[The Weekly Dose](
[Instagram Chicks](
[What You Can Learn From Instagram Booty Chicks](
by Dr John Rusin
Glutes are all the rage on social media. But do the exercises we see actually work, or are they just part of the spectacle? Here's a breakdown.
[Fry These Foods](
[Tip: Fry These Foods For Better Health](
by TC Luoma
Who'd have guessed that frying makes these foods healthier? Check out the science here.
[Fitness Gone Too Far](
[Tip: Fitness Gone Too Far](
by Paul Carter
When does lifting, dieting, and competition go from healthy to detrimental? Well, here are a few signs.
[Hunger Definitive Guide](
[Hunger: The Definitive Guide](
by Dr Jade Teta
Controlling hunger is the single most important aspect of creating a diet that works for you. Here's the science-backed way to do it.
[15 Second Core Workout](
[Tip: The 15 Second Core Workout](
by Calvin Huynh
If you can do this exercise for 15 seconds per set, you're pretty awesome. Check it out.
[Joe Weider Killed My Gains](
[Tip: Joe Weider Killed My Gains](
by TC Luoma
The Father of Bodybuilding, as he called himself, did a lot of great things for weightlifting, but he also lead a lot of people astray.
[Painful Advice](
[Painful Advice Every Lifter Needs to Hear](
by T Nation
Listen up. The training and diet advice in this article will be tough to hear. It might even make you mad. But it will definitely make you better.
[Dedicated or Disturbed](
[Tip: Are You Dedicated or Disturbed?.](
by Chris Shugart
Training hard is awesome. Controlling your diet to get the body you want is awesome. But things can get out of hand fast. Here's how.
[Grip Strength Exercise](
[Tip: The Craziest Looking Grip Strength Exercise](
by John Gaglione
Looks weird, but it's great for crushing strength and forearm size.
[Olympic Lifts Overrated](
[The Olympic Lifts Are Overrated](
by Charles Staley
Are you doing Olympic lifts to get bigger, stronger, and more explosive? You're probably wasting your time. Here's why.
[CrossFit-Style Training](
[Tip: Pros and Cons of CrossFit-Style Training](
by Tom Morrison
Does it push you to train harder, or does it end up being a competition that hurts you in the long run?
[Best Steak for Lifters](
[Tip: The Best Steak for Lifters](
by TC Luoma
What's the best cut for the health-conscious bodybuilder? Check this out.
[The Truth About Belts](
[The Truth About Belts, Lifting Shoes, and Straps](
by Dr John Rusin
Do you use straps, Olympic lifting shoes, or a belt? Should you be using them? Here's how to know.
[Ab Wheel Rollouts](
[Tip: The Complete Guide to Ab Wheel Rollouts](
by Pieter van der Linde
There are two correct ways to do this exercise, then there's the way most people do it. Know the difference.
[10 x 1 Workout Program](
[Tip: The 10 x 1 Workout Program](
by Tim Henriques
A new way to get stronger and master a lift.
[Intermittent Fasting](
[Tip: Better Than Intermittent Fasting](
by TC Luoma
Intermittent calorie restriction works better than regular dieting or even intermittent fasting. Here's the science.
[Cable Crunch](
[Tip: The Right and Wrong Way to Cable Crunch](
by Pieter van der Linde
Wickedly effective ab exercise, if you're doing it correctly. You're probably not. Here's the definitive guide.
[Tip: Creatine Grows Some Body Parts Faster](
by TC Luoma
Amazingly, creatine works better for certain muscles than it does for others. Take a look at this new science.
[The PPL Training Split](
[Tip: The PPL Training Split](
by Pratik Thakkar
If your goal is hypertrophy, this is one of the smartest splits to follow. Here's why and how to set it up.
[Serious Athletes](
[Put Numbers in Perspective](
by Matt Kroc
[Put Numbers in Perspective](
Rules of the Insanely Strong
1. Realize that numbers mean nothing.
The seemingly unbreakable record will soon be surpassed by others. The four-minute mile, the 500-pound clean and jerk, and the 1000-pound deadlift are all good examples of this. These records were like limits, but as soon as one person surpassed them, it showed us all that it was indeed possible. Limits are more psychological than physiological.
How many of us have been limited by numbers that seem significant to us? Maybe it's the 315-pound bench, the 500-pound squat, or the training partner that you can't out-lift, no matter how hard you try. These are all examples of being limited by the mind, not the body. We need to recognize this, understand it, and develop strategies to overcome mental roadblocks.
How? Train with athletes that are better than you, attend competitions where you watch the very best compete, and recognize that you have the physical ability, but your mind is the problem. Always strive to be the one that breaks the limits, not the one that follows later.
2. Focus on numbers that are close to your abilities.
The distant numbers will soon be closer. Small achievements add up significantly over time. We want everything today, but that isn't how the world works. The bigger your goals, the more this axiom applies. Patience and consistent hard work over time will get the job done. Winning daily battles over and over again ultimately leads to victory in the end.
[8/6/3 For Size and Strength](
[8/6/3 For Size and Strength](
by Brad Kaczmarski
This coach dared to mess around with Jim Wendlerâs 5/3/1 and tweak it for his athletes. Hereâs what happened.
[Spot Reduction is Real](
[Spot Reduction is Real](
by Lonnie Lowery, PhD
Youâve heard wrong. You CAN target fatty areas of the body. Hereâs how.
[Velocity Diet](
"Squats are bad for your knees!" No, the way YOU squat is bad for your knees.
â [T Nation (Facebook)](
There's never a shortage of bright, shiny objects to distract our attention. For beginner lifters especially, constant program and exercise hopping is a one-way ticket to Average Town. Marrying yourself to the idea of muscle confusion will rarely, if ever, allow you to truly master a movement.
â [Tony Gentilcore](
Frequency is crucial for the natural lifter because the actual training session is the stimulus to trigger protein synthesis. In other words, the workout itself is what puts you in anabolic mode.
â [Christian Thibaudeau](
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