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Today's Headlines: Trump, in Interview, Moderates Views but Defies Conventions


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Wed, Nov 23, 2016 09:58 AM

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Arts [Moana in Disney's new film.] [5 Movies to See With Family Over Thanksgiving] By MEKADO MURPHY

[Donald Trump Drops Threat of New Hillary Clinton Investigation] | View in [Browser] | Add [] to your address book. | [Unsubscribe] [The New York Times] [Most Popular] | [Video] | [Today's Headlines] Wednesday, November 23, 2016 IN THIS EMAIL [NYT] [World] | [U.S.] | [Politics] | [Business] | [Technology] | [Sports] | [Arts] | [N.Y./Region] | [Dining & Wine] | [Today's Video] | [Obituaries] | [Editorials] | [Op-Ed] | [On This Day] | [CUSTOMIZE »] [Get The Times for as low as 99¢.] Top News [Donald J. Trump on Tuesday with Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher of The New York Times, right.] [Trump, in Interview, Moderates Views but Defies Conventions] By MICHAEL D. SHEAR, JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and MAGGIE HABERMAN In a discussion at The New York Times, the president-elect was less adamant on prosecuting Hillary Clinton, the use of waterboarding and climate change. [President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence outside the clubhouse at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., last week.] [Donald Trump Drops Threat of New Hillary Clinton Investigation] By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and MICHAEL D. SHEAR "Lock her up"? The president-elect signaled that he would prefer to move on rather than pursue inquiries into Mrs. Clinton's email use and the Clinton Foundation. [David Koch at a gala in 2015. ] [Kochs and Other Madoff Investors Are Winners in Fight Over Profits Held Abroad] By RANDALL SMITH A judge ruled that certain funds held abroad - estimated at about $2 billion - could not be made available to victims of the Madoff Ponzi scheme. For more top news, go to [ »] [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox] What you need to know to start your day, delivered Monday through Friday. [ADVERTISEMENT] Editors' Picks DINING & WINE [The American Thanksgiving] The Times asked 15 American families to talk about the dishes on their Thanksgiving tables that speak best to their heritage and traditions, and to who we are. These are their stories. OPINION | Op-Ed Contributor [When Doctors First Do Harm] By M. GREGG BLOCHE Doctors not only monitored torture by C.I.A. operatives, they helped design it. They should not lose their ethical moorings again. QUOTATION OF THE DAY "They love hockey. They just don't know much about it." [TODD POLLOCK], vice president for ticketing of the National Hockey League's newest expansion team in Las Vegas, referring to local residents. World [Officers at the Fukushima prefectural office gathered data on Tuesday following an earthquake that hit the area.] [New Quake Tests Resilience, and Faith, in Japan's Nuclear Plants] By MOTOKO RICH The 7.4-magnitude tremor prompted some fearful memories, but the Fukushima Daini and Daiichi power stations seemed to respond well. [A 1-year-old child, one of the patients in a new study, showed clear signs of microcephaly, but also had good eye contact.] [Microcephaly Found in Babies of Zika-Infected Mothers Months After Birth] By PAM BELLUCK A study published Tuesday found that some babies who did not have unusually small heads when they were born still presented microcephaly months later. [A family fleeing the fighting as oil fields burned in Qayyara, Iraq, this month.] [Scenes of Flight From Mosul's Front Lines] By SERGEY PONOMAREV and TIM ARANGO The campaign to reclaim Iraq's second-largest city from the Islamic State has displaced nearly 70,000 Iraqis, and may uproot hundreds of thousands more. For more world news, go to [ »] ADVERTISEMENT U.S. [The bus on which five children died was removed from the crash site in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Tuesday.] [Dead Children and a Crumpled School Bus Leave Chattanooga Dazed] By ALAN BLINDER At least five students in Tennessee had died and another 12 were still hospitalized, the authorities said, and the bus driver was charged with vehicular homicide. [A woman browsed pistols at a gun show in Fort Worth.] [Gun Owners 'Can Breathe Again': Trump's Win Emboldens Advocates] By MANNY FERNANDEZ and MITCH SMITH Supporters of the Second Amendment, ecstatic that Hillary Clinton lost, anticipate an expansion of gun rights with a Trump administration and a Republican-led Congress. [The comedian Ellen DeGeneres receiving her medal at the White House on Tuesday. President Obama praised the courage it took her to come out as gay to a national audience.] [Obama Awards His Last Presidential Medals of Freedom] By GARDINER HARRIS Mr. Obama has given more of the medals, the nation's highest civilian honor, than any of his predecessors, and his last ceremony was at turns poignant and hilarious. For more U.S. news, go to [ »] ADVERTISEMENT Politics [Katy Tur of NBC News at a campaign rally for Donald Trump in Manchester, N.H., on Nov. 7. Her forthcoming book on Mr. Trump's campaign and election is called ] [Book Publishers Scramble to Make Sense of Trump's Rise to Victory] By ALEXANDRA ALTER Publishing houses were caught off-guard by Donald Trump's win on Election Day, and editors, agents and publishers are now racing to acquire works like memoirs and political analysis. [Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, in his office last year, is backed by progressives like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.] [Democrats' Leadership Fight Pits West Wing Against Left Wing] By JONATHAN MARTIN and MAGGIE HABERMAN Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota has been steadily adding endorsements, but some advisers to President Obama are urging others to enter the race. [Ben Carson with Donald J. Trump during a news conference in Palm Beach, Fla., in March.] [Donald Trump Close to Picking Ben Carson as Housing Secretary] By MARK LANDLER The choice of the former neurosurgeon suggested that Mr. Trump was seeking diversity in an administration that has started off predominantly white and male. PODCAST [A Political Guide You Can Trust] The election is over. But the story has just begun. Michael Barbaro, a veteran political reporter, hosts The Run-Up, a weekly podcast that makes sense of American politics and government. [Available on iTunes]. For more political news, go to [ »] Business [Greg Vialpando, who is disabled, switched from opioids to medical marijuana for chronic back pain. He lives in Santa Fe, N.M., and had to fight to get the treatment covered by his insurance.] [Where Marijuana Is the Doctor's Orders, Will Insurers Pay?] By BARRY MEIER As legal use of marijuana spreads, it has raised questions in the workplace, such as about drug tests and insurance coverage for medical use. [World leaders at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting on Sunday in Lima, Peru. President-elect Donald J. Trump has said he will get tough on China on trade.] Economic Scene [A Trade War Against China Might Be a Fight Trump Couldn't Win] By EDUARDO PORTER While China would suffer under a 45 percent tariff, it might be able to take the blow and it would certainly counterpunch. [A worker pushing carts outside a Walmart in La Habra, Calif. A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction against an Obama administration rule that would expand eligibility for overtime pay by raising the salary limit to $47,476 from $23,660. The change was to take effect on Dec. 1.] [Judge Suspends Rule Expanding Overtime for Millions of Workers] By NOAM SCHEIBER A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction, arguing that the Obama administration had exceeded its authority by raising the income limit so significantly. For more business news, go to [ »] Technology [President Xi Jinping of China, center, speaking with Mark Zuckerberg, right, the chief executive of Facebook, and Lu Wei, China's Internet czar at the time, in 2015 at a gathering at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Wash.] [Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China] By MIKE ISAAC The social network, blocked in China since 2009, has developed software to keep posts from appearing in users' news feeds in specific geographic areas, current and former employees said. [Highway safety administrators are increasingly concerned about distractions posed by smartphones and the apps that Americans use while behind the wheel.] [Auto Safety Regulators Seek a Driver Mode to Block Apps] By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Voluntary guidelines will be issued amid a spike in traffic fatalities in the last two years. [Twitter now allows its users to mute specific hashtags, keywords, emoji, and more from appearing in account notifications.] Tech Tip [Using Twitter's New Expanded Mute Powers] By J. D. BIERSDORFER As part of its response to online abuse, the service now allows users to mute hashtags, keywords and other material from their notifications. For more technology news, go to [ »] Sports [Sunil Gulati, the president of U.S. Soccer, at Columbia University, where he is a senior lecturer in the economics department.] On Soccer [Fire U.S. Soccer's President, Too? That's Different, and Improbable] By SAM BORDEN It's easy to envision the job of the federation's president, Sunil Gulati, as akin to a professional general manager, but in reality the position has a much bigger scope. [From top left, Wendy Boglioli, Kim Peyton and Jill Sterkel celebrated after Shirley Babashoff completed an American victory in the 4x100 meter freestyle relay at the 1976 Summer Olympics. It was the only American gold for the women's team, which mostly finished behind East Germans later revealed to have doped.] [Olympic Swimmers, Past and Present, United by Views on Doping] By KAREN CROUSE American Olympians victimized by cheaters over the years bond at an award ceremony. [At the new T-Mobile Arena, home of the N.H.L.'s expansion team in Las Vegas, an image of a blackjack table was projected onto the ice before a preseason game between the Los Angeles Kings and the Dallas Stars last month.] [Las Vegas Golden Knights, N.H.L.'s New Team, Takes Its Place on the Strip] By NAILA-JEAN MEYERS The league's newest expansion franchise revealed its name and logo Tuesday night in a ceremony outside the new T-Mobile Arena. For more sports news, go to [ »] Arts [Moana (voiced by Auli'i Cravalho) in Disney's new film.] [5 Movies to See With (and Without) Family Over Thanksgiving] By MEKADO MURPHY After dinner but before leftovers, some movie suggestions for the holiday weekend. [Lady Gaga protesting outside Trump Tower in Manhattan.] Critic's Notebook [How Conservative Sites Turn Celebrity Despair on Its Head] By AMANDA HESS Conservative news outlets are busy cataloging the reactions of aggrieved celebrities who are inadvertently energizing the opposition. [The poet Paul Muldoon.] Books of The Times [Paul Muldoon Collects His Poetic, Allusive, Satirical Thoughts] By DWIGHT GARNER This book of selected poems from 1968 to 2014, which takes traditional verse forms and retools them, is powerful and filled with catharses. For more arts news, go to [ »] New York [A recent assembly at Public School 160 in South Brooklyn. Many of the students come from poor families of recent immigrants, and about 83 percent speak a Chinese dialect at home.] [At a School of Immigrants, Challenges Reach Far Beyond the Classroom] By ELIZABETH A. HARRIS At Public School 160, a South Brooklyn school where most of the students come from poor, immigrant families, life marched on, despite anxiety over the election of Donald J. Trump as president. [Odell Beckham Jr. lost a pinkie ring while dancing.] [Skip Strippers Next Time You're Here, Bronx Official Urges Odell Beckham Jr.] By ANDY NEWMAN The Giants receiver's loss of jewelry during a visit to Sin City Cabaret with the Broncos' Von Miller inspires Ruben Diaz Jr., the Bronx borough president, to suggest other Bronx attractions. [A construction site in the Briarwood neighborhood of Queens, where two workers were killed in a crane accident on Tuesday.] [2 Workers Killed in Construction Accident in Queens] By ELI ROSENBERG and JOHN SURICO A steel beam fell from a crane on a construction site in the Briarwood neighborhood, where work was being done on an apartment complex, officials said. For more New York news, go to [ »] Food Restaurant Review [Thai Food Strikes Out in a Fresh Direction at Fish Cheeks] By PETE WELLS A new restaurant in NoHo focuses on seafood and intense flavors. [Each family performs its own ritual of gratitude around the Thanksgiving table.] [One Holiday, and Countless Ways to Say Thanks] By FRANK BRUNI As Americans gather around the table this week, each family performs its own ritual of gratitude. [Adam Gherardi is the manager of Gun Hill Tavern in the South Bronx.] Off the Menu [Gun Hill Tavern Opens in the Bronx] By FLORENCE FABRICANT Sushi Kaiseki takes up residence in David Bouley's Brushstroke, and other restaurant news. For more dining news and recipes, go to [ »] Obituaries [Whitney Smith wrote more than 250 flag histories for the Encyclopaedia Britannica.] [Whitney Smith, Whose Passion for Flags Became a Career, Dies at 76] By WILLIAM GRIMES Fascinated by the banners from an early age, Mr. Smith went on to coin a term for the study of flags, vexillology, and even designed one for Guyana. For more obituaries, go to [ »] Editorial [Donald Trump leaving the New York Times after a meeting there on Tuesday.] Editorial [Questioning Donald Trump] By THE EDITORIAL BOARD It was alarming to confront how thinly thought through many of Mr. Trump's stances actually are. Editorial [America Has Room for the Dreamers] By THE EDITORIAL BOARD In a saner time, in a country whose politics were less poisoned, there would be no talk of punishing young immigrants. [Police used tear gas on demonstrators opposed to the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota, on Sunday.] Editorial [Power Imbalance at the Pipeline Protest] By THE EDITORIAL BOARD President Obama could step in to protect everyone's safety and pressure the sheriff's officers to stand down in North Dakota. For more opinion, go to [ »] Op-Ed [Donald Trump reacting to a crowd in the lobby of the New York Times building on Tuesday.] Op-Ed Columnist [Donald Trump's Demand for Love] By FRANK BRUNI His meeting with The Times was a marvel of boasting and bending. [Donald Trump during his meeting at the New York Times on Tuesday.] Op-Ed Columnist [At Lunch, Donald Trump Gives Critics Hope] By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The campaign is over, but the struggle for Trump's soul has just begun. [President-elect Donald Trump leaving the New York Times after meeting there on Tuesday.] Op-Ed Columnist [Trump Reassures the Media (For Now)] By DAVID LEONHARDT The president-elect says journalists will be "happy" about his First Amendment views. The vice president-elect has actually defended a free press. For more opinion, go to [ »] ON THIS DAY On Nov. 23, 1943, during World War II, United States forces seized control of the Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese. 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