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Database Weekly for August 26, 2023 Problems displaying this newsletter? . The Complete Weekly Round

Database Weekly for August 26, 2023 Problems displaying this newsletter? [View online](. [Database Weekly]( The Complete Weekly Roundup of SQL Server News by Hand-picked content to sharpen your professional edge Editorial  Be Prepared I've been reading about the fires in Maui and the horrible loss of life there. My heart goes out to all involved. I hope, if you can, you donate to a good charity to help those poor people. It also inspired me to do another check on our emergency supplies and equipment. No, we don't have some secret bunker to which we're going to retreat when the zombiepocalypse finally hits. But history has shown that it's not crazy to have a few extra bits set aside. Food & water of course, some kind of shelter, flashlight, some batteries for that and maybe a spare phone charger, first aid of course, all worth having on hand. Also, put it all in one place so you can find it quickly. It's not a bad idea to introduce yourself to the neighbors so you can check on them, and they can check on you in an emergency. Finally, if you add equipment to your stash, water purifier or a fire starter, or, like me, a radio or two, be sure you've practiced using that equipment so you know how. When bad things happen, you're the first person on the spot, so, may as well be as ready as you can be. The last few years have shown, a little preparation is a good thing. The Scout Motto is pretty simple but says it all: [Be Prepared](. Grant Fritchey [Join the debate, and respond to the editorial on the forums](  The Weekly News All the headlines and interesting SQL Server information that we've collected over the past week, and sometimes even a few repeats if we think they fit. AI/Machine Learning/Cognitive Services [Why we should all be rooting for boring AI]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, o... [Neural Networks vs. Deep Learning]( From Past News - RSS Feeds Find out the similarities and differences that exist between neural networks and deep learning and their role in modern AI. The post Neural Networks vs. Deep Learning appeared first on... [Protecting Intellectual Property in the Age of LLM Generative AI Tools]( From Dataversity The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has ushered in a new era of generative AI tools with unprecedented capabilities. These powerful models, such as ChatGPT and others, possess... [AI-Powered Apps Bring a New Level of Observability Challenges]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools Increased integration of AI into software applications and cloud environments will make monitoring and observability even more difficult. Here's why. Administration of SQL Server [SQL SERVER – Transaction Logs: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly]( From Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave Providing a comprehensive understanding of their r... [Fun with DATEDIFF – How long DID that process run for?]( From Deb the DBA I was working on a query this week that reminded m... [Generate Test Data Sets for Testing SQL Server Database Applications]( From MSSQL Tips In this article, we look at different approaches f... [SQL SERVER – Scripts to Retrieve Column Names]( From Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave Understanding how to retrieve column names from a ... [Decrypting Stored Procedures with SQL Compare]( From SQLServerCentral Blogs I had a client that was struggling with some encry... [Delegating permission management using Roles vs WITH GRANT OPTION]( From Azure SQL Background In SQL Server/Azure SQL, database-level... [Delegating permission management using Roles vs WITH GRANT OPTION]( From MS SQL Server Blog The article is published here on the Azure SQL Blo... [Persisting data for SQL Server on Docker Swarm with Portworx]( From DBA From The Cold In my last couple of blog posts (here and here) I ... [Essential Database Maintenance Tasks Every DBA Should Know]( From StraightPath Solutions SQL Blog Database maintenance is a critical aspect of the DBA role, ensuring the smooth operation of SQL Server environments. In this blog post, we will explore key tasks and areas... [SQL SERVER – Checking If a Column Exists in a Table]( From Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave Let us see a script that will help check if a Column Exists in a Table. One of the common tasks that developers deal with when working on database-related projects First... [SQL SERVER – Techniques for Retrieving Random Rows]( From Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave This post will explore various techniques to retrieve random rows in SQL Server and analyze their performance and randomness characteristics in depth. First appeared on SQL SERVER – Techniques for Retrieving... Analysis Services / BI on the MS Stack [Restoring SSAS Cubes to a SQL 2022 Server with CU5]( From SQLServerCentral Blogs I have a client who was upgrading some servers fro... Azure SQL [Query Multiple Azure SQL Databases and Save Results Centrally]( From MSSQL Tips In this article, we look at how to query multiple ... Azure SQL Managed Instance [Advanced scenarios with private endpoints to Azure SQL Managed Instance]( From Azure SQL In the previous installment of this mini-series, we covered basic scenarios involving private endpoints. If you aren’t familiar with private endpoints and Private Link in general, it might be... Big Data [Is Terraform Still Open Source? It Depends Whom You Ask]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools HashiCorp has changed the licensing of its widely ... Cloud - AWS [AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS AppSync, AWS CodePipeline, Events and More – August 21, 2023]( From AWS News Blog In a few days, I will board a plane towards the so... Community Interests [State of the Database Landscape Survey 2023]( From Scary DBA (Grant Fritchey) As data professionals, of any stripe, we should, as much as we can, where we can, base our decisions on data. After all, in theory anyway, we’re the experts... Computing in the Cloud (Azure, Google, AWS) [How to Keep Cloud Cost Management In Sync with Cloud Maturity]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools The more mature your cloud strategy, the more complex cloud cost management becomes. Here's how to manage mature cloud strategies cost-effectively. [The Struggles of Cloud and Data: Simplifying with a Single, Unified Solution]( From Dataversity In today’s world, a single-environment approach to IT is no longer supporting the needs of modern businesses. According to my company’s fifth annual Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI), organizations today, and moving... DMO/SMO/Powershell [Tracking Windows Group Policy Changes With PowerShell]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools This video tutorial explains how you can use Power... [Simplify Your Work with PowerShell Scripts: Running from the Command Line]( From Joyful Craftsmen – The Business Intelligence Agency Introduction You know that feeling when you have y... [How to Use the PowerShell Get-MessageTrace Command in Office 365]( From Petri IT Knowledgebase The PowerShell Get-MessageTrace command can help O... Data Mining / Data Analysis [A simple way to bootstrap linear regression models in SAS]( From AllAnalytics I've written many articles about bootstrapping in ... [The new customer experience is here]( From AllAnalytics SAS SVP Kimberly May announces the launch of the n... Data Visualisation [what is a flowchart?]( From Storytelling with Data  ... [Smart Data Visualization Tells a Story Your Users Will Love]( From Dataversity The Wharton School of Management reports that only... Database Design, Theory and Development [Achieving Data Immutability in a Backup and Recovery Strategy]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools Follow the journey of Mirazon, a managed service p... [The Need for Holistic Market Data in Today’s Information-Driven Landscape]( From Dataversity In the age of abundant information, companies face... [Improving Data Quality]( From Prologika (Teo Lachev's Weblog) Poor data quality is one of the most challenging h... DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) [Working with Flyway and Entity Framework Code First: Automation]( From Product learning – Redgate Software This article will demonstrate how to automate a hy... [Applying Agile principles to IT incident management]( From Simple Talk Agile development has grown in popularity in recent years due to its success in delivering software on time and on budget. If you’re looking for a way to make... [How NASCAR Is Racing to ITOps Digital Transformation with ServiceNow]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools Looking beyond the racetrack, NASCAR has users and employees who are always on the move and need access to IT operations. ETL/SSIS/Azure Data Factory/Biml [Data Provisioning: Ingest, Curate, and Publish]( From Dataversity A collection of facts from which inferences can be... [TaskFactory Activation Error in Azure-SSIS]( From I regularly help customers migrate SSIS to Azure-SSIS integration runtimes, a nifty component of Azure Data Factory. I was recently stumped by an error activating TaskFactory (Task Factory for... Hardware [Expert Panel on Data Mesh: Capital One Software and Pitney Bowes]( From Past News - RSS Feeds I spoke with an expert panel about the advantages of data mesh, which is a decentralized data architecture that organizes data by specific business domain. Among other advantages, data... [No Storage, No Future Tech: Why Cutting-Edge Innovations Rely on Tried-and-True Data Storage]( From Dataversity Imagine if you asked a large language model to write a fantasy story about a girl who wanders into a magical forest and meets a pirate with the same... MDX/DAX [Simplifying [DAX] with Staging Tables & Relationships in Power BI]( From Havens Consulting Video by: Reid HavensLearn how to leverage model t... Machine Learning [Video: Training a Code-First Model in Azure ML]( From 36 Chambers – The Legendary Journeys THE VIDEO THE SYNOPSIS In this video, we walk thro... Microsoft Fabric ( Azure Synapse Analytics, OneLake, ADLS, Data Science) [Should I Wait For Microsoft Fabric?]( From Paul Andrew Answer: No But, lets prepare for it in terms of th... [Unveiling Tenant Configuration in Fabric: Empowering User Exploration]( From Data – Marc It has been quiet for a few weeks due to summer br... [Fabric Lakehouse: Convert to Table feature and Workspace Level Spark Configuration]( From Simple Talk I have been working as a no-code data engineer: Fo... [Introduction to IaC: Deploying Data infrastructure to Azure using Terraform (Part 1 - Intro and prerequisites)]( From SQLServerCentral Blogs IntroductionOne integral part of modern Continuous... [Get and use Python Libraries within Microsoft Fabric]( From Guy in a Cube Sometimes you need python libraries that aren't pr... 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[A twisted tale of memory optimization]( From Ayende @ Rahien I was looking into reducing the allocation in a particular part of our code, and I ran into what was basically the following code (boiled down to the essentials): As... [Index Tuning Essentials Spools: All About Spools In SQL Server Query Plans]( From Erik Darling Data Away Days It’s August, and that means one thing: Family Vacation. I’m taking this month off from regular blogging, and posting some of my paid beginner training content for... PowerPivot/PowerQuery/PowerBI [Log Out Of Power BI Automatically After A Period Of Inactivity]( From Chris Webb's BI Blog Set up activity-based timeout for Power BI in the ... [Part 2 – Storing the Log Analytics Queries in Azure Blob Storage (Power BI Query Usage and Performance Series)]( From FourMoo Following on in my series, in this blog post I am ... [Initial Microsoft Fabric Git integration tests for Power BI Reports]( From Kevin Chant Reading Time: 8 minutes In this post I to share m... [Get your measures organized in Power BI]( From Guy in a Cube As you make more measures in your Power BI Dataset, it can get hard to find the one you need. Sure you can use search... But you can also... [Access OneLake files from Power BI Desktop]( From Data – Marc Fabric content is all over the place by now. In Fabric, as a SaaS platform, most (if not all) services have interconnectivity. In a few clicks you connect your... Professional Development [Robotic Process Automation: Is Your Job at Risk?]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools Robotic process automation software is automating ... [How to Write a Technical Blog That Gets Read]( From Simple Talk There is a relatively simple and quickly learned t... [Improve Your Chances of Getting Noticed by AI on Job Sites with These Tips]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools Here's how to best work with AI matching systems o... [Why I became a TechTrekker]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories Asked to picture an entrepreneur, most people will... [The Download: introducing the Ethics issue]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories This is today’s edition of The Download, our w... [How to Navigate the Integration of IT Consultants]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools These best practices will smooth the integration of IT consultants with existing IT teams by building a culture of trust and respect. SQL Server on Linux [How To Set up a Secure VPN Connection in Linux]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools This guide explains VPN installation and configura... [The Best Linux Commands: A Comprehensive Guide for All Users]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools This guide offers explanations and examples for important Linux commands. You will learn each command’s capabilities and practical use cases. Security News and Issues [Tesla Data Breach Investigation Reveals Inside Job]( From Dark Reading: Dark Reading News Analysis The carmaker also reported it's taken legal action... [How culture drives foul play on the internet, and how new “upcode” can protect us]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories The world of online misdeeds is an eerie biome, cr... [5 Early Warning Indicators That Are Key to Protecting National Secrets]( From Dark Reading: Dark Reading News Analysis The Defense Department must modernize user activit... [More Than Half of Browser Extensions Pose Security Risks]( From Dark Reading: Dark Reading News Analysis Spin.AI's risk assessment of some 300,000 browser ... [When Leadership Style Is a Security Risk]( From Dark Reading: Dark Reading News Analysis Risk-aware leaders can be a cybersecurity advantag... T-SQL and Query Languages [SQL Server Essentials: Using the SQL GROUP BY Clause]( From Petri IT Knowledgebase SQL Server’s T-SQL query language has a plethora... Tech News [The ice cores that will let us look 1.5 million years into the past]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories Moving quickly and carefully in two layers of glov... [Why salt marshes could help save Venice]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories Venice, Italy, is suffering from a combination of ... [Smart sutures for better healing]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories Inspired by a technology developed thousands of ye... [A cell that does it all]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories From “The Troubled Hunt for the Ultimate Cell”... [The beautiful complexity of the US radio spectrum]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories Somewhere above you right now, a plane is broadcas... The Lighter Side [The night sky of Cambridge]( From Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top Stories By day, Evan Kramer, SM ’22, works on his PhD in... Virtualization and Containers/Kubernetes [VMware Unveils New Multi-Cloud and Kubernetes Tools]( From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools At its VMware Explore conference, the company intr... [Prelude Security Tackles Continuous Security Testing in Containers]( From Dark Reading: Dark Reading News Analysis Probes are tiny processes which run inside contain...  [RSS Feed]( This email has been sent to {EMAIL}. To be removed from this list, please click [here](. 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