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Today's Headlines: Republican Senator Vital to Health Bill's Passage Won't Support It


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Sat, Jun 24, 2017 08:45 AM

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[Mistrial in Cincinnati Shooting as Officer Is Latest Not to Be Convicted]( | View in [Browser]( | Add to your address book. | [Unsubscribe]( [The New York Times]( [Most Popular]( | [Video]( | [Today's Headlines]( Saturday, June 24, 2017 IN THIS EMAIL [NYT] [World](#worldNews) | [U.S.](#nationalNews) | [Politics](#politicsNews) | [Business](#businessNews) | [Technology](#technologyNews) | [Sports](#sportsNews) | [Arts](#artsNews) | [N.Y./Region](#nyregionNews) | [Travel](#dailyFeatureNews) | [Today's Video](#videoNews) | [Obituaries](#obituaries) | [Editorials](#editorialsNews) | [Op-Ed](#opinionNews) | [On This Day](#onthisdayNews) | [CUSTOMIZE »]( Top News [Senator Dean Heller, Republican of Nevada, at the White House in March.]( [Republican Senator Vital to Health Bill's Passage Won't Support It]( By JONATHAN MARTIN and ALEXANDER BURNS Senator Dean Heller of Nevada became the latest Republican to say he cannot support a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act in its current form. [Ray Tensing, left, a former University of Cincinnati police officer, during his retrial in the fatal shooting of a black man, Samuel DuBose.]( [Mistrial in Cincinnati Shooting as Officer Is Latest Not to Be Convicted]( By JESS BIDGOOD and RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA It was a second hung jury for Ray Tensing, the ex-officer charged in the death of Samuel DuBose during a botched traffic stop in 2015 in Cincinnati. [The Fitzgerald after its collision with the container ship ACX Crystal off the coast of Yokosuka, Japan.]( [Maritime Mystery: Why a U.S. Destroyer Failed to Dodge a Cargo Ship]( By SCOTT SHANE Lookouts and radar operators on the destroyer Fitzgerald should have spotted the freighter it collided with, and the captain should have been wakened. For more top news, go to [ »]( [Get California Today in Your Inbox]( The news and stories that matter to Californians (and anyone else interested in the state). Delivered Monday through Friday. ADVERTISEMENT Editors' Picks U.S. [Out of High School, Into Real Life]( By JACK HEALY This graduation season, The New York Times talked with seniors across the country who are not headed to college about their plans, hopes and dreams. QUOTATION OF THE DAY "It looks very much like the computer was driving." [STEFFAN WATKINS]( an IT security consultant who writes for Janes Intelligence on ship tracking, on the path of the 730-foot freighter that struck an American Navy destroyer off the coast of Japan. [] Today's Videos [Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images. Technology by Samsung.]( [[Video] Video: Eluding Death by Design in a Tokyo Loft]( Step into lofts in a Tokyo suburb that were designed by the artists Arakawa and Gins. Their philosophy was to extend life by altering one's living space. [Senator Dean Heller, Republican of Nevada, at the White House in March.]( [[Video] Video: G.O.P. Senator Rejects Health Bill: 'It's Not the Answer']( Senator Dean Heller, Republican of Nevada, announced on Friday that he would not support the current version of the Senate health care bill. [] World [A YouTube video showed Austin Tice, an American journalist and a former Marine who disappeared in Syria in 2012.]( [C.I.A. Set Up Secret Back Channel With Syria to Try to Free U.S. Hostage]( By ADAM GOLDMAN The Trump administration began searching early on for ways to free Austin Tice, a journalist who has been missing since 2012. [Residents of Taplow Tower in London were evacuated on Friday as a precautionary measure amid concerns over the type of cladding used on the building.]( [Nearly 4,000 Residents Evacuated in London Because of Fire Hazards]( By CEYLAN YEGINSU and ILIANA MAGRA More than 800 apartments were emptied on Friday after inspectors found safety problems, including exterior cladding like that on the 24-story building that burned last week. [Schoolchildren in Istanbul. Turkey's decision to stop teaching evolution in high schools has deepened concerns that the president, a conservative Muslim, wants to radically change the identity of a secular country.]( [Turkey Drops Evolution From Curriculum, Angering Secularists]( By PATRICK KINGSLEY A chapter on evolution will no longer appear in ninth graders' textbooks because it is considered too "controversial" an idea, an education official said. For more world news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] U.S. [Paul Manafort at a meeting in Manhattan in August, days before he resigned as the campaign manager for Donald J. Trump.]( [F.B.I. Investigating Deals Involving Paul Manafort and Son-in-Law]( By MIKE McINTIRE It was not clear if the inquiry was part of a broader investigation that has ensnared Paul Manafort, who once served as Donald Trump's campaign chairman. [Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. outside the Supreme Court this month.]( [Justices Side With Immigrant Who Got Bad Legal Advice]( By ADAM LIPTAK The Supreme Court ruled on Friday in favor of Jae Lee, who sought to go to trial after his lawyer had falsely told him that pleading guilty to a drug charge would not lead to deportation. [Roy D. Oliver II has been indicted on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon by a public servant.]( [New Charges for Ex-Officer in Texas Accused of Murdering Black Teenager]( By MANNY FERNANDEZ and SERGE F. KOVALESKI Roy D. Oliver II, the white former Balch Springs officer who shot and killed Jordan Edwards in April, was indicted on charges of pulling his gun on a woman while off duty. For more U.S. news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Politics [Supporters of Planned Parenthood rallied on Wednesday in Washington. Since the election, the organization has held over 2,200 events, published almost a million petitions and made more than 157,000 calls to members of Congress.]( [Planned Parenthood Battle Could Sway Fortunes of G.O.P. Health Bill]( By AVANTIKA CHILKOTI Planned Parenthood, threatened with a cutoff of more than 40 percent of its funding, is mobilizing to bring down the Republican health care bill. [President Trump at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Wednesday.]( [Trump Indicates Tweet on Tapes Was Meant to Affect Comey Testimony]( By MAGGIE HABERMAN Hours after an interview on "Fox & Friends," President Trump accused the Obama administration of failing to prevent or punish Moscow for meddling in last fall's presidential election. [Michael Verardo, who lost his leg in Afghanistan, with his wife, Sarah, and Secretary David Shulkin on Friday at the White House.]( [Trump Signs Bill Meant to Restore Trust in V.A.]( By MAGGIE HABERMAN and NICHOLAS FANDOS The legislation aims to make it easier for the Department of Veterans Affairs to remove poor-performing employees and to promote whistle-blowing. For more political news, go to [ »]( [] Business [The Internal Revenue Service Building in Washington. A group of senators say that I.R.S. contractors are using illegal and abusive collection tactics.]( [Outside Collectors for I.R.S. Are Accused of Illegal Practices]( By STACY COWLEY and JESSICA SILVER-GREENBERG A group of Democratic senators obtained call scripts from companies collecting overdue tax debt and found what they said were a variety of abuses. [A construction site near a container terminal in Tokyo. Japan wants Europe to eliminate a 10 percent tariff on Japanese cars.]( [Europe and Japan Near Trade Deal as U.S. Takes Protectionist Path]( By HIROKO TABUCHI and JACK EWING The European Union and Japan are close to an agreement that would bring together two giants encompassing a quarter of the world's economy. [Camille Biros at work. She has helped determine compensation in some high-profile cases, such as the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.]( [From 9/11 to Orlando, Ken Feinberg's Alter Ego in Compensating Victims]( By ROGER PARLOFF Camille Biros has helped her small but influential law firm set up payment protocols tied to the BP oil spill, mass shootings and other catastrophes. For more business news, go to [ »]( [] Technology [Peter Sussman, front, interested his co-workers in St. Louis in digital currencies.]( [Easiest Path to Riches on the Web? An Initial Coin Offering]( By NATHANIEL POPPER Programmers are selling digital currencies redeemable for services that do not exist. Where some see a financing revolution, others see trouble. [Google said it plans to carry out the changes to the Gmail ad policy ]( [Google Will No Longer Scan Gmail for Ad Targeting]( By DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI After years of complaints by privacy advocates, the company said it will stop the practice on its free email service to eliminate confusion around its advertising policies. For more technology news, go to [ »]( [] Sports [Florida Coach Kevin O'Sullivan is among the many college coaches to call pitches from the bench.]( [Let the Waiting Begin: Calling Pitches, Slowly, in College Baseball]( By PAT BORZI The dead time adds up when the call must go from coach to catcher to pitcher, but most coaches are loath to put the responsibility on a young catcher. [After he was drafted on Thursday night, De'Aaron Fox promised to be a franchise changer for the Kings.]( On Pro Basketball [N.B.A. Drafts Come and Go, but Carmelo Anthony Always Remains]( By HARVEY ARATON Even the Kings were able to reset their franchise this year - not so the Knicks, still shackled by Anthony's no-trade clause. [Nico Hischier, right, and Commissioner Gary Bettman after the Devils selected Hischier with the first overall pick in the N.H.L. draft.]( [Devils Take Nico Hischier No. 1, Defying N.H.L. Draft Predictions]( By JEFF ARNOLD Hischier, surprised that the Devils picked him over Nolan Patrick, becomes the first Swiss-born player to be selected first over all in the draft. For more sports news, go to [ »]( [] Arts [Marta Minujín's ]( art review [Documenta Kassel: Using Art as Their Witness]( By HOLLAND COTTER A range of projects in Documenta 14 show that art can potentially change history, not just reflect it - and we have serious things to think about. [Jonas Kaufmann in the title role of ]( [Review: Jonas Kaufmann Sings an 'Otello' for the Ages]( By ZACHARY WOOLFE The tenor made a long-awaited, superbly assured debut in a notably daunting role at the Royal Opera House in London. [Lane Moore performing in May for her hit monthly comedy show at Littlefield in Gowanus, Brooklyn.]( On Comedy [She Swipes Right on Tinder, and Everyone's In on the Joke]( By JASON ZINOMAN Lane Moore's shows involve real men on the dating app, but she works hard to avoid mocking them. The result is a clever show that's deservedly a hit. For more arts news, go to [ »]( [] New York [A 7 train, which may or may not be affected by an Earlier Incident, on any given day. ]( [Because of an Earlier Incident, This Column May Infuriate You]( By JIM DWYER The Earlier Incident that causes delays has left a colorful trail to trace in New York City Transit history. [Mayor Bill de Blasio at a news conference in Queens in February. Staff departures at the Mayor's Office of Sustainability have raised questions about the city's ability to carry out its climate policy.]( [As de Blasio Urges Emissions Cuts, Key Climate Posts Sit Empty]( By WILLIAM NEUMAN Several officials at the agency leading the city's climate efforts have left in the past year, raising questions about how equipped the city is to reach its goals. [Coney Island's Coaster King Takes Another Spin]( By COREY KILGANNON Richard Rodriguez's marathon ride on the Cyclone roller coaster in 1977 was a world record. As the ride turns 90 years old, he returns. For more New York news, go to [ »]( []Obituaries [Gabe Pressman (with microphone) in hot pursuit of news source in 1977, in this case Dr. Irving Berchuck of the City Board of Education who slammed a car door in Mr. Pressman's face.]( [Gabe Pressman, a Dean of New York TV Journalism, Dies at 93]( By ROBERT D. McFADDEN To generations of mayors, governors and ordinary New Yorkers, Mr. Pressman, WNBC's senior correspondent, seemed always on the scene. [Arizona State's Frank Kush, right, with Penn State Coach Joe Paterno at the Fiesta Bowl luncheon in 1977. Kush, who was named national coach of the year in 1975, led the Sun Devils to six bowl victories.]( [Frank Kush, Hall of Fame Coach of Arizona State, Dies at 88]( By RICHARD GOLDSTEIN Kush led the Sun Devils to six bowl victories, but his career was derailed in an assault investigation. For more obituaries, go to [ »]( [] Editorial [Still image taken from a video deposition of Dr. James Mitchell.]( Editorial [The Torturers Speak]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The deposition videos of two former military psychologists who ran the C.I.A.'s enhanced-interrogation program are chilling. Editorial [New M.T.A. Chairman Is the Right Choice for a Tough Job]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Gov. Andrew Cuomo has named Joseph Lhota as chairman of the beleaguered agency. Now they need to figure out how to fix the M.T.A. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] Op-Ed [Stephanie Woodward protesting outside Mitch McConnell's office on Thursday.]( Op-Ed Columnist [Taking On the Frat Boys]( By GAIL COLLINS The fact that Republican leaders didn't bother to toss a token woman in their secret bill-writing group tells you something about the insane level of indifference to women's issues. Op-Ed Contributor [The Democrats' Religion Problem]( By DANIEL K. WILLIAMS Secular candidates like Jon Ossoff have a hard time winning the trust of religious voters. [Demonstrators trying to return their draft cards in New York City on Oct. 16, 1967.]( Vietnam '67 [I Picked Prison Over Fighting in Vietnam]( By DAVID HARRIS At stake was not just the nation's soul but also mine. I was locked up for almost two years because I refused to be drafted. [Gregg Henry as Caesar in Shakespeare in the Park's production of ]( Op-Ed Contributor [Why We Must Make a Mockery of Trump]( By HOWARD JACOBSON Even if it isn't Shakespeare, satire is a social necessity. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] ON THIS DAY On June 24, 1997, the Air Force released a report on the so-called "Roswell Incident," suggesting the alien bodies witnesses reported seeing in 1947 were actually life-sized dummies. [See this Front Page]( | [Buy this Front Page]( FOLLOW US: [Facebook] [Facebook]( | [Twitter] [@NYTimes]( | [Pinterest] [Pinterest]( | [Instagram] [Instagram]( [NYT]( Access The New York Times from anywhere with our suite of apps: [iPhone®]( | [iPad®]( | [Android]( | [All]( [.] Save 15% at [The NYTimes Store »]( [.] Have questions? [Help Section »]( [.] Visit our mobile website at [ »]( About This Email This is an automated email. Please do not reply directly to this email. You received this message because you signed up for's Today's Headlines newsletter. 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