“And what physicians say about disease is applicable here: that at the beginning a disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose; but as time passes, not having been treated or recognized at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. The same thing occurs in affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in the state (which is a gift given only to a prudent ruler), they can be cured quickly; but when they are not recognized and are left to grow to the extent that everyone recognizes them, there is no longer any cure.” — Niccolo Machiavelli Forwarded this email? [Subscribe here]() for more [The Blueprint for Defeating the Trans-Epidemic]( [John Hawkins]( Dec 6
“And what physicians say about disease is applicable here: that at the beginning a disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose; but as time passes, not having been treated or recognized at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. The same thing occurs in affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in the state (which is a gift given only to a prudent ruler), they can be cured quickly; but when they are not recognized and are left to grow to the extent that everyone recognizes them, there is no longer any cure.” — Niccolo Machiavelli One of the biggest problems Christians, conservatives, and otherwise, generally normal people in America have is that we have a horrible tendency to be complacent. There’s always some weird, amoral, or counter-productive movement or another going on, but we don’t want to be judgmental. We don’t necessarily pay close attention to the weirdness coming out of universities and we often erroneously assume that really bad ideas can’t possibly catch on because they’re too terrible. Then, as those awful ideas do start to gain a foothold, it can be easier to go along to get along than to put our foot down and endure the endless wailing of liberal activists and mental cases, who always seem to have the full support of the mainstream media behind whatever horrible idea they’re backing. Over time, this leads to a horrible train of logic dragging everyone down a slippery slope into insanity. Of course, it always starts small. “If someone says they’re a girl, why can’t they be a girl? It’s not hurting you. What do you care?” People know it’s a lie, but they go along with it. Then, it goes further. “If someone says they’re a girl, then you can’t say that person is a guy or use that person’s old name. That’s hateful!” Now, you’re being strongarmed into telling a lie. In fact, social media went along with this in many places and treated telling the truth as hate speech. Of course, there’s still lots of room on the slippery slope. “If someone says they’re a girl, then they’re a girl and girls can use the women’s bathroom with your daughter, go to women’s prison, and play women’s sports.” Now, we’re at the point where everyone is lying AND women are actively being harmed. But, of course, there’s even a level past this. “The government needs to start paying for transitions in certain circumstances. Schools need to explore gender identity with kids. Therapists need to go along with ‘gender-affirming care’ to keep their jobs and parents that don’t go along with gender transitions may need to lose custody of their children. We need government-sponsored drag queen story hours, and we need the military recruiting trans soldiers.” At this point, we have the government actively promoting and enforcing this harmful lie that hurts women and destroys the lives of confused children who get roped into it. On top of all this, this whole process has taken mentally ill people who need help and has convinced them that their mental disorder is a civil rights issue. So, instead of helping sick people, we’re driving them deeper into a mental illness that by some accounts leads to a [40+% suicide attempt rate]( and encouraging them to spread their mental illness to other people. It’s society-wide madness, but we’re brought back to the problem Machiavelli described. If our country had simply refused to accept the lie from the beginning and had aggressively tackled this whole socially driven disease, we could have basically stopped it before it got started. Now, after the disease has metastasized and spread, it’s not so easy to do. On the contrary, it’s going to require a multi-part strategy that will need to play out over time and there is a chance that it still may not be entirely effective. In a world where everyone wants Congress just to wave a magic wand, pass a law, and fix everything, that’s not what people want to hear, but it’s true. So, what do we need to do? First and foremost, we need to stop going along with the lie at every level. No, it’s not okay for a [little boy to be in the same bed as your little girl on a trip](. No, it’s not okay for teachers to tell your kids that they can change genders. No, don’t pretend that Caitlin Jenner, Jaz Jennings, or Dylan Mulvaney are women. We have always accepted that people can change their names, so if you want to call someone by their new name, I don’t see a problem with that, but you should never go along with the lie that someone can or has changed genders. They can’t change gender any more than they can change their age or their species. This would have been extremely easy to do at the beginning of this whole process, but now that the mentally ill have been conditioned to believe that this is some kind of oppression, it’s harder. [They’re going to be more upset](. They’re going to complain more. Other people are going to complain on their behalf. None of that matters. If the price of making them happy is going along with a lie, that price is too high. From there, we’ve also got to [insist that our legislators go along with the truth as well](. For example, being in favor of childhood transitions or allowing men to play women’s sports is just as much of a disqualifying position for a Republican in my book as being in favor of abortion, gun control, or illegal immigration. Not going along with the lie should be a non-negotiable starting point for every Republican politician in a red state. If you’re a Republican and you believe a woman can become a man, great, but you’re not someone other Republicans should want in any kind of position of power. We can’t make blue state legislatures do what we want, but Republican legislatures? Republican governors? Republican members of Congress? You bet we can – and we should. When it comes to women’s issues, many men have certainly spoken up on their behalf, but it hasn’t gotten the job done. Until women are willing to stand up and say, “No more,” this is going to continue. If women refused to compete against men in sporting events and beauty pageants en masse, that would be the end of it because the charade can only continue if they go along with the lie. When more women start following the lead of women like Riley Gaines and Bethany Hamilton, you will see big changes in a hurry. There also has to be a legal prong to all of this. Male sexual predators are being moved into women’s prisons. We need to bend over backward to make it possible for women in those institutions to sue. They’re being exposed to an excessive risk of violence, rape, and [even pregnancy](. That’s unacceptable and we need to try to get the courts to say so. Along similar lines, kids who have transitioned before the age of 18 and have later de-transitioned would seem to have a strong case that they have been taken advantage of and harmed by the people who convinced them that was the right way to go, which led to them being mutilated and damaged for life. If just [ONE CASE like this is won]( it has the potential to make these jackals stop preying on children. Not only would that be good for kids, but as many as [80% of kids simply outgrow this whole thing]( and go back to identifying as their original gender over time. If these ghouls don’t get their hooks into them early, there’s a good chance these kids can be kept from wrecking their whole lives with this nonsense. Now, you may note that this isn’t a perfect plan, and it certainly doesn’t do enough to protect kids in places like California. That’s true and it’s unfortunate, but it’s a natural consequence of how far the sane people in this country let this nonsense progress before they started drawing a line in the sand. That being said, there is real pushback on this issue and a path forward that at least has the potential to change our culture and laws enough to swing the country as a whole back to sanity. That’s where you have to start because as the saying goes: This is the way and the path. If we help and protect as many people as we can from the trans-epidemic, this is how we do it. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Upgrade to paid]( [Leave a comment]( [Share]( [101 Things All Young Adults Should Know]( You're currently a free subscriber to [Culturcidal by John Hawkins](. For the full experience, [upgrade your subscription.]( [Upgrade to paid]( [Like](
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