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My mom’s work to end gun violence


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Fri, Jun 28, 2024 05:35 PM

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͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ?

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But I want you to really understand how my mom is working tirelessly to end gun violence in our communities, and why she needs your help to continue her fight for safer schools. [If you don’t have time to read this all the way through, please consider making a $25 donation to Teachers Unify so my mom can keep empowering educators to end gun violence >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TVaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbl9saW5rMiZjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) When the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School happened, I was a 16-year-old junior in high school, just a mile away. While my mom’s school was attacked, I was crouched under a lab table in my physics class, unsure if she was alive. I was terrified for my mom, who was huddled with her students inside her classroom, quietly singing songs to keep them from panicking. That day in Newtown changed everything. For both of us. For our family. For our community. Since then, my mom and I turned our pain and anger into action and activism. After the shooting, I led youth summits, trainings and strategy workshops alongside other young people and survivors, and wrote op-eds. I marched, I protested, and I lobbied elected officials to do something about the gun violence epidemic. And my mom – who has taught for over 30 years and organized for over 10 – has done even more, for much longer. My mom and her fellow co-founders are doing their part – but that’s not true of everybody. Our lawmakers are still failing to act. The NRA is still blocking so much of our progress. And students and teachers are still on the frontlines of this crisis. But I still have hope, because we have people like my mom in this fight against gun violence. As a teacher, my mom knew that her fellow educators weren’t being heard, so she took action and started Teachers Unify. I’m so proud of her for empowering educators and creating a seat at the table for them in the fight to end gun violence. Going up against gun lobbyists means organizing thousands of educators, counselors, and administrators – and Teachers Unify doesn’t have blank checks or political connections to rely on. This fight is personal to us. To me, to my mom, to all the educators joining this movement. And that’s the only way we’ll win – by building momentum, one person at a time. Today, I’m asking you to be part of the solution. [My mom and Teachers Unify can’t continue their critical work without your support, {NAME}. So please, will you donate $25 to Teachers Unify and help end gun violence in our schools and communities? >>](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TVaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbl9saW5rMiZjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) [DONATE $10](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TPaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0xMCZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbiZjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) [DONATE $25](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TPaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbiZjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) [DONATE $50](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TPaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD01MCZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbiZjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~) [DONATE $100](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TQaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0xMDAmcmVmY29kZT0yMDI0MDYyOF9lbV9mcl9iMV9zYXJhaGNsZW1lbnRzX2NsZW4mY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZTI9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZlcDc3BjQgpmfUX0fmYYUX3MUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) [DONATE $250](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TQaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNTAmcmVmY29kZT0yMDI0MDYyOF9lbV9mcl9iMV9zYXJhaGNsZW1lbnRzX2NsZW4mY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZTI9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZlcDc3BjQgpmfUX0fmYYUX3MUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) [DONATE OTHER](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TFaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP3JlZmNvZGU9MjAyNDA2MjhfZW1fZnJfYjFfc2FyYWhjbGVtZW50c19jbGVuJmNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmZXA3NwY0IKZn1F9H5mGFF9zFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAFR) Thank you, Sarah Clements, Abbey's Daughter --------------------------------------------------------------- ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0SPaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9UZWFjaGVyc1VuaWZ5P2NkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGUyPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmZXA3NwY0IKZn1F9H5mGFF9zFIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTFAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAFR ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0SWaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS90ZWFjaGVyc3VuaWZ5Lz9jZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZiZyZWZjb2RlMj0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZWNkbWM9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmVwNzcGNCCmZ9RfR-ZhhRfcxSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkxQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAABUQ~~ [](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0SIaHR0cHM6Ly90ZWFjaGVyc3VuaWZ5Lm9yZy8_Y2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZTI9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZlcDc3BjQgpmfUX0fmYYUX3MUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) We're fighting to make our schools safer for educators, school staff, students, and families. Will you join our movement today to end gun violence? ~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TWaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbl9mb290ZXImY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZTI9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZlcDc3BjQgpmfUX0fmYYUX3MUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~ [DONATE](~/AAPPAAA~/RgRoYXlFP0TWaHR0cHM6Ly9zZWN1cmUuYWN0Ymx1ZS5jb20vZG9uYXRlL2dhLXR1LWVtP2Ftb3VudD0yNSZyZWZjb2RlPTIwMjQwNjI4X2VtX2ZyX2IxX3NhcmFoY2xlbWVudHNfY2xlbl9mb290ZXImY2RtYz0yaVZzZVQ1OVJremdrc05QYWdkQ2sxQjljMmYmcmVmY29kZTI9MmlWc2VUNTlSa3pna3NOUGFnZENrMUI5YzJmJnJlZmNvZGVjZG1jPTJpVnNlVDU5Umt6Z2tzTlBhZ2RDazFCOWMyZlcDc3BjQgpmfUX0fmYYUX3MUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MUBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAVE~) PAID FOR BY TEACHERS UNIFY TO END GUN VIOLENCE Teachers Unify To Gun Violence 113 Mill Plain Rd #1027 Danbury, CT 06811 Email is an important way for us to communicate with our supporters. 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