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Today's Headlines: A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’


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Sat, Jan 13, 2018 09:42 AM

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Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump View in | Add to your

Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump View in [Browser]( | Add to your address book. | [Unsubscribe]( [The New York Times]( [Most Popular]( | [Video]( | [Today's Headlines]( Saturday, January 13, 2018 IN THIS EMAIL: [Top News](#0) | [Editors' Picks](#2) | [Today’s Videos](#4) | [World](#5) | [U.S.](#6) | [Politics](#7) | [Business](#8) | [Technology](#9) | [Sports](#10) | [Arts](#11) | [New York](#12) | [Media & Advertising](#13) | [Obituaries](#14) | [Editorial](#15) | [Op-Ed](#16) | [CUSTOMIZE »]( [] Top News [A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’]( By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS The president’s racially charged comments threaten an emerging agreement to project some undocumented immigrants, which risks bringing a government shutdown. [Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump]( [Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump]( By MEGAN TWOHEY and JIM RUTENBERG The reported $130,000 payment was made shortly before the election. Mr. Trump “vehemently denies” the encounter happened, his lawyer said. [Trump’s Demand to Rewrite Iran Deal Tests a Weakened Diplomatic Corps]( News Analysis [Trump’s Demand to Rewrite Iran Deal Tests a Weakened Diplomatic Corps]( By MARK LANDLER The Trump administration is being forced to rethink strategies that were driven largely by military considerations. For more top news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox]( [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox]( What you need to know to start your day, delivered Monday through Friday. [Sign up »]( [] Editors' Picks [Vital Figure Excludes Family From N.F.L. Settlement: Date of Death]( Sports [Vital Figure Excludes Family From N.F.L. Settlement: Date of Death]( By KEN BELSON Mike Webster was the first N.F.L. player to receive a diagnosis of C.T.E., but his family has been left out of the $1 billion N.F.L. concussion settlement so far. [Mr. President, Your Toga Is Showing]( Opinion | Op-Ed Contributor [Mr. President, Your Toga Is Showing]( By CHRISTOPHER BUCKLEY Maybe he isn’t as unprecedented a leader as we think. All hail! [] QUOTATION OF THE DAY "You hit one of these buggies and they’re like kindling wood — they just kind of explode — and you almost always have to put the horse down." [ALFRED NICHOLS]( the supervisor of Oswegatchie, N.Y., on accidents between cars and buggies in Amish areas. [] Today’s Videos [Racist or Not? How TV News Reacted to Trump’s Comment]( [[Video]Video: Racist or Not? How TV News Reacted to Trump’s Comment]( By CHRIS CIRILLO and ROBIN LINDSAY After President Trump used vulgar language about immigrants, TV news grappled with a question: Were his comments racist? [Why Trump Hasn't Killed the Iran Deal]( [[Video]Video: Why Trump Hasn't Killed the Iran Deal]( By NILO TABRIZY Despite tough talk on Iran, President Trump announced that he would waive certain sanctions, keeping the nuclear deal in place. [How James Franco Is Handling Misconduct Claims]( [[Video]Video: How James Franco Is Handling Misconduct Claims]( By MELENA RYZIK, SARAH STEIN KERR and AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER James Franco’s support of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements at the Golden Globes Awards prompted calls of hypocrisy from five women who have accused him of “inappropriate or sexually exploitative behavior.” ADVERTISEMENT [] World [Trump Won’t Visit London to Open Embassy. His U.K. Critics Say He Got the Message.]( [Trump Won’t Visit London to Open Embassy. His U.K. Critics Say He Got the Message.]( By STEPHEN CASTLE and AUSTIN RAMZY After President Trump said he disapproved of the new location, many in Britain jeered, saying he feared the hostile reception he would have faced. [Response to French Letter Denouncing #MeToo Shows a Sharp Divide]( [Response to French Letter Denouncing #MeToo Shows a Sharp Divide]( By AURELIEN BREEDEN and ELIAN PELTIER French feminists criticized the letter signed by Catherine Deneuve and other women, saying it underestimated the harm inflicted by sexual harassment. [Cairo’s Lawsuit King Sues Actors, Belly Dancers, Even Puppet Shows]( The Saturday Profile [Cairo’s Lawsuit King Sues Actors, Belly Dancers, Even Puppet Shows]( By DECLAN WALSH An Egyptian lawyer’s prolific lawsuits seek to punish those he deems to offend Egypt’s morality or its president. For more world news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] U.S. [Las Vegas Gunman Took Elaborate Steps to Hide His Tracks, New Documents Show]( By ADAM GOLDMAN and JENNIFER MEDINA F.B.I. search warrants shed new light on the degree to which Stephen Paddock planned the attack and prepared for the aftermath to come [To Get Medicaid in Kentucky, Many Will Have to Work. Advocates for the Poor Are Horrified.]( [To Get Medicaid in Kentucky, Many Will Have to Work. Advocates for the Poor Are Horrified.]( By ABBY GOODNOUGH Led by the state’s Republican governor, the plan calls for many Medicaid recipients ages 19-64 to work at least 20 hours a week, beginning in July. [Trump Administration Wants More Control Over U.S. Lands for Border Wall]( [Trump Administration Wants More Control Over U.S. Lands for Border Wall]( By RON NIXON “This should set off all kinds of red flags,” said one advocate, fearing the land grab will violate civil liberties. Others say it will harm the environment. For more U.S. news, go to [ »]( [] Politics [A President Who Fans, Rather Than Douses, the Nation’s Racial Fires]( White House Memo [A President Who Fans, Rather Than Douses, the Nation’s Racial Fires]( By PETER BAKER After his latest incendiary comments, the president’s critics say there is no doubt he is a racist. The White House calls such suggestions “insulting.” [Trump Is in ‘Excellent Health,’ Doctor Says After Exam]( [Trump Is in ‘Excellent Health,’ Doctor Says After Exam]( By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, M.D. Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, a rear admiral in the Navy and the White House physician provided no details, including Mr. Trump’s weight or blood pressure. [‘Don’t Feed the Troll’: Much of the World Reacts in Anger at Trump’s Insult]( [‘Don’t Feed the Troll’: Much of the World Reacts in Anger at Trump’s Insult]( By JINA MOORE and CATHERINE PORTER Reports that President Trump called Haiti and African nations “shithole countries” drew nearly universal condemnation. For more political news, go to [ »]( [] Business [The Difficulties With Facebook’s News Feed Overhaul]( State of the Art [The Difficulties With Facebook’s News Feed Overhaul]( By FARHAD MANJOO Facebook faces complex questions over its prioritization of “meaningful” content in the News Feed, including whether people want that kind of content in the first place. [Holiday Retail Sales Soared, With Biggest Increase Since Recession]( [Holiday Retail Sales Soared, With Biggest Increase Since Recession]( By MICHAEL CORKERY Sales increased 5.5 percent over the previous year, though they may been aided by natural disasters that spurred purchases of building supplies. [Chrysler Pacifica Minivans in Recall Over Engine Stalling]( [Chrysler Pacifica Minivans in Recall Over Engine Stalling]( By NEAL E. BOUDETTE The action, affecting 154,000 vehicles from the 2017 model year, was announced after owners filed safety complaints or shared concerns through social media. For more business news, go to [ »]( [] Technology [Inside Uber’s $100,000 Payment to a Hacker, and the Fallout]( [Inside Uber’s $100,000 Payment to a Hacker, and the Fallout]( By NICOLE PERLROTH and MIKE ISAAC How Uber grappled with a 2016 hack is under scrutiny and has cast a chill over how other companies deal with security threats. [G.M. Says Its Driverless Car Could Be in Fleets by Next Year]( [G.M. Says Its Driverless Car Could Be in Fleets by Next Year]( By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Once federal and state agencies grant approval, the electric vehicle will be ready for production on a standard assembly line, the automaker said. [Is the Answer to Phone Addiction a Worse Phone?]( Disruptions [Is the Answer to Phone Addiction a Worse Phone?]( By NELLIE BOWLES A small group of people have turned their phone screens to shades of gray to make them less stimulating. That’s the opposite of what tech companies want. For more technology news, go to [ »]( [] Sports [New Sound at Saudi Soccer Game: Women Cheering From the Stands]( [New Sound at Saudi Soccer Game: Women Cheering From the Stands]( By BEN HUBBARD Saudi women have long had to content themselves with watching their favorite sports teams on television. But on Friday, women were allowed into a public stadium for the first time. [Tom Coughlin’s Return Coincides With Jacksonville’s Revival]( [Tom Coughlin’s Return Coincides With Jacksonville’s Revival]( By KEN BELSON Let go by the Giants as he neared his 70th birthday, he got a chance to help build another championship team with the Jaguars this season. He took it. [Rafael Nadal’s Return to Sender]( [Rafael Nadal’s Return to Sender]( By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY Nadal’s position behind the baseline has helped him become one of the most effective returners in the game. For more sports news, go to [ »]( [] Arts [Review: Who Am I? ‘Panorama’ Says There Is No Easy Answer]( [Review: Who Am I? ‘Panorama’ Says There Is No Easy Answer]( By BEN BRANTLEY In this multimedia, multidimensional performance piece, the boundaries of race, gender and ethnicity blur into a shifting pageant of identity. [Jake Gyllenhaal on Ambivalent Heroes and, Um, Perms]( [Jake Gyllenhaal on Ambivalent Heroes and, Um, Perms]( By CARA BUCKLEY The 37-year old actor was passed over by the Golden Globes but may well land an Oscar nomination for his performance in “Stronger” [Boston Museum Tries New System for Protecting Artwork: A Dog’s Nose]( [Boston Museum Tries New System for Protecting Artwork: A Dog’s Nose]( By DANIEL VICTOR The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston is training a dog to detect moths and other pests that can damage artwork. For more arts news, go to [ »]( [] New York [No Traveling for New York’s Columbus Statue, Mayor Decides]( [No Traveling for New York’s Columbus Statue, Mayor Decides]( By WILLIAM NEUMAN Trying to negotiate the tricky terrain of history and politics around public monuments, Bill de Blasio said the explorer would stay put at Columbus Circle. [Quaint Buggies, With a Deadly Side]( [Quaint Buggies, With a Deadly Side]( By COREY KILGANNON With more horse-and-buggy traffic than ever in New York State, concerns grow over persistent accidents with motor vehicles. [To New Yorkers’ Delight, Coogan’s Says It Isn’t Closing After All]( [To New Yorkers’ Delight, Coogan’s Says It Isn’t Closing After All]( By JIM DWYER Coogan’s restaurant and bar, a civic fixture in Washington Heights for 32 years, reached a new agreement with its landlord just three days after its owners announced they would be closing. For more New York news, go to [ »]( [] Media & Advertising [The End of the Social News Era? Journalists Brace for Facebook’s Big Change]( [The End of the Social News Era? Journalists Brace for Facebook’s Big Change]( By SAPNA MAHESHWARI and SYDNEY EMBER Media executives watch skeptically as Mark Zuckerberg, in a heated political environment, shifts the focus of his site back to the personal. [Thiel Makes a Bid for, a Site He Helped Bankrupt]( [Thiel Makes a Bid for, a Site He Helped Bankrupt]( By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire, helped run Gawker Media offline. Now he is trying to buy what is left of it. [Facebook Is Changing. What Does That Mean for Your News Feed?]( [Facebook Is Changing. What Does That Mean for Your News Feed?]( By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH and MATTHEW HAAG The social network has implemented major changes to the types of posts, videos and photos that appear in your News Feed. Here is what you should expect. For more media & advertising news, go to [ »]( [] Obituaries [Edgar Ray Killen, Convicted in ’64 Killings of Rights Workers, Dies at 92]( [Edgar Ray Killen, Convicted in ’64 Killings of Rights Workers, Dies at 92]( By RICHARD GOLDSTEIN Mr. Killen, who died in prison, drew a 60-year sentence in 2005 after evading conviction 41 years earlier in the murders of three civil rights campaigners. [John V. Tunney, Boxer’s Son Who Lasted One Term in the Senate, Dies at 83]( [John V. Tunney, Boxer’s Son Who Lasted One Term in the Senate, Dies at 83]( By DAVID STOUT Mr. Tunney seemed to be a rising star in the Democratic Party until a Senate re-election loss sent him into early political exile because of turbulent times. [Thomas Luken, Veteran Ohio Democrat, Is Dead at 92]( [Thomas Luken, Veteran Ohio Democrat, Is Dead at 92]( By RICHARD SANDOMIR Known for his confrontational style, Mr. Luken was a major force in Cincinnati for more than 30 years, as a prosecutor, the mayor and a member of Congress. For more Obituaries, go to [ »]( [] Editorial [Donald Trump Flushes Away America’s Reputation]( Editorial [Donald Trump Flushes Away America’s Reputation]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD No useful answers on immigration will come from a bigoted president with a warped view of the world, and his nation’s principles. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] Op-Ed [So It’s One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out …]( Op-Ed Columnist [So It’s One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out …]( By GAIL COLLINS Next year, we’ll drill for oil in Norway. [Proud to Live in a Nation of Holers]( Op-Ed Columnist [Proud to Live in a Nation of Holers]( By BRET STEPHENS People from “holes” make America great, while Trump sinks into one. [Mr. Trump, Meet a Hero Whom You Maligned]( Op-Ed Columnist [Mr. Trump, Meet a Hero Whom You Maligned]( By NICHOLAS KRISTOF A practical response for those offended by our president’s racist comments. [What Makes a Country Great? Meet Haiti’s People.]( Op-Ed Contributor [What Makes a Country Great? Meet Haiti’s People.]( By TANAEL JOACHIM I grew up using a latrine, alongside some of the most resilient, decent people I’ve ever encountered. For more opinion, go to [ »]( Follow NYTimes [Facebook] [FACEBOOK]( [Twitter] [@NYTimes]( [Pinterest] [Pinterest]( [Instagram] [Instagram]( Get more [ newsletters »]( | Get unlimited access to and our NYTimes apps. [Subscribe »]( ABOUT THIS EMAIL This is an automated email. Please do not reply directly to this email from You received this message because you signed up for's Today's Headlines newsletter. 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