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What’s happening in Washington, DC


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Mon, Jan 9, 2023 08:37 PM

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A slow start for Congress + three key priorities | At Oxfam, we believe our leaders in government mu

A slow start for Congress + three key priorities | [Oxfam] Friend, It’s been a wild week in Washington, DC, as the newly elected Congress had a tumultuous start simply trying to choose a Speaker and swear in the newest representatives. Now, as we look ahead to a critical year of policy decisions, it’s time to plant a stake in the ground and help our leaders from the House and Senate to the White House — get their act together. [Oxfam’s Priorities for the New Congress: Climate Change, Hunger, Economic Justice. Sign on to support these priorities.](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSn95nCWNV3Zsc37CgZdnW8dJGdd5gG8tQV9rLnn35VlMGN68vSrSwwXW_N4yfKBr4wT3bW2_x6P181n0d5W66vC0m7L6wp2W8sQbRv6mx2RKW6GBRH580nXqKW58dbW43pl5mWW2tBKFW6Tvwb_W4NlfS53cGwB4W4J3FFF2cSY7MW1SbPwZ8y3p6jW46ftxG93qfNYW1V2C_p40fmHHW7wVhJ830m_9TW4ZQbwk4mkLFbW864KrL1lwTr2W4c715w8z1-qlW7LYKBs97S36PW3t2Dvy61rWPRW7McNvk2H5YvrW8G0G114_-mdBW6wCzb41hyltKW6QqmPd6KsDhWW3sYdkr7f1Px2W55K3G091sbX1V1PdmW81h7YNW1nVVm_2_47GwW1BN3C91NY_0MW47tY-Z53GGrBW5NTYXr5CLnS3W6yNj8k1kJ8PSW154PGj4XdwTQW2v_pbj4xR3rJW2Jr2wL8pRF6qW4fFQ7t2RfwTZW9h57W35Gm_vkW7nCZCJ1NgcZgW4Xz5WD53Jj5HW1_xHZ928JdVxW6rwlwq1WcZwxW7JkYp47K3TsbW7Xkrlk1p00vFW76Vy7K6mHp7qW32H7XN6qWbQZ33Tm1) At Oxfam, we believe our leaders in government must immediately focus on climate change, hunger, and economic justice to address the worsening inequalities that are putting people’s lives and rights at risk around the globe. During the year ahead, we will work alongside supporters like you to do everything possible to meet the urgent and long-term needs of communities facing extreme hardship — but we need our leaders in Congress and the Biden administration to do their part. A divided Congress means an even greater need for leadership from the president, so we will not hesitate to hold all of our elected officials to account. As our response teams work urgently to save lives and help families build a brighter future, we must also demand world leaders take real action to address climate change, increasing global hunger, and severe economic inequality facing people in our own communities and around the world. This is core to Oxfam’s strategy for overcoming the most entrenched global challenges — so we’re asking you to join us in a powerful moment of support. [Stand with us and urge Congress to take on the critical challenges of climate change, hunger, and economic justice to help create a more equal 2023!](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSn95nCWNV3Zsc37CgJw8N8vNhYMrZ_r_W8YCt2W7b71FgN40H9ngF9gttW6N_Xmh52_ptKW1PHWys8wwYlYW2nKbJc86LF9NW17VwxJ4f4dd3W3Mltyh3WrPGBW7kHWq03_0GxjW7F4Qht6WLl93W556YSG7mFxNQW5YrLgL64KMCPW8-913c1p0HqNW3Qxxv-1kRm9mW8dp8Jr4TGv-_W5Jb2r31JxxwGVjssj22zjcPNW7-nnHm4jhLPcW28JbkK2lYDBzW8218nH7vrmHmW4bT_wM4DndHGW991_Fg2YwjsFW9kRVSw6phk_VVWd-8L7TdftfW8jB9rL7XhxJxW6cBWbF8hfb5hW8SWlcv2RdB97W5_-hbz66kz8wW85-VQZ7HzJ7BN1SchQgJSsRQN5T_8Y3XMr83W4QtT733lkc8gW9ftqNy86rLKhW4VNVYN1FM9MbW8J5_7v7MZf3bW2rGGtN36RQL9W5n6M2Q4qtnS0W6zhwzh6TRGK8N41lLcD-SGBdW4dnrHT3r419VW50gq2593GyKzW6qHD5d3GVZYFN7F_VgpWPDl3W5qyXzx2_RqXbVp3dhT4MCMkdW4qScqM8LchP431Jr1) Here’s a closer look at what we’re demanding of Congress in the coming year: Climate Change: Congress must continue to fight against the influence and power of fossil fuel companies and provide resources to support low-income communities and countries that bear the greatest burden of a changing climate. This year, we will continue to hold the largest polluters accountable for the climate crisis. This means exposing and combating powerful fossil fuel interests and advocating to meet the US’s climate commitments by ending our addiction to dirty fuels and fighting for a future that swiftly and justly transitions to clean, renewable energy. We’ll also support communities that are most negatively impacted by extractive infrastructure and by the climate crisis, putting their needs and demands first. We, along with our allies, will push Congress and the Biden administration to get us on pace to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, stop any attempts to undermine our bedrock environmental justice laws, and continue to fight for a world in which people and communities are prioritized over profits. Hunger: Congress must invest the necessary resources to tackle the growing hunger crisis that has now left 828 million people worldwide on the brink of starvation. In 2023, we will push Congress to show greater leadership in tackling the global and domestic hunger crisis. Internationally, we will continue to deliver food to communities around the world made vulnerable by climate change, gender-based violence, exploitation, illness, and war. Working with community members, we’ll support the development of sustainable, resilient, and local food systems based on small-scale production and family farming. In the United States, we will advocate for more investment in fundamental safety net programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — which provides families with food stamps — and the provisions in the Farm Bill to ensure children, families, and farmers can meet their basic food needs. Economic Justice: Congress must act to reform our tax code so the ultra-rich pay their fair share, and ensure that workers earn enough to support their families and are safe, healthy, and respected at work. In 2023, Oxfam’s Economic Justice campaign will step up to expose the outrageous and escalating levels of inequality that plague the US and the world, and propose steps to redress the balance of wealth and power — to the benefit of the economy, democracy, racial and gender equity, and the climate. As we illustrate how structural inequities poured the foundation upon which multiple crises have flamed up and out of control, we will make the case for urgent action to tackle economic, racial, and gender injustices. We won't just say why the ultra-wealthy must pay their fair share — we'll offer tangible solutions to bring this to fruition. And we'll advocate to protect worker’s rights to organize at state and federal levels, push for increases in wages and benefits, and demand action to respect paid and unpaid care work. [Today, please stand with Oxfam and demand Congress prioritize these three critical challenges of our time — click to add your name now >>](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSn95nCWNV3Zsc37CgBBLW6r3mGq31KVlnW7ql8_L1k3sKNW6Nnyfw5Jb0JDW92TgSj1H7tnrW3jhmPt2cFjr4N8qdrj9pvwj8W1krS5C4ZlRrQW8jFK_-7vRSpMW6b0q6M7w4B6QN6XS5-f57GMtW4kdQ9n7GxTBvW4dtGQ7604mSlW7_-8j434b-HvW5cS-Mh1kCqzkVNvDFL28kn_XW1LmF1388RGmSW2M2tBx62sCFYW8j5F3L1BpWWwW4zcc_V2zYR74W8KJfQw2JPl8gW2mBRvB7_lDqvW75J7fj7CqqN6W3JRw2C6-RWyXW5ShCCp67MJnnW16yggl3P8MH8W6q0YCR8sHCjsW14vg2_2KQFWpW82w0ry7Rc7CrVVH0XN32xzcSW8RvtfW3Mvw_-W3bPsB53qrRDZW8Sc1xn8q0XHsV7wfbw1Sj_ZmW5fZhSn5fzjDsW2lgW09221FsFW8jT7_n8bhfg9W2Ljq4r4pMdQ7VVyB7w4Wyzs5N1gBdNht7QdCW27BXvZ7Lzj8nW3fwv4K3_bSPNW4KHrmr1vHwkZW4Wtm1f7fRX9CW58GxHh6GyJWyW5shcJ853Vz-kW7m9gY53P1XLx3fll1) When you sign on, you’ll show you’re ready for the fights ahead — and we’ll connect you with key opportunities to speak up and make your voice heard. We’ll have much more to come about our advocacy efforts in the weeks and months ahead. Until then, thank you for all you do. Ben Grossman-Cohen Director of Campaigns Oxfam America Action Fund This email was sent to {EMAIL}. If this isn't the best way to reach you, let us know your new contact information by emailing us [here]( Oxfam is only able to help people survive crises and tackle the root causes of poverty because of dedicated supporters like you, and we always love to hear your ideas. Feel free to send us any comments or feedback you have [here](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSn93q3pBV1-WJV7CgF68Mh18GRT_YRrW51tJkP2pZ2RzW7l05pk7j-klWW5hhpz-8f64J9VRzw1V53CLGFW3lVRS97JwrQtW6v34vJ99r9rfW3jvMCx9ktgVMW6m5NDj1wZgj-W5xSF-28S-VzmW4Qq5L83m75QwW3Bfmbg1JhJlvW7ZPwzp5mX6WyW7yr4km5PNGdQW8BScyj2QcV_8N7K-9-wSNR81W87yxLL31NSvkW6dx_yC4j9s1kN6MYyFlBpjXvW2V9xLW8hRv6xN70wtvXCQrHCW48qJkM20GpDwW5g3kMX4zQBpyN8n_wp7k7TLZW3BnFTh8jTy_jW6m8Dp57rc5H_W2mj66-88FfYfW1yF15k5nLX-xW9l-yH52FRDj5W3jjbPW6qYq8s3kBW1), or just reply to this message. Reaching you over email is the best way we have to let you know about the ways you can fight inequality to end poverty and injustice around the world. If you no longer want to receive Oxfam email, [unsubscribe here]( but know that it will be harder for you to stay involved with Oxfam and continue the work that you've been such a critical part of. Thanks so much for your support. [Donate now](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSmB9kJWyV7Wycr7Cg-2WN82gCn0wPV6WW4thG422CKMz2W1ZQsFW4CNCQRW5XgrXf8X2GWtW1H1HXC36xFv8W1VqQ4P1ppqRJV49gYK3y49CLW6hwn-n6LTg7sW679N3t4C93d0W1fjBlh5ZrdCvW4YkFS_4rxYVgW36MHsH3Jy18PW3N0Lny5dwn95W2vGv_q2yJlRQW2SLqRz4cQ_2BVvkCkC69PvMdW7jyCFh4q0Zj2N55Nxf840Ly0N12G7QX_5pDQW4WXXKw5Y_wYfW70Tf-r501ttWW5wjDYw8b3_HhW8C54JK3r1tTzW12rc6d4sZSVzW59n6DJ1WF9z9W8DLxYR2PLpXLVyZjZh7hWhplW1G5S3B8M1VJrW59BJBv7hRGblW9b7_7X29s5XwW3DlV4Q6JgZ69W8k44Lb96M4JWW4csxKm7-qdMrW1ZwcRJ2fnMrjVJXyJs8k3Bj6N8qyXKtfVgDDW357f0h7PycqKW7GvPLf3ncvFZW76_mSm1rCMhrW2Ph_mF1kvJVtW7sXSZh2FNx9cW7S1s3h1-nQlKW2dGtZG2QwCP5W1Zkndf1JvJjJN2k8pghjVYSdW7tk9yH5Sc2WLW6nvgYM6GVBTZW46JMSp94Wbs3VcX4tK58JYXVVJxyCh3Bkss7W5dX7_y8QrJt4W7BVfHj2vPFWSW3zT2py8nZJ8_VjDx9r5ykNFCW46Wlm81Yj-fWMwQpTBHf0SnW55JhTh8r0440W5705903vQXMnW3SFghg1yPfb6W4Dc8Zv1zZNV6N180sNZk_g2-W7qwqg-5MMbc-W8RLxtG52yTz7W9khJ6l2Mv5NTVqrpXr5Pw9j6W2xgMKy6H3f7BW2Z7NPt6YC80wW5_6xSv3bVdy-W39p41P6gMyB-W8yKvt594rPgRW6HcMBc4W6b8KN3P_v2lyG2zMW5WbrWN4_qHHYN1WKCRtMtttY3pSM1) [Donate](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSmV5nCWtV3Zsc37CgSNWW9d7yw16m5PJDW2tn1QX3mLpDtW5GWZC_6ChWjSW9gTm__43Hdc2W8pjBd863_10SW4PnCpG27k5ZJW6k20071PpcfdW7_gNtr4YZ6Q5W2FwwQ59cBGgHN7l0Z27Rwpc1V_XbTQ8vMsRHW34SV6t7TWz4CW4l-L8g2X7BL2W1mK7pH6MZJcVM4pDFgF5rF3W7rpqBT6D_fqyN3Xq452tmbDvW1RP2Xc6bg5JxW6kH_TN9l61BcW5XTgqT5gMD8-W1hlBqZ75Yq6MW3QgMg66vggVsW4dxz-h1DsrgzW9gpbhX26B35lN6pDby0QwDP9W8v9gng2n4_LlW2qKfNN2HsMsRW7QBy906Q0bHyW5kMxgS5fXXhWW3jK77759d4JGV93vmZ6BHm4CW8S3Kpx3YjSRNVxgtsQ70WQD6W6HpYgd8Y-z7JW3vG2tx2gBKH4W81gKKX92_sXFW7SzHYD12XQnzW2KK7xg82dXTLW7_kdcG3R5SpgW8wjsFF5g0qC3W4WjkyL4wVhpWN4mPtVskbmnSV233Lx5qJy46N7jvGG-xz3mY36FL1) | [Contact us](113/cssrH04/VWHHJv9bVZPmW5thRxH4r-tV2V9TLwZ4VC1x6N5SJSn93q3pBV1-WJV7CgMpBW75Kmyy7rwZGHN55bXSkwRJfjW4KDrJl8VGymJW6MTF3Z1yqVPFW5gHNm958lLnXW5KM1WH6MYC36W6NrzHy2QGBV0VgX2P38kdNhnW6f2vwH87Sj-hW2WVFqG7J1jxZW4QvFnb7dkHgHW5bLp4N42gttVW2Zwgj06nT78JW75Gn0P42w_jPN1GH60Dvx3ZhW2gkb1_5w45m6W29pXKv16fl6FVncLqV3clyRRW3YKBY06vVYQ0W3Cp_Z26Jg4KzW7Wm_HN3b4JlHMGZZ5QN9SyFV3YwQf7f237jN8MvV0nFc60pW7nZPTD22N06tN5F5zdNwT_pPW5KY2x42jpW9KW10TPTq1ynfKNW1cHWgC4f_DxnW1FL6k34Cw2lm3k4g1) | [Unsubscribe]( Oxfam 226 Causeway Street, 5th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02114 USA

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