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Give Up on the Idea of a Free Society


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Thu, Jan 26, 2023 02:30 PM

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Don’t be a prisoner | Give Up on the Idea of a Free Society - Voltaire is proven correct every

Don’t be a prisoner [Morning Reckoning] January 26, 2023 [WEBSITE]( | [UNSUBSCRIBE]( Give Up on the Idea of a Free Society - Voltaire is proven correct every day: “It’s difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” - Stop worrying about the nebulous entity called “society.” - Start planning for the people you can save: you and your family. Asti, Northern Italy January 26, 2023 [Sean Ring] SEAN RING Hi Reader, In 2012, I attended the Property and Freedom Society conference. The conference exposed the organized “State” for what it was – an institution run by crooks, liars and useful idiots. Not only that, we discussed what a free and natural order would look like. Back then, I was so hopeful… so energized. I thought the world was really headed toward change. I was wrong. But that’s no reason to be miserable. It just means a change of intent. Instead of saving “society,” save yourself. [Have you opted-out of the radical Dems green new scam?]( If you live in any of the following 38 states… Alaska Colorado Connecticut Delaware Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming You need to [click here and watch this urgent video I just recorded for you and “opt-out” before February 1](. [LEARN MORE]( We’re All Prisoners of Our Biases Before you think, “Oh God, here comes the human resources lecture,” let me explain. One of my great friends from London grew up in Sydney, Australia. I remember him speaking on his cell phone outside the pub one night. Usually, I’m pretty good with languages. But I had absolutely no idea what was coming out of his mouth. I asked him, “Matey, what the hell language was that?” “Bosnian – well Bosniak, actually. My family is Muslim,” he said, as he drained his pint. I was confused, “But… you’re drinking. Isn’t that not allowed?” “My father thought organized religion is the dumbest thing in the world and starts pretty much every war,” he replied, “I didn’t even know we were Muslims until I was 18. I’ve got nothing to do with it. I’m an atheist.” I always remembered this conversation whenever he’d go on (and on, and on, and on) about biologist Richard Dawkins and philosopher Sam Harris. I never had time for either of them. Not because I’m anti-science, but because I can’t think of two more insufferable pricks on the planet. But to my friend, they were his “gods.” I felt smug in my own right, thinking my friend only had his deep anti-religious bias confirmed, rather than science convincing him via an argument that religion was counterproductive. But once I performed a bit of self-examination, I no longer felt so smug. “You can’t fight city hall!” “The game is rigged!” “They’re all a bunch of crooks!” How many times did I hear Philosopher/Truck Driver John Ring utter those phrases at home? All the time! And I must say, based on what I’ve witnessed over my lifetime, my dad hasn’t been wrong. But, like Dawkins and Harris for my friend, my own favorite freedom thinkers like Mises, Rothbard, Hayek and Hoppe merely provided the intellectual foundation for thingsI already believed. These Austrian economists were, in essence, my confirmation bias. I bring this up because I now believe “fighting for a free society” is the most futile gesture one can perform on this planet. Why? Because it’s damn near impossible to convince people of that which they don’t already believe. Voltaire Was Right… But Needs an Upgrade. French philosopher Voltaire once said: “It’s difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” He’s correct. But for the 21st century, I’d upgrade that to: “It’s impossible to free low-IQ imbeciles from their erroneous beliefs.” Think about this… I know I’m not alone when I point out that Biden’s policies have been disastrous for America. But it’s about to get worse… I have one question for you: are you prepared for [$1,000 electric bills]( If not, you’re headed toward trouble in the next coming week. Opt-out of this newest scam before February 1st by [clicking here](. And then, let’s revisit the whole COVID fiasco… How many people still think masks do absolutely anything? How many people still think the vaccines are completely safe and effective? Let’s try this one: How many people have apologized to, and begged forgiveness from, their friends for banishing them from their social circle over dissenting views on masks and vaccines? I bet it’s a non-zero number awfully close to zero. And these are the people you’re trying to save? Really? I can’t tell you how happy I am not to share a country with them. This insanity And it’s not just America that’s gone nuts. Have you seen what Dyson is selling in Australia? [Headphones with an air-purifier attachment!]( In Australia, a country with some of the cleanest air on the planet. The place has jumped the shark… Not It! I remember running around the playground in 3rd grade playing “Tag.” The tree in the middle of the playground was “home base,” where you were safe. It was an oasis in the chaos of children running amok. Remembering those lovely childhood days, I no longer wonder why so many millionaires and billionaires forgo acres of land for miniscule apartments on spits of rock like Singapore, Dubai and Monaco. Maybe you can’t swing a cat in most of their apartments. They’re tiny… claustrophobic, even. But it’s their little slice of heaven. And the best part is they don’t have to put up with the hoi polloi. In Monaco, there’s no income tax and no paparazzi. There are cops on every corner, along with police cameras. Does anyone ever accuse Monaco of being a police state? Of course not! People like Lewis Hamilton and David Coulter (both F1 Champions) love the ability to live quietly. And the bonus: they don’t have to pay UK income tax! In Singapore, parents let their young teenagers out until 4am… because nothing is ever going to happen to them. How do we know that? Because Singapore canes the bad guys with a rattan. The newest up-and-comer is Dubai because many from Hong Kong fled there after the CCP crackdown. Again, this is a place with little to no street crime, so your kids are completely safe. So are your money and your property. Dissent isn’t tolerated. Perhaps that goes against Western values. But for the well-heeled, it makes things nice and cozy. [“The Situation Is Getting Worse By The Day”]( That’s what the President of the US Chamber of Commerce just said about the supply chain. If you thought the supply chain issues were over, think again… Things are about to get much, much worse. And everything from your local grocery store to your gas station could be impacted. That’s why I’m urging everyone I can to prepare now… [To see the #1 move to make before this problem gets any worse, click here now.]( [LEARN MORE]( Great Things Are Done in Secret “But Sean,” you say, “I’m not Lewis Hamilton or David Coulthard or Prince Albert. How can I possibly escape?” Well, you don’t have to. My point is this: you can build your own Free State of Me using different tools and ideas, all of which are completely legal. And though I performed the ultimate act of secession – renouncing my American citizenship – you don’t have to. First, I’ll start with what I’ve called the Rude’s Four Pillars of Financial Freedom. Then I’ll give you a few more immediately actionable ideas you can consider to enhance your life. - Get a second passport. Whether it’s via ancestry, marriage, naturalization or investment… explore this idea (especially if your name ends with a vowel). You can read more about this in depth [here](. - Start an online business. Here’s a secret I haven’t told you yet. [ChatGPT]( Open AI’s artificial intelligence interface, is a gift from God… to entrepreneurs. The advantages of running a business from your laptop are self-evident. But having a [machine run it for you]( is even better. - Own a bit of crypto. Ok, only Bitcoin. And only a little bit. No more than 5% of your net worth. Perform this act only to get familiar with it, not to swing for the fences. - Get in great shape. You have your health, or you have nothing. Make sure no government will even try to stick a needle in you again. Live long enough to act on your accumulated experience and get wealthier doing it. Then leave it to your children. Now, here are a few more ideas to consider: - Move from a high-cost location to a low-cost location. When someone says to me, “I’m a writer and I live in London,” I think, “Economically illiterate.” Of course, there may be mitigating circumstances. But if you haven’t yet, trade high-inflation places for low-inflation places. Trade NYC for eastern PA. Trade Austin for Tulsa. Trade Boise for Montana. You’ll be shocked at how your housing and consumption costs drop. Trading Singapore and Hong Kong for the Philippines, first, and then suburban Italy, massively increased my cash balance. - Hire an accountant, a lawyer and a virtual assistant. A good accountant will coach you on what’s deductible and what’s not. You’ll be shocked at what’s legal. A good lawyer will coach you on how to use your companies (next item) to your greatest advantage. A virtual assistant completes stuff you don’t want to do for $15-$20 per hour. That frees you up for the business-building you need to do. - Start a company. Even if you don’t have a viable business yet, you can use the company to shield your assets. Putting your house inside a company may or may not be the best move. That’s why you hire a lawyer. But just getting used to owning a company changes your mindset. - Minimize your healthcare costs. A friend of mine told me his family’s Obamacare costs were $36,000 per year. I almost fell over. Do you think he gets $36,000 worth of medical care? Of course not. It’s a complete rip-off. When you’re looking at locations, take this into account. Remember, health insurance should be a call option on big disasters like surgery. Pay your doctors as well as you can without using insurance if you can. You’ll be shocked at how differently they treat you. - Minimize your taxes. Although I wrote #5 from a consumption-cost standpoint, one of your biggest costs is probably your taxes. If you’re in a blue state, you may want to join the hundreds of thousands of former blue-staters who are now red-staters. If you stay in America, you can’t escape federal tax. But these eight states have no state income tax: Wyoming, Washington, Texas, Tennessee, South Dakota, Nevada, Florida, and Alaska. - Offshore some of your assets. If you’ve got the kind of wealth that merits it, try to offshore some of it. That can be as simple as taking cash from one of your accounts and buying a nice apartment in Lisbon. The USG can’t confiscate an apartment in Portugal. Or Spain. Or Italy. Or anywhere outside the US. Wrap Up Let’s face it: we’re never going to save the fools. So let’s save us. You can take immediate steps to ensure your future. If you haven’t already, well, giddyap. You never know when the opportunities will vanish. So taking advantage now ensures you will have exhausted every avenue to build, preserve and pass on your wealth. Good luck with it. I’ll have more advice on how to better your financial future every Thursday. Let me know what you think so far by emailing me [here]( Be sure to tell me if there are any topics you’d like me to cover in future articles. All the best, [Sean Ring] Sean Ring Contributing Editor, The Morning Reckoning [Biden’s “Hush-Hush” Plot Uncovered]( [This Simple Chart]( Right now, Joe Biden – along with 9 of the world’s largest banks – have initiated [a disturbing new experiment with YOUR cash](. It’s called “Project Cedar” – and up to now it’s been kept fairly “hush-hush”… But in [this urgent new exposé]( you’ll discover critical details behind Project Cedar and what Biden’s master plan really is. [Click here to learn the critical details before it impacts your money](. [LEARN MORE]( In Case You Missed It… 2023: Year of the New Gold Bull [Greg Guenthner] GREG GUENTHNER Good Morning Reader, Last week, we discussed the market forces behind the 2022 growth meltdown. Now that we’ve shaken off the cobwebs, it’s time to look ahead and focus on the stocks and sectors with the best potential to take the lead in 2023’s first quarter – and beyond. Unfortunately, many investors are going to miss these opportunities. An unhealthy fixation on the tech space is part of the problem. Yes, the market has slaughtered most tech growth stocks. Many of these once astronomically overvalued names are a little less expensive as a result. But it’s a stretch to claim any are legitimately cheap. I doubt most of these stocks are going to launch back to their Covid Bubble highs anytime soon. Sure, we’ll get snapbacks. But I’m not so sure about long-term rallies… Of course, these facts aren’t going to stop most speculators from attempting to play every bounce. The market will most likely take its time to bleed off the excess enthusiasm – and mash the bottom fishers to a fine pulp. Even if we don’t see a major move lower in the Nasdaq in the months ahead, a grinding bear market characterized by choppy, range-bound action could add to an already frustrated investor class. While the less-nimble gamblers continue to hemorrhage money on out-of-the money tech stock calls, you can actually sink your teeth into some incredibly powerful emerging trends in once-dark corners of the market. If you know where to look… [Urgent Winter Warning From Jim Rickards]( [This Simple Chart]( I just recorded an urgent warning in the freezing cold of Baltimore to reveal a devastating scam that the radical Democrats are pulling on the citizens of Maryland here and countless other states. Because according to my research, Joe Biden has already set in motion a devastating series of events thanks to his party’s radical “Green New Scam” policies… Soaring resource costs, crashing markets, chaos on Wall Street… Nothing can be ruled out leading up to February 1st. But if you know what to do, you could “opt-out” of this winter nightmare… And happily heat your home and fuel your life while potentially 15X’ing your money in the next 90 days IF you know what moves to make… [Click here for all the details.]( [LEARN MORE]( Silver Leading the Way Today, I want to talk about one of this year’s big opportunities: precious metals. Not only are gold, silver and mining stocks powering higher on shorter-term timeframes, they’re also creeping up on key long-term levels that could trigger a new secular bull run in the metals – perhaps the likes of which we’ve not seen in nearly two decades. Have you noticed the action in gold over the past three months? The yellow metal has launched back to new 8-month highs after it appeared to be breaking down late in the third quarter. The quick runup from $1,600 to more than $1,900 snapped the post-Ukraine invasion downtrend and has set gold on a collision course for $2,000 for the first time since August 2020. The gold rally has lit the fuse on the miners, propelling the VanEck Vectors Gold Miner ETF (GDX) to a gain of 50% off its late September lows. Remember, these are the stocks no one wanted to own during the previous bull market and subsequent Covid Bubble. Powerful momentum moves are now propelling these stocks into some of the best trades on the market. Silver is also in play, adding some much-needed credibility to an area of the market plagued by false moves and countless fakeouts. I’m more inclined to jump into precious metals trades when gold’s more speculative cousin is leading the way. That’s exactly what’s happening right now. Silver more than doubled up gold’s performance in Q4, confirming that we’re finally seeing some serious flows into the precious metals space. This is all great news for short-term minded traders. But bigger market forces are also at play. [[CHART] Could Inflation Hit 20%+ In 2023?]( [This Simple Chart]( Take a close look at this scary chart pictured here… What you see is the money supply in America… And as you can see, the number of dollars in circulation has exploded in the last few years. In fact, more than 80% of all dollars to ever exist have been printed since just 2020 alone! Which is why some say inflation could soon explode even higher than it is now, to 20% or more. And if you’re at or near retirement age you must take action now to protect yourself… otherwise you risk losing everything. [Simply click here now to see how to survive America’s deadly inflation crisis](. [LEARN MORE]( History Repeats Market conditions are aligning for an potential extended, multi-year move that could thrust gold and silver to new highs and beyond. The similarities between the market now and the mid-2000s are striking. Consider the action in the years following the late 90s dot-com meltdown: - A secular bear market began with little to no upside traction in the indexes. - Investors dropped overvalued tech stocks in favor of value names and resource plays. - Gold finally posted a major breakout in 2004, triggering a bull run lasting seven years and gains of more than 350%. Fast forward to 2023… and it’s easy to notice the similar forces at play. The averages remain significantly below their Covid Bubble highs, especially the tech-heavy Nasdaq. Meanwhile, value cyclicals, energy, and other resource plays are firming up and beginning to assume leadership roles. Gold already produced a significant rally off its bear cycle lows, breaking out of a bottoming formation in 2019. The move accelerated into the Covid fiasco, and gold has remained in a wide, choppy range for the better part of the past three years. Despite its success in taking out those 2011 highs, gold has yet to extend higher. That could change very soon as another attempted run at the 2K mark shapes up. Here’s a big-picture look at the trend: [chart] Price topped out just above $1,900 during the prior cycle in 2011. Yet the two brief runs above $2,000 in 2020 and 2022 led to sharp reversals. Third time’s a charm? It’s possible! The more times a level is tested, the more likely it will break. Another important fact to keep in mind: Gold has never posted a monthly close above $2,000. A decisive break of this round-number will undoubtedly attract renewed attention from the mainstream financial media and retail investors. I suspect that could lead to a fast and furious rally, producing impressive gains in the mining stocks. Of course, the initial momentum move could also be the first wave of a new secular bull run for precious metals. Traders and longer-term gold investors will each have the chance to profit. Remember, most retail investors will have to scramble to catch up with this breakout. Index funds offer essentially zero exposure to precious metals. If you want gold, you have to go out and get it. As a major rotation begins, the flows will be huge since most folks are on the wrong side of the boat. If you’re a longer-term gold bug, just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. If you’re looking for short-term gains, snag some miners for your trading portfolio. The next gold rally’s just getting started… I’ll be back on Tuesday to give you more market insight. Let me know what you think of today’s article by emailing me at All feedback, questions and suggestions are welcome! And be on the lookout for fellow contributing editor, Sean Ring this Thursday for his take on the latest market news. Best, [Greg Guenthner] Greg Guenthner Contributing Editor, Morning Reckoning Thank you for reading The Daily Reckoning! We greatly value your questions and comments. Please send all feedback to []( [Sean Ring] [Sean Ring, CAIA, FRM and CMT]( is a former banker and financial educator and is the editor of the Rude Awakening. Sean has trained interns and graduates from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Bank of America, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS (Singapore), the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Bank Indonesia (the central bank), HSBC, Barclays, RBS, and BlackRock. He knows the global economy is being corrupted by forces that most people can't understand and has used his unique and worldly experiences to help people navigate the markets. [Paradigm]( ☰ ⊗ [ARCHIVE]( [ABOUT]( [Contact Us]( © 2023 Paradigm Press, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. By submitting your email address, you consent to Paradigm Press, LLC. delivering daily email issues and advertisements. 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In no circumstance may an editor sell a security before subscribers have a fair opportunity to exit. The length of time an editor must wait after subscribers have been advised to exit a play depends on the type of publication. All other employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. The Daily Reckoning is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We do not rent or share your email address. Please read our [Privacy Statement.]( If you are having trouble receiving your The Daily Reckoning subscription, you can ensure its arrival in your mailbox by [whitelisting The Daily Reckoning.](

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