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To the WEF’s Glee, NATO Lurches Left


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International organizational leadership is about ?failing upwards.? July 09, 2024 | To the WEF?

International organizational leadership is about “failing upwards.” July 09, 2024 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( To the WEF’s Glee, NATO Lurches Left SEAN RING Dear Reader, When Charles Dickens opens A Christmas Carol, his sole intention is to make the reader understand that Jacob Marley is dead. Dead as a doornail, to be precise. The entire tale will fall flat if you don’t believe Marley is dead. In the fourth paragraph of Stave I, Dickens writes: The mention of Marley’s funeral brings me back to the point I started from. There is no doubt that Marley was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate. As I sit here in front of my laptop, I wish I could bring you news of a similar nature. However, to my shocked incredulity, Klaus Schwab, the shadow behind the World Economic Forum, is still very much alive. And he’s not just vegetating in front of a TV set, as most octogenarians would have the decency to do. Ole Klaus is still puppeteering world governments to oblivion. To be perfectly honest, Schwab doesn’t have to do much anymore. His foul views of where the world should be going are so ingrained in his followers that he may as well kick back with a drink and watch the change unfold. Moreover, it’s not just Kanada, the UK, France, Germany, and the EU who are quickly circling the drain; now NATO is getting pulled into the vortex. Of course, I thought NATO should’ve been disbanded decades ago and creates the messes it alledgedly solves. But to put Mark Rutte, the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, in charge is yet another example of a European politician failing upward. We all know that current EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as German defense minister, was so bad at her job that she supplied her army with broomsticks instead of guns. So disliked was VDL, as the political class calls her, that Angela Merkel had to get her out of Germany. And where’s the best place to dump your trash? Oh, that’s easy: Brussels. The story is similar for any EU apparatchick. But it’s not what any sane person would want to do to the Atlantic’s military alliance. So, of course, that’s precisely what they’re doing. Mark Rutte, whose electorate recently removed him from the Netherlands’ top seat, will become the Secretary General of NATO, taking over from Jens Stoltenberg, Bill Gates’ ballboy. [Send Me Your Mailing Address!]( What I’m holding in my hands is the “most dangerous book” in America right now. It paints a grim picture of our country’s future just a few years from now…in 2029. But I’m offering to send you a copy for free today as a way to help prepare you for what could happen next. [Click here now to see how to claim your copy.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Who’s This Guy? First, NATO's Secretary General is almost always a European, while the Supreme Commander (military) is almost always an American. Americans have the money and power, while Europeans allegedly have the diplomatic finesse. Second, no one in Europe believes political careers fail. They end in Brussels with a fat pension. Rutte’s life is as every day as it gets. He grew up in the Netherlands and still lives in his hometown. His politics are reasonably middle-of-the-road. There’s nothing remarkable about him. However, his journey to the top of NATO was not without its diplomatic maneuvers. He secured backing from key NATO members, including the United States, Germany, and France. However, Orban’s Hungary resisted his appointment, primarily due to differing views on Ukraine support. Rutte navigated these challenges by assuring Hungary that its military would not be obligated to support Ukraine outside of NATO territory during his tenure. It's all pretty standard so far. But one thing I don’t like – what he has in common with Trudeau, Starmer, Macron, and Scholz — is his affinity with the World Economic Forum. Dutch Farmers Be Damned! Like his brethren named above, Rutte will always choose international glory over the people they’re meant to govern. They’re always angling for a better job. Rutte’s blatant disregard for his farmers is a prime example of this. The farmer protests erupted in response to the government's environmental policies, which aim to reduce nitrogen and ammonia emissions by 50% by 2030. Can you say “Green New Scam?” This policy, primarily affecting the agricultural sector, was intended to preserve EU-protected Natura 2000 areas and comply with European Union regulations on reducing nitrogen pollution. The proposed emission cuts threatened the livelihood of many farmers, potentially forcing thousands of them out of business due to stringent reductions in livestock and fertilizer use. Farmers argued that they were unfairly targeted compared to other sectors and that the timeline and targets were unrealistic and detrimental to their operations. Rutte's government faced fierce backlash as farmers staged large-scale protests, including blocking roads, dumping manure, and setting hay bales on fire. In response to the escalating tensions, Rutte and his cabinet negotiated with farmers' organizations and appointed a mediator to seek common ground. Despite these efforts, the protests significantly hurt Rutte's political standing, decreasing his popularity and weakening his coalition's stability. Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen supported the farmers, which made Rutte look even worse. So vulnerable was Rutte that the following immigration disagreement knocked the legs out of his four-party coalition government. He resigned. Wrap Up It’s so European I don’t even know why I’m surprised. Once again, an unemployed politician has failed upward. Despite the Dutch people removing Mark Rutte from his job, NATO snatched him up as quickly as possible. Now that Hungary and Slovakia have removed their objections, he'll be the next Secretary-General. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, as the Frogs say. The more things change, the more they stay the same. All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( Rate this email Like Dislike Thanks for rating this content! Looks like something went wrong. Please try to rate again. In Case You Missed It… The GOODEST Weekend! SEAN RING I woke up Saturday morning, anxious to get to a party. Micah’s friend, Lucca, was turning 6. Lucca’s parents, Angelo and Aline, are our good friends and always throw great parties. And, of course, they would, as they’re Brazilian by birth. Angelo is Italian by blood, like me, and movedhis family to Italy about the same time we did. But as I was getting dressed for the party, Iowa Michael messaged me this: Have a GOODEST Day! 😜🙄💥😎👍 Michael is one of the smartest guys I know, so I knew this wasn’t a grammatical error on his part. It was a code, and I was meant to decipher it. I thought I’d sit on it for a while, and the answer would come to me. The party was wonderful. There were lots of kids, pizza, and beer. Pam had generously offered to drive, so I was free to tie one on with the other dads. We were a happy, soused bunch. At the party, we found out that my Argentinian-Italian friend Luchiano is probably the cousin of my native Italian friend Alessandro. Both have grandmothers from Nusco, about 100 kilometers east of Naples. Though I don’t think they look much alike, they’re both tall, dark, and handsome. And their sons are already good athletes. At that happy point, I noticed it was 8:30 pm, though it wasn’t dark yet. I got my phone out of my pocket and wrote to Michael: Ok, I’ve been trying to figure that out all day. I still don’t get it. What’s goodest? Michael, who had thought I read the headlines that Saturday, mercifully - if you can call it that - sent me this link: Credit: [Zero Hedge]( If you haven’t watched the entire puff-piece interview with George “Steffi” Stephanopoulos, you can watch that salient bit here. Credit: [@Geiger_Capital]( If you’re blowing softball interviews with Steffi, it’s time to hang it up. [Biden out August 19?]( A former CIA insider just announced a disturbing prediction… Biden will withdraw as the Democrat nominee on August 19. [See his shocking evidence in this new report](. [This former CIA advisor says the Dems already have Biden’s replacement – a shadow candidate hand-selected to defeat Trump] [See full details HERE now](. [Click Here To Learn More]( There Are Errors and There Are Errors Lest you think I’m being a grammar snob, let’s be clear. On June 27th, I published this article: To my everlasting shame, I didn’t catch my error. And spell check won’t catch that, either. I wasn’t even aware of it until I received this hilarious email from a valued colleague: You mean Miners. From the headline, I thought you might be writing about Joe Biden sniffing little girls. I died a thousand deaths when I read that. Woe was me. But there’s a big difference between Joke Biden and me: the red button on my Lenovo ThinkPad won’t even launch an Internet browser. However, the red button in front of him will turn our little blue planet into a rotating nugget of charcoal. And it gets better: the man who says “Democracy is on the ballot” now says [only God himself can remove him from the presidential campaign](. If I were ole Joe, to be safe, I’d avoid grassy knolls and book depositories. Lest you think America is the only country in a mess, let’s hop across the pond so I can catch you up. Sir Keir Starmer is the UK’s New Prime Minister If you thought the UK couldn’t turn any more Left, you were mistaken. I knew the Tories (the Conservatives) were going to lose. And yes, they got crushed… but not quite as crushed as you’d expect. The problem with the UK is that there is no credible right wing, though Nigel Farage is trying to establish one with the new Reform Party. The Tories were Big Government conservatives and that’s why they got blown out, just five years after winning their own landslide victory. Then, the idiotic Boorish Johnson was the PM, and instead of giving the people the smaller government, lower taxes, and better services they craved, he turned The Tories into a green new scam machine. Allegedly, his woke scold of a young wife made him do it. I guess it’s not as safe as it used to be to marry much younger. And what did new Prime Minister Starmer announce as soon as he got in? - More alignment with the EU, and higher migrant allocations - An idiotic return to full WHO Health control - A nationwide digital ID - The GBP as a central bank digital currency (CBDC - Britain’s very own “Biden Buck”) - The silly Net Zero spending program on steroids And for the cherry on top, the most progressive prison program ever: Feel good about America. And what about those frogs? France Reverses Course; The Far Left Wins Elections You may have heard that last week, Marine Le Pen’s “far right” party won the first round in the French elections. Well, so scared of the “far right” getting power in France was he that French President and Le Petit Roi, Emmanuel Macron, made a deal with the Left to not run his candidates in districts where they might split the vote. As a result, the Far Left won the second round of elections! Macron’s party came in second and Le Pen’s party came in third. It wasn’t fraud, by the way; it was completely legal electioneering that happens quite often in France. It’s cynical and leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but there’s nothing illegal about it. And now France will continue to circle the drain, not fixing any of its problems, and is closer to a euro crisis than ever. For you dollar bears out there, I ask again, what will the dollar fall against? The Euro? Don’t make me laugh! The British pound? With Starmer in charge? The Japanese Yen? When the Bank of Japan is actively trying to destroy it? Wrap Up The USA is easily the world’s safest place to invest. I simply don’t know why you’d even consider the UK or Europe—and I live here. Sure, the Nikkei is making new all-time highs, but will that beat the JPY depreciation when you try converting it back into dollars? In 2024, where “War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength,” perhaps the goodest weekend was truly the baddest. Have a great week ahead. All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2024 Paradigm Press, LLC. 1001 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. To end your Rude Awakening e-mail subscription and associated external offers sent from Rude Awakening, feel free to [click here.]( Please note: the mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so do not reply to this message. We welcome comments or suggestions at This address is for feedback only. For questions about your account or to speak with customer service, [contact us here]( or call (844)-731-0984. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice. 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