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Biden: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics


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Between Nordstream, Burisma, and the fake employment numbers, did Joke Biden ever tell the truth? Au

Between Nordstream, Burisma, and the fake employment numbers, did Joke Biden ever tell the truth? August 20, 2024 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Biden: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics SEAN RING This much is clear: Joseph Robinette Biden is something we should clean off the bottom of our shoes. That this cretin ever came to hold the highest office in the land is a stain Americans will wear with everlasting shame. It’s all finally coming out; too little, too late. That Joke Biden was a liar was confirmed by his title: politician. As the old joke goes, “How do you know a politician is lying?” “When his lips move.” And if Joke Biden was anything, he was the quintessential politician. He’d palm candy from the babies he kissed if he could get away with it. This, we all knew. But now it’s out in the open, no longer deniable. Company Men who defended him all along will keep doing it, no matter the damning evidence. But the fence sitters can’t unsee this. And Biden’s enemies will feel a sense of vindication for the crap they took over the past 3 ½ years. Let’s get to the three stories that have unraveled before our eyes. Lies: The Russians… Didn’t Do It! First, let me state my belief plainly: [The Wall Street Journal article]( claiming the Ukrainians got drunk one night, drew up the plans, and then blew up Nordstream all by themselves is the biggest waste of ink since Johnny Depp got “Winona Forever” tattooed on his bicep. The elephant in the room is that the Russians didn’t do it, as I’ve written [more than a few times in this very newsletter](. The great journalist Seymour Hersh blamed the US. The Journal’s “The CIA tried to stop them!” doesn’t wash with me. It’s easy to see how easily the CIA could’ve trained the Ukrainians on such a deep dive with explosives, probably supplied them with the requisite equipment, and then let them off the leash. Germany’s Chancellor Scholz probably knew about the operation beforehand and reluctantly agreed, thinking the US and Ukraine couldn’t possibly be caught. After all, [Biden embarrassed Scholz at a joint press conference]( by saying, “We will bring an end to it” in front of the cornered Chancellor. The Poles, though not a part of the operation, were positively delighted when the pipeline was destroyed. But now, the chickens are coming home to roost. From [Zero Hedge]( Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has responded to the WSJ's recent reporting, saying Monday it was "clear" the US ordered the Sept 2022 attacks on the vital Russia to Germany gas pipelines. The central thesis of last week's Wall Street Journal report is that a Ukrainian crew conducted the covert attacks with the oversight of Kiev's then-military commander-in-chief, but that Zelensky tried to stop it when he got a call from the CIA. But the general went 'rogue' and carried out his own op anyway. Lavrov responded during a visit to Azerbaijan on Monday by stressing, "It is clear that to carry out such a terrorist attack, there was a command from the very top, as they say. For the West, the very top is, of course, Washington." As to the WSJ's narrative that the idea to blow up the pipelines was hatched among Ukrainian officers and businessmen having a wild boozy night, Lavrov told the Izvestia outlet that this is "not serious." Lavrov is the most respected diplomat on the planet and speaks for Russia, which means they know this story is nonsense. Now, [Germany suddenly wants to cut all military aid to Ukraine]( which would cripple their war effort. [Bundestag lawmakers are now demanding Ukraine pay them back for the Nordstream damage]( probably because they’re too afraid of the US to ask them directly. All this because Biden couldn’t control Victoria Nuland. But what’s worse is Biden’s grift in Ukraine. [Biden Admin Furious Over This New “Alternative” Currency]( Take a close look at this photo: [What you see here is a new “alternative” currency that’s taking America by storm…]( One which could ruin Biden’s CBDC plans. It’s already popping across the nation… including Utah, New Hampshire and Nevada. [If you’re worried about Biden Bucks then you must watch this short 2-minute video that breaks down how this “alternative” currency works…]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Damn Lies: Corruption Everywhere Too little, too late, indeed. The House says it’d impeach Biden if he weren’t the lamest of lame ducks. [The New York Post]( – notice it’s not The New York Times… I checked – wrote up a peach of an article detailing all of Joke Biden’s transgressions. But [Zero Hedge]( summarized it nicely, saving you some time. However, it won’t save you from your anger. - Foreign Payments: The Biden family reportedly received over $27 million from foreign sources, often through shell companies, with some funds directly reaching Joe Biden’s bank account. - Burisma Involvement: Hunter Biden was paid $1 million annually by the Ukrainian company Burisma. He used his influence to support the company and allegedly shut down corruption investigations. - CEFC China Energy: Hunter Biden received a $5 million "interest-free" loan from entities linked to CEFC China Energy, intended to benefit the Biden family. - Vice Presidential Influence: Joe Biden allegedly used his position as Vice President to support his son’s foreign business ventures, meeting or speaking with his son’s business partners from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. - $3.5 Million from Russian Oligarch: Hunter Biden’s businesses received $3.5 million from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina shortly before a reported meeting between her and Joe Biden. - $8 Million in Loans from Donors: The Biden family allegedly obtained over $8 million in loans from Democratic donors, including nearly $6 million from entertainment lawyer Kevin Morris, covering various personal expenses for Hunter Biden. - DOJ Favoritism: IRS whistleblowers alleged that the Justice Department gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment, blocking investigations and concealing evidence to avoid charges. Filthy. Filthy dirty. Next time one of your leftist friends claims Biden was a great president, show them this list. He shouldn’t have gotten within 10 miles of the Oval Office. And feel good about yourself. You knew all along. Finally, we have some numbers tampering. And Statistics: Fake Payroll Numbers Goldman has called BS on the BLS, the Bureau of Lies and Storytelling… sorry, the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s rumored the BLS will revise its nonfarm payroll numbers downward by 600,000 to 1 million jobs. That means it was a lie every time nonfarm payrolls came in above the consensus from March 2023 to March 2024. Credit: Goldman Sachs How can they do that? Zero Hedge was none-too-pleased about it. Credit: [@zerohedge]( It’s another bit of filthy business. They goosed the payroll numbers to make Bidenomics look far more benign than it was. But honestly, should you sell your stock right now? Of course not. We’re a hair away from the SPX all-time high. Once we get above 5,670, we’ll be on our way to 6,000. It’s crazy to get short right now. The SPX, Nazzie, and Russell 2,000 are again above their 50-day moving averages, which means we’re in a bull market. If we have panic selling on Wednesday, we may need to reconsider. But I doubt it. And gold? Gold futures closed at 2,541.30, while silver futures closed at 29.30 today. It’s all coming together now. Wrap Up In a 19th-century speech, former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli decried, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Joke Biden has taken that sentiment and somehow elevated… or desecrated it to a new level. Believe nothing of what you hear or see of this administration. It can’t end soon enough. All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( Rate this email Like Dislike Thanks for rating this content! Looks like something went wrong. Please try to rate again. In Case You Missed It… Why Gold Revaluation Reduces USG Power SEAN RING Did you ever get that feeling when you think you know something, and then someone unlocks a whole new level of understanding for you? My friend and teaching mentor Simon once told me, “The only thing I care about when teaching a class is seeing one student—just one—widen his eyes and gasp for air. It's the a-ha moment. I live to create those moments for my students.” I’ve just experienced one of those moments, thanks to a great piece Chris Powell wrote for Money Metals that [Zero Hedge picked up](. There are two things I thought I understood but didn’t. - Why the idiotic idea of minting a trillion-dollar coin isn’t as ridiculous as it seems. - Why the US government doesn’t revalue gold to get out of its financial hole. In this edition of the Rude, I’ll cover both and how they’re related. Remember When Jon Stewart Called Out Krugman? Before I get into this, let me be clear: minting trillion-dollar coins in the hope of evaporating existing debt is ludicrous. It’s just that there is an obscure Treasury statute that allows it. I remember when, in early 2013, the Obama administration floated the idea of minting a trillion-dollar coin. To anyone with a modicum of common sense, this was a ridiculous solution to the problem of government overspending. But what I remember even more than that stupid idea is the spat between Jon Stewart of The Daily Show and Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning blogger at The New York Times. Luckily, [Marc A. Thiessen over at the American Enterprise Institute chronicled the kerfuffle]( In the Washington Post this week, I noted that if the president could really create a trillion dollars out of thin air simply by minting a magic coin, why would he stop at one? He could mint 17 and eliminate the national debt — or 18 and have a trillion-dollar surplus. Well, apparently Jon Stewart had the same reaction, declaring on his Comedy Central show, “If we’re going to make shit up, I say go big or go home. How about a twenty-trillion dollar coin?” That did not go over well with the magic coin’s chief proponent, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Krugman blasted the comedian for “a lack of professionalism” in mocking the magic coin idea, adding, “Those people look dumb to me… he’s ruining his own brand.” Last night, Stewart fired back, declaring, “First of all, I’m pretty sure that is my brand. And second of all, if somebody is ruining their brand with a trillion-dollar coin idea, I don’t think it’s the non-economist.” Why isn’t this as dumb as it sounds? I hope you’re sitting down. The statute that allows the U.S. Treasury to mint platinum coins of any denomination is 31 U.S.C. § 5112(k). This section of the United States Code grants the Secretary of the Treasury the authority to mint and issue platinum bullion coins in any denomination, quantity, specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, and inscriptions as the Secretary may prescribe. The key text from the statute reads: "The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time." 31 U.S.C. § 5112(k) was enacted as part of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, which President Bill Clinton signed into law on September 30, 1996. Here’s the onion: the provision was originally intended to give the U.S. Mint flexibility in producing platinum coins for collectors and investors. But its broad language has since become the basis for discussing other potential uses, such as a stupid, hypothetical trillion-dollar coin. It’s utterly ridiculous, isn’t it? But what's worse is that printing trillions of dollars in platinum coins allows the USG to retain hegemony in a way that revaluing gold doesn’t. [Buy this Sub-$5 Play on Elon Musk’s Final Masterpiece]( After revolutionizing space exploration and the auto industry… Elon Musk is now planning to revolutionize MONEY with this new venture. [Click here to see the details because once Elon flips the switch…]( Which could happen in the next 24 hours… It could send [this sub-$5 play skyrocketing in the coming months](. [Click Here To Learn More]( Why Gold Revaluation May Be a Pipe Dream As always, it’s all about power. He who owns the most gold controls the world. And the United States won’t call the shots if it’s all about gold holdings. Credit: [World Gold Council]( Yes, Europe has more gold than the United States. Those intelligent Europeans repatriated their gold from the U.S. once they realized the USG printed far more paper than the gold bars they had. This position terrified the USG, especially the lately unlamented Henry Kissinger. But he asked the right questions. Koos Jensen (the then-pen name for gold researcher Jan Nieuwenhuis) found the minutes of an extraordinary meeting in the State Department archives in Volume 31 of "Foreign Relations of the United States, 1973-76." Secretary of State Kissinger wondered why we wouldn’t want gold in the monetary system. In an April 1974 exchange, Assistant Undersecretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Thomas O. Enders [explained the situation to him]( Mr. Enders: It's against our interest to have gold in the system because for it to remain there it would result in it being evaluated periodically. Although we have still some substantial gold holdings -- about $11 billion -- a larger part of the official gold in the world is concentrated in Western Europe. This gives them the dominant position in world reserves and the dominant means of creating reserves. We've been trying to get away from that into a system in which we can control ... Secretary Kissinger: But that's a balance-of-payments problem. Mr. Enders: Yes, but it's a question of who has the most leverage internationally. If they have the reserve-creating instrument, by having the largest amount of gold and the ability to change its price periodically, they have a position relative to ours of considerable power. For a long time we had a position relative to theirs of considerable power because we could change gold almost at will. This is no longer possible -- no longer acceptable. Therefore, we have gone to Special Drawing Rights, which is also equitable and could take account of some of the less-developed-country interests and which spreads the power away from Europe. And it's more rational in ... Secretary Kissinger: "More rational" being defined as being more in our interests or what? Mr. Enders: More rational in the sense of being more responsive to worldwide needs, but also more in our interest. ... And there you have it. [Ben Bernanke lied to Congress after the Great Financial Crisis when Congressman Ron Paul (peace be upon him) asked him why we hold gold instead of diamonds.]( The real reason is that gold is indeed money, and whoever holds the most controls the world economic system. Wrap Up This is why a trillion-dollar platinum coin is a more likely outcome than revaluing gold in our ridiculous Clown World. If the USG gets away with the platinum coin solution, only they will have increased reserves. But if gold is revalued, every government holding gold will increase its reserves, and that’s not what the USG wants. Do we still think the people we call Deep State or The Swamp are the good guys anymore? Have a great week ahead! All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2024 Paradigm Press, LLC. 1001 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Rude Awakening e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Rude Awakening, feel free to [click here.]( Please note: the mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so do not reply to this message. We welcome comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only. For questions about your account or to speak with customer service, [contact us here]( or call (844)-731-0984. 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