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Today's Headlines: Ex-C.I.A. Officer Suspected of Compromising Chinese Informants Is Arrested


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Wed, Jan 17, 2018 09:42 AM

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[Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms]( [Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms]( By DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J. BROAD President Trump has not yet approved a draft strategy that would expand “extreme circumstances” for nuclear retaliation to include a crippling cyberattack. [Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation]( [Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation]( By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT The move marks the first time the special counsel is known to have used a grand jury subpoena to seek information from a member of President Trump’s inner circle. For more top news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox]( [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox]( What you need to know to start your day, delivered Monday through Friday. [Sign up »]( [] Editors' Picks [Shivering? That’s for City Folk. For Islanders, Ice Time Is Play Time.]( World | Toronto Journal [Shivering? That’s for City Folk. For Islanders, Ice Time Is Play Time.]( By CATHERINE PORTER A small and hardy group of Torontonians lives on island parkland in the middle of North America’s fourth-largest city, with coyotes and ice boats. [Facebook Doesn’t Like What It Sees When It Looks in the Mirror]( Opinion | Op-Ed Contributor [Facebook Doesn’t Like What It Sees When It Looks in the Mirror]( By NOAM COHEN But will Mark Zuckerberg be any good at social engineering? [] QUOTATION OF THE DAY "We talked about diet and exercise a lot. He’s more enthusiastic about the diet part than the exercise part, but we’re going to do both." [Dr. Ronny L. Jackson]( a rear admiral in the Navy and the White House physician, on the president’s annual physical. [] Today’s Videos [Venezuelan Rebel Leader Records His Last Stand]( [[Video]Video: Venezuelan Rebel Leader Records His Last Stand]( By BARBARA MARCOLINI Óscar Pérez was killed on Monday after authorities cornered him in his hideout outside of Caracas. He had uploaded several videos on social media in the hours before his death saying that he wanted to surrender. [How the Cranberries Rose to Fame]( [[Video]Video: How the Cranberries Rose to Fame]( By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER and NATALIE RENEAU Dave Fanning, an Irish music journalist and one of the first to discover the Cranberries, talks about how Dolores O'Riordan found a place between grunge and Brit pop that catapulted the band to international stardom. ADVERTISEMENT [] World [U.S.-Backed Force Could Cement a Kurdish Enclave in Syria]( [U.S.-Backed Force Could Cement a Kurdish Enclave in Syria]( By ANNE BARNARD The creation of a new military force in Syria raises fears of fighting among American allies and could draw the U.S. deeper into the conflict. [Huge Oil Spill Spreads in East China Sea, Stirring Environmental Fears]( [Huge Oil Spill Spreads in East China Sea, Stirring Environmental Fears]( By GERRY MULLANY The disaster could be the worst oil spill in decades, and Greenpeace calls it a threat to “an important spawning ground” for fish and several whale species. [Navy Seeks to Prosecute Top Officers for Crashes]( [Navy Seeks to Prosecute Top Officers for Crashes]( By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF The commanding officers of two Naval destroyers that collided with commercial vessels in the western Pacific last year will face court-martial charges, the Navy said. For more world news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] U.S. [Horror for 13 California Siblings Hidden by Veneer of a Private Home School]( [Horror for 13 California Siblings Hidden by Veneer of a Private Home School]( By LOUIS KEENE, JENNIFER MEDINA and PATRICIA MAZZEI David A. Turpin created the school at his nondescript home southeast of Los Angeles. But what the authorities found inside were his emaciated children chained to furniture. [Justice Dept., Fighting to Kill DACA, Asks for Supreme Court Review]( [Justice Dept., Fighting to Kill DACA, Asks for Supreme Court Review]( By KATIE BENNER The request by the Trump administration for immediate review is an unusual step after a judge ordered the administration to restart the program. [Identifying the Causes of the California Mudslides]( [Identifying the Causes of the California Mudslides]( By JASMINE C. LEE, JENNIFER MEDINA and ALICIA PARLAPIANO Geologists and officials are already studying satellite imagery of the mudslides, in the hopes that similar calamities can be prevented in the future. For more U.S. news, go to [ »]( [] Politics [G.O.P. to Use Children’s Health Insurance as Lure for Averting Shutdown]( [G.O.P. to Use Children’s Health Insurance as Lure for Averting Shutdown]( By THOMAS KAPLAN and ROBERT PEAR With no immigration deal in sight, Republicans are eyeing a stopgap bill to keep the government open past Friday, sweetening it with an extension of the child health program. [Debate Continues Over What Trump Said. But Does the Exact Word Matter?]( White House Memo [Debate Continues Over What Trump Said. But Does the Exact Word Matter?]( By MAGGIE HABERMAN and JONATHAN MARTIN If the argument seems to amount to a distinction without a difference, neither the White House nor its allies have acknowledged it. [White House Fuels Immigration Debate With Terrorism Statistics]( [White House Fuels Immigration Debate With Terrorism Statistics]( By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and RON NIXON A Trump administration report concluded that the vast majority of convicted terrorists were immigrants. But it relied on confusing and misleading data. For more political news, go to [ »]( [] Business [At G.E., $6.2 Billion Charge for Finance Unit Hurts C.E.O.’s Turnaround Push]( [At G.E., $6.2 Billion Charge for Finance Unit Hurts C.E.O.’s Turnaround Push]( By STEVE LOHR and CHAD BRAY The charge, which was primarily tied to long-term care insurance reinsured as part of the GE Capital unit’s portfolio, was a blow to John Flannery’s turnaround campaign. [Oil Price Briefly Reaches $70 as Buoyant Global Economy Bolsters Demand]( [Oil Price Briefly Reaches $70 as Buoyant Global Economy Bolsters Demand]( By STANLEY REED Tensions in Iran, record-breaking cold weather in the United States and a year of production cuts have contributed to higher prices, and they could go higher still. [Banks Are Big Winners From Tax Cut]( [Banks Are Big Winners From Tax Cut]( By JIM TANKERSLEY Financial firms are benefiting from the $1.5 trillion tax cut and make up the majority of companies so far handing out raises and bonuses as a result of the law. For more business news, go to [ »]( [] Technology [Flurry of Lawsuits Filed to Fight Repeal of Net Neutrality]( [Flurry of Lawsuits Filed to Fight Repeal of Net Neutrality]( By CECILIA KANG The filings kick off what is expected to be an extended legal and political debate about the future of internet policy. [YouTube Adds More Scrutiny to Top-Tier Videos]( [YouTube Adds More Scrutiny to Top-Tier Videos]( By DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI A policy update aims to prevent advertisements from appearing next to troublesome content. [‘Smart Thermometers’ Track Flu Season in Real Time]( Global Health [‘Smart Thermometers’ Track Flu Season in Real Time]( By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Can 500,000 thermometers transmitting 25,000 readings a day forecast the spread of flu more accurately than the C.D.C.? For more technology news, go to [ »]( [] Sports [The Center of U.S. Gymnastics’ Success Is Now a Haunted House]( Sports of The Times [The Center of U.S. Gymnastics’ Success Is Now a Haunted House]( By JULIET MACUR Athletes have said that they were sexually abused by the team doctor at the national training center in Texas, and Simon Biles said she dreads returning there. She shouldn’t have to. [Morocco Wants to Host the World Cup. Just Don’t Ask for Any Details.]( [Morocco Wants to Host the World Cup. Just Don’t Ask for Any Details.]( By TARIQ PANJA Five months after declaring its interest in hosting the 2026 World Cup, Morocco hasn’t said much about how it proposes to stage the world’s most-watched sporting event. [Retirements Are Down at the Australian Open. Is Money the Reason?]( [Retirements Are Down at the Australian Open. Is Money the Reason?]( By BEN ROTHENBERG Only one of the 128 singles matches in the Australian Open’s first round ended with a player retiring midmatch, tying the lowest total at a Grand Slam event in the last 10 years. For more sports news, go to [ »]( [] Arts [J.M. Coetzee’s Boyhood, in Black and White]( CRITIC’s NOTEBOOK [J.M. Coetzee’s Boyhood, in Black and White]( By JASON FARAGO Newly discovered photographs by the Nobel-winning novelist reveal a South African adolescence shaped by art and apartheid. [A Wall Street Giant Makes a $75 Million Bet on Academic Philosophy]( [A Wall Street Giant Makes a $75 Million Bet on Academic Philosophy]( By JENNIFER SCHUESSLER Bill Miller, the legendary value investor (and former philosophy student), has given the largest gift ever to a philosophy department, at Johns Hopkins University. [Actress Says Stuntman Assaulted Her When She Was 12]( [Actress Says Stuntman Assaulted Her When She Was 12]( By NIRAJ CHOKSHI Eliza Dushku said she was molested during filming of the 1994 movie “True Lies.” Two more women have since accused the same man of sexual misconduct. For more arts news, go to [ »]( [] New York [On His First Day, Transit Chief Rode the Subway Into Work]( [On His First Day, Transit Chief Rode the Subway Into Work]( By JAN RANSOM On Tuesday Andy Byford started what will undoubtedly be his most challenging transportation job yet as president of the New York City Transit system. [Governor Murphy Pledges a Progressive Course for New Jersey]( [Governor Murphy Pledges a Progressive Course for New Jersey]( By NICK CORASANITI Claiming that the state can once again lead the nation in progressive policies, Philip Dunton Murphy was sworn in as the 56th governor of New Jersey. [On the Subway, Help Is Not Coming]( About New York [On the Subway, Help Is Not Coming]( By JIM DWYER A distraught man on an A train platform gets no emergency response from transit employees, leaving him, and us, to fate. For more New York news, go to [ »]( [] Food [In Canada, Hunting and Preserving an Indigenous Way of Life]( [In Canada, Hunting and Preserving an Indigenous Way of Life]( By DAN BILEFSKY As the country grapples with a troubled past, a new generation of cooks and scholars is reclaiming and spreading the cuisine of its ancestors. [In Vancouver, a Door to a Parallel Culinary World]( Critic’s Notebook [In Vancouver, a Door to a Parallel Culinary World]( By PETE WELLS Kissa Tanto, a dolled-up setting for Italian food with Japanese influences, is part of a respectful revival in the city’s Chinatown. [Where Has This Treat Been All Your Life? Canada]( [Where Has This Treat Been All Your Life? Canada]( By SARA BONISTEEL With its flaky pastry, caramelized crust and bracingly sweet filling, the butter tart has it all. For more food news, go to [ »]( [] Obituaries [Mathilde Krim, Mobilizing Force in an AIDS Crusade, Dies at 91]( [Mathilde Krim, Mobilizing Force in an AIDS Crusade, Dies at 91]( By ROBERT D. McFADDEN Dr. Krim raised awareness of the scourge and money to fight it while lobbying governments and enlisting a broad spectrum of powerful allies. [Dr. Ronald Fieve, 87, Dies; Pioneered Lithium to Treat Mood Swings]( [Dr. Ronald Fieve, 87, Dies; Pioneered Lithium to Treat Mood Swings]( By SAM ROBERTS Dr. Fieve and a colleague identified lithium as the first naturally occurring medication to prevent and control a specific psychiatric disorder. [Keorapetse Kgositsile, 79, South African Poet and Activist, Dies]( [Keorapetse Kgositsile, 79, South African Poet and Activist, Dies]( By GIOVANNI RUSSONELLO He received acclaim while living in the United States; when he returned to South Africa after the fall of apartheid, he was welcomed as a hero. For more Obituaries, go to [ »]( [] Editorial [Donald Trump vs. Guantánamo’s Forever Prisoners]( Editorial [Donald Trump vs. Guantánamo’s Forever Prisoners]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD A new legal challenge represents the sharpest test yet at the prison of America’s commitment to fundamental principles of due process. [After Killing Spree, Is a Free Press Mr. Duterte’s Next Victim?]( Editorial [After Killing Spree, Is a Free Press Mr. Duterte’s Next Victim?]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD In the Philippines, an increasingly autocratic president takes on a tenacious critic of his vicious crackdown on drug abusers. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] Op-Ed [Donald Trump Will Soil You. Ask Lindsey Graham.]( Op-Ed Columnist [Donald Trump Will Soil You. Ask Lindsey Graham.]( By FRANK BRUNI There’s no honor or wisdom in cozying up to this president. [While You Were Sleeping]( Op-Ed Columnist [While You Were Sleeping]( By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. [Florida Isn’t the Only State That Will Be Hurt by Offshore Drilling]( Op-Ed Contributor [Florida Isn’t the Only State That Will Be Hurt by Offshore Drilling]( By XAVIER BECERRA No state faces more potential harm than California. But as a blue state, it apparently isn’t eligible for the free pass Florida got from drilling. 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