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Right Turn, Claude!


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Europe?s Far-Right Surges in the 2024 European Parliament Elections. June 11, 2024 | Right Turn, C

Europe’s Far-Right Surges in the 2024 European Parliament Elections. June 11, 2024 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Right Turn, Claude! SEAN RING John Ring, philosopher-truck driver emeritus, loves old Clint Eastwood movies. Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, you name it. He likes it. But what makes him laugh his ass off every time is Every Which Way But Loose and Any Which Way You Can, two of Clint’s movies from what I call his “Burt Reynolds period.” Clint played Philo Beddoe, a bare-knuckle boxer with an orangutan named Clyde for a pet – or buddy. Whenever he needs Clyde to hit someone for him, he says, “Right Turn, Clyde!” and Clyde knocks the enemy out. As I alluded to in yesterday’s Rude, Claude Q. Eurotrash has had enough of Europe’s piss-poor status quo. Claude went to the polls Sunday night and gave Manny Macron and Olaf Scholz an ass-kicking they will never forget. The results show a monumental shift in Europe's political landscape. Far-right parties – or the “Right So Far” parties – gained bigly across several key member states. This shift reflects a broader trend of rising nationalism and conservatism across the continent, challenging the traditional leftist political order and hopefully signaling a new era in European politics. In a remarkable show, far-right parties swept the elections, unseating many incumbents and altering the political dynamics in Europe. This shift was most pronounced in France and Germany, where Marine Le Pen's National Rally and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) saw unprecedented support. Let’s get to the nitty gritty. France Marine Le Pen's National Rally achieved a historic victory, capturing 31.5% of the vote. This result has humbled President Emmanuel Macron's party and led to the dissolution of the French parliament and the scheduling of fresh national elections for June 30. Delicious! This outcome marks the highest support the National Rally has ever received in a national vote. Macron's dissolution of the parliament demonstrates the severity of the political crisis in France. With the National Rally's victory, there’s an anticipated shift in domestic policies, mainly focusing on immigration, national identity, and economic reforms aimed at benefiting French citizens primarily. This shift may also impact France's stance in the EU, potentially leading to more stringent negotiations on EU policies and reforms. Germany The AfD finished second in Germany, ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD). This outcome is a major setback for the ruling coalition, prompting significant political introspection within Germany. The AfD's strong performance highlights growing discontent with the current government's policies, particularly concerning immigration and economic issues. The rise of the AfD in Germany signals a significant shift in the country's political landscape. The AfD's policies, often seen as eurosceptic and nationalist, will likely challenge the current government's approach to EU integration and immigration policies. This change will lead to a more fragmented political environment in Germany, with increased national sovereignty and economic protectionism debates. Broader European Impact The results indicate a broader trend towards conservative and far-right ideologies across the continent. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group and the Identity and Democracy (ID) group have increased their representation, signaling a shift towards more nationalist and eurosceptic policies within the European Parliament. Italy and Spain Matteo Salvini's League party and Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy performed strongly in Italy, consolidating their influence within the right-wing coalition. Similarly, Spain saw the rise of Vox, which has doubled its seats, reflecting a growing appetite for hardline policies on immigration and national sovereignty. The success of these parties in Italy and Spain underscores a growing trend towards right-wing populism. Remember, when it comes from the left, it’s democracy. When it comes from the right, it’s populism. These parties advocate stronger borders, reduced immigration, and reevaluating their countries' roles within the EU. In Italy, Salvini and Meloni's influence is expected to push the government towards more nationalist policies, potentially challenging EU regulations on budgetary constraints and immigration. In Spain, Vox's rise indicates a significant shift in public sentiment, leading to more assertive national security and cultural identity policies. Eastern Europe Countries like Hungary and Poland, which have already leaned towards nationalist policies, have further entrenched their positions. The ruling parties in both countries, Fidesz in Hungary and Law and Justice (PiS) in Poland, secured significant victories, reinforcing their mandates to pursue their respective conservative agendas. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party continues to dominate, advocating strong national sovereignty and resistance to the EU's central policies, particularly regarding immigration and judicial reforms. Poland's PiS also maintains its stronghold, emphasizing traditional values and skepticism towards EU interference in domestic affairs. These outcomes suggest that Eastern Europe will continue challenging EU policies, advocating for greater national autonomy and resistance to liberal EU directives. [June 13th = Doomsday For America?]( This Thursday, June 13th, President Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with heads of state from around the world… And if they make the announcement my research is showing me… [Biden’s next corrupt move could be the final death blow to the value of your hard-earned dollar,]( making your cash worthless. "Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in 200 Years,". [Click here now and watch my latest market briefing while you still have time.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Implications for the EU The results of the 2024 European Parliament elections have several implications for the future of the European Union. With the increased presence of far-right and conservative MEPs, policies on immigration, border control, and national sovereignty will become more stringent. This shift could lead to more friction within the EU, especially on issues like asylum seekers and integration policies. The European People's Party (EPP) remains the largest group, but its dominance is now challenged by the growing influence of the far-right and conservatives. Thankfully, Ursula von der Leyen’s bid for a second term as Commission President will face significant hurdles, perhaps eliminating her from contention altogether. Economic nationalism will gain traction, leading to more protectionist measures. This will impact trade policies, market regulations, and the overall economic integration within the EU. Countries will advocate more localized economic policies prioritizing national interests over EU-wide regulations. The rise of eurosceptic parties may strain the EU's cohesion, as these parties often support reducing Brussels's power and increasing national sovereignty. This may lead to more disputes over EU legislation and a push for reforms decentralizing EU authority. The shift towards more nationalist policies in several EU member states will alter the EU's foreign policy approach. There will be a greater emphasis on bilateral relations rather than collective EU stances, weakening the EU's position on the global stage. Thankfully, far-right and conservative parties have shown little enthusiasm for aggressive climate policies. This will slow down - or halt altogether - the EU's initiatives on climate change, as new MEPs might push for policies prioritizing solid economic growth over unproven environmental sustainability. Wrap Up The 2024 European Parliament elections mark a significant turning point in European politics. The sweeping success of far-right parties reflects a broader shift in public sentiment towards nationalism and conservatism, driven by concerns over immigration, economic stability, and national identity. As the new Parliament convenes, the EU faces the challenge of navigating this new political landscape, balancing the demands of its diverse member states while striving to maintain unity and forward momentum in its policies and initiatives. The coming months will be crucial in determining how these new political dynamics will shape the future of the European Union and its role in the world. The rise of the far-right isn’t a fleeting phenomenon but a reflection of deep-seated changes in public opinion. As traditional parties grapple with these changes, the political landscape of Europe will continue to evolve, bringing both challenges and opportunities for the future of the EU. This election has undoubtedly set the stage for a new era in European politics, where the voices of nationalism and conservatism will play a more prominent role in shaping the continent's future. Whether this will lead to a more fragmented Europe or a reinvigorated union with a renewed focus on national interests is anyone’s guess. All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening X (formerly Twitter): [@seaniechaos]( Rate this email Like Dislike Thanks for rating this content! Looks like something went wrong. Please try to rate again. In Case You Missed It… American Hypocrisy SEAN RING You won’t believe it without proof, so I’ll give it to you. The US government has scored a major own goal against Hungary in geopolitical soccer. It’s ludicrous that the US Ambassador to Hungary would criticize the country for being dependent on Russian energy when the US still – still! – imports Russian-enriched uranium. But they do. First, let me remind you why the West hates Orbán (not the alleged reasons, either). Then, we’ll discuss how the US still funds Russia’s war effort. Yes, you read that correctly. Viktor Orbán: Hungary’s Defiant Champion Against Globalist Meddling On The Grand Chessboard, few pieces move as boldly as Viktor Orbán, Hungary's Prime Minister. He's a man who refuses to bow to the whims of globalists and stands tall against Western pressure. Orbán’s firm grip on Hungary has ruffled more than a few feathers, especially those of David Pressman, the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, and the ever-controversial George Soros. While Pressman and Soros see threats in Orbán's maneuvers, many Hungarians see a leader protecting their national sovereignty and cultural identity. Orbán is often tagged as an autocrat by his critics. Why? Because he doesn't play by their rules. Since taking power in 2010, Orbán has restructured Hungary's legal and constitutional framework to strengthen the executive branch. His new constitution, implemented in 2011, has been decried for giving him too much power. Yet, for many Hungarians, this move is necessary to safeguard their country from external meddling and internal chaos. The media landscape in Hungary has shifted significantly under Orbán. Critics piss and moan about a lack of media independence. Still, Orbán’s supporters argue that these changes were essential to counter the overwhelming influence of liberal media, which often undermines national interests. (You can see how the media does it in the US rather easily, can’t you?) By consolidating media power, Orbán ensures that the Hungarian narrative remains Hungarian. Judicial reforms under Orbán have also sparked outrage. The West claims these changes undermine judicial independence – HA! – but Orbán’s approach ensures that the judiciary aligns with national values and priorities, unlike America’s, as shown by Manhattan’s Southern District. For Orbán, a judiciary that resists foreign influence and upholds Hungarian law is crucial for the country's stability. Electoral changes have also been criticized. Yet, Orbán's modifications to the electoral system, including gerrymandering and new campaign finance rules, are seen by his supporters as leveling the playing field against a well-funded and internationally backed opposition. The US is also miles behind on this issue. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), especially those funded from abroad, have been another battleground. Critics portray Orbán’s laws restricting NGOs as attacks on democracy. However, many Hungarians view these organizations as Trojan horses for foreign influence, undermining Hungary’s sovereignty under the guise of promoting democracy and human rights. [You might have seen how Georgia (the country) has just passed a law requiring media, NGOs, and other nonprofit groups to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power”]( if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. How great is that? But the real reason [they hate Orbán is for views like this one]( (bolds mine): It must also be made clear that we didn’t join the European Union in order to collectively go to war. Nor did we join the European Union in order to pour 100 billion euros into war. Money’s being poured in by the sackful – money that’s being thrown together from the taxes of individuals and companies, from individual and company taxpayers. And instead of keeping it in the European economy and using it to develop Europe, we’re sending it away and burning it in the war. We’re already at 100 billion, and ever more demands are being made. War is a Moloch, a monster that’s always hungry and needs to be fed. It needs to be fed with money, and I see that the Americans – at least the Democratic administration – and the leaders of the European Union are prepared to feed it. If we’re going to spend all our money in Ukraine, how are we going to restart the European economy? [Your Credit Card: Declined?]( Take a moment and picture this scenario: The line at the gas pump is getting longer as you insert your credit card for the second time. You decide to head in and ask the cashier what’s going on. There’s a long line inside. The woman in front of you looks frustrated. Everyone does. “There’s nothing I can do. You’re declined,” the cashier says to the man at the front of the line. It’s not just you. Everyone is declined. Something doesn’t seem right. A sinking feeling sets in as you realize something has gone terribly wrong. [Click here now for an urgent new prediction from a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon.]( [Click Here To Learn More]( Pressman’s Whining Enter David Pressman, the U.S. Ambassador who has taken it upon himself to lecture Hungary on its foreign policy. Pressman’s main gripe? Hungary’s rather cozy relationship with Russia. While the EU and NATO push for harsher measures against Russia, Orbán has correctly prioritized Hungary's interests. Orbán understands that Hungary’s reliance on Russian energy is non-negotiable. (The Germans are just figuring this out for themselves. [The earthquake in the European Parliament elections yesterday demonstrates this.]( Manny Macron in France just dissolved his National Assembly to call a snap election. This could be a major miscalculation. Stay tuned.) Long-term energy deals with Russia, including the Paks Nuclear Power Plant expansion, are seen as pragmatic moves to secure Hungary’s energy future. Pressman’s tirades against Hungary's stance on Russia echo a broader frustration in Washington. Hungary’s reluctance to toe the Western line on sanctions and diplomatic pressures is seen as a betrayal. Yet, Orbán’s defiance is a testament to his commitment to Hungary's national interests rather than being a lapdog to Western dictates. But Pressman’s latest moan takes the cake. According to [Denes Albert at Remix]( Pressman wrote the following Facebook post: Hungary’s foreign minister makes his 8th trip to Russia since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Hungary’s government says it is the ‘party of peace’ while continuing to stand with Putin’s party of war. Hungary’s addiction to Russian energy is dangerous and unnecessary. Minister Szijjártó is right: energy diversification is not a matter of ideology but one of physics. The laws of physics in Hungary are no different than the laws of physics in every single one of Hungary’s EU partners, all of whom have chosen to reduce dependence on Putin. Of course, Albert was having none of it. He wrote (bolds mine): Hungarian news and opinion portal Mandiner pointed out the duplicity of Pressman’s position, pointing out that “David Pressman does not seem to be bothered by the fact that America is also funding the Russian war along the same lines, since the uranium business between the U.S. and Russia is still going on behind the scenes.” The U.S. passed a bill just last month banning the purchase of uranium from Russia despite the war running for over two years, and that bill will only gradually phase out these purchases over the course of years, which means the U.S. will be supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine for years to come. Last year, RIA Novosti, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, calculated that in the first half of 2023, the United States bought no less than 416 tons of enriched uranium from Russia during the war, 2.2 times the 188 tons bought in the previous year. You’ve just got to shake your head at this hypocritical nonsense. Wrap Up Viktor Orbán stands as a bulwark against globalist influence, defending Hungary’s sovereignty with a resolve that infuriates his critics. David Pressman, representing the US and globalist pressures, is often seen as a threat to Hungary's autonomy. Orbán's policies aren’t those of an autocrat, but those of a leader who puts his nation’s interests above all else. In a world where international actors and ideologies increasingly threaten national sovereignty, Orbán's Hungary offers a model of resistance and resilience. As the US Ambassador to Hungary, Pressman needs to understand that people can not only find his Facebook posts online but also see the USG’s contracts with Russia. It’s embarrassing. And yet, it’s nothing new for Joke Biden’s administration. Have a great week. All the best, Sean Ring Editor, Rude Awakening Twitter: [@seaniechaos]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2024 Paradigm Press, LLC. 1001 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. 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