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Russia's Coming Wars


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"There is no little enemy." -Benjamin Franklin You are receiving this email because you subscribed t

"There is no little enemy." -Benjamin Franklin You are receiving this email because you subscribed to Outsider Club. [Click here]( to manage your e-mail preferences. [Outsider Club logo] Russia's Coming Wars By James Dines Written Feb. 16, 2019 Publisher's Note: Today we're bringing you an excerpt of The Dines Letter discussing Russia and its next moves on the global geopolitical stage. With Russia and the U.S. shifting towards ever-increasing antagonism and [a new arms race,]( now is the time to think long and hard about what comes next. To your wealth, [Nick Hodge Signature] Nick Hodge Publisher, Outsider Club --------------------------------------------------------------- "There is no little enemy." —Benjamin Franklin We envision the gradual merging of many smaller countries into fewer larger ones, worldwide, eventually perhaps into five: China, India, Africa, Muslim and Judeo-Christian (North America, Latin America, Europe and Russia). In George Orwell’s brilliantly visionary book 1984 only three countries remained, with the two weakest ones always uniting against the strongest. After all, that was the basis of England’s foreign policy for centuries: always backing the opponent of whichever of the next two was strongest on the European continent. Russia is underestimated, scorned as a “gas station” police state with a small and shrinking population, a serious underestimation of the kind that breeds regrets. We predict it will have a tremendous resurgence. The entire Eurasian landmass will evolve richly like the development of the Americas itself. Global warming will continue to thaw out Siberia, and enable it to access vast new wildernesses for mining and agriculture for the first time in its modern history. The majority of Russia’s landmass is sparsely populated and underdeveloped. The right politicians for the first time in its history could lead to an explosion of economic growth, with a huge geopolitical impact, especially in agriculture and natural resources. [You’re in for a ROARING big surprise!]( The first U.S. Space Force rocket to lift off from Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg Air Force Base may be using a futuristic propulsion system supplied by [this small company.]( That’s why quadruple-digit gains may be in this company’s immediate future. Many know the phrase, hoist with his own petard, because it was immortalized in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Not everybody knows the meaning of “petard” in our beautiful English language. In ancient warfare a petard was a conical-shaped explosive charge placed against walls or gates to blow them open, by a very brave warrior lighting the device under a hail of arrows. Sometimes the bomb detonated too soon, hoisting the warrior airborne. Daintily defined in the dictionary from the French péter, and earlier by the Latin verb pedere, peditus, to break wind, or an expulsion of intestinal gas. These days, the phrase gratefully merely means “backfire” on those planning to harm others. Feel free to use that tidbit. We devoted an entire chapter of our Mass Psychology book to describing DINOPA (The Dines Nature of Paradox), providing the world’s only understanding of the word; dictionaries don’t have a clue about it. Putin will never hear about Paradox, but he is already afflicted by it. For example, Putin wants to restrict Russian rap, the music based on drugs, sex, and protest, due to its growing popularity among young Russians. But his advisers warned Putin that it would instead boost the songs’ popularity. His advisers might at least be unwittingly aware of DINOPA, but we are skeptical that they understand how to control it. Unsurprisingly, another instance of DINOPA in Russia has popped up, with Ukraine’s church punitively splitting from Russia’s Orthodox Church to form its own, an affirmation of growing independence from pushy Putin, who will experience rising resistance. Some Ukrainian priests have already refused to perform last rites for soldiers in eastern Ukraine. Look for trouble in March 2019, around when Ukraine’s Poroshenko runs for re-election, perhaps an incident instigated by Russia. Our commentary on Russia goes back a long way. It started when we predicted “The Soviet Union will implode.” That came true, and an obscure KGB operative named Vladimir Putin was personally crushed by the collapse of what he had once so fervently believed. Putin himself even admitted in recent years that he had been devastated at the loss of his life’s work. Without expressing an opinion as to whether it is good or bad, we wondered at the time about Russia being drawn into the American orbit, into NATO, and we predict that that will eventually happen, although we doubt whether anybody in this skeptical world would agree. Not since the days of the Flat Earth Society has a prediction looked more improbable. We get that. Putin subsequently actually began to favor the victorious American capitalism, and tried to befriend President Bush in November 2001, even having accepted an invitation to his Prairie Chapel Ranch in Texas. However, the U.S. State Department felt that, as an ex-KGB officer, Putin could not be trusted, and persisted in treating him as an enemy. As we wrote at the time, treating somebody as an enemy long enough, creates one. Now a real friendship, or even a cooperative relationship, will not happen until Putin is no longer in office. The Dines Nature of Opportunity says that it is more obvious on the way out than it was on the way in. Instead, now we have an angry Putin, unfriendly and belligerent, basically already having begun a war with the West. [Market Oracle Makes Final Prediction]( In 1964, James Dines recommended gold at $35 and silver at 92.5¢. By 1980, gold was trading at $850 and silver had shot up 50-fold to $49.45. In 1984, he told his readers to buy a little-known computer stock at 44.5¢. Apple Computers went on to return 30,000%... or 300x your money! Now he’s making the boldest prediction of his legendary career… [Click here to watch the full emergency briefing now.]( Many nations’ souls are expressed in the sports and the games they play. For Russia it’s chess, boxing, and the mock-suicidal anesthesia of vodka. While American politics is still convulsing over Putin’s role in America’s 2016 presidential election, our attention is instead focused on Putin the chess master, who has insinuated his nation back into the Middle East as a major player, while stealthily moving his chess pieces in positions to influence his western neighbors — and rebuild Russia’s empire. Putin’s current gambit began with the 2014 Olympics, held in Sochi, Russia. He spent $50 billion on the games in an effort to improve Russia’s image, squandered when, at precisely the same time, Ukraine had an unexpected street revolution. It is probably difficult for any outsider to fully comprehend the deep, mystical connection between those two countries, and the idea of an independent Ukraine surely angered Putin profoundly — particularly frustrated because he had to maintain his teeth-clenching smile during the Olympics. Instead of sending tanks to crush the Ukrainian revolt, Putin settled on sending unidentifiable snipers to butcher unarmed civilians protesting in the streets. The secret of the Low State of Anger hinges on Frustration, so in the heat of the moment, angry people do unexpected things. Putin then sent soldiers into east Ukraine — again in disguise — as a springboard for an invasion, but they didn’t get far against a surprisingly stubborn Ukrainian resistance, plus Western shaming. So Putin paused to ponder his next move. To him, allowing NATO troops on the Russian border with Ukraine was out of the question, and he would go to war over it. America understood, so it sent only limited assistance to Ukraine, pawns facing pawns on the chess board. Suddenly, from out of the blue, Syria’s Assad bleated that his regime was about to collapse, and begged for urgent help from anyone. The West did nothing at that fateful moment. Syria owned a critical asset: a warm water port to the world’s oceans, access to which Russia had yearned for centuries. In the middle of his crisis with Ukraine, Putin quickly shifted his focus south on the chess board with cunning tactical generalship. Leaving his Ukraine pawns parked in place, Putin moved his air power to Syria, which easily beat back insurgents against Assad. Assad regained control of Syria, but now he owes Putin. Big time. If Assad reneges on giving Russia access to his seaport at Tartus, he probably wouldn’t live long, but that struggle will come later. With that victory in hand, Putin sought to link Syria with Iraq and Iran. Also Yemen, to control an entrance to the Suez Canal, and an oil cartel! The price? Some air support to Syria. Roses on the cheap! Putin must have been giddy with happiness at also having driven a deeper wedge between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Incidentally, President Trump recently announced the departure of American troops from Syria to avoid American troops trapped by a Turkish attack, abandoning the loyal Kurds, a smoldering problem to be left for a future war. With chess pieces awaiting their next move, Putin shifted back to seizing Ukraine. At the time Ukraine revolted, TDL had foreseen the Russian’s thinking and predicted (on 13 Feb 15, page 3) “Putin will attack Ukraine, and do it through the tiny town of Mariupol.” It was the main road from Russia to Crimea — if TDL could see it, so could Putin, without a doubt. February 19th Meeting Will Set the Stage to Unleash Massive Cannabis Gains On February 19th, Michigan lawmakers will meet to discuss the rollout of legalized recreational marijuana... And this has the potential to send a group of pot stocks skyrocketing by 1,000% in very short order. This could be the last chance for everyday Americans to get rich from marijuana. There’s no time to waste... [Click here to get started.]( But then Putin did something really brilliant — while busy in Syria, he had built the Kerch Strait Bridge connecting Russia at the Taman Peninsula to Crimea at the Kerch Peninsula, creating a parallel southern road bypassing Mariupol, across which his tanks could storm! This move also consolidated his seizure of Crimea by having connected it to Russia — pretending there had been no invasion of Ukraine in having just seized it. Furthermore, Putin bottled up Ukraine’s fleet using the new bridge as a chokepoint — starving Ukraine of its commerce! An evil chess masterpiece. A naval blockade is considered an act of war, this time boldly sporting identifiable Russian sailors openly wearing uniforms — different from Ukraine and Crimea. Ominously, we suspect Putin now feels secure enough to risk a serious war with a retreating West. How would his opponents respond? If Ukraine tried to fight its way out of the blockade, Russia could righteously seize on that as having been attacked itself, starting an all-out war it might easily win. The stage is now unfortunately set for an elevated risk of war. Europe will not go to war with Russia, and President Trump will likely do little more than send money and weapons to Ukraine, so Putin could sit back and wait for a starving Ukraine to fall into his lap. It looks like checkmate for the West: Ukraine back under Russian control, and a Russian navy with access to a warm water port. Ukraine will fight no matter the odds. Putin’s chess gambit could come to a head very soon. TDLers who travel are advised to avoid such potential war zones. We’ll try to predict it. (We further advise avoiding central Africa until its current Ebola epidemic dies down.) Putin must be feeling both cocky and haunted. He will try to build a four-nation oil cartel with Iran, Venezuela, and even Saudi Arabia, in order to cripple NATO. That oil cartel would be a formidable enemy, someday; just what Putin’s long-term plan is aiming for? Europe also is currently unwisely becoming increasingly dependent on Russia’s natural-gas imports. America’s soaring supply of oil from fracking might foil Putin’s plan, but does America have enough both for itself — plus the rest of its allies in the world? Putin has several weaknesses. Among which, he himself can’t relinquish control of Russia — where would he go if he were out of power? What could he buy with his billions, yet unable even to go to a restaurant? And how would he avoid retribution from enemies? He is trapped by his own money and power, by DINOPA, reduced to playing chess with the world, and doomed to be smolderingly lonely and Low State depressed, like The Flying Dutchman. Many Americans are generally unaware of the historic split between Sunnis and Shias, but Russia is getting deeply involved, which we predict will lead to more terrorism against Russia. In the Americas, “basket” states such as Venezuela, already being infiltrated by Russian and Chinese money are at risk of falling within their sphere of influence. Additionally, surrendering control to Russia and China might induce Trump to resurrect the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, that kept the Americas free of the eastern hemisphere’s wars. Also, in the past Russia has been badly whipped by Muslims: Osama bin Laden drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan. Also, Russia and China both have large Muslim populations, and will be tragically menaced by jihadists, believe the unbelievable or not. 2019 will see Putin on the attack, and determined to get Ukraine back. Putin will not leave willingly, and he is angrily militant, as was a German corporal by what he considered an unfair treaty ending World War I. History repeats because people are still people. Russia is already under heavy sanctions, so the West could do little more than send money and more advanced weaponry to Ukraine — world markets would not react favorably to the risk of war in 2019. As we have made clear, we expect a flight to havens such as precious metals (gold, silver, palladium, and platinum), and cryptos despite current bearishness to them. --------------------------------------------------------------- James Dines is legendary for having made correct forecasts that were in complete contradiction to the rest of the financial community. He is the author of five highly regarded books, including "Goldbug!," in addition to his popular newsletter, [The Dines Letter](, and videotaped educational series. Dines' highly successful investment strategies have been praised by Barron's, Financial Times, Forbes, Moneyline, and The New York Times, among others. Enjoy reading this article? [Click here]( to like it and receive similar articles to read! Browse Our Archives [The Plot to Destroy America]( [Why It's Still Very Early Days for the Cannabis Sector]( [The Heart of Cannabis Profits]( [U.S. Critical Shortages Now 4, 7, 8, and 19 Times Worse]( [The Original Pot Bug's Secret Weapon]( --------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to {EMAIL}. It is not our intention to send email to anyone who doesn't want it. If you're not sure why you've received this e-letter, or no longer wish to receive it, you may [unsubscribe here](, and view our privacy policy and information on how to manage your subscription. To ensure that you receive future issues of Outsider Club, please add to your address book or whitelist within your spam settings. For customer service questions or issues, please contact us for assistance. [Outsider Club](, Copyright © 2019, [Angel Publishing LLC]( & Outsider Club LLC, 111 Market Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. For Customer Service, please call (877) 303-4529. 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Nothing contained herein constitutes, is intended, or deemed to be – either implied or otherwise – investment advice. Neither the publisher nor the editors are registered investment advisors. This letter reflects the personal views and opinions of Nick Hodge and that is all it purports to be. While the information herein is believed to be accurate and reliable it is not guaranteed or implied to be so. Neither Nick Hodge, nor anyone else, accepts any responsibility, or assumes any liability, whatsoever, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information in this letter. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice, may become outdated and may not be updated. Nick Hodge, entities that he controls, family, friends, employees, associates, and others may have positions in securities mentioned, or discussed, in this letter. 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