 in BONUS SILVER.]( But supplies are limited and it's first come, first served, so don't wait. This is your chance to get ahead and protect everything you've worked for! [Book]( [â Send Me This Free Gold & Silver Kit Today!]( P.S. You can diversify your savings with precious metals like gold and silver today. Get your hands on this [FREE Gold & Silver Kit]( before Elon's potential silver mania strikes. [The Empire Trading]( ÐmаÑl prоvÑdеd bÑ FÑnаncе аnd ÐnvеstÑng TrаffÑc, LLC, оwnеr аnd оpеrаtоr оf Thе ÐmpÑrе TrаdÑng(TET). ThÑs еmаÑl wаs sеnt tо {EMAIL} If you no longer want to receive these emails, you may [Unsubscribe Here](
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