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Today's Headlines: U.S. Urges Fuel Cutoff for North Korea, Saying It's 'Begging for War'


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Tue, Sep 5, 2017 08:55 AM

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He has been wrestling with what to do about the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program.]( [On DACA, President Trump Has No Easy Path]( By GLENN THRUSH, MAGGIE HABERMAN and JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS Delaying a decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program would buy the president some breathing room but displease nearly everyone else. [Specialist Keith Meza of the Texas Army National Guard looked for people who needed to be evacuated as a truck convoy moved through floodwaters in Vidor, Tex.]( [In Texas, Distrust of Washington Collides With Need for Federal Aid]( By RICHARD FAUSSET Despite state Republican leaders' anti-Washington rhetoric, the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is prompting huge demands for federal flood and relief aid. For more top news, go to [ »]( [Get California Today in Your Inbox]( The news and stories that matter to Californians (and anyone else interested in the state). Delivered Monday through Friday. ADVERTISEMENT Editors' Picks SCIENCE | Basics [A Baby Wails, and the Adult World Comes Running]( By NATALIE ANGIER In almost every mammal species, an infant's cry has a primal impact on nearby adults. Scientists are beginning to figure out why. [Protesters outside the White House last week.]( OPINION | Op-Ed Contributor [What Do Dreamers Do Now?]( By ROSE CUISON VILLAZOR The expansive cruelty of the executive branch may yet be tempered by the powers and wisdom of America's legal system. QUOTATION OF THE DAY "We have kicked the can down the road long enough. There is no more road left." [NIKKI R. HALEY]( the American ambassador to the United Nations, on the North Korean nuclear crisis. [] Today's Videos [Barbara Davidson for The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.]( [[Video] Video: Houston Family Returns to a Flooded Home]( The Hendrix family returns to their still-flooded house in West Houston to witness the destruction left by Hurricane Harvey. [] World [Sandringham, Queen Elizabeth II's 20,000-acre estate, is also a working farm, which entitles it to subsidies from the European Union.]( ['Brexit' Threatens Subsidies for U.K.'s Landed Gentry, and Queen]( By STEPHEN CASTLE Millions in European Union farm subsidies that go to Britain's rich and famous - including Queen Elizabeth II - could be excised after the country leaves the bloc. [The uneasy relationship between President Moon Jae-in of South Korea and President Trump, who met at the White House in June, has complicated a venerable alliance.]( [Allies for 67 Years, U.S. and South Korea Split Over North Korea]( By CHOE SANG-HUN The uneasy relationship between President Trump and South Korea's leader is testing a seven-decade alliance at a critical time. [An Israeli naval officer holding the mooring line of a German-made submarine during a ceremony upon its arrival at a naval base in Haifa in 2014.]( [New Arrests in Israel's Submarine Scandal, and New Questions on Netanyahu]( By ISABEL KERSHNER The arrest of another once-close associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prompted questions about what he knew, or should have known. For more world news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] U.S. [Aracely Martinez-Ramirez, 20, top right, is an undocumented immigrant whose new home was ravaged during Harvey's floods. Without the DACA program, she said, she is unsure how she and her mother and sisters will rebuild.]( [Battered by Harvey, Immigrants in Houston Brace for a DACA Decision]( By JULIE TURKEWITZ Some families said their choices about whether to rebuild wrecked homes may depend on whether President Trump ends a program for "Dreamers." [Hurricane Irma grew into a Category 4 storm on Monday afternoon as it headed west toward the Caribbean Islands. It could make landfall in South Florida over the weekend.]( [As Hurricane Irma Strengthens, Florida Braces for Possible Landfall]( By MATTHEW HAAG The latest forecasts have Irma on a more direct path toward South Florida, raising the chance that the United States could be hit with major back-to-back storms. [A Persistent Case in Ferguson Raises Doubts About Reform]( By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS Five years after the arrest of Fred Watson, the city prosecutor continues to pursue minor charges despite what appear to be numerous problems. For more U.S. news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Politics [Specialist Keith Meza of the Texas Army National Guard looked for people who needed to be evacuated as a truck convoy moved through floodwaters in Vidor, Tex.]( [In Texas, Distrust of Washington Collides With Need for Federal Aid]( By RICHARD FAUSSET Despite state Republican leaders' anti-Washington rhetoric, the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is prompting huge demands for federal flood and relief aid. [President Trump boarded Air Force One on Sept. 2 in Lake Charles, La.]( [Trump Faces Deal-Making Challenges as Congress Returns]( By PETER BAKER As lawmakers return to town, the president faces weeks of hard bargaining on the debt ceiling, his border wall, the tax code, Harvey relief and more. [The Friendship Bridge, which connects the North Korean town of Sinuiju with the Chinese city of Dandong, is used to transport goods between the two countries.]( [Trump Can't Stop Trade With North Korea. But He Does Have Options.]( By PAUL MOZUR With about $650 billion in U.S.-China trade on the line, Washington must tread carefully if it wants to pressure Beijing to take a tougher line on Pyongyang. For more political news, go to [ »]( [] Business [The New York Daily News sharing space with The New York Post, magazines, gum and candy at a news stand at the Times Square subway station.]( [The Daily News, a Distinctive Voice in New York, Is Sold]( By SYDNEY EMBER and ANDREW ROSS SORKIN The paper's owner, Mortimer Zuckerman, is selling it to Tronc, the publisher of The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune. ['Too Big to Fail' Label May Shrink for Some Firms Under Trump]( By VICTORIA FINKLE The Trump administration is examining the use of the designation for large non-bank financial institutions, with a closely anticipated Treasury report on the matter expected next month. [Ray Dalio, the founder of the Bridgewater Associates hedge fund, at the annual World Economic Forum in Switzerland last year.]( [Bridgewater's Ray Dalio Dives Deeper Into the 'Principles' of Tough Love]( By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN The 68-year-old chairman's deeply personal new book, "Principles: Life & Work," explores a workplace culture that he has embraced as "radical transparency." For more business news, go to [ »]( [] Technology [Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany at a news conference in Berlin on Monday. Her refusal to come down harder on the country's automakers has left many consumers angry.]( [Germany's Merkel, Vulnerable on Diesel Emissions, Moves to Address Issue]( By MELISSA EDDY While expressing opposition to banning the use of diesel-powered vehicles, the German chancellor pledged Monday to increase financial aid to cities trying to fight air pollution. [In this season of ]( ['American Horror Story' Sets Scares in Postelection America]( By JOHN KOBLIN Killer clowns provide some mayhem, but this season, titled 'Cult,' finds its terror in the fear and anger of a fragmented citizenry. [A travel industry research firm found that workers were increasingly booking business trips outside their companies' travel tools.]( [More Business Travelers Go 'Rogue,' Booking on Their Own]( By HARRIET EDLESON When employees look for lower rates or chase reward points, companies have policies for keeping tabs on their whereabouts and safety. For more technology news, go to [ »]( [] Sports [Tornado Alicia Black, 19, is giving tennis lessons in Delray Beach, Fla., to help make money so she can pay for hip surgery and resume her career.]( [Tornado Black, Tennis Prodigy, Sidelined by an Operation's High Cost]( By DAVID WALDSTEIN A once-promising star is giving tennis lessons instead of playing professionally because she can't afford a hip operation. [Rafael Nadal serving to Alexandr Dolgopolov in the fourth round Monday. Nadal's 6-2, 6-4, 6-1 rout bolstered the possibility of his first meeting with Roger Federer at the United States Open.]( On Tennis [Amid New York's Tennis Fusillade, Hope for a Nadal-Federer Showdown]( By HARVEY ARATON Rafael Nadal, a grinder, and Roger Federer, a gifted competitor, have never met at the U.S. Open. After Nadal's fourth-round rout, a potential semifinal looms. [Clint Dempsey, third from right, training with teammates Monday, is one of six Americans facing suspension for their next yellow card.]( [For U.S., a Tough Spot With Little Room for Error]( By BILLY WITZ After a loss at home in World Cup qualifying, the United States faces a challenging match in Honduras, with the team with which it is tied for third in its group. For more sports news, go to [ »]( [] Arts Critic's Notebook [Best Pictures, Maybe, but Telluride Is Not About Oscars]( By A.O. SCOTT The film festival has become a showcase for ambitious mainstream filmmaking, like new work from Guillermo del Toro and Greta Gerwig. Books of The Times [Salman Rushdie's Prose Joins the Circus in 'The Golden House']( By DWIGHT GARNER Rushdie's 13th novel is exhausting, but it's a treat when focused on a villain who resembles Donald Trump. [Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Madonna have recorded at Avatar Studios, which opened in 1977 as the Power Station.]( [Power Station, Storied Manhattan Recording Studio, to Be Revived]( By ALAN LIGHT The 33,000-square-foot complex will operate as a commercial studio and as a hub of educational programs for the Boston-based Berklee. For more arts news, go to [ »]( [] New York [Evidence is examined at the DNA laboratory in the office of New York City's chief medical examiner. Two DNA analysis methods - high-sensitivity testing and the Forensic Statistical Tool, or FST - have been discarded amid questions about the accuracy of their results.]( [Traces of Crime: How New York's DNA Techniques Became Tainted]( By LAUREN KIRCHNER The city's medical examiner has been a pioneer in analyzing complex DNA samples. But two methods were recently discontinued, raising questions about thousands of cases. [J'ouvert, the traditional predawn street festival before the West Indian American Day Parade, kicked off on Monday in Brooklyn at 6 a.m. The later start time was a move by the city to deter violence.]( [J'ouvert Spared Violence Amid Heightened Security Effort]( By ASHLEY SOUTHALL The police implemented similar security measures used for New Year's Eve in Times Square, but some attendees groaned that something was lost. [Even as he and his lawyers have been preparing for his trial on corruption charges, Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey has maintained a busy schedule of political appearances.]( [Menendez Trial Set to Begin With Tensions High and Washington Watching]( By NICK CORASANITI For the first time in 36 years, a sitting United States senator, Robert Menendez of New Jersey, is facing a federal bribery trial, one that could alter both the makeup of the Senate and the future of money and politics. For more New York news, go to [ »]( [] Science [Relationship Problems? Try Getting More Sleep]( By TARA PARKER-POPE Sleep problems not only create relationship problems, they can also make fighting with your partner particularly toxic to your health. [At a state laboratory at Albany, N.Y., a worker fills a vial with BCG, or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, a vaccine against tuberculosis, in 1947.]( Global Health [Lasting Merit Found in a Tuberculosis Vaccine Invented a Century Ago]( By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. BCG vaccine, used in many countries, protects for nearly twice as long as previously thought, scientists find. [Ruined 'Apartments' May Hold Clues to Native American History]( By JON HURDLE In Colorado, archaeologists have begun excavating two "great houses" in what once was a northern settlement of the ancient Chaco civilization. For more science news, go to [ »]( []Obituaries [Susan Vreeland in Milan in 2010. Her novels often reflected her love of fine art.]( [Susan Vreeland, Novelist With a Passion for Art, Dies at 71]( By NEIL GENZLINGER A former high school teacher, Ms. Vreeland was best known for her novel "Girl in Hyacinth Blue," which traces the history of a fictional painting. For more obituaries, go to [ »]( [] Editorial [[Interactive Graphic] Interactive Graphic: Bill de Blasio, the Best Democratic Choice for Mayor]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD With the economy humming and crime way down, the mayor deserves his party's nomination. [Nicole Malliotakis, Republican candidate for New York City mayor.]( Editorial [Nicole Malliotakis, a Gutsy G.O.P. Challenger]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Whether her message can resonate is in question. But we're pleased that she is prepared to give her Democratic opponent a lively challenge. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] Op-Ed [George Romney, president of American Motors, talking with car designers in 1962.]( Op-Ed Columnist [When the Rich Said No to Getting Richer]( By DAVID LEONHARDT With President Trump and Congress turning to tax policy, it's worth revisiting a story about wealth from another era. Op-Ed Contributor [Pondering Voyagers' Interstellar Journeys, and Our Own]( By LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS Forty years ago, we sent two Voyager spacecraft into the cosmos. Will we continue our own journey of discovery? [Eugene Kaspersky, the founder of Kaspersky Lab, is a graduate of the KGB's elite cryptology institute and was a software engineer for Soviet military intelligence.]( Op-Ed Contributor [The Russian Company That Is a Danger to Our Security]( By JEANNE SHAHEEN Kaspersky Lab, the cybersecurity company, is close to Putin's government. So why is the U.S. government using its software? For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] ON THIS DAY On Sept. 5, 1972, Palestinian terrorists attacked the Israeli Olympic team at the summer games in Munich; 11 Israeli athletes and coaches, five terrorists and a police officer were killed. [See this Front Page]( | [Buy this Front Page]( FOLLOW US: [Facebook] [Facebook]( | [Twitter] [@NYTimes]( | [Pinterest] [Pinterest]( | [Instagram] [Instagram]( [NYT]( Access The New York Times from anywhere with our suite of apps: [iPhone®]( | [iPad®]( | [Android]( | [All]( [.] Save 15% at [The NYTimes Store »]( [.] Have questions? 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