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➦ ⟦3 High-Yield Stocks That Are Recession-Proof⟧ l 30.09.2022


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Fri, Sep 30, 2022 12:53 PM

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This is officially the S&P 500's worst start to a year since 1939. And if the market crashing wasn't

This is officially the S&P 500's worst start to a year since 1939. And if the market crashing wasn't bad enough, there's also record-breaking 8.6% inflation we still have to deal with. [Simple Money Goals](3D__NDMyNA%3D%3D__MTM1NDYyMjU%3D__MjM0MA%3D%3D/aHR0cHM6Ly9zaW1wbGVtb25leWdvYWwuY29tLw%3D%3D?c=99257715) [Simple Money Goals (Logo)](3D__NDMyNA%3D%3D__MTM1NDYyMjU%3D__MjM0MA%3D%3D/aHR0cHM6Ly9zaW1wbGVtb25leWdvYWwuY29tLw%3D%3D?c=99257715) [Good Morning] Sometimes, colleagues of Simple Money Goals share special offers with us that we think our readers should be made aware of. Below is one such special opportunity that we believe deserves your attention. [Divider] We fundamentally believe you will be thrilled with the products you purchase from the Apple Store. That's because we go out of our way to ensure that they're designed and built to be just what you need. We understand, however, that sometimes a product may not be what you expected it to be. In that unlikely event, we invite you to review the following terms related to returning a product. For any undamaged product, simply return it with its included accessories and packaging along with the original receipt (or gift receipt) within 14 days of the date you receive the product, and we'll exchange it or offer a refund based upon the original payment method. In addition, please note the following: Products can be returned only in the country or region in which they were originally purchased. The following products are not eligible for return: electronic software downloads, subscriptions to the Software-Up-To-Date program, Apple Store Gift Cards, and any Apple Developer Connection products. For returns to an Apple Retail Store for cash, cash equivalent, and check transactions over $750, Apple will mail a refund check to you within 10 business days. Should you wish to return ten or more of the same product, you must return to the Apple Store where originally purchased. In the case of items returned with a gift receipt, Apple will offer you an Apple Gift Card. Opened software cannot be returned if it contained a seal with the software license on the outside of the package and you could read the software license before opening its packaging. As an exception, you may return Apple-branded software if you do not agree to the licensing terms; however, you may not retain or otherwise use any copies of returned software. Apple provides security features to enable you to protect your product in case of loss or theft. If these features have been activated and cannot be disabled by the person in possession of the phone, Apple may refuse the return or exchange. For complete details on how to return a product purchased at the Apple Store please visit the Returns & Refunds (Opens in a new window)page. 3 High-Yield Stocks That Are Recession-Proof The biography for President Trump and past presidents is courtesy of the White House Historical Association. Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York, on June 14, 1946. His father, Fred Trump, was a highly successful real estate developer. The elder Trump was of German heritage, and his wife, Mary McLeod, of Scottish background. Their son Donald was the second youngest of five children. He was educated at the New York Military Academy and the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania. Even before he graduated he was drawn to real estate and construction, and as a young man he took over his father's firm, renaming it the Trump Organization. This is officially the S&P 500's worst start to a year since 1939. And if the market crashing wasn't bad enough, there's also record-breaking 8.6% inflation we still have to deal with. It's looking like a potential Great Recession 2.0 is around the corner... The Trump Organization soon became involved in a myriad of projects, including hotels, resorts, residential and commercial buildings, casinos, and golf courses, both in the United States and abroad. His first of many books was The Art of the Deal, published in 1987. In 2004 he launched the Apprentice (later The Celebrity Apprentice), a popular television series that aired until 2015. During the 2016 primary season Trump defeated more than a dozen seasoned rivals to win the Republican nomination and went on to win the election over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. His campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again," and he moved swiftly to reinvigorate "Buy American and Hire American" policies. He signed a major tax reform bill into law and directed the reduction of federal regulations intended to secure a long-running economic expansion and a historically low unemployment rate. His trade policies encouraged tariffs on foreign aluminum and steel and a series of renegotiations of trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, and South Korea. Which is why I suggest you [buy and hold these three stocks immediately.](3D__NDMyNA%3D%3D__MTM1NDYyMjU%3D__MjM0MA%3D%3D/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2Vic2FmZW1haWwuY29tL1dNVDAwODIvdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODVAZ21haWwuY29tL3NpbXBsZW1vbmV5PQ0KZ29hbC5jb20vQi9JQUwxNg%3D%3D?c=99257715) - They generate a healthy yield. - They've raised their dividends in the past. - Plus, they are perfect for my accelerated DRIP strategy. And in just 36 months... Other priorities included Supreme Court and federal judiciary appointments, tackling the opioid crisis, seeking to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and improving health care for veterans. Trump's commitment to "America first" abroad shaped not only his trade and tariff policies but his approach to immigration and overseas commitments. At his urging, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states increased their contributions to the alliance. Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing the ancient city as Israel's capital. Your portfolio could be generating [over $57,000 per year from dividends](3D__NDMyNA%3D%3D__MTM1NDYyMjU%3D__MjM0MA%3D%3D/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2Vic2FmZW1haWwuY29tL1dNVDAwODIvdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODVAZ21haWwuY29tL3NpbXBsZW1vbmV5PQ0KZ29hbC5jb20vQi9JQUwxNg%3D%3D?c=99257715) when you regularly contribute to the plan I've linked above. But these high-yield stocks are gearing up for their next round of payouts... Other priorities included Supreme Court and federal judiciary appointments, tackling the opioid crisis, seeking to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and improving health care for veterans. Trump's commitment to "America first" abroad shaped not only his trade and tariff policies but his approach to immigration and overseas commitments. At his urging, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states increased their contributions to the alliance. Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing the ancient city as Israel's capital. If you don't get on their shareholder lists before the cutoff, you'll miss out: [Click here for the full details before it's too late.](3D__NDMyNA%3D%3D__MTM1NDYyMjU%3D__MjM0MA%3D%3D/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2Vic2FmZW1haWwuY29tL1dNVDAwODIvdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODVAZ21haWwuY29tL3NpbXBsZW1vbmV5PQ0KZ29hbC5jb20vQi9JQUwxNg%3D%3D?c=99257715) Sincerely, [Sign] Tim Plaehn Land, Fly or Die Lead Income Analyst Editor of The Dividend Hunter Apple reserves the right to change prices for products displayed at/on the Apple Store at any time, and to correct pricing errors that may inadvertently occur. Additional information about pricing and sales tax is available on the Payment & Pricing (Opens in a new window) page. In the event you have been charged more than the posted price for a product in an Apple Retail Store, please see a Manager for a refund of the overcharge. Should Apple reduce its price on any Apple-branded product within 14 calendar days from the date you receive your product, feel free to visit an Apple Retail Store or contact the Apple Contact Center at 1-800-676-2775 to request a refund or credit of the difference between the price you were charged and the current selling price. To receive the refund or credit you must contact Apple within 14 calendar days of the price change. Please note that this excludes limited-time price reductions, such as those that occur during special sales events, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Price protection is only available for up to 10 units of a particular product. Additionally, we may require that you have the product with you or otherwise have proof of possession when requesting price protection. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. If you are paying for your order with an international Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit card, please note that the purchase price may fluctuate with exchange rates. In addition, your bank or credit card issuer may also charge you foreign conversion charges and fees, which may also increase the overall cost of your purchase. Please contact your bank or credit card issuer regarding these fees. At age 29, President Biden became one of the youngest people ever elected to the United States Senate. Just weeks after his Senate election, tragedy struck the Biden family when his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi were killed, and sons Hunter and Beau were critically injured, in an auto accident. Biden was sworn into the U.S. Senate at his sons' hospital bedsides and began commuting from Wilmington to Washington every day, first by car, and then by train, in order to be with his family. He would continue to do so throughout his time in the Senate. Biden married Jill Jacobs in 1977, and in 1980, their family was complete with the birth of Ashley Blazer Biden. A lifelong educator, Jill earned her doctorate in education and returned to teaching as an English professor at a community college in Virginia. Beau Biden, Attorney General of Delaware and Joe Biden's eldest son, passed away in 2015 after battling brain cancer with the same integrity, courage, and strength he demonstrated every day of his life. Beau's fight with cancer inspires the mission of President Biden's life — ending cancer as we know it. Apple reserves the right to change prices for products displayed at/on the Apple Store at any time, and to correct pricing errors that may inadvertently occur. Additional information about pricing and sales tax is available on the Payment & Pricing (Opens in a new window) page. In the event you have been charged more than the posted price for a product in an Apple Retail Store, please see a Manager for a refund of the overcharge. Should Apple reduce its price on any Apple-branded product within 14 calendar days from the date you receive your product, feel free to visit an Apple Retail Store or contact the Apple Contact Center at 1-800-676-2775 to request a refund or credit of the difference between the price you were charged and the current selling price. To receive the refund or credit you must contact Apple within 14 calendar days of the price change. Please note that this excludes limited-time price reductions, such as those that occur during special sales events, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Price protection is only available for up to 10 units of a particular product. Additionally, we may require that you have the product with you or otherwise have proof of possession when requesting price protection. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. If you are paying for your order with an international Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit card, please note that the purchase price may fluctuate with exchange rates. In addition, your bank or credit card issuer may also charge you foreign conversion charges and fees, which may also increase the overall cost of your purchase. Please contact your bank or credit card issuer regarding these fees. A LEADER IN THE SENATE As a Senator from Delaware for 36 years, President Biden established himself as a leader in facing some of our nation's most important domestic and international challenges. As Chairman or Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 16 years, Biden is widely recognized for his work writing and spearheading the Violence Against Women Act — the landmark legislation that strengthens penalties for violence against women, creates unprecedented resources for survivors of assault, and changes the national dialogue on domestic and sexual assault. As Chairman or Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 12 years, Biden played a pivotal role in shaping U.S. foreign policy. He was at the forefront of issues and legislation related to terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, post-Cold War Europe, the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and ending apartheid. Maecenas ipsum velit, consectetuer eu, lobortis ut, dictum at, dui. In rutrum. Sed ac dolor sit amet purus malesuada congue. In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien wisi sed libero. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices augue. Mauris metus. Nunc dapibus tortor vel mi dapibus sollicitudin. Etiam posuere lacus quis dolor. Praesent id justo in neque elementum ultrices. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. In convallis. Fusce suscipit libero eget elit. Praesent vitae arcu tempor neque lacinia pretium. Morbi imperdiet, mauris ac auctor dictum, nisl ligula egestas nulla, et sollicitudin sem purus in lacus. In sem justo, commodo ut, suscipit at, pharetra vitae, orci. Duis sapien nunc, commodo et, interdum suscipit, sollicitudin et, dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris dictum facilisis augue. Fusce tellus. Pellentesque arcu. Maecenas fermentum, sem in pharetra pellentesque, velit turpis volutpat ante, in pharetra metus odio a lectus. Sed elit dui, pellentesque a, faucibus vel, interdum nec, diam. Mauris dolor felis, sagittis at, luctus sed, aliquam non, tellus. Etiam ligula pede, sagittis quis, interdum ultricies, scelerisque eu, urna. Nullam at arcu a est sollicitudin euismod. Praesent dapibus. Duis bibendum, lectus ut viverra rhoncus, dolor nunc faucibus libero, eget facilisis enim ipsum id lacus. Nam sed tellus id magna elementum tincidunt. In sem justo, commodo ut, suscipit at, pharetra vitae, orci. Duis sapien nunc, commodo et, interdum suscipit, sollicitudin et, dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris dictum facilisis augue. Fusce tellus. Pellentesque arcu. Maecenas fermentum, sem in pharetra pellentesque, velit turpis volutpat ante, in pharetra metus odio a lectus. Sed elit dui, pellentesque a, faucibus vel, interdum nec, diam. Mauris dolor felis, sagittis at, luctus sed, aliquam non, tellus. Etiam ligula pede, sagittis quis, interdum ultricies, scelerisque eu, urna. Nullam at arcu a est sollicitudin euismod. Praesent dapibus. Duis bibendum, lectus ut viverra rhoncus, dolor nunc faucibus libero, eget facilisis enim ipsum id lacus. Nam sed tellus id magna elementum tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida libero nec velit. Morbi scelerisque luctus velit. Etiam dui sem, fermentum vitae, sagittis id, malesuada in, quam. Proin mattis lacinia justo. Vestibulum facilisis auctor urna. Aliquam in lorem sit amet leo accumsan lacinia. Integer rutrum, orci vestibulum ullamcorper ultricies, lacus quam ultricies odio, vitae placerat pede sem sit amet enim. Phasellus et lorem id felis nonummy placerat. Fusce dui leo, imperdiet in, aliquam sit amet, feugiat eu, orci. Aenean vel massa quis mauris vehicula lacinia. Quisque tincidunt scelerisque libero. Maecenas libero. Etiam dictum tincidunt diam. Donec ipsum massa, ullamcorper in, auctor et, scelerisque sed, est. Suspendisse nisl. Sed convallis magna eu sem. Cras pede libero, dapibus nec, pretium sit amet, tempor quis, urna. Etiam posuere quam ac quam. Maecenas aliquet accumsan leo. Nullam dapibus fermentum ipsum. Etiam quis quam. Integer lacinia. Nulla est. Nulla turpis magna, cursus sit amet, suscipit a, interdum id, felis. Integer vulputate sem a nibh rutrum consequat. Maecenas lorem. Pellentesque pretium lectus id turpis. Etiam sapien elit, consequat eget, tristique non, venenatis quis, ante. Fusce wisi. Phasellus faucibus molestie nisl. Fusce eget urna. Curabitur vitae diam non enim vestibulum interdum. Nulla quis diam. Ut tempus purus at lorem. Aenean placerat. In vulputate urna eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi mattis felis at nunc. Duis viverra diam non justo. In nisl. Nullam sit amet magna in magna gravida vehicula. Mauris tincidunt sem sed arcu. Nunc posuere. Nullam lectus justo, vulputate eget, mollis sed, tempor sed, magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam neque. Curabitur ligula sapien, pulvinar a, vestibulum quis, facilisis vel, sapien. Nullam eget nisl. Donec vitae arcu. Morbi leo mi, nonummy eget, tristique non, rhoncus non, leo. 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