Pit Stop [fstp, logo, header] September 6, 2024 [ag views, logo, header] Frank and Andrew run the Boeing/Tesla combo That is right you heard it here. Frank and I got long Tesla Inc (Ticker: TSLA) via strangle and short Boeing Corp (Ticker: BA) via put spread. TSLA bailing out BA space mission was too good to pass up. So what happened? BA is back in palookaville. [ded] TSLA traded $230 from $208 [ded] I closed my TSLA call diagonals yesterday and the BA puts on Tuesday. I would look to reenter TSLA next week but I will see how the market recovers. - AG  [logo, pit profits] - OSH closed UPST Sep20 37.50/32.50 put verticals for 72% gain
- CAP Gains BTU Sep20 21 puts close for 18% gain
- Cap Gains TSLA Sep20 195/220 strangles close 12% gain Want to find YOUR winning fit? Give our Customer Care Team a call at [1-888-872-3301](tel:/1-888-872-3301) Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST. Or email them anytime at [support@optionpit.com](mailto:/support@optionpit.com)  [logo, fvix, header,] What Happened This Week? Hey Traders, In today's video, we'll cover the wild trading week that we just went through. We'll also take a very good look at the VIX and where I see it going next. So let's dig in. [ded]( [Click here to watch the video!]( - Mark --------------------------------------------------------------- Want to get Mark's Trader's Edge updates directly to your inbox?[Click this link to sign up!](  [frep] Big Flow Friday is here! Big Flow Friday is here. We are looking for trades in AAPL and the correlation to the Q's. We rbeak down Non Farm Payrolls to talk about how that will impact our trading going into the day and next week. You won't want to miss the impact of these economic reports. They matter for the short term. The market overreacts and we pounce! We have a quick look at a sleeper earnings report... And... well... we're going to talk about Gold for a bit for all you Gold bugs out there... The calendar to always get reminds is at the bottom of this email. [The room link is right here.]( Come on in and ask questions and get your day of trading started. Also - this is totally FREE and one of the 2 shows we do weekly for you for FREE.
We'll have more info on the Ticker Show coming to you Monday... which ticker we'll be looking at and the best strategy to take the floor! Thanks - Mark --------------------------------------------------------------- Receive the Option Pit "Ticker of the Week" breakdowns as soon as they are released. [Click this link to sign up!](
 [fpip] Anatomy of a Great Trade Hi Shoppers, I was asked to share our most recent win in Option Shopper. On Tuesday we bought the Starbucks (TIcker: SBUX) Sep13, 2024 94/91 put vertical and paid $.93. Why, you may ask, would we put that trade on. First of all we determined, with our pitchfork, that $SBUX was going to trade lower: [FPIP] After crossing the red median line, it came back and revisited before trading lower. MACD was also crossing bearish. After that, we went shopping for cheap options. Instead of outright buying a put we spread off the at the money put with an out of the money put thereby bringing our cost per contract below $1.00. We knew our price target on the stock, by finding support, was at $92. Once $SBUX traded down near $92 we were able to sell our put spread for an average price of $1.44. That was a win of 55% in two trading days. Some of our members did even better: [FPIP] [FPIP] [FPIP] So come join us! You will learn to read the charts and shop for cheap options. Call Ted at 888-872-3301 and tell him you would like to become an Option Shopper member and tell him Licia sent you. [Hereâs a new cheap trade idea for you in SPDR Select Sector Fund Financial (TIcker: XLF)]( - Licia --------------------------------------------------------------- Join Licia's trading community and start receiving her Profits In Pumps Newsletter. [Click this link to sign up!](  Don't miss when our traders go live! Get an alert everytime we open the live rooms to all of our readers for free by selecting the calendar you use below. Add Option Pit Live Events to Your Calendar [Apple]( [Google]( [Outlook]( [Outlook.com]( [Office 365]( [Yahoo](   [glossary, logo] There are plenty of terms in the trading world that need explaining. The Option Pit Glossary is here to help. Today's phrase is:  Order flow - The actual option contracts bought or sold by the investing public in a particular class of securities. [ftsp] All the Right Options. The Option Pit Team brings more than 150 years of experience to you every day. From the trading pits of Chicago to the world's largest banks to the halls of power in DC -- they've done it all. Now theyâre collectively focused on one thing: making YOU a better, more profitable trader. Click the button below to schedule a call with our concierge Customer Care Team to find your best fit today. DISCLAIMER: FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. The materials presented from Option Pit LLC are for your informational and educational purposes only. Neither Option Pit LLC nor its employees offer investment, legal or tax advice of any kind, and the analysis displayed with various tools does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice and should not be interpreted as such. Using the data and analysis contained in the materials for reasons other than the informational and educational purposes intended is at the userâs own risk.
DISCLAIMER: OPTION PIT LLC IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR OR REGISTERED BROKER. Option Pit LLC is not responsible for any losses that may occur from transactions effected based upon information or analysis contained in the presented materials. Specific trading ideas or strategies discussed in the presentations or materials are entirely illustrative and do not constitute the solicitation of a transaction (or transactions) or a recommendation to execute a particular transaction or implement a particular trading strategy.
DISCLAIMER: TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK; TRADING INVOLVES RISK OF LOSS; SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. To the extent that you make use of the concepts with the presentation material, you are solely responsible for the applicable trading or investment decision. Trading activity, including options transactions, can involve the risk of loss, so use caution when entering any option transaction. You trade at your own risk, and it is recommended you consult with a financial advisor for investment, legal or tax advice relating to options transactions. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [Update your preferences]( This email was sent by support@optionpit.com. 1-888-872-3301 [Option Pit]( | 190 S LaSalle Suite 3000 Chicago, IL 60603 | [Privacy Policy](