Fellow Investor, Over the past few days we've been sharing how lucrative options trading can be, an... Fellow Investor, Over the past few days we've been sharing how lucrative options trading can be, and what's possible when you start using them the right way. We told you about [the big results you can see]( by learning Jim Fink's trading strategy. But now it's time you saw how Jim's approach is working for members of his top-tier research advisory - people just like you. For instance, maybe you're a bit apprehensive to get involved with options... "This service really does deliver what it claims... I'm hooked on Options and can't wait to place more trades... thanks Jim and your team (when I started I was really skeptical)." "I went from 'afraid of options' to 'comfortable with options'... I had no idea that I could achieve this level of investing." - Tom "Options for income has created a simple easy to follow income stream that allow[s] my portfolio to grow with minimal risk." - Jack Or maybe you're just not sure about whether [this can deliver real results](... "I ended the year with a cash flow well over $100,000... which is just plain unbelievable." - Randy "The account where I exclusively trade options was up over $110K for a one year return of 83%... Options are a wonderful thing. Thanks again." - Eugene And you'll want to hear this if you're concerned about safety, and can't afford big mistakes... "I have no doubt that your strategy works. I have been a member since August 2013, and my batting average experience using your trade instructions has so far been .900 or better, and I am grateful for that." - Sean D "What I have done is I have a portfolio, and 2/3 of my portfolio sits in cash and doesn't do anything. And 1/3 trades options with Jim Fink. The total for the portfolio over the last year has been 20%, which means that the 1/3 of the options that I had with Jim Fink have been 60% in order to get the whole return to 20%. I was very happy with it. It is a very conservative approach and it's just right down my alley...." "I have traded stocks, futures, forex and options off and on for over 40 years. During this time I have subscribed to numerous financial publications, purchased books, attended seminars and even purchased software, none of which has performed satisfactorily. I have been a subscriber to your OFI for almost 1 1/2 years, and for the first time in my investing career I have a steady stream of monthly income that I can count on. Thank you, thank you, thank you." - Fred Of course, the real responses from real readers that you see above are exceptional examples... and while there is no guarantee that your results will be the same, I share them so that you can see the profit potential on the table in front of you today. Are you ready for a chance to start down the same profit path they're on? [Click Here To See What Options Can Do For You]( Regards, [Phil Ash Signature] Phil Ash President Investing Daily This email was sent to you directly from StreetAuthority. Copyright 2001-2024 StreetAuthority. All rights reserved. {EMAIL} signed up to receive financial publications from StreetAuthority or one of its partners. DISCLAIMER: StreetAuthority is a publisher of financial news and opinions and NOT a securities broker/dealer or an investment advisor. You are responsible for your own investment decisions. All information contained in our newsletters or on our web site(s) should be independently verified with the companies mentioned, and readers should always conduct their own research and due diligence and consider obtaining professional advice before making any investment decision. As a condition to accessing StreetAuthority materials and websites, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Use, available [here]( including without limitation all disclaimers of warranties and limitations on liability contained therein. Owners, employees and writers may hold positions in the securities that are discussed in our newsletters or on our website. StreetAuthority, 20 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 202, Sterling[,]( VA 20165 You may choose to stop receiving offers from StreetAuthority at any time. To no longer receive our offers, [unsubscribe here](.