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Alcohol Increases Health Risks as You Age


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That's risky business because it not only affects how certain medications work and has an impact on

[Dr. Oz And Dr. Roizen] Alcohol Increases Health Risks as You Age By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs Almost 80% of people ages 50 to 80 drink alcohol occasionally, and approximately 20% of adults ages 60 to 64 and around 10% over the age of 65 report binge drinking. One poll even found that more than a quarter of adults over 50 and 10 % over age 65 report having six or more drinks on at least one occasion in the past year. Special: [Olive Oil Warning]( That's risky business because it not only affects how certain medications work and has an impact on a variety of chronic diseases, but it also increases the risk of falling, which is the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in older adults, and the leading cause of traumatic brain injury. In fact, a new study shows that when older people drink alcohol, their risk of having a brain bleed from a fall doubles. If you’re older and want to enjoy an occasional drink, take care to stay steady on your feet, don't drive, and avoid walking on uneven surfaces or crowded sidewalks. And if you're smart about cutting down or eliminating alcohol from your routine, you'll reap heart-health benefits as well. A study presented at the American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2024 found that binge drinking leads to AFib (an irregular heartbeat associated with increased risk for heart attack and stroke). Another study found that for women taking estrogen replacement, alcohol increases the risk for cardiovascular problems. --------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSOR --------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTORIAL Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a healthy and delicious superfood… …but don’t buy it in a supermarket! • Why so much of the EVOO sold in supermarkets is fake, stale, even rancid. See the shocking proof below exposed by major media. • A unique and delicious solution: Now you can conveniently have 100% pure, super-healthy EVOO shipped right to your door—at the peak of harvest-fresh flavor—direct from award-winning artisanal farms. • Special offer for Newsmax readers: Try your first bottle free ($39 value) and pay just $1 for shipping. No commitment to buy anything, now or ever…so you can taste the difference yourself. Just click on the link below. By T. J. Robinson, the Olive Oil Hunter [Click here for your free $39 bottle.]( Dear Reader of Newsmax Health, Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is on just about everyone’s shopping list these days. It’s been hailed as a superfood by Harvard Medical School, acclaimed by the Mayo Clinic, lauded by the Yale School of Public Health, and recommended by scores of leading MDs for its numerous health benefits. As Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen have written in Newsmax Health… “Extra-virgin olive oil delivers more than 20 kinds of polyphenols that help tamp down inflammation and protect you from premature aging….The Cleveland Clinic says that substituting it for saturated fats can help lower LDL cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and protect you from vascular disease… “EVOO can also help lower your cancer risk. A 2022 study found that those who consumed the most olive oil were 19% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease and 17% less likely to die of cancer over 28 years than those who didn't consume much olive oil. “And a new long-range study of 90,000 people found that eating about half a tablespoon of olive oil a day lowers the risk of dementia by 28% compared to people who don't ever or rarely eat it.” As if all this weren’t enough, a delightful “side effect” of extra virgin olive oil is that it makes your food taste delicious. As any great chef will tell you, fat is where the flavor is, and that’s why you always want a bottle of delectable harvest-fresh olive oil in your pantry. Warning: Two reasons to avoid supermarket olive oils Reason #1: Far too many supermarket olive oils are old and stale. As the culinary experts at America’s Test Kitchen put it, when it comes to olive oil, “the fresher, the better.” That’s because the olive is a fruit, and olive oil is a fruit juice. Just like orange juice, olive oil tastes so much better fresh-squeezed. Olive oil remains at its zenith of glorious flavor and nutritional content for only about six months after the harvest. Think about it—we all insist on fresh milk, fresh eggs, fresh fish, fresh meat, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. In every case, freshness makes a big difference in flavor and nutrition, right? So don’t we deserve fresh olive oil? Of course. But you’ll never find it in supermarkets! That’s because most olive oils are sent here by slow cargo ships, perhaps months or even a year after the harvest in their native country. Then these oils sit on store shelves for more months, even years, growing dull, lifeless, and stale. Because of these and other factors, a study from the University of California, Davis, found that 69% of imported olive oils labeled “extra virgin” sold in stores were so substandard, in no way could they qualify to be classified as “extra virgin olive oil,” the highest grade. This is why I recommend buying online, directly from award-winning farms, where you can secure outrageously delicious olive oils fresh from the latest harvest. That’s when olive oil is bursting with just-plucked-from-the-tree flavor and goodness. Try just one bottle of fresh-pressed olive oil from a good online company, and you’ll likely never go back to store-bought oils. Your first taste will be a revelation of how delicious EVOO is when it’s fresh from the harvest. Below, I’ll tell you how you can try one of the world’s finest harvest-fresh EVOOs for free (normally $39) as part of a special offer to readers of Newsmax Health. All you have to pay is $1 to help cover shipping, and there’s no obligation to buy anything now or ever. It’s an excellent opportunity to discover how EVOO is meant to taste at its peak of freshness and flavor. Reason #2 for avoiding supermarket olive oils: many are counterfeits! As you’ve probably heard, counterfeit olive oils have been flooding U.S. supermarkets. If you’ve missed this frightening story, here are just a few quotes from articles you can read online. NBC News has reported that “fake olive oil is rampant.” The Wall Street Journal adds, “American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake ‘extra virgins.’” In an explosive exposé, 60 Minutes has cautioned that you face a “sea of fakes” when you shop for olive oil in stores. Why is this happening? Thanks to the many health benefits of authentic olive oil, demand is soaring worldwide. But pure EVOO is expensive. Just as notorious crime families pocket fortunes by creating cheap knockoffs of designer clothing and handbags, they palm off fake olive oil as extra virgin, the highest grade. The New Yorker magazine has reported that the profits in counterfeiting olive oil are “comparable to cocaine trafficking, with none of the risks.” Because America is the world’s largest consumer market, the crooks have successfully targeted U.S. supermarkets as their favorite dumping ground. Cancer-causing agents in fake olive oils? In his New York Times best-selling book, Extra Virginity, olive oil expert Tom Mueller warns of contaminants and even cancer-causing agents in fake olive oils. He writes: “Italian investigators have found hydrocarbon residues, pesticides, and other contaminants in fake oils, and pomace oil, a common adulterant, sometimes contains mineral oil as well as PAHs, proven carcinogens that can also damage DNA and the immune system. Then there’s the 1981 case of toxic oil syndrome in Spain, when rapeseed oil adulterated with an industrial additive, sold as olive oil, killed eight hundred people and seriously injured thousands more.” This is why you want to be absolutely certain you’re not feeding your family counterfeit olive oils cooked up by criminals who couldn’t care less about your family’s health. But how do you do that? My Recommendation: Buy from a supplier whose oils are independently lab certified to be 100% pure extra virgin. This gives you protection against all the fakes. More on a convenient way to do this in a moment. Where to shop for the world’s purest, freshest, most flavorful olive oils You can find superb, award-winning olive oils by doing your homework online. Located around the world are quite a few dedicated artisanal producers who bypass the counterfeiting factories and instead offer their award-winning, 100% pure, harvest-fresh olive oils directly to consumers. However, if you’d just as soon save yourself the time and hassle of researching dozens of online olive oil producers and arranging international shipping, I invite you to join me and a group of passionate olive oil lovers on a culinary adventure of a lifetime. We’ve set up a society dedicated to enjoying the purest, freshest, and most delicious olive oils from the top artisanal small farms around the world. We also share our impressions of each oil as well as recipes and lots more. Let me tell you our story and how we love to welcome new members, possibly you. An invitation to sample a free bottle of one of the finest olive oils on earth (normally $39 retail) As a food writer and a former professional chef, I’ve been a passionate olive oil lover for most of my life. A number of years ago, while on a writing assignment in Italy during the olive harvest, I tasted authentic harvest-fresh olive oil for the first time. It was an epiphany, a life-changing experience. I had no idea how divine EVOO tastes when the olives are pressed immediately after being plucked from the tree at harvest time. I decided to share this discovery with my fellow chefs and foodie friends. I started a small, private society for olive oil lovers like me who want to experience the world’s finest, freshest olive oils direct from artisanal family farms at harvest time. Such ultra-fresh, award-winning olive oils are bursting with flavor and nutritional potency that’s impossible to find in supermarket olive oils. The club I started is called the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and what a wonderful job I’ve given myself. Every three months, I journey around the world, visiting the latest harvests in various countries to select the purest, most delicious olive oils from the world’s top gold-medal winning small farms. I personally inspect, taste, select, and bottle the finest oils available from each new harvest. Then I rush my newfound oils to my club members in America. Every olive oil I select is independently certified to be 100% pure extra virgin. This means you’ll never again have to worry about serving your family or guests olive oil that’s fake, stale, counterfeit, or diluted with cheap, potentially harmful ingredients. Before you say “yes” or “no,” try a free $39 bottle and taste the difference yourself If you’re even mildly curious about joining us and discovering how glorious EVOO tastes at the peak of harvest-fresh flavor, I’ll send you a special gift to introduce you to my club. It’s a $39 bottle of my finest EVOO, just in from the new harvest and brimming with more vibrant flavor than any supermarket olive oil you’ll ever taste. And I don’t ask you to take my word for that promise. All I ask is for the chance to prove it to you with a free $39 bottle if you’ll be willing to pay just $1 to help me cover the cost of shipping. That’s how I invite people to join my unique and exclusive olive oil club—by first sending them a free $39 bottle of my finest fresh-pressed EVOO direct from the new harvest for just a $1 shipping charge. This way you can taste first and then decide. There’s no commitment or obligation whatsoever on your part to buy anything, now or ever. [>> Click here to claim your $39 Bottle-for-a-Buck and a bonus recipe e-book<<]( Here’s what you’ll experience As soon as you receive your free bottle, open the cap and inhale the oil’s harvest-fresh bouquet. You’ll instantly notice the air around you fill with a farm-fresh fragrance, as if you’ve opened a garden in a bottle. Then realize that this vibrant, grassy aroma, akin to new-mown hay, results from nothing more than 100% pure extra virgin olive oil straight from the harvest—not a single ingredient added! Next, for a truly stunning revelation, compare your newly arrived farm-fresh EVOO to the olive oil sitting in your kitchen pantry. Perform a simple taste test with each, and you’ll immediately realize what bountiful fresh flavor and aroma you’ve been missing in all your dishes, all these years. “I have died and gone to Italy!!!” With your free $39 bottle, over the next month you’ll anticipate such enhanced dining pleasure every day as you drizzle this divine harvest-fresh olive oil on your crisp salads, delicate fish, grilled steaks, fresh veggies, luscious pastas, or simply on a hunk of warm, crusty bread or piece of tangy cheese. As one club member, Jennifer of Newport, Rhode Island, said of her first experience with our harvest-fresh olive oil: “I have died and gone to Italy!!!” Obviously, our club couldn’t sustain itself very long giving away $39 bottles of EVOO—unless the vast majority of those who accept these gift bottles come back for more. And that’s exactly what I expect will happen with you. But you will be the judge. A limited supply…please RSVP now If you’d like to try our unique club and receive one of our harvest-fresh $39 bottles for just $1 shipping, I suggest that you act now. In contrast with supermarkets, we always have very limited inventory because we work exclusively with small family farms with limited supplies. Unlike stores, we stock no long-term inventory. So when our limited supply runs out, we have no more until the next harvest. A Food Critic’s Rave The publicity this oil is getting is quite something. Foodies, celebrity chefs, and food writers are raving as well. For example, Larry Olmsted, the award-winning food and travel journalist, recently wrote this in his New York Times best-selling book, Real Food/Fake Food. “I now get most of my oil from T.J. Robinson’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and every time I open a bottle, my kitchen literally fills up with the smell of fresh crushed olives—the scent explodes out of the bottle. Just breaking the seal transports me to Italy or Spain or Chile.” When you click on the link below, you’ll see similar comments from many other olive oil lovers as well. Extra bonus if you respond now Click on the link below, and I will toss in an extra bonus. It’s our club’s fabulous e-book, 16 All-Time Favorite Recipes for Health and Longevity. As a professionally trained chef, and in my role as the Olive Oil Hunter, I’ve dined all over the world. In my travels, I’ve collected hundreds of outstanding recipes. For this collection I’ve chosen the 16 recipes that have received the most compliments from friends, family, and members of our Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club. From mouthwatering appetizers you can whip up in less than five minutes…to sublime main courses…to one of the most delicious desserts you’ll ever bite into (Olive Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies!), these will take their place among your favorite go-to recipes. [>> Click here to claim your $39 Bottle-for-a-Buck and a bonus recipe e-book<<]( P.S. At this link, I also provide a short article, “The Best Ways to Store Your Olive Oil.” It’s a must-read for anyone who uses olive oil. P.P.S. Have no fear. This offer is not a scam. If you want to continue in the club, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Just cancel and that’s it. And just for giving the club a try and paying $1 to help cover shipping, you get to keep the free $39 bottle of premium harvest-fresh olive oil. P.P.P.S. And here are some comments from doctors about these olive oils: “T. J. Robinson secures what I’ve found to be the purest, healthiest, and best-tasting olive oils on the planet. The result is extra virgin olive oil like none I had ever experienced before. They are remarkably bright, flavorful, fresh, and brimming with off-the-charts nutritional value. They are from the top award-winning farms in their native lands and never available anywhere else in the U.S. Thank you, T. J.” —Joe W. Frazer III, MD, specialist in geriatrics and antiaging medicine. * * * “These fresh-pressed olive oils take your favorite dishes to new heights of flavor. I know this personally because one of the ways I relax is by puttering around my kitchen. I happily drizzle these scrumptious oils over my Greek shrimp salad, bay-steamed halibut, baked wild salmon, balsamic chicken salad, julienne green beans and other veggies, just to mention a few of my ‘specialties of the house.’ “And it’s not just the fresh-pressed flavor I’m after. These harvest-fresh extra virgin olive oils are bursting with off-the-charts levels of polyphenols and antioxidants. These are among the nutrients that make olive oil renowned for its health benefits. And they are most abundant when olive oil is harvest fresh. “In studies, these nutrients have been shown to be associated with lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. They may also help protect you against other conditions such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and even certain cancers.” —Ronald Hoffman, MD, author of numerous books and articles for health professionals and the public. He is the host of the popular nationally syndicated radio program Intelligent Medicine, and the Internet podcast of the same name. * * * When you click on the link below, you’ll see similar comments from many other olive oil lovers across America. [>> Click here to claim your $39 Bottle-for-a-Buck and a bonus recipe e-book<<]( --------------------------------------------------------------- About the Doctors: Dr. Mike Roizen is chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Mehmet Oz is professor emeritus at Columbia University. Together they have written 11 New York Times bestsellers. --------------------------------------------------------------- You received this Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen email because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. [Recommend]( Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen to a friend or [unsubscribe]( from our list. We respect your right to privacy. [View our policy](. This email was sent by: Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen 362 N. Haverhill Road West Palm Beach, FL 33415 USA

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