[Logo]( [Vance Tears Into Hillary Clinton Over Her Disturbing Trump Comment] [Vance Tears Into Hillary Clinton Over Her Disturbing Trump Comment]( Boom! Well, here we go again. Just when you thought Hillary Clinton was going to gracefully fade into the background, she's back, grifting harder than ever. Because what's an election year without the twice-failed presidential candidate cashing in on another media tour and hawking some new book no one asked for? Three things are certain in life: death, taxes, and Hillary Clinton milking her political career for every last cent until she's physically incapable. Appearing on MSNBC this week, Clinton did what she does best-say something outrageous to get a few claps from the left-wing peanut gallery. This time, she decided to float the idea of jailing Americans for the heinous crime of exercising their First Amendment rights. When asked about misinformation, that all-encompassing boogeyman the left loves to invoke, she actually suggested that people should be criminally charged for spreading what she deems "propaganda." Clinton said, "There are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly, or even in some cases, criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrent." That's right, folks. Hillary Clinton-the same person who couldn't stop talking about Russia for four years-is now proposing criminal charges for anyone who dares to spread what she considers misinformation. Should we even be shocked? This has been the Democrats' playbook ever since Trump showed up and ruined their cozy little political ecosystem. If they can't win the argument, they just call it "misinformation" and start waving the authoritarian flag. And let's be real, who gets to decide what qualifies as "misinformation"? Why, Hillary and her friends, of course! Never mind that their track record on the truth is laughable. Remember their stellar job with COVID? The way they locked down dissenting voices who dared to question the narrative? Yet here we are, with Clinton upping the ante and calling for Americans to be thrown in jail for daring to disagree with her version of reality. It's the ultimate irony-wrapping tyranny in the guise of "saving democracy." As if calling for censorship wasn't enough, Clinton then turned to her favorite talking point: Trump is the ultimate evil. According to her, the media just isn't doing enough to make sure the public knows how "dangerous" Trump is. She actually said, "I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is." Well, Hillary, maybe the press is starting to catch on that everything can't be blamed on Trump. But no, that's not it. In her world, Trump is the boogeyman who will destroy not only America but the entire world if given the chance. All this, mind you, while Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt last weekend. Her timing is impeccable, don't you think? Almost like she's giving a wink and a nod to the far-left crazies out there, signaling that they should keep up the good work if they want to "protect democracy." Funny how the media lets her get away with this rhetoric unchallenged. Imagine if the roles were reversed, and a Republican said half of what Clinton just did. We'd be hearing nonstop coverage about inciting violence. But when Clinton does it? Crickets. BREAKING: Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" "There needs to be deterrence" [pic.twitter.com/soxI3wl7To]( - End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) [September 17, 2024]( JD Vance, always one to cut through the noise, summed it up perfectly when he pointed out that Clinton's comments are nothing short of a call for censorship and violence. This is coming from the same pundit class that spent days falsely accusing Vance of inciting a bomb threat in Ohio-an accusation that turned out to be a hoax, by the way. But sure, let's ignore Clinton's dangerous rhetoric because, you know, it's Hillary. Here is Hillary Clinton, calling for civil and criminal penalties for speech she disagrees with. But why stop at jailing your opponents? Hillary is calling for censorship, but she's really calling for violence. Reject censorship. Reject violence. [( - JD Vance (@JDVance) [September 17, 2024]( This is all about one thing: [Clinton's ego](. She'll never live down the fact that she's the one who lost to Donald Trump, the man she still can't stop obsessing over. Her never-ending quest for relevance continues, and she'll keep cashing in on her loss as long as she can. So buckle up because the Clinton media tour has just begun, and it's going to be one exhausting ride. [FBI Knew Trump Assassin Had Gun- Closed Case, Were Warned Several Times] [FBI Knew Trump Assassin Had Gun- Closed Case, Were Warned Several Times]( This is crazy. [KJP Gets Called Out & Doubles Down On Trump Rhetoric! - WATCH] [KJP Gets Called Out & Doubles Down On Trump Rhetoric! - WATCH]( Her response was mind blowing. [Ex-FBI Official Asks Chilling Question In 2nd Trump Attack] [Ex-FBI Official Asks Chilling Question In 2nd Trump Attack]( It's a question we all are asking. [Kamala Crashes & Burns During First Solo Interview] [Kamala Crashes & Burns During First Solo Interview]( She's a mess. [Trump Tears Into Dems: Drops All the Receipts Exposing Their Rhetoric] [Trump Tears Into Dems: Drops All the Receipts Exposing Their Rhetoric]( This was incredible. You are receiving this email because you opted in to Patriot Newsfeed's daily newsletter. Copyright 2024. Patriot Newsfeed. All rights reserved.
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