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The "secret" way to profit on Spotify's IPO...


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Wed, Jan 31, 2018 03:06 AM

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Please do not reply to this message, as replies are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. You are receiving this email as a part of your subscription to Strategic Tech Investor. Your ability to alter your subscription information can be found at the bottom of this email. [Strategic Tech Investor] [Once you see the power of TURBO STOCKS, you'll never trade the same way again...]( With the power of Night Trading, you could set yourself up to make 50% gains OVERNIGHT... without using a single option. Thanks to this proprietary strategy, you can target the fastest-moving stocks in the market. It identifies which stocks have the highest probability of soaring immediately, which is why The Night Trader was able to add 50%, 75%, or 125% total gains to his account - each over the course of a single day! [You need to see for yourself how easy it is to make a fortune from this](... --------------------------------------------------------------- January 30, 2018 [The "Secret" Way to Profit Before Spotify's IPO]( By Michael A. Robinson Dear Strategic Tech Investor Reader, LATEST REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------- LATEST APPEARANCE --------------------------------------------------------------- ["This Is Not Your Grandfather's..."]( MICHAEL'S LATEST ALERTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Research [Our NanoCrystal Electricity Play Is Already on the Move]( Trading [Why Wall Street Is Wrong About This Biotech Turnaround]( The Spotify AB initial public offering is quickly approaching. It will probably be the biggest technology IPO of the year - and it's definitely the most watched one right now. That's true for two reasons. - is the leader in online music streaming, boasting some 140 million monthly active users - 70 million of them paying subscribers. That's well over double the 30 million paying members it boasted just two years ago. Plus, it's got a name brand that's just about tops among tech startups, and a pre-IPO valuation of more than $19 billion. - It's pursuing an unconventional IPO. While it's listing on the New York Stock Exchange, instead of using underwriters (i.e., big banks) to help sell the stock, set a price, and find interested buyers, Spotify is using a "direct listing" for its IPO. That means that every investor will be able to buy the stock at the same price on the day it opens. This gives retail investors the same opportunity as the hedge funds and other Wall Street sharks. However, despite its popularity and success at obtaining and keeping paying subscribers, Spotify is still losing money and holds a significant amount of debt. Plus, a company's stock price after an IPO nearly always has volatile price swings - the kind that'll make even veteran investors pull out their hair. So here's the thing: I don't want you to put any of your money into the Spotify IPO. I want you to do listen to this "secret" instead... --------------------------------------------------------------- [PROFIT OPPORTUNITY]( If you've been following along here for any time at all, you know that 29 states allow marijuana for medical - and that nine of those and Washington, D.C., have legalized recreational cannabis for all adults. And you probably know that I believe the U.S. legal cannabis sector is going to grow to $50 billion by 2026, from $6 billion in 2016. And I hope you know that polls show that 64% of Americans are in favor of cannabis legalization. But here's something you may not know... More and more companies are no longer refusing to hire potential employees who test positive for marijuana. We just learned, in fact, that the nationwide automotive retailer AutoNation Inc. quietly stopped testing new workers for cannabis about two years ago. And it's far from alone. That's just one more "proof point" that legal cannabis is going mainstream - and that the tiny pot stocks I've been showing my readers will keep on racking up double-, triple-, and even quadruple-digit gains. I've put all those legal cannabis stocks in a single handy guide - a [Roadmap to Marijuana Millions](. It's the single best way to discover how to get invested in this market - and start making money. To find out how to get it, [click here](. --------------------------------------------------------------- The "Secret Passageway" to Wealth Don't get me wrong. As a longtime advisor to Silicon Valley startups, I'm a big believer in the value of IPOs. The chance to take exciting new tech firms public and make founders and early investors rich remains a driving force beyond behind Silicon Valley's huge success. Plus, new stocks are important for the overall market's health. For a [generational bull market]( like this one to keep running, it needs to have a steady supply of fresh cash - and nothing brings in as much money as hot new IPOs. But there's a problem - and it's a big one. Most learning investors fare poorly in the early days of trading a new stock - even a "direct listed" one like Spotify. This is when the shares are most volatile and subject to profit taking after employees, venture capital firms, and others bound by lockup periods can sell their shares for big profits. As much as I respect Spotify, I can't help but recall the Snap Inc. (Nasdaq: [SNAP]() IPO. Snap, the owner of the popular Snapchat picture-messaging service, last year had an IPO that Wall Street promised would be an easy home run. Instead, the stock is down about 55% down from its first day of trading on March 2, 2017. Now you can understand why I tell learning investors who want to cash on the IPO market take a good look at this instead. Consider it a "secret passageway" to the tech-stock sector's biggest profit machine... --------------------------------------------------------------- [Double Your Money With the Best Biotech Stock to Buy in 2018]( Biotech stocks were among 2017's best performers, until news broke in October that congressional Republicans ditched efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. The iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology Index Fund slid 11.5% that month, which was well into correction territory. While the rest of the market was still soaring, the Wall Street herd simply turned its attention elsewhere - but that was a big mistake. [In fact, the best biotech stock I'm bringing you today could bring gains of over 110% in 2018 alone](... --------------------------------------------------------------- The Spotify Play to Make Right Now The First Trust IPOX-100 Index Fund (NYSE: [FPX]() tracks the market for IPOs - and it's one of my favorite exchange-traded funds (ETFs). By all accounts, the IPO market has a clear head of steam these days, particularly for tech leaders like Spotify and Dropbox Inc., a cloud storage firm that filed earlier this month to go public likely before 2018 is half over. According to VentureBeat, last year 37 tech firms went public on the U.S. markets - and they raised $9.9 billion. That's roughly 50% above the 21 tech IPOs we saw in 2016 - and a 241% increase from the $2.9 billion raised that year. But lost in the data is that fact that in the first six months of trading IPO stocks remain very volatile. That's why we're talking about FPX today - and why I'm encouraging you to snatch it up and putting it in your portfolio for the long haul. By doing so, you grab all the upside and excitement that fuel IPOs. And you avoid all that nausea-causing volatility. You let the pros do all the heavy lifting - picking and choosing among which IPOs to invest in - while you sit back and enjoy the big gains... --------------------------------------------------------------- [This Breakthrough Device Just Received FCC Approval (This Changes Everything)]( The FCC just approved a tiny company's [game-changing device]( - and it could spark the most monumental technological transformation you'll ever witness. In fact, nearly every home in America could be using this technology in just a few years. And once [this new technology]( gets incorporated into hotels, restaurants, airports, coffee shops, even entire cities... it could be a trillion-dollar business. The manufacturing stage could begin any moment now. [You need to hurry]( if you want the chance to profit from this upcoming revolution. [Click here to get started today](... --------------------------------------------------------------- Driverless Cars, Fintech, the Cloud... and More To be clear, FPX's managers don't specialize in new tech stocks. Instead, they seek to mirror the broad IPO market. FPX's 100 or so holdings give us a good combination of the tech stocks we love and broad diversification. Forty-five percent of its top holdings relate to technology or the life sciences - and FPX also gives us access to finance, auto, retail, heavy industry, energy, and even some metals. Nor do the fund's managers jump on every new IPO that comes along. These are focused and disciplined analysts who seek to balance high returns and stable investments. The managers have acquired a long list of winners. Let's take a look at four of them... - Delphi Automotive PLC (Nasdaq: [DLPH](). This storied auto supply firm has rapidly become a global tech leader thanks to its huge advances in the field advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) needed for semi-autonomous driving. This is a visionary firm - back in 2010, Delphi laid out a 15-year roadmap for the era of truly connected cars using the most advanced ADAS. Last year, it announced a $4.5 billion spinoff of its powertrain division so it could focus even more on its tech offerings. - LogMein Inc. (Nasdaq: [LOGM](). This Boston-based firm develops in cloud-based collaboration and training services - for example, GoToMeeting - and markets them to small and medium-sized companies. It's a bona fide growth firm. In the most recent quarter, earnings surged a stunning 107%. Last year, it become one of the world's top 10 cloud computing firms after paying $1.8 billion to acquire the GoTo unit from Citrix Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: [CTXS](). - Arista Networks Inc. (NYSE: [ANET](). Thanks to a constant focus on innovation, this Silicon Valley firm has emerged as one of the fastest-growing suppliers of internet traffic control systems. In the process, it has steadily taken market share from much larger firms like Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: [CSCO](). Arista has been boosting sales at a 40% yearly clip - and it shows no signs of slowing down. Third-quarter earnings rose 95%. Last year, it ranked third on the list of 25 fastest growing tech companies as complied by Forbes. - Square Inc. (NYSE: [SQ](). Once thought of as an also-ran in digital payments, this aggressive player has become a true global fintech leader. In fact, Square's running string of blowout quarters has helped it power up gains for FPX investors. Sales should rise around 30% next year - and profits at twice that rate. It's also a play on [Bitcoin]( - the firm recently said it's going to allow its customers to use its Square Cash app to purchase the world's leading cryptocurrency. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Why the California Marijuana Market Could Be Worth $20 Billion Despite Jeff Sessions]( On Jan. 4, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions ended a cannabis policy that prevented federal prosecutors from making marijuana cases in states where cannabis is legal. But his new policy simply leaves prosecution up to individual U.S. attorneys. And with 29 states and the District of Columbia legalizing medical marijuana, it's unlikely U.S. attorneys are going to waste time, money, and resources fighting the will of the people. In fact, cannabis entrepreneurs in legal states simply aren't fazed by Sessions. [Here's why](... --------------------------------------------------------------- A Piece of the "White-Hot" Action Now, if you listened when I [first brought FPX to the attention of Strategic Tech Investor readers on July 20, 2013](, you've already made a profit of 91.8%. In comparison, the [Dow Jones Industrial Average]( has climbed just 70% in that time. But the good news is there's still time to net even more gains. Now trading at around $73, FPX is priced cheaper than many of its portfolio holdings while offering a lot more stability. That's why I think this is the most cost-effective way for you to cash in on the exciting - yet volatile - IPO market Since the market sold off in February 2016, FPX has returned 73.6% to investors, beating the [S&P 500's]( profits during the period by more than 30%. FPX truly is the easiest way I know of to get in on Spotify - and the rest of the white-hot market for IPOs. It will save you a lot of time, energy, and worry. I believe it will make you a lot of money, helping you build your net worth so that you can live the life of your dreams. And once that happens, Wall Street investment banks will be coming to you... recognizing that you're now a high-net-worth investor, and begging you to take a piece of their best IPO deals. But you'll no longer have to... Here's what else I'm following... --------------------------------------------------------------- [Top Three California Pot Stocks to Watch for the Biggest Gains]( Right now, I'm sharing my insights on California's upcoming total cannabis legalization, and delivering details on the huge gains you can enjoy... if you learn how to take advantage. By getting in on the ground floor of these exceptional opportunities, you could have the chance to pocket life-changing windfalls thanks to this historic event. I've got my sights set on three stocks that I expect to skyrocket following this crucial announcement. [Get the details here](... [That Noise You Hear Is Going to Push Apple Stock Up This Much]( There's a tsunami of cash headed to our shores thanks to the new corporate tax cuts. American firms hold hundreds of billions in overseas profits - and these new business tax cuts are motivating them to bring it all back home. And the single biggest winner here will be Apple Inc. - and its investors. How big? Well, I've got a brand-new Apple share-price prediction. [Let's take a look](... [It Only Takes 10 Minutes per Week to Double Your Way to $1 Million]( This [extraordinary money-doubling strategy]( has the power to profoundly impact your financial future. You don't need any special training... any insider knowledge of the markets... or any exceptional skills. In fact, all you need is a computer or smartphone and just 10 minutes of "work" to potentially put $1 million in your bank account faster and easier than you ever dreamed. [Continue here](... [Spectre and Meltdown Reveal an Opportunity Soon Worth $6 Trillion]( Behind the Spectre and Meltdown bugs lies a profit opportunity. A big one. You see, there's a huge global challenge - hacks, cyber theft, viruses, malware... And a lot of companies are going to make a lot of money helping us all fight these threats - and so are their investors. That's why, today I've dug up a great way to profit off this with an investment that beat the market by more than 40% over the last two years - [and that's going to keep doing the same for years to come](... Scientists Just Uncovered Their "Silver Bullet" to Kill Big Oil A new and basically limitless energy source is gearing up to replace oil (and gas, and coal) completely. This simple discovery could soon radically alter the entire energy market as we know it -obliterating the world's dependence on fossil fuels and oil - taking the lion share of the $5 trillion energy market in the process. And according to Global Energy Expert Dr. Kent Moors, there is one company that sits at the heart of this entire multitrillion-dollar honey pot. To find out which company will profit most from the death of big oil, and to get all of Kent's Oil & Energy Investor research free of charge, just [click here](... you may have missed... --------------------------------------------------------------- [He's Unlike Anyone We've Ever Met]( [You Can Profit on Blockchain, Even During Bitcoin's Wild Ride]( [Utility Companies HATE This New Power Source]( [Why 2018 Will Be Defense's Biggest Year Since 1981]( [The Simple Secret in This Book Could Make You a Millionaire]( --------------------------------------------------------------- [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [More...]( mailto:?subject=Michael%20Robinson's%20Strategic%20Tech%20Investor& You are receiving this e-mail at, {EMAIL}, as a part of your free subscription to Strategic Tech Investor. Remove your email from this list: [Unsubscribe]( To cancel by mail or for any other subscription issues, write us at: Strategic Tech Investor | Attn: Member Services | 1125 N Charles Street | Baltimore, MD 21201 North America: 888.384.8339; International: 443.353.4519; Fax: 410.622.3050 [Contact Customer Service]( Website: []( © 2018 Strategic Tech Investor All Rights Reserved. Nothing in this email should be considered personalized financial advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This Newsletter may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise, including on the world wide web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of: Strategic Tech Investor. 1125 N Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.

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