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Fidelity's Top 20 Favorite Stocks


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Mon, Jun 4, 2018 12:02 PM

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Fidelity?s Top 20 Favorite Stocks and the Fund Managers Who Own Them What makes great managers gre

Fidelity’s Top 20 Favorite Stocks and the Fund Managers Who Own Them What makes great managers great? You guessed it… their stock picks. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to drill down past the fund level and get to the managers’ favorite stock picks? Well now, you can. FIDELITY’S TOP 20 FAVORITE STOCKS and the Fund Managers Who Own Them is hot off the press. What you’ll discover in this special report is both fascinating and rewarding. Take a look at the top 3 on today’s list: #1) Alphabet (GOOG) #2) Amazon (AMZN) #3) Microsoft (MSFT) Perhaps you were expecting the likes of ExxonMobil or IBM? Those giants didn’t even make the Top 20 List. In their place… #4) iShares: Wouldn’t you like to know the managers who put a passive index into their actively managed funds, and their reasons for doing so? #16) Wells Fargo (WFC): Why not? After a scandalous setback...still, the banking sector is benefiting from healthy consumer loan demands-from personal loans to car loans to home loans. Add a rising rate environment to this stock's ledger, and you can build an even-better case for the banking sector in 2018. What happens when the Fed starts to raise rates again? And which Fidelity funds will feel the most impact? It's all in this important Fidelity Investor alert. Facebook is #5… Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) is #8… Adobe Systems (ADBE) comes in at #14… Where’s General Electric (GE)? Where’s America’s largest healthcare (insurance and managed care) company, UnitedHealth Group (UNH)? The answer may surprise you. How come Visa (V) is in the top 20 but American Express (AXP) is not? Keep reading to discover the insights Fidelity won’t ever share with you. You’ve probably heard of most of them, but you might not know how their prospects for the immediate future might impact your Fidelity funds. The Fidelity Investor Way ABOUT JIM LOWELL [photo: Jim Lowell] Jim Lowell is the editor of Fidelity Investor, the private and independent advisory published for individual investors seeking superior performance from their Fidelity investments. Jim’s subscribers are known as “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few.” The fund selections they get directly from Jim double, and in many cases triple their returns. His strategies for investment income have boosted members’ annual income two-fold. Jim’s a bona-fide Fidelity genius. He’s also a real-life Fidelity fanatic. He was born in Boston and he still lives there. He holds Master’s degrees from both Harvard University and Trinity College. He used to work at Fidelity, where he helped launch Fidelity’s most prominent publications, Fidelity Focus and Investment Vision, which turned into Worth magazine. You can’t read an article about Fidelity in any major publication — The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, you name it — without seeing at least one quote from Jim Lowell. Now you can get Jim’s best advice directly from him, [as a subscriber to Fidelity Investor](. Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jim Lowell and as head of the world’s largest independent Fidelity research organization, it’s my job to show individual investors like you how to make more money than the average Fidelity investor. Fidelity is the place investors go to beat index funds. You know that. But do you know how easily you can beat the average Fidelity investor by an astounding 201% — while cutting your risk in half? I’ve been tracking the top 20 most owned stocks by Fidelity managers since 1997. I’ve also been running a shadow portfolio that tracks just how well the top 20 most held stocks at Fidelity have performed. And the performance has been fantastic! My Fidelity strategy produces 201% bigger profits than average. With such an impressive profit edge, you might think my strategy is a big secret. Truth is, it’s the oldest mutual fund wealth-building strategy in the books. I buy the manager, not the fund.® Sound familiar? It should. The buy-the-manager strategy is and has always been the best way to build wealth with mutual funds. The trick, of course, is finding the best managers. And I’ve nailed it! I’ve created a proprietary manager ranking system that’s purely quantitative and rules based, which is to say — no subjectivity is involved or allowed. I can tell you each manager’s daily performance and how it correlated to his or her benchmark and peer group — for each and every day they’ve managed money professionally — and for each and every fund they’ve ever managed! Fidelity won’t tell you which of their funds they think will beat the indexes… they won’t highlight the most powerful funds for you… they can’t tell you how to combine the funds properly either. As a result, most Fidelity investors miss out without even knowing it. Listed below are Fidelity’s Top 20 Favorite Stocks — the most owned, and hence most liked, by Fidelity’s top managers: #1) Alphabet (GOOG): Google’s parent company. Fidelity has been (and may still be) the largest owner of Google stock. This high tech company figured out a way to turn a librarian’s business into megabucks. The ubiquitous search engine (sorry Bing) has an earnings model that is based on selling advertising to the hundreds of millions of daily searchers on its site. As such, it has become a gauge of consumer activity more than a measure of search activity. And as the staple search engine for its technology-driven consumer business, it’s a natural Fidelity fit. #2) Amazon (AMZN): Why shop anywhere else? OK. I know Amazon is often knocked as a small business killer-like the big box stores. But I think that's off base. I order books, lots and lots of books, through Amazon-and judging by the newspaper they're wrapped in, and the stores listed on the label, you would think I've visited more than 100 small book stores in the past year or so. At #2, Amazon's intelligent design, excellent execution and consumer focus, clearly has Fidelity managers shopping for this stock with their dollars. You Make More than $3 When the Average Fidelity Investor Makes $1 If you started out with a $100,000 portfolio as a subscriber to Fidelity Investor service in 1997, your money would have grown to $644,590. That's more than triple the profits the average Fidelity investor made. AVERAGE FUND INVESTOR FIDELITY INVESTOR SUBSCRIBER Start Value $100,000 $100,000 1998 $119,745 $144,293 1999 $143,375 $161,904 2000 $136,445 $180,218 2001 $124,223 $164,393 2002 $107,777 $136,780 2003 $129,274 $185,307 2004 $140,527 $213,474 2005 $151,276 $247,119 2006 $167,871 $290,716 2007 $183,966 $319,426 2008 $132,736 $201.190 2009 $159,957 $259,696 2010 $176,626 $307,594 2011 $174,244 $308,223 2012 $191,433 $354,991 2013 $220,065 $455,249 2014 $233,075 $507,859 2015 $236,799 $514,760 2016 $246,227 $537,610 2017 $281,098 $644,590 PROFIT ADVANTAGE EXTRA PROFIT 201% $363,492 #3) Microsoft (MSFT): Mr. Softy. Software sales are the bread and butter of day-to-day life. Whether you have a PC or Mac on your desktop, lap, or in the palm of your hand, Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and Excel are the essential tools of any trade-including passing kindergarten. Microsoft is another example of a former start-up turned mega-cap dividend-payer thanks to its focus on technology and its consumer base (which in this case was initially more of a business consumer than an individual one, but now encompasses both). #4) iShares ETFs: The iShares position is a bit deceiving. Rather than exhibit a single iShares ETF stake, it reflects the assets in a basket of iShares ETFs. The top three by weighting are iShares Core S&P 500 EYTF (IVV), iShares Russell 1000 Growth (IWF) and the iShares Core MSCI Emerging  (IEMG). A hidden truth: Fidelity's active managers often use ETFs that hew to their fund's benchmark as a source of liquidity and/or tradability. Rather than have to sell their best ideas, or rather than sell out of a long-term position outright and instead re-position it, such ETF holdings make sense. Here, the top-weighted ETFs reflect a clear preference for larger cap U.S. stocks as well as a growing interest in the emerging markets space. #5) Facebook  (FB): In the early days, it looked like Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg had figured out a neat way to make himself billions of dollars... by taking his social watering hole site public. But the company has grown up since then, and with that growth comes all of the attendant responsibilities of being one of the world's most influential companies. While the stock hasn't been unfriended by the investing world, the headlines Facebook has garnered following the 2016 election have bumped the stock down a couple notches on this list. In the end, however, Facebook isn't going to change its business model. It's shown an intense focus on monetizing the site by means of capitalizing on ad sales beyond the desktop and laptop. Going mobile, being more instantaneous, has enabled Facebook to actually deliver more than mere likes: in addition to building its community, going mobile has been increasing their engagement (usage). #6) Apple (AAPL): Who doesn't know this brand? I'd argue that Apple has become as globally known as Coca-Cola and Google-the two most recognized brands in the world. Innovative excellence, durable customer bases, emerging consumer and business products, services and marketplaces certainly don't get in the way of this company's growth story. #7) UnitedHealth Group (UNH): This is America's largest healthcare (insurance, managed care) company, even without the certainty of Obamacare funneling new customers to insurance companies, they will benefit from the aging boomer generation demographic. Healthcare overall is a more defensive sector, with a consistent growth history and more promising potential growth future than most other industries. [Join Fidelity Investor Today]( #8) Berkshire Hathaway (BRK): The world’s largest active money management shop owns the world’s most famous money manager: Warren Buffett. I view this stake as a diversifier: Berkshire Hathaway owns financial service firms, utilities, railroads, manufacturers, and ketchup. It is a U.S.-centric play (letting U.S. multinationals serve as the path to foreign markets), value-oriented, and is a source of liquidity for the managers that own it (allowing them to sell Buffett rather than their own best ideas first). #9) NVIDIA Corp (NVDA): Graphic processing for graphic games, mobile computing and supercomputing research reflect how this company's core business has grown to encompass nearly any aspect of computer use (from retail fun to serious scientific research). It's hard to visualize technology without it. #10) Bank of America (BAC): A consumer-focused lender that is inarguably a bellwether indicator of both consumer activity and lending liquidity. Rising rates help rather than hinder its profit making potential. #11) Salesforce (CRM): A catchy ticker symbol, since CRM stands for customer relationship management-the business Salesforce is not simply in, but is looking to dominate. Salesforce has been growing in leaps and bounds, since any business in the customer service industry (basically, every business) is looking for technologically efficient and sophisticated ways to service existing clients better and grow their customer base... Often the two are intertwined since a happy client is, in effect, a great salesperson for that company's service. This is another example of Fidelity's managers looking for ways to capitalize on consumer and technology trends. #12) Visa (V): Consumer spending is the driver of this company's earnings, and consumer spending has been one of the bright spots of today's financial landscape. I am betting on the U.S. consumer and their continued spending, and I think this stock is one way in which Fidelity managers are looking to charge ahead. The Cardinal Rule of Mutual Fund Investing Only Works When You… Discover the Best Fidelity Fund Managers! Fidelity won’t tell you who they are. And there’s not a money magazine or any other investment newsletter anywhere that will tell you. But you can find out, if you know the one place to look. “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few” know who the best managers are. And now it’s easy for you to find out, too. One of the 2 special reports you receive when you [join Fidelity Investor]( Fidelity Fund Manager Rankings, shows you just how skilled (or not) Fidelity managers are at selecting stocks, bonds, or a mix of both. In your free report, you’ll learn about my proprietary Manager Ranking System (MRS). You’ll see, at a glance, exactly how a Fidelity stock fund manager has fared relative to the market month in and month out since he or she began managing money! There’s no place for Fidelity’s managers to hide from me. I track their entire careers, even track their records with funds they managed before coming to Fidelity. And I don’t stop there. I also show you the risks the manager took over the course of his or her career. As powerful as this tool is, it’s not the only one I use to select the best Fidelity funds for the here and now. But using this Special Bonus Gift is the only way you or anyone can be sure to blow away the averages by following the Cardinal Rule of Mutual Funding Investing: Buy the manager! [Get your FREE copy of Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed! when you join Fidelity Investor today](. #13) JPMorgan Chase (JPM): Investment banking may be cyclical, but it looks like a growing economy could mint a multi-year increase in investment banking activity from more IPOs to increased mergers and acquisition. What's more, the current administration's policies should prove to be beneficial to the banking sector in the near term and, hopefully, not lead to misbehavior over the longer-term.  #14) Adobe Systems (ADBE): Adobe is a kind of clay used to make bricks. Beyond the brick and mortar realm Adobe is a technology company which lets us build, see, print and store nearly everything digital and visual. It is as embedded in the technology we use as Intel's chips are. And as a necessary, technology staple, it's not surprising to find it in Fidelity's top 20 stocks. #15) Netflix (NFLX): Fidelity managers have tuned into this entertainment company, which not only delivers binge-worthy content to its viewers but has also delivered mind-boggling returns for its shareholders. The world's 10th-largest internet company by revenue, Netflix has expanded its offerings to include video-on-demand and streaming media-including a number of original series and movies. But if you're wanting a DVD shipped to your house by mail, don't fret; the company still delivers DVDs to over 4 million subscribers. #16) Amgen (AMGN): What used to be an oxymoron no longer is: A dividend paying, blue chip biotechnology stock. Its focus on cellular and molecular biologics provides a pathway to future discoveries and product developments for an aging demographic and a growing emerging market demand for more, better and less invasive healthcare solutions. #17) Citigroup (C): This global financial company is one of the bellwethers I keep an eye on during earnings season as a gauge for the health of consumer lending. It is the other side of the consumer equation coin; whereas Bank of America above helps me gauge consumer borrowing as a measurable sign of consumers' health and wealth, CitiGroup tends a look at the health of the financial institutions that are helping to finance their purchases. #18) Wells Fargo (WFC): After a scandalous setback, one of the strongest banking brands was getting back on a profitable track until yet another round of fines, regulatory sanctions and scandals hit in early 2018. Still, the banking sector is benefiting from healthy consumer loan demands-from personal loans to car loans to home loans. Add a rising rate environment to this stock's ledger, and you can build an even-better case for the banking sector in 2018. Banks are bellwether indicators of the health or weakness of any financial system and the economy it supports. #19) Activision Blizzard (ATVI): Founded in 1979 when I was a senior in high school and had to pass a 35 per word typing test in order to graduate, this leading edge interactive entertainment game provider is a global player, with a presence in 15 countries including the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong and the region of Taiwan. Their iconic Call of Duty  is among the most purchased and used on line games ever-and to a lesser extent, they’re playing in the logistical and information storage side of data management, too. This stock might best be considered a technology “staple”; the way no one stops purchasing food, alcohol and drugs during recessions, and often buy more of them in good times, the demand for low-cost entertainment is one way to game good times and bad and come out a winner. #20) Mastercard Incorporated (MA) - This financial services giant was founded in 1966 and is a readily recognizable name to every household in the U.S., if not the world. Yet that’s not to say that it won’t also capitalize nicely on consumer trends in the financial services space. For an example of what a “world beyond cash” might look like, consider the company’s plan to set up a contactless, pay-as-you-go system in the New York subway by 2019. Mastercard’s spot on the Top 20 Stocks list suggests that Fidelity managers expect the financial sector to see growth ahead.[FREE]( The bonus report, Fidelity's Top 20 Favorite Stocks and the Fund Managers Who Own Them, details why I make it my job to find the best managers at Fidelity. [Read your free online copy today when you join Fidelity Investor.]( The Top Fidelity Fund Managers Putting These Top Stocks to Work Now I want to share a little more about the superior Fidelity fund managers who put Fidelity’s top 20 favorite stocks to work. Top Fidelity Fund #1: Global Stock Bargains in 11 Sectors If you like a bargain, you’ll love this fund. It gives you the 60 best value stocks in the world, selected from 11 sectors. So yes, this capital-appreciation-focused fund gives you a healthy dose of diversity. Entry minimum is just $2,500 and the expense ratio is a reasonable 0.68%. Of the 11 sectors represented in this value fund, the top 3 are consumer discretionary, healthcare, and information technology. The fund’s top holdings include UnitedHealth Group, Ansys Inc. and Best Buy. This manager makes bold bets on super safe stocks that are trading for less than their true value. He currently has 90% of the assets invested in stocks. The remaining 10% is cash. I will give you the name of this fund and all the buy details, when you [sign up for Fidelity Investor today](. Top Fidelity Fund #2: The S&P 500 Without Losers For more than 27 years, the contrarian style and stellar track record of this Fidelity fund manager speak to the strengths of this stock picker, who knows how to reward shareholders year-in and year-out. He makes investments across the board in companies believed to be undervalued by the public, overlooked by institutions, and/or underweighted by both. The portfolio is primarily domestic, but about 11% of the portfolio is currently given over to foreign stocks. [Start Your Risk-Free Trial!]( The fund had an exceptional 2017, returning 32.3% versus 21.8% for the S&P 500. My favorable view is based on this manager’s actual performance over meaningful time periods. His 3-, 5- and 10-year numbers, as well as those of his overall tenure, make this a solid choice for time in the markets, not market timing. [To get all of the details on this fund, in your special report, Fidelity's Top 20 Favorite Stocks and the Fund Managers Who Own Them, try a 30 day risk-free trial subscription to Fidelity Investor today.]( Top Fidelity Fund #3: The Bear Market Savior Not Everyone Will Like How can anyone not like a fund that (1) holds stocks in companies that are giving consumers what they want and (2) holds up fantastically strong in bear markets? It can happen when a fund holds a large number of staple stocks. Consumer staple stocks offer several attractive qualities and over the past 10 years the MSCI IMI Consumer Staples Index has provided some of the highest returns of the MSCI sector indexes. While traditionally more return means more risk, staples offer great downside protection. The fund manager has consistently outperformed si[FREE]nce he started managing this fund in 2004. And he's kept volatility at a minimum, too! The top 3 holdings are an interesting mix: - CocaCola - Proctor & Gamble - Phillip Morris International As signs of a bear market continue to growl, this fund will keep you steady. You shouldn’t experience wild volatility, but the fund will go up and down a bit with normal business cycles. The time to buy into this fund right now! [Read more about this fund and all the other funds recommended here when you join Fidelity Investor now and gain immediate online access to the bonus report, Fidelity's Top 20 Favorite Stocks and the Fund Managers Who Own Them.]( The Surprising Make Up of “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few” When you join my Fidelity Investor advisory today, the group you’ll be joining might surprise you. Not all of them are investing aggressively for growth. Not all of them are rich, either. Some are just starting out and come to us with only modest amounts to invest. Some are quite well-off and you might wonder why they’re so eager to make even more money. And there are others who are more conservative in their pursuit of profits. Some don’t even think about growth. They’re only investing for income. And yet, all these various types of Fidelity investors subscribe to the same advisory service… Fidelity Investor…the one that has every Fidelity investor covered with 5 model portfolios: - Global Quant - Aggressive Growth - Growth - Growth & Income - Income Members of Fidelity Investor also get two more model portfolios: - Annuity Growth - Annuity Growth & Income. But that’s not all! [When you try a risk-free subscription to Fidelity Investor]( you’ll also receive a special low-cost Charter Membership rate and 2 valuable Free Reports: - Fund Manager Rankings: I’ve crunched the numbers, and rated each Fidelity fund manager I follow according to my proprietary ranking system…and this special report puts the results right at your fingertips. I review each manager’s performance over various time periods, going back 10 years, and adjust for risk, volatility, and performance relative to the benchmark. This all goes into a simple numerical rating. Then I list the managers by peer group, and by highest to lowest rating…so you can easily see who makes the grade — and who doesn’t. - Fidelity Sector Funds and ETFs : In any market, there are sector losers and winners…but, even within the same industry, not all stocks are created equal. Luckily, Fidelity makes it their business to do the legwork on these companies — digging through earnings reports, interviewing key players, even traveling long distances to assess trends and opportunities first-hand. All that’s left for us is to make sure we own the “cream of the crop” Fidelity funds in the best sectors…and this special report will help you do just that. And today, I'm also offering you a FREE 30-day trial of Fidelity Sector Investor. Fidelity Investor is my flagship publication. But I want you to enjoy my premium advisory, too! Fidelity Sector Investor is different. It's focused on grabbing short-term Fidelity profits all year long. This is accomplished with just 3 steps… Step One: own Fidelity’s hottest sector funds and sector ETFs. Step Two: Sell them when they cool off and move your money into the new hot sectors. Step Three: Repeat steps one and two! I tell you exactly what to do and when to do it! And the profits can be absolutely spectacular! See for yourself… FREE for 30 days! This active trading system is in no way a day trading system. It’s designed to deliver the long-term benefits of near-term active trading with no heavy lifting on your part. I do all of the hard work for you. Those following Fidelity Sector Investor are outperforming not just the market, but also costly hedge funds, specialty institutional products and individual stocks over any meaningful investment timeline. [For the next 30 days, you’ll get it all FREE]( (a $60 value!). If you like what you see in Fidelity Sector Investor, do nothing and when your free trial ends, we’ll automatically renew your subscription at the discounted quarterly rate of just $179. You’ll lock in that price for good! All of these resources are my FREE gift to you, in exchange for agreeing to [give my Fidelity Investor service a try as a special Charter Member.]( And if at any time you want to discontinue your subscription, you’re still way ahead because you’ll never be asked to return anything we send you — including your 2 free reports that are automatically yours as a Charter Member. Fair enough? Well it gets better… Take 30 days to decide if you like Fidelity Investor and all the tangible extras that come with it, including:[Join Fidelity Investor Today]( - Monthly issues - Weekly updates - Special Alert - Extensive archives - Portfolio performance updates - Review of 401(k) plans - Exclusive interviews - Market commentary If after 30 days you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply call my customer service team, and I will refund every single penny you’ve paid. All the extras are yours to keep with my compliments just for giving us a try. Well, it gets even better. [Button: Yours Free If You Respond in 24 Hours]( this rare opportunity now — within the next 24 hours — and you’ll one more bonus… my latest special report, The Worst Fidelity Funds No One Should Own. You don’t want to find any of these funds in your portfolio. But if you do, no worries. You’ll be armed with so many new ways to boost your Fidelity profits it won’t matter how many Fidelity flops are in your portfolio… as long as you immediately switch your losers to Fidelity’s best funds (also given away for free in this special bonus report!), the ones you’ll learn about when you respond in time. All that’s needed is your permission. We’re all set here. We’re ready to give you all your gifts… ready to impress you with our just-released issue of Fidelity Investor… ready to show you the money and the life enjoyed by “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few.” Here’s What Happens Next The moment you respond, you’ll feel a rush of excitement and expectation. That wonderful, exhilarating feeling will stay with you and reignite with each new issue and every new special report you get. You’ll see how easy it is to break away from being average. You’ll see a brighter financial future than you thought possible. You’ll be amazed to discover you can easily exceed your own expectations by doing nothing more than what you’re already doing… investing in Fidelity funds. The experience also gives you the rock-steady confidence in your financial future, more assurance of reaching your goals, and the overwhelming joy of relief from worrying about money for the rest of your life… those are all priceless! Charter Membership, however, has a price, normally $229. But you’re not paying the regular Charter Membership rate. Your Rate is Special… It’s Lower than Our Normal Charter Membership! My publisher has agreed… I now have the green light to bring you in as a Charter Member for just $99, as long as you let me know within 24 hours. After that? I’m afraid you’ll be asked to pay more. By the way, at this hush-hush low rate of only $99, your membership will more than pay for itself within a month or so, depending on how much you have invested with Fidelity. [Start Your Risk-Free Trial!]( much it is, count on that number zooming north once you experience Fidelity Investor. I guarantee it! [Signed:] Jim Lowell, Editor, Fidelity Investor P.S. What you do or don’t do with all of this could determine your financial future. And you know what your financial future determines, don’t you? It determines how your entire life is lived. It’s up to you. Stay average, or not. Live a life of scrimping and sacrificing, or a full and meaningful retirement without a financial care in the world. [I promise to show you how to triple your Fidelity profits](. P.P.S. Check that. Tripling your Fidelity profits isn’t the only benefit of accepting your Fidelity Investor Charter Membership. I also promise to cut your risks without delay. All you have to do is let me know you’re interested. [Do that by clicking here](. MANAGE YOUR INVESTORPLACE ACCOUNT: We hope this timely investing advice is valuable to you. As you know the markets move fast and conditions change frequently. So please check the current issue for the most recent advice. To make sure you received the most recent updates, please tell us if your email has changed by visiting here: [( [Click here]( to manage your email preferences. InvestorPlace Media, LLC. 9201 Corporate Blvd, Suite 200 Rockville, MD 20850 If you have any questions call 1-800-219-8592. Copyright © 2018 InvestorPlace Media, LLC. All rights reserved. BUY THE MANAGER, NOT THE FUND® is a registered trademark of Adviser Investment Management, Inc. and is used with permission. ————————————————————————————————- Please note that we cannot be liable for any missed bulletins caused by overzealous spam filters. To ensure that you continue to receive this valuable part of your service please take a moment to add ( to your address book. Click here for instructions: [](

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