As the US election approaches, investors are bracing for market turbulence. On Behalf of Opawica Explorations Inc. Hello,
 As the US election approaches, investors are bracing for market turbulence.
 With polls showing a razor-thin race, demand for safe-haven assets is spiking.
 Gold, already one of 2024âs best-performing assets, is on the verge of setting new records. [Click here](~/AASACgA~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_gpCaVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODlAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAB0) Experts say a divided US election could bring heightened volatility, pushing more investors toward gold as a hedge against uncertainty.
 This junior miner is positioned in the heart of [Canadaâs richest gold district](~/AASACgA~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_gpCaVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODlAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAB0), surrounded by some of the biggest gold reserves in North America, the Abitibi greenstone belt. [Click here](~/AASACgA~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_gpCaVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODlAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAB0) And theyâre about to ramp up drilling with 59 high-priority targets.
 Insiders and industry giants are already taking notice.
 The CEO has personally bought almost $600,000 worth of shares alongside billionaire Canadian mining investor Eric Sprott.
 With gold climbing and election uncertainty in the air, this overlooked gold play could be positioned for major gains.
 Donât miss this chance to get ahead of the crowd.
 [Click here to uncover why this junior miner could be the next big thing in gold](~/AASACgA~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_gpCaVIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luODlAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAB0). 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