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How to shield engineers from back office work


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Thu, Aug 11, 2022 01:08 PM

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Somewhere along the way, managing payments from customers became engineering’s burden. This wee

Somewhere along the way, managing payments from customers became engineering’s burden. This week we introduce a new approach. 113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzwc3q3nJV1-WJV7CgXm7W3ph16D7pMMK8W7HN7xM43KMBWW4p7l6p5nG0QMW3S4B1j6DZZn2W8YZJyf1ZLYzTW10pG4R2krGTYVlNCqp64vyL2W8pflMn6-sL25W3S_8KJ2yc-l0W2qDd7J6tm-83W70M_9H3Yb6T5W6DvkjN5xMsM-N2xWcdpnJkFYW4fYYlB73bf-QW8FbXzQ7FZzY9W5_tYDz5BVJ9MW4c32TK8NKJYvW8fHJB22SdRQ9W4-r5Ws33RzcrW98r6Gl5M7W8-W36jQF22Rt6pvW4RzQSS835PnLW4z1pwL6RHwsZW3CkScr78ndXn3dTf1 [pw-paddle-logo-white@4x] PRESENTS How to get your engineers out of the back office Somewhere along the way, managing payments from customers became engineering’s burden. Instead of focusing on improving the product’s UX or building AI models, developers are stuck in the back office — stringing together APIs just to bill customers and set aside the right amount for refunds and taxes. This week we are sharing a different approach: letting a merchant of record (MoR) do all the mechanical work for you. Here’s what an MoR can take off your plate. [Read more](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzwQ3q3phV1-WJV7CgNz6W3xWGSx162RX8W6prh1M70LQ3KN47PYlhGlqSPVYyTNG7xhwQNW7MnhFF64gR9zN7gxTclw8JLLW3QwGXD2ZvLdNW64Gnd-3_XSt8W2c0pzx4QGZ72W2smF6985rL3sW35Qkm337BJQKW1BJWpl24zFzcW7tGf8P468mg1W3jysbc3vVMNWW6M48Gk6p7q1NV25SwZ7r4rM7W1J_Y811qWtW7Vf7Bfr3zm4kqW9dtNVk4p-wJsN1WmHl5skrkbV4T4b460CtRNW8yLtTP8mQbrMN1dvWyFQvCnDVVbbgj5SYmwNW6JsnvX9fTRnLW4PV4PD7rssqtW3DwrJf1XQvMNW5-05Yb8Np2x03qbp1) When a customer goes to buy your product, an MoR is who your customer actually sends their payment to. Like a middle man, the MoR takes on the burden of payment processing and compliance — and when each transaction is complete, it’s the MoR’s name that appears on your customers’ [credit card statements](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzv15nCTJV3Zsc37CgH9MW4R3_dF8SrdkLW8qGyj73tZ3RyW1zJSZF3cqTRsW8f4HZt4FR3Z0W4DFG_37LKxd2Vq-jv31b_LymW6WhsNm8qJZrVW439h286HbG-_W5-D3rM6gBBq-VmcLxs4VLwbDW4_X8C_20LxZzW2Yl-Yy40yTJVW1g-tYq1244GyW7R3rX-565mZnW7qkw6n7j_BNNW9c5SPl7NYZMPW7h8WXs92s88LW97TNMz5V8mQMW3lskHK50DVpBN60DrrhmVk1GW1hkrVd2dkgptVc4ccM6Wf9zHW4mq5Nf8XqkwbVd4rtJ499X-PW6T-06q55mLp7W5Txw4R35RFfqN4b_nQ1zC6XFW8Z9t2Q6ZgK23W6Gk8yG47_1MNW730TmY8y9WTmW77dG562_JmzgW2FC9Mp7z3fPL3mCg1). This is how and why the MoR becomes the liable party for your payments. This shields you from the financial and legal risk involved. It means you can focus on your product, winning more customers and growing your revenue — rather than on the mechanics of how you get paid. How does a merchant of record work? When you sell through an MoR, your customers still go to your website to see your products and plans. But when they enter their credit card info, there are actually two transactions taking place: - One between your end customer and the MoR. - One between the MoR and you, the vendor. [Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 11.16.40] What does this take off my plate? An MoR stops you from having to worry about: - Sales tax everywhere: The MoR calculates, files, and remits taxes for you in every state and country — even when local laws change. - Disputes and refunds: The MoR handles payment disputes, refunds, and chargebacks. - International sales: The MoR has set up local business entities and multiple merchant bank accounts in other countries, so you can start selling to them instantly. (Note: This process can take 2+ years and cost up to $2M per market.) - Local currencies: The MoR handles the conversion of payments made in foreign currencies by international customers. - Data compliance: The MoR manages payment card security and upholds relevant data requirements in the locations you sell to, continually integrating additional tools to improve this. - Fraud protection: The MoR flags suspicious orders and manually reviews them for fraud. What control does an MoR give me? The MoR handles all the financial elements of each transaction, and it ends there. Like normal, you control sales & marketing, how customers use your product, and what product support you provide them. What's the difference between an MoR and a payment service provider (like Stripe or Chargebee)? A payment service provider (PSP) only handles one part of the transaction process: the part where money’s taken from your customer’s bank account and put into yours. You still need to manage the financial, legal, and taxation responsibilities. An MoR handles your entire order process and appears on the customer’s credit card statement, which means taking on the related liabilities. Enter Paddle and ProfitWell ProfitWell’s mission has long been to make growing SaaS & subscription businesses automatic. We designed our products to be turnkey, plugging into your billing system and quietly getting to work. Through this, we saw lots of subscription businesses constantly unplugging blockages during the basic process of getting paid. But we didn’t have an elegant solution for that. With its MoR model, Paddle makes taking and managing payments automatic. They handle it all for you. If you’re ready to refocus on your product and growth, speak to a billing specialist today. [Speak to Paddle](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzwc3q3nJV1-WJV7CgWd2W5kbkqf5C2ldQW824kb-4rHx4_W3NzV2G8sbWqvW2sSk1F3pWCrPW6X73Sw2Td0DVN11Y3tz1dT6nN4t0ngBPynXQW8R9wCP535_cXVxLY406kHl8dW3dyDw62Qtz3LW2RLR7n8bzk_dW4jyLhv6vjg-ZW5rtVfC1grZmJW643_3N1dzSd4W8KL9t-1C54q1W7gZNng8MhlfKW6jg5S572pwl8W4R4PDG4Ngk13W59pLvN2-ppszW8vGrNN44WLjbN2NfX43R9xqjN599zp5Z6bQ6W9l3Q-12jL__RVVNsRJ8f_Pw_3kqF1) ico_in_2_10_sep_2020 SHARE ico_tw_2_10_sep_2020 SHARE [1-click here](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzww3q3n_V1-WJV7CgW2RW1vdcyF1x0x8rW52Db3v3T0ZkJW1rchk41lLJCLW2Pwc3M3_XT-6W3m5xfb6pqt_XW4Cb7Vh6KRkq6W5H1cLY1jqgkQW7Lvst58gGJ_nW2GFQWG5Jr_1RW2mpRN41s2lg3W8l0wdC5cBNTfW1ycpMT1PTZW6W3jftRj4QGZLZVMTl7W3y9nt3VFpZSf5h_WqbW784Vxr78Hh46W1XnTWh3_rCh7W48v2v06yttWZW5S91_f95d5ZQW7VxDKx39Sp0rN17gZ_KJsKZcW5PgfDh1XRpv3W2xB_vr61ltwJN1stmqDnRWmwV5ByqH8SR33mV9NXlv1H9Msz3gSP1) to unsubscribe from all future Free Content emails and data reports. [flogo_2_10_sep_2020](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzwc3q3nJV1-WJV7CgPPWW4tdStH6827xhW7Xc6Cd8vjPC6W5nTDRn6X5Ry9LJ-mCDxjsnW39hfYM96J0m7W4mXrMB3jyKpjN7z8TZcdvr6KN2sH1BbjC7-GW7n1Dy093N2ntW7LpQdG9gblPzW4p6Frs1TzPgXW8ZCF6n4lrvcxW8gy3c96drfpcW4T95jS2XR5PjW5Rctqr71lHngW7pxnGr4-0SVBW2Ds0DM1qd2NbW4B4tnr4T2CGXW8-r0q94WRTYmVg9CVp5TvBTFW92gKty1hY1tZN4rtf3FtzFjJW5Wls1Y3vRpcRW8bwz8R3C50Dc3bpP1) All of the metrics you need to grow your subscription business, end-to-end. Connect with us: [ico_fb_10_sep_2020](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzww3q3n_V1-WJV7CgFWQW3yt59f6tkgcZW2h9CKc2KLctmW2B9QBv3Q2MtLW79xlRr2XJyPMW4Wbb7W7z6QJjW2hWMl83szBHdW4l8PNm3wrFqCV4g9ym1QmQ_8W4N-RR9162kr2W1CL0S695Mr47W3TVD_s5-MZkSW2t8z7Y4WbNJ8W3zWBRD6vtL-2N790hWwgC3SVW6GKRsV6PB1WCW3082sm7TVfb-W6rlVCs94qZsYW7gtlGM5qt-FYN10_YwcDJ3nTW4gGWk63CY-8VW2HV7D95ljx6CW5DdsPW57DjlDW8TDtNM3ygG7pW5YBdjN3w7Q3PW2RCR0Q4TMb5NW7d8BbN7cw2v533lg1) [ico_tw_10_sep_2020](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzww3q3n_V1-WJV7CgGGKW1PNF015--V4SN5znbd5SjZd3W2w9MqC7TgrTYW3szG2p8pB-13W7bPkCZ8P8fg9N15rzL6BMpF-W3VpJT-2dQ1wmW6mdWC179FS6lW4zthh136XPzFW2tHL_F4qGv84W8cbFHY8RWNmYW8YxN3T7RBTgxW3lLKLd4HSRFzW4NhS389d39YzW6V_D_p5vDCyLW5Tp0nN6QDpy7W67dP8V4RR4GgW7kGYPV19sjkrW7-tRjR1tS3VJN6MP4lm98yPzW3ZPHf438tM-dW1TfcJQ2M9zrzW6nytfN2c1CYjW53vlnY4d333hW6kb_VK3cfsZYW3Tq4MY7SKy9p3gnM1) [ico_in_10_sep_2020](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzww3q3n_V1-WJV7CgKjDW8Tlp3h5YLD60W8vqnmK14BMdlW3P6rNc4vn2ZyW6DFSmx87q9-VW8KQVbr5KHQcxW5sYnk45PpnNHW8tRky15l3TnCW7Lgsn06q-PMLW8WdXdQ5nwPs_W6cBj_R5Xs9RhW53tPpy1zV6txW6kph6y7h25xRW53k9P911LhztW7_5P8S3nZq8JVZRmwz8dBLBnW2SFxbG8HVJC6W8NRz3j5nn_MwW5lb2mT4DbdHVW6sGrhC3PwJXbW1RbZ0C88CVjBW8cc_VN9cs4zYW8XNGvt2GNMDZW3L6q151T4Yy1W8Qz6YQ450YVCN48t24qxRVhDW3_60md5DdPn_34F91) [ico_ln_10_sep_2020](113/bNfN04/VVp14W8rvbv6VKLB1r1CKFYZW3NdgT54NBKKrN24tzww3q3n_V1-WJV7CgzLZW6xcTVS81r2dfVrtrHr5hsTTJW2wmGPJ1khmlDW2mQZFg1mZZD-W8tdYGD2MMnJxW439qbW2ggkdyW2b-lRG3sjqmzW68G31V3Z9QhXW8Yj51w3mWBsDW4Rdb7f3t8_bKW14bnhV70cdcsW3WtJF_6tgGT2W184KZp1ktMzgW4br0nV3-XPQVW1rLxPZ6XdJCdW68lKft1mfNNtW2H4FZW6slcsGW1mg_WF1R1_kBV59Qc972wRDyV9MqTT1hsg5mN4M6G6HTLHx3W2jK8sH3RbyvrW5GmgBn6mYMTXW8jkk6n1WDl2bW6WjpJj8t4B3LW4-YC6c6SFlrH36gc1) This message was sent to [{EMAIL}](#) Never want to get data or updates from ProfitWell again? 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