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513 Fidelity Funds, But I'd Buy These First


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Mon, Jun 18, 2018 11:17 AM

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Fellow Fidelity Investor, Would you go to Europe without a map? Or plan a trip there without a trave

[“If I could only own 5 Fidelity funds, here’s where I’d put my money…”] [ALERT: #1 Independent Fidelity Authority Names Fidelity’s Finest Funds to Own Now] Fellow Fidelity Investor, Would you go to Europe without a map? Or plan a trip there without a travel guide or the Internet? Would you just roll the dice that you’ll discover the best restaurants... the most efficient travel routes... the proper documents... the most exciting sightseeing... all by accident? Of course not. But millions of investors try to pick the right mutual funds with less thought than they’d use to plan a trip to Europe, even though the financial stakes are much higher! If you own even a single Fidelity fund, you simply can’t afford to invest without the undisputed independent authority on all things Fidelity—Jim Lowell. My name is Jim Lowell, and I’ve spent my career analyzing Fidelity from every possible angle. I have decisively proven over the last 20 years that mutual funds can make you rich. My Growth portfolio over that time returned an average 9.72% per year, while the S&P 500 returned only 7.2% per year—that’s a 36% annual greater return! Sound too good to be true? Then let me explain my value in the simplest, fairest way: Would an investor following my advice outperform the average Fidelity investor? The following chart shows how a $100,000 investment would have fared since April 1997 for the average Fidelity investor, versus my Growth portfolio: Fidelity Investor Growth Portfolio vs. the Average Fidelity Investor (Growth of $100,000 since 1997) As you can see, I can definitely add value to your portfolio--even if you own a single Fidelity fund. After 20 years, following my recommendations made my subscribers 201% richer than the average Fidelity investor. In an investing world filled with good, bad and downright dangerous choices, you simply can’t go wrong investing at Fidelity. After two decades, I can definitively state that Fidelity gives you the greatest chance to meet your investment goals. Whether it’s building a nest egg for retirement, saving for a college education, or building a legacy to pass on to your heirs…Fidelity does it all. Of course, like any big organization, Fidelity does have its flaws and blind spots. I couldn’t call myself “independent” if I didn’t make sure my readers knew about all the ways that Fidelity falls short. And Fidelity’s biggest weakness is simple: Fidelity Loves All Their Children Equally Jim Lowell Delivers TRIPLE the Profits for His Readers Since 1997, he’s been delivering value for his readers in the form of extra profits far beyond what the average Fidelity investor could even dream of. In fact, a $100,000 investment in Jim’s top funds turned into $644,590. The average Fidelity investor only earned $281,098 on his investment. That’s $363,492 in extra profits! AVERAGE FUND INVESTOR FIDELITY INVESTOR Start Value $100,000 $100,000 1998 $119,745 $144,293 1999 $143,375 $161,904 2000 $136,445 $180,218 2001 $124,223 $164,393 2002 $107,777 $136,780 2003 $129,274 $185,307 2004 $140,527 $213,474 2005 $151,276 $247,119 2006 $167,871 $290,716 2007 $183,966 $319,426 2008 $132,736 $201.190 2009 $159,957 $259,696 2010 $176,626 $307,594 2011 $174,244 $308,223 2012 $191,433 $354,991 2013 $220,065 $455,249 2014 $234,392 $507,859 2015 $236,799 $514,760 2016 $246,227 $537,610 2017 $281,098 $644,590 EXTRA PROFIT $363,492 [Find]( how to get your share of the extra Fidelity profits you deserve, try Fidelity Investor risk-free.]( The way 2017 went, with this roaring bull market and record highs, leads to lots of uncertainty as we face over-valued stocks. So answering the question of which Fidelity funds are best for your money has never been more important – or challenging. You can get higher returns at Fidelity by avoiding their weak funds and owning their strong ones. This is not as easy as it sounds. Picking bad funds instead of good ones will be the difference between an OK year... and an outright disaster. Sadly, Fidelity has so many funds that the odds of you picking an inferior fund over one of Fidelity’s best are overwhelming! That’s why my latest collection of Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds is just what you need if you own even a single Fidelity fund. Using my inside knowledge on all-things Fidelity, not to mention poring over all of Fidelity’s hundreds of funds, I name Fidelity’s standouts, including those I’d buy first with new money right now. [And I’ve just completed a special report describing these funds in great detail](. I’ll tell you how to get it absolutely FREE in just a moment, but first let me tell you a little about the funds you may not own today…but definitely should! They are not only perfectly positioned for this confusing investing climate, they each benefit from a secret “X Factor” that separates great funds from just OK funds. Let’s start with… Fidelity’s Finest Fund #1: The Sector Savant Fidelity has over 50 equity sector funds and ETFs, but there’s one that’s my favorite. It’s run by a superstar manager, one who has turned down a bunch of opportunities to manage more diversified funds because he knows this is where he can shine the brightest. I’ll be honest; I’d recommend this fund even if its manager was only mediocre because it focuses on a sector that has almost limitless opportunity, exploding demand and a locked-in and growing customer base around the world. But tell me that the guy running it isn’t just OK, but a tremendous money manager with foresight, wisdom and patience to crush his benchmark 391.7% to 289.9% since 2008? Well I’m all in. And you should be too. Sector Savant Smashes His Benchmark [FREE]( fund, like all of Fidelity’s Finest I name in this briefing, [is fully detailed in a new FREE report](. This report not only names 10 of Fidelity’s Finest, it also reveals three Fidelity funds that are absolute portfolio poison right now. More details in a moment, but let’s move onto another of my favorites. Fidelity’s Finest Fund #2: The Small Cap Champ Another fund I’m very high on right now is run by a top-notch manager whose specialty is finding great small companies outside the U.S. Going global to find great small-cap stocks is the perfect strategy right now--not only does diversifying internationally give you direct access to fast-growing economies, but the IPO market in the U.S. has dried up considerably. That means fewer good small caps to choose from, and higher odds of overpaying for the truly great ones. So going global is one of the best ways to tap into the long-term growth that properly-chosen small stocks can give you at a reasonable value. To do it right, you need a manager that is good at navigating international waters, with all the regulatory, political, and currency complications that involves. My favorite international small-cap Sherpa has proven his mettle since he took over this fund in December of 2008. He's returned 267.4% vs. the fund's benchmark of just 230.8% through year-end 2017. Small Cap Champ Dominates The chart shows just how he's created value for shareholders, and he can do the same for you. You may not know even 1% of the companies in his portfolio, but I promise you'll want to know this manager's name, and the outstanding fund he manages. [To get both names, you’ll want to grab a copy of Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds, the FREE report I mentioned a moment ago](. Fidelity’s Finest Fund #3: The Global Income Explorer This member of Fidelity’s Finest is unique in a couple of ways. First, it’s a bond fund. I think too many advisors don’t pay enough attention to the benefits of bonds even in this low-interest rate environment. There’s a lot to be said for steady income, low volatility and an investment that can gain in value when stocks go down. Second, it invests in a wide-range of bonds from emerging markets. That may sound a bit risky at first blush, but this fund’s manager has been in the emerging markets bond business longer than some of those emerging market countries have actually been around! Investors are right to be nervous about China, Russia and the tanking commodity prices that so many emerging economies depend on, but this manager has sifted through the bargain-shelf merchandise to come up with surprisingly strong securities for his portfolio. Here’s what I mean: the fund yields almost twice as much as our own 10-year Treasuries, but without taking big risks—its volatility is 28% lower than the S&P 500. Global Income Explorer I have a number of favorite plain-vanilla bond funds that I like for diversification, but if you trust great managers who win in both bull and bear markets like I do, definitely check this one out. [Get your FREE copy of Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds for full details](. Fidelity’s Finest Fund #4: A Rising Star at Fidelity This manager of the world’s largest actively managed fund has been managing the fund for over 27 years. This classic go-anywhere manager’s numbers attest enough as to why I have such a high conviction in him and his stock-picking skills. Managing to beat benchmark and peer group over every meaningful timeline — add lower risk and greater bear market defensiveness to the mix, and if you’re not asking for the impossible, you’re asking for the improbable with this manager and fund. Since taking over this fund back in September 1990 he has returned 3,080.4% vs. 1,446.2% for his benchmark … astoundingly good. And his outperformance has always been bolstered by a better defense. In investing, one old saw is that buying at a discounted price mitigates a percentage of risk. But many imitators of this fund’s approach have been impaled on value traps—sometimes stocks sell off for a reason. That’s why it’s a fool’s errand to go value hunting without this manager. His successful stock selection is born of scrupulous research that identifies stocks with undiscovered value. Among his top holdings are Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, and Starbucks. While these holdings are not exactly off the herd’s beaten trail, they are almost always bought when they detoured from the herd’s expectations and temporarily paid the price for doing so. So, who is this manager, and what is his fund’s name? [Found in Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds, of course](. Get some shares now while volatility and fear have given you an entry price you’ll likely never see again. Fidelity’s Finest Fund #5: Sometimes, Bigger IS Better The Fidelity Investor’s Fiercest Advocate [Join Now]( Lowell is Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning independent newsletters, Fidelity Investor and Fidelity Sector Investor. Jim is an unapologetic and independent voice for Fidelity shareholders who want better returns and less risk from their Fidelity funds. He’s studied Fidelity for more than three decades, worked at the company and even “wrote the book” on it: “What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know” (Wiley, 2007). Jim is the go-to authority for all things Fidelity and has appeared frequently on Fox Business News, and in Forbes, Barron’s, Businessweek, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, fortune, Investment News, Money, and Smart Money to name a few. Jim was educated at Vassar College (B.A.), and holds Master’s degrees from both Harvard University, and Trinity College. He’s a former teaching fellow at Harvard University and lecturer Northeastern University College in Boston. [Today you can get Jim’s “teaching” directly from him, with a risk-free trial to Fidelity Investor](. Longstanding members know my views on this manager and fund well: Both are inimitable. The lead manager only buys stocks that are priced at $35 or less. By his nature, but also in his stock-picking practice, that price limit has helped temper the fund in heated times. For example, when sock puppet stocks were all the rage back in 1999, and you couldn’t buy any stock under $35, he was forced out of the herd’s stampede and into, then over the bubble’s precipice. By nature and in practice, he was then able to hunt among the market ruins, where he could purchase mega cap blue chips that were selling at under $35. Then, since there’s no limit to price in terms of how long he can hold an investment, he could ride the market back to its prior top and through its record-breaking peaks en route to the next drop. For the record, since he launched this fund, he has traveled this low-priced path through market feasts and famines with tremendous skill and enormous success, returning 3,773.1% versus 1260.1% for his Russell 2000 benchmark. If you want in on the ground floor of what should be a terrific fund, you only need to request your free copy of Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds. [This report is completely FREE for new members of my investing advisory service, Fidelity Investor](. Fidelity Investor is where I first revealed the outstanding qualities of all these superior funds, and it’s where I keep you up to date on all the happenings inside Fidelity on a 24-7 basis. Now, you probably picked up on the “X Factor” that helps me identify which Fidelity funds will outperform the market. It’s no coincidence that this factor is also responsible for Fidelity’s #1 advantage over their competitors. And understanding this X Factor is the foundation for my superior track record as an investment manager—capturing 201% greater returns for all those who follow my advice. The source of their superior returns is simple, logical and unique to the Fidelity culture: Better Fund Managers = Bigger Profits for YOU In a sea of undistinguished funds and mediocre managers, Fidelity has “cracked the code” on finding, nurturing and empowering superior fund managers. And those managers, in turn, give you better fund returns. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Fidelity has never had a year where at least half of their managers in any of their fund groups haven’t beaten the benchmark. And most years two-thirds or more of their managers have done better than the benchmark. Fidelity’s secret is an ultra-competitive manager hiring process unlike any other fund family on earth. It’s almost like the “Hunger Games” of the financial world. The central idea—put talented people in constant competition to see who shines—is one that simply works. Let’s imagine you want to become a Fidelity fund manager. Your journey starts with a highly competitive summer internship—well-paid, yes, but intensely competitive. Out of your class of interns, a select few stars are invited to become junior analysts. Day and night you analyze companies to pick out the wheat from the chaff. Succeed at that demanding role and you can advance to become an analyst or even a senior analyst. Each new rung up the ladder means the insights and ideas you’re bringing to the fund managers are better and generate higher returns. Simply put, if you don’t add value…if your ideas don’t make money for the managers you’re pitching to…you’ll soon find yourself working elsewhere. Now, if being an analyst is your passion, you can stay put and make a great career at Fidelity. But if you want to become a fund manager, you’re forced to climb yet another, even more competitive mountain. First, you compete against all the other top analysts to manage one of Fidelity’s 44 sector funds. These funds are the perfect training ground to see if you have what it takes to not just pick great stocks or bonds, but to buy and sell them at the right time, to manage risk and to seize opportunities. Do well and you may get the chance to manage multiple sector funds. [Join Now]( And if you’re one of the very best sector managers, you’ll get the chance to grab at the brass ring—managing a diversified fund that invests across sectors, asset classes and countries. And if you succeed at THAT difficult task and prove yourself a true superstar, Fidelity will even allow you to design and launch a specialized fund of your own creation. As you can see, at every step, excellence is rewarded and mediocrity is weeded out. It’s a brilliant system of pure meritocracy, which is no surprise when you consider it was created by Ned Johnson. Johnson was not only the chairman of Fidelity during its period of greatest growth, he was also a talented money manager who just happened to have a better track record of managing Fidelity Magellan than Peter Lynch! Fidelity’s System Practically Guarantees Better Returns So can you see why I love Fidelity? The odds against a Fidelity fund manager surviving that gauntlet based on luck or chance or a hot streak are astronomical. But if I’ve given you the impression that Fidelity’s managers are cutthroat competitors, let me correct that. [FREE]( works hard to build a team and family atmosphere. That’s why analysts (often looked down upon as second-class citizens at many fund families where the managers are the “real” talent) can make as much as star managers at Fidelity. It’s why managers trade information, insights and research all the time and root for each other’s success. One other advantage of the “Fidelity Way?” The nearly limitless resources at your disposal as a Fidelity fund manager or analyst. Because it’s a private company and doesn’t have to answer to shareholders for each quarter’s numbers, Fidelity managers can get almost anything they want if they deliver exceptional returns. Want to spend six months a year traipsing through every fishing village you can find in Asia? No problem. Feel like a full-time weather analyst would help you make better calls on commodities and food supplies? Done. As a Fidelity fund manager, the world is your oyster. You just have to produce the pearls. And as a Fidelity investor, you reap the benefits of this strategy. Pair up talented managers with virtually unlimited resources and you’ve got a recipe for success that tastes great year after year. There’s only one problem: Fidelity can’t help you pick their best funds! That’s where I come in. I’ve spent over three decades in the financial industry as an analyst, money manager and much more. [Start Your Risk-Free Trial]( importantly, for more than two decades, I’ve made knowing Fidelity inside and out my business. I worked for them for a time and used what I learned to write a top-selling book titled “What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know.” Keeping tabs on such a large company is a full-time job and no one else I know puts the time in to understand what’s going on behind the scenes at Fidelity and more importantly, what it means for Fidelity investors, like we do. And we understand one thing above all—the secret to picking the most lucrative Fidelity funds is… Know Thy Manager! I don’t mean to brag, but no one knows Fidelity’s managers—the good, the bad and the ugly—like me. Despite Fidelity’s remarkable manager cultivation strategy, even those who make it to the top have flaws. There are definitely stars among the stars! Some just do OK in bull markets but shine in bear markets, and vice-versa. Others get too focused on a single sector or spread their bets too thin to really outperform their benchmarks. Don’t Buy The Hype About The “Next Big Thing” at Fidelity Fidelity is poised to absolutely dominate the next big innovation in the financial services industry: Actively Managed ETFs. These investment vehicles are what they sound like—Exchange Traded Funds that can be traded daily and even intra-day. Fidelity’s already got the outstanding managers and technological infrastructure to be a leader in this arena and I’ve reported on their development plans for months now. This could be a huge winner for them—the same managers, same portfolios, same prices, same holdings could be a great trading opportunity. But is it any good for YOU? I doubt it—even the best managers need time for their best ideas to work out and very few traders ever consistently come out ahead. I’ll be all over this story to help you decide if actively managed ETFs are for you. [A risk-free subscription to Fidelity Investor is all it takes to ensure you hear the true story first.]( I won’t pretend to know every fund manager’s Kryptonite, but I know most of them, thanks to a research project I embarked on 20 years ago. You see, at the time I was frustrated by the way most analysis of funds was done. Analysts would only look at a fund’s performance and pay no attention to the manager’s effect on returns. If a manager left and was replaced, these analysts would give all the fund’s returns to the new guy…and forget all about the old guy. That’s why I created a unique and unprecedented way to measure fund manager effectiveness. My system has been the feature of major stories by Barron’s and The Wall Street Journal and it’s the reason why my model portfolios crush the market averages. I won’t try to explain all the factors that go into my manager rankings, but in a nutshell, I give the highest marks to managers that can consistently beat their benchmarks…not just have one great year that covers up a bunch of losers. You only get a thumb’s up from me if you outperform when the going is good AND lose less than the market when the going is bad. That’s not easy to do, and it’s why I trust so few Fidelity managers with MY money. To make these tough calls, I look at their track records in real time, so that I can spot rising stars first and drop managers who are losing their touch before it’s too late. Of course, I also do my own economic analysis when selecting funds because even great managers can’t overcome a fierce headwind. I took pity on 2015’s managers who were forced to own energy stocks and I still shake my head at what the poor financial sector managers in 2008-2009 had to overcome! But mostly I rely on my ability to put together an all-star team of managers, and then get them on the field where they can play to win. I almost never second-guess their individual stock choices or sector bets. After all, they survived the Fidelity manager and analyst gauntlet. They compiled an outstanding track record at every step along the way. They have the super-smart team of researchers and every quantitative tool to help analyze every decision. And they have put in the thousands of hours of research and real-time experience to navigate the market’s twists and turns. My only decision? To determine which are the best and then put them to work for me. And they can work for you, too, if you decide to [accept my invitation to try my investment advisory service,]( Investor.]( If by chance you’re shaking your head and telling yourself you can figure out which managers are safe to follow, please keep reading… Would You Give “The Worst Stock Picker” 5 Stars??? Morningstar Did! Here’s why I study Fidelity’s managers so closely…and why it pays off for my readers. In 1999, Fidelity Growth Strategies (FDEGX) (previously Fidelity's Aggressive Growth) fund had a stellar year, thanks to standout manager Erin Sullivan. But Sullivan departed early in 2000, and new manager Rob Bertelson took over. Morningstar kept the fund’s 5-star rating despite the manager change, but I immediately alerted my readers and told them to sell the fund and move the money elsewhere. I was even quoted in Barron’s as calling Bertelson, “The worst stock picker I’ve ever seen, bar none.” Fidelity and Morningstar howled but I had the last laugh when Bertelson managed to lose 84% of his shareholders’ money before he was finally shown the door. How did I know he was trouble? I dug into his track record at the three funds he had managed prior to taking over the new fund and saw that his track record was never that great in up markets and he managed to lose twice as much as the benchmark on the way down. [That’s the kind of edge I give you every month in Fidelity Investor](. Fidelity Investor Reveals Secrets that Make You More Money Getting you into the very best Fidelity funds run by the top Fidelity managers is the most valuable benefit of my service. But there are dozens of other ways to boost your returns, cut your costs, lower your taxes, get into “closed” funds, and just plain simplify your life. [When you join me]( you’ll learn a whole host of money-making and money-saving secrets. Here are just a few of the ways I can help you navigate Fidelity more successfully: - You’ll always know which Fidelity managers are worthy of your money. My proprietary quantitative system takes the guesswork out of investing in Fidelity. It’s been proven accurate and reliable and extremely lucrative for those who choose to follow it. - You’ll be the first to hear about new developments at Fidelity. I was one of the first to break the news of Fidelity’s launch of ETF products and I’ve broken countless other stories in my years as a Fidelity watchdog. But more importantly… - [Join Now]( understand Fidelity like only an insider can. The “what” of Fidelity’s doings is important to be sure, but figuring out what to do with that knowledge about new fund launches, manager changes, new policies and rules at Fidelity is even more valuable. - You’ll get an independent advocate for your money, someone who has your best interests in mind. I’ll show you how to navigate Fidelity’s system like a champ—understanding your statements, maneuvering around their website, using their brokerage service, requesting a loan, getting your problems resolved…in short, helping you make sure not a single dollar or minute is wasted while your money is with Fidelity. Is Jack Bogle Bogus? Jack Bogle made an amazing move when he transformed Vanguard from just another mutual fund family with big front-end loads to a no-load shop. That was marketing brilliance. But the claim that has driven much of Vanguard’s growth—that 85% of active managers underperform their benchmark—has never been proven! Morningstar never proved that it was true. Neither did Lipper, Harvard, Yale, The Wall Street Journal or any other authority. It just sounds true so no one questioned it. I question everything, and that’s how I’ve compiled a track record that is 201% better than the average Fidelity investor’s. [Try Fidelity Investor risk-free now to start getting your 201% advantage.]( - You’ll solve the #1 frustration of Fidelity investors. It’s just too darn big to figure out on your own! Fidelity has scores of “hidden treasures”—money market funds, ETFs, annuities, tax-free funds, index funds—but they fly under the radar. I’ll show you how the best of them can meet your needs and warn you away from the bad apples that can slow you down. - You’ll get a guide to Fidelity’s great collection of fixed income funds. Stock funds get all the ink, but Fidelity’s bond funds are superb, too. They’re low-cost, run by some of the best managers in the industry, and I’ll steer you towards the best if income and safety are your primary investing goals. Fidelity Investor is simply the best way to stay on top of new funds, manager changes, innovative new investing strategies at Fidelity, economic developments that change our investing strategy and more inside information than you’d ever imagine. Each issue is packed with a complete review of the latest funds to buy, sell or hold, a spotlight on the hottest sectors and top-performing funds, special features like our recent breakdown of the ins and outs of bond investing at Fidelity, manager interviews, and much more. [Sign up now, and it can all be yours](. For a Lot Less Than You Think! You might think that it would cost hundreds of dollars a year to tap into my analysis and advice. But you’d be wrong. What would you say if I could help you beat the average Fidelity investor by 201%…understand Fidelity like an insider…always be invested alongside the best managers…for about $8 a month? That’s all it costs to join Fidelity Investor and tap into all the benefits of membership that I offer to my new subscribers: - My award-winning monthly advisory, which gives you my market outlook and analysis, breaking news, eye-opening original research, manager interviews and much more - Weekly hotline updates to keep you up to speed on any breaking news or shifts in fund performance - My introductory special report, Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds, detailing the handful of funds you MUST own if you want to beat the performance of the average investor - Exclusive access to my 7 model portfolios for every investing style and risk level, including the S&P500-crushing Growth Portfolio - My specific recommendations for some of America’s largest corporations’ 401k plans - Plus all my latest tips, strategies and advice, which can only be found at our subscriber-only website You get all of it for just $99.95, an instant savings of more than $100 off our regular $229 rate! And receive my new Special Report, Fidelity’s Best and Finest FREE! 4 Bonus Reports—Yours FREE! [Join me for two years and you’ll not only save even more money, you’ll get a total of 4 Bonus Reports FREE.]( [FREE]( FREE BONUS #1: Fidelity’s Best and Finest Funds, Plus the 3 Worst Funds Start with 513 Fidelity funds and ETFs. Eliminate the hundreds with mediocre performance or managers that are just “ok” and you’re left with scores of funds that merit a “buy” rating from me. Cut down the list further and you’ll find a few dozen funds that I’d be willing to trust with my own personal investments. But if you narrow the list down to just the best of the best, you’ll get the funds that populate my model portfolios and qualify as Fidelity’s Finest. In this special report, you’ll find the 5 elite funds that I’d buy first out of all of Fidelity’s funds. You’ll also find another 5 funds I love and are worthy of your investment dollar. Put them together and you have 10 of the elite funds that have helped fuel my 201% higher returns than the average Fidelity investor. You’ll also find 3 Fidelity funds I don’t think I’ll ever own. [To see why I’m taking such a strong stand, join me at]( Investor!]( [FREE]( FREE BONUS #2: Guide to the Top Fidelity Sector Funds and ETFs for 2018 With dozens of sector funds and ETFs to choose from at Fidelity, it’s easy to go wrong. That’s why you’ll love this special report. It breaks down 11 terrific opportunities among the minefield of Fidelity sector choices. Every recommended fund in this report pairs a strong sector with a dynamite manager who can exploit it. Many of Fidelity’s superstar managers are quietly piling up great returns in out-of-the-way and unglamorous corners of the market. While other investors miss out, you’ll know about them first and cash in alone. [Yours free when you join]( Investor for two years.]( [FREE]( FREE BONUS #3: Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed! If you’ve read this far, you know that the key to picking Fidelity’s best funds is very simple—pick the best managers! Fidelity’s unique system for developing great stock pickers is no accident—it’s a culture that rewards talent and this report breaks down all of Fidelity’s managers’ strengths and weaknesses. As this report explains, I blend several different factors that incorporate returns, risk, volatility and more to isolate which managers are truly bringing value to the table. I also break down returns over different time periods so you can see whether a manager is on a hot streak or is actually a consistent outperformer. My final “Fidelity Investor” ranking is the gold standard of fund manager rankings—an evaluation that has proven its accuracy and value for over 2 decades. [Yours free when you join]( Investor for two years.]( [FREE]( BONUS REPORT FOR RESPONDING IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS: FREE BONUS #4:The Worst Fidelity Funds No One Should Own As much as I love Fidelity’s strengths, I couldn’t call myself truly independent if I didn’t also point out their flaws. Like these funds. They do not belong anywhere near your portfolio and your smartest investing move now could be simply banishing them from your portfolio forever. Some funds are poorly constructed, others have misguided goals, and of course, some have managers that just aren’t cutting it. Get rid of them before it’s too late! Once you get your hands on all these membership benefits, you’ll wonder why you ever tried to invest in Fidelity’s funds on your own! But if you’re still on the fence, let me offer you one final inducement: The FREE Gifts Just Keep Coming... [photo: Tablet showing finds tool options]Whether you choose the 1-year or 2-year Fidelity Investor membership option, I’ll also share my game-changing strategy that makes use of Fidelity’s high octane sector funds to supercharge your Fidelity profits with my short-term trading advisory Fidelity Sector Investor. The idea behind Fidelity Sector Investor is straightforward: - Own Fidelity’s hottest sector funds and sector ETFs… - Sell them when they cool down, then… - Repeat steps one and two. Yes, this is an active trading system, but it is in no way a day trading system. It is designed by me to deliver the long-term benefits of near-term active trading and to ensure there’s no heavy lifting for you to do. I do all the hard work for you. Our profit pace continues to leave most every other investor in the dust. Our best sector performers YTD are up 10.1%, 15%, and 18%. That’s the profit pace you should be on, too, wouldn’t you agree? I make everything easy for you to make more money than any other Fidelity investor. There’s no guesswork. The trading system you’ll be using as an elite member of Fidelity Sector Investor keeps you in Fidelity’s best sector funds… until it’s time for you to bank your short-term profits. That’s when you’ll trade out of the sector funds that are cooling and buy into the ones that are heating up. The system I’ve perfected over the last 20 years has proven itself time and again. [That’s why those following Fidelity Sector Investor]( are outperforming not just the market, but also costly hedge funds, specialty institutional products and individual stocks over any meaningful investment timeline. And for the next 30 days, you’ll get it all FREE (a $60 value!). If you like what you see in Fidelity Sector Investor, do nothing and when your free trial ends we’ll automatically renew your subscription at the discounted quarterly rate of just $179. Here’s how you can get started… Try Fidelity Investor Completely RISK-FREE! As great a deal as my introductory membership offer is, I want to make sure you try my service with absolutely no reservations whatsoever. So I’m making this offer with my personal No-Risk 100% Money-Back Guarantee. [Try Fidelity Investor for the next 30 days]( the names of all my favorite funds in Fidelity’s Finest… read my review of every single Fidelity fund…adjust your portfolio to match my market-beating portfolios… get my monthly newsletter and follow its strategies… stay in tune with all the Fidelity developments on new managers, new funds and top performers with my weekly hotline… all at my risk. If after following my recommendations you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply call my customer service team in the next 30 days, and I will refund every single penny you’ve paid. All bonus reports and your first issue of the newsletter are yours to keep FREE with my compliments just for giving us a try. The Clock is Ticking— Do it Now One investing principle I’ve repeated to my readers countless times is that “time IN the market” is a thousand times more important that “timing the market.” Hiring great fund managers to work for you and letting them prove their superiority year after year is simply your safest and most certain path to investment wealth. That’s exactly the choice you have before you right now. You can either accept my invitation to put Fidelity’s Finest to work for you now and start building wealth 201% faster than the average investor... or you can go it alone. Every day you wait is a day you miss out on greater returns and hand your portfolio over to managers who fall short of my high standards. [You deserve the best—get it now by joining]( Investor.]( Regards, [Signed:] [FREE]( Lowell Editor, Fidelity Investor P.S. My list of superstar Fidelity managers is constantly changing, so the only way to stay on top of the changes and always be in the best Fidelity funds is to [join Fidelity Investor](. Do it today at our special low price and you’ll receive an EXTRA special bonus: The Worst Fidelity Funds No One Should Own. This report is my gift to you for fast response, [so you must order in the next 24 hours to get it]( [.]( MANAGE YOUR INVESTORPLACE ACCOUNT: We hope this timely investing advice is valuable to you. As you know the markets move fast and conditions change frequently. So please check the current issue for the most recent advice. To make sure you received the most recent updates, please tell us if your email has changed by visiting here: [( [Click here]( to manage your email preferences. InvestorPlace Media, LLC. 9201 Corporate Blvd, Suite 200 Rockville, MD 20850 If you have any questions call 1-800-219-8592. Copyright © 2018 InvestorPlace Media, LLC. 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