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Today's Headlines: Trump Breaks With Bannon, Saying He Has 'Lost His Mind'


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Thu, Jan 4, 2018 09:40 AM

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[Trump Watches From the Sidelines as the Koreas Begin to Talk]( | View in [Browser]( | Add to your address book. | [Unsubscribe]( [The New York Times]( [Most Popular]( | [Video]( | [Today's Headlines]( Thursday, January 4, 2018 IN THIS EMAIL [NYT] [World](#worldNews) | [U.S.](#nationalNews) | [Politics](#politicsNews) | [Business](#businessNews) | [Technology](#technologyNews) | [Sports](#sportsNews) | [Arts](#artsNews) | [N.Y./Region](#nyregionNews) | [Fashion & Style](#dailyFeatureNews) | [Today's Video](#videoNews) | [Obituaries](#obituaries) | [Editorials](#editorialsNews) | [Op-Ed](#opinionNews) | [On This Day](#onthisdayNews) | [CUSTOMIZE »]( Top News [President Trump and Stephen K. Bannon at The White House last year.]( [Trump Breaks With Bannon, Saying He Has 'Lost His Mind']( By PETER BAKER and MAGGIE HABERMAN "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency," President Trump said in a statement. "When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind." [A television in Seoul, South Korea, in December featuring President Trump and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea. The United States, the South's key ally, views Seoul's overture to the North with deep suspicion.]( [Trump Watches From the Sidelines as the Koreas Begin to Talk]( By MARK LANDLER The Trump administration doesn't oppose diplomatic talks on the Korean Peninsula but worries the North will try to drive a wedge between the United States and South Korea. [President Trump in 2016 with Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state who went on to become a member of the White House voter fraud commission.]( [Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud]( By MICHAEL TACKETT and MICHAEL WINES The president signed an order to end the White House commission even though he said there was "substantial evidence of voter fraud," which experts say is rare. For more top news, go to [ »]( [Get the Morning Briefing in Your Inbox]( What you need to know to start your day, delivered Monday through Friday. [Sign up »]( ADVERTISEMENT Editors' Picks [President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela speaking last month in Caracas beside a computer used to produce virtual currency on the Ethereum network.]( TECHNOLOGY [Russia and Venezuela's Plan to Sidestep Sanctions: Virtual Currencies]( By NATHANIEL POPPER, OLEG MATSNEV and ANA VANESSA HERRERO Both countries have floated plans to create homegrown virtual currencies that would put them outside the global financial and banking system. [Orrin Hatch on Capitol Hill last November.]( OPINION | Op-Ed Contributor [The Sad Trajectory of Orrin Hatch]( By MICHAEL TOMASKY Even conservatives used to reach across the aisle. Today, they're too scared to try. QUOTATION OF THE DAY "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind." [PRESIDENT TRUMP]( responding to statements by his former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon in a forthcoming book by Michael Wolff, in which Mr. Bannon called Mr. Trump's eldest son "treasonous." [] Today's Videos [Road salt being loaded into a truck in the Boston suburb of Chelsea, Mass. A winter storm is expected to bring whiteout conditions to much of the northeastern United States.]( [[Video] Video: Is a 'Bomb Cyclone' as Scary as It Sounds?]( Bomb cyclones have been referred to as "winter hurricanes." Our science reporter explains how they really work. [] World [Pro-government rallies were staged Wednesday throughout the country, including in Qum, but few demonstrations have reached the capital, Tehran.]( [As Iran Erupts in Protest, Tehran Is Notably Quiet]( By THOMAS ERDBRINK It could be the sharp urban-rural divide, worries about a breakdown in authority or scars from the 2009 uprising. But whatever the cause, residents of the capital are sitting this one out. [A Halkbank branch in Istanbul. The defendant, Mehmet Hakan Atilla, was the bank's deputy general manager for international banking.]( [Turkish Banker Is Convicted in Plot to Evade Iran Sanctions]( By BENJAMIN WEISER and CARLOTTA GALL Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a Halkbank employee, was found guilty of aiding a scheme said to be approved at the highest levels of the Turkish government. [Checking the seals on saxophones at the Tianjin Shengdi Musical Instrument Co. in Sidangkou, China. The village produces about 10,000 saxophones per month at more than 70 factories.]( Sidangkou Journal [China's 'Saxophone Capital,' a Factory Town Transfixed by Kenny G]( By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ Once derided as a bourgeois excess, the saxophone is making a comeback in China. And one northern village is delighted to be playing its part. For more world news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] U.S. [A footbridge in San Juan County, Utah, damaged in spring floods and never fixed. Alicia Coggeshell, 52, who lives in the southern part of the county, said the bridge was so dilapidated that her neighbors sometimes fall into the icy water. ]( [For Native Americans, a 'Historic Moment' on the Path to Power at the Ballot Box]( By JULIE TURKEWITZ Court battles playing out over indigenous voting rights have the potential to tip tight races in states with large native populations and to influence matters of national importance. [Salt was loaded onto trucks in Chelsea, Mass., on Wednesday in preparation for heavy snowfalls.]( ['Bomb Cyclone': Rare Snow in South as North Braces for Bitter Cold]( By RICHARD FAUSSET, PATRICIA MAZZEI and ALAN BLINDER A powerful winter storm dealt a chilly blow to the Southeastern United States Wednesday as residents of the Northeast prepared for windy, whiteout conditions and potential power failures. [Elan Seagraves is being held in a jail in Sacramento County, Calif.]( [School Soccer Coach in California Charged With Trafficking Teenage Girls]( By LIAM STACK Elan Seagraves, 34, was also a driver for Uber and Lyft. Both companies said they had terminated his accounts. For more U.S. news, go to [ »]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Politics [Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, last month in Washington.]( [Paul Manafort Sues Mueller and Asks a Judge to Narrow the Russia Investigation]( By MATT APUZZO The highly unusual lawsuit says the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, was given an overly broad mandate and needs to be reined in. [A rally outside the Capitol last month in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.]( [Ex-Homeland Security Officials Urge Faster Action on DACA]( By MAGGIE HABERMAN The window for legislative action to protect undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children will close by the middle of January, three former officials said in a letter. [Harold T. Martin III worked for the National Security Agency's hacking unit, and the material he is accused of taking included most or all of the agency's hacking tools.]( [Ex-N.S.A. Worker Accused of Stealing Trove of Secrets Offers to Plead Guilty]( By SCOTT SHANE Harold T. Martin III, who stored classified documents in his shed and car, gambles on a plea to one charge, with no guarantee that 19 more will be dropped. For more political news, go to [ »]( [] Business [A Shanghai chemistry laboratory owned by Hutchison China MediTech, a Hong Kong company that is working with AstraZeneca to develop a drug to treat lung, kidney, gastric and colorectal cancers.]( [Made in China: New and Potentially Lifesaving Drugs]( By SUI-LEE WEE A growing number of Chinese pharmaceutical companies are trying to break into the United States, seeking regulatory approval to offer their treatments for cancer and other ailments. [Chrysler Pacifica minivans at a dealership in Jackson, Mich., where incentives were being offered last spring to reduce manufacturers' inventory.]( [Auto Sales End a 7-Year Upswing, With More Challenges Ahead]( By NEAL E. BOUDETTE The decline in the American market in 2017 is expected to continue, and may force carmakers to trim production and find new ways to entice customers. [Under Pedro Parente, the chief executive of Petrobras, the Brazilian state-controlled energy company has sought to clean up its image.]( [Petrobras of Brazil to Pay $2.95 Billion Over Corruption Scandal]( By CHAD BRAY and STANLEY REED Brazil's state-controlled oil company said that the agreement would settle a shareholder lawsuit in the United States. For more business news, go to [ »]( [] Technology [Paul Kocher, left, moderating the RSA Conference 2016 in San Francisco. Mr. Kocher is an independent researcher who was an integral part of the team that discovered the flaws.]( [Researchers Discover Two Major Flaws in the World's Computers]( By CADE METZ and NICOLE PERLROTH Called Meltdown, the first and most urgent flaw affects nearly all microprocessors made by Intel. The second, Spectre, affects most other chips. State of the Art [Expect 2018 to Be More Sane? Sorry, It's Not Going to Happen]( By FARHAD MANJOO Instead of revealing unseen order and predictability in the world, technology has made the world more volatile. [A television station at Seoul Railway Station in South Korea broadcast a report on Wednesday about President Trump's tweet, which boasted about the United States's nuclear capabilities.]( [Would Twitter Ever Suspend Trump's Account?]( By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH and JOHANNA BARR Critics have wondered whether the president's more violent tweets - including those directed at North Korea - could merit a suspension or ban. Here's what Twitter says. For more technology news, go to [ »]( [] Sports [Gianni Infantino, the FIFA president, right, and Vitaly Mutko, who stepped down as chairman of the World Cup Local Organizing Committee amid state-sponsored doping allegations.]( [Critics Say FIFA Is Stalling a Doping Inquiry as World Cup Nears]( By TARIQ PANJA In failing to contact a key witness, FIFA faces accusations of slowing its inquiry into allegations of failed doping tests by Russian soccer players. [Who Needs Trade Talks? These Days, General Managers Just Use Emojis]( By JAMES WAGNER Face-to-face bargaining still occurs, of course, but more often than not general managers don't feel the need for it. Even if they are staying in the same hotel. [Could the Spurs have been the Spurs in New York? Gregg Popovich thinks so. Could the Knicks do what San Antonio did? That's a very different question.]( On Pro Basketball [A Plan for the Knicks' Future? Look to the Spurs' Past]( By HARVEY ARATON Like the Spurs, the Knicks have a talented international core. But do they have the patience to build it into a winner? For more sports news, go to [ »]( [] Arts [Ash Thayer, left, and Ilana Rein are among a group of women who have accused their former photography professor, Thomas Roma, of sexual misconduct.]( [Thomas Roma, Photographer and Professor, Accused of Sexual Misconduct]( By COLIN MOYNIHAN Five women who studied with Mr. Roma at Columbia University and at the School of Visual Arts said he behaved inappropriately. [The journalist Zoya Eroshok in the Gulag History Museum in Moscow. She worked to uncover the author of a diary from the camps that is displayed at the museum.]( [A Diary From a Gulag Meets Evil With Lightness]( By EVA SOHLMAN and NEIL MacFARQUHAR A unique chronicle written from the Gulag emerged after 70 years, requiring dogged detective work to unearth the author's identity. [Eva Longoria wearing black on the red carpet at the Kennedy Center Honors in December.]( The Carpetbagger [On the Golden Globes Red Carpet, Fighting Back in Black]( By CARA BUCKLEY Sunday's red-carpet statement may seem superficial, but it's part of a larger initiative that's striking for its leap from the days of #AskHerMore. For more arts news, go to [ »]( [] New York [In his eighth State of the State address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday vowed to challenge the Republican-led federal tax plan in court and through legislation.]( [Cuomo Charts Course for 2018, Eyeing Trump on the Horizon]( By JESSE McKINLEY and VIVIAN WANG Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, facing re-election and speculation about his political future, offered a stark assessment of the state's challenges - and some of his own. [U.S. Attorneys Named in 17 Districts, Including Brooklyn and Manhattan]( By ALAN FEUER Because the selection process has gone on so long, the appointments were not made by President Trump, but by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. [In an apartment building on East 10th Street in Midwood, Brooklyn, Akhror Saidakhmetov devoured news of the Islamic State, fueling what a memo from his lawyers called his ]( [One Brooklyn Man's Lonely Journey to Jihad]( By ALAN FEUER Court papers offer a detailed look into the radicalization of Akhror Saidakhmetov, who was sentenced for providing material support to ISIS. For more New York news, go to [ »]( [] Science [An illustration of ancient Native Americans in what is today called the Upward Sun River site in central Alaska. The 11,500-year-old skeleton of an infant girl found there offers genetic clues to how people arrived in the Americas.]( Matter [In the Bones of a Buried Child, Signs of a Massive Human Migration to the Americas]( By CARL ZIMMER Genetic analysis of an 11,500-year-old skeleton discovered in Alaska suggests that North America was settled by a previously unknown people who originated in Siberia. [Niagara Falls, on the border of New York and Ontario, on Wednesday. Scientists are studying how climate change is influencing cold snaps in North America and Europe.]( [Why So Cold? Climate Change May Be Part of the Answer]( By HENRY FOUNTAIN Studies suggest that one factor could be warming in the Arctic, which allows more frigid air to escape southward. [A military aide traveling with President Trump in December carried the so-called nuclear football as he walked toward Marine One, the president's helicopter.]( [The 'Nuclear Button' Explained: For Starters, There's No Button]( By RUSSELL GOLDMAN The image of a leader being able to launch missiles with the push of one finger has, for decades, instilled fear. For more science news, go to [ »]( [] Fashion & Style [The right outfit for recounting your experiences in front of assorted lawyer types. The well-fitting Theory blazer, white collar and gray sweater makes you look like someone who takes these proceedings seriously.]( [How I Learned to Look Believable]( Sometimes all you can control is what's on the outside. [What to do with a doob? They aren't sturdy enough to play with, like a Barbie or Star Wars figure.]( Noted [A Selfie for Your Shelf]( By STEVEN KURUTZ You can now get a remarkably lifelike, 3-D-printed miniature figurine made for display in home or office. Isn't technology marvelous? [When you wear all your best pieces at once.]( [Sneaker Heads Share Secrets to Scoring the Hottest Shoes and Keeping Them Fresh]( By JOANNA NIKAS Experts at Sneaker Con offered strategies for identifying counterfeit shoes, gave advice on how to choose investment sneakers and said what they would be willing to pay for the right kicks ($30,000). For more fashion news, go to [ »]( []Obituaries [Fred Bass, on the phone, at the Strand Bookstore in the early 1970s.]( [Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89]( By WILLIAM GRIMES Building on what his father began, Mr. Bass ultimately oversaw a bustling emporium housing "18 miles of books" in Lower Manhattan, with outposts here and there. [Thomas S. Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Salt Lake City in 2014.]( [Thomas Monson, President of the Mormon Church, Dies at 90]( By ROBERT D. McFADDEN Mr. Monson enlarged the ranks of female Mormon missionaries, but he stood firm against ordaining women as priests and against same-sex marriage. [Rick Hall, who helped develop the Southern soul style known as the Muscle Shoals sound, receiving an award for lifetime achievement at the Grammy Awards in 2014.]( [Rick Hall, Architect of the Muscle Shoals Sound, Dies at 85]( By JON PARELES Mr. Hall, a producer and engineer and the founder of FAME Studios, turned small-town Alabama into a crucible of soul, country, rock and pop music. For more obituaries, go to [ »]( [] Editorial Editorial [Koreans Turn Down the Volume]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Like an adult trying to converse while a child is having a tantrum, South Korea tries to resume engagement with the North as Mr. Trump tweets. [Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York delivered his State of the State address on Wednesday in Albany.]( Editorial [Andrew Cuomo's Vision of New York's Future, and His]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD In his State of the State address, the governor offered his ambitions for a more progressive New York and beyond, and of course, a dig at Mayor de Blasio. Editorial [Can States Fix the G.O.P. Tax Law?]( By THE EDITORIAL BOARD With the Republican law seeming to target Democratic states for pain, governors are trying to avoid the damage. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] Op-Ed Op-Ed Contributor [Justice Shouldn't Come With a $250 Fine]( By ALEXES HARRIS It's great that progressive prosecutors are against incarceration, but alternative punishments shouldn't cause people to go broke. [President Trump boarding Air Force One in December. On Tuesday, he tweeted that he commands a ]( Op-Ed Columnist [My Button's Bigger Than Yours]( By GAIL COLLINS Next there will be a comparison of body parts. For more opinion, go to [ »]( [] ON THIS DAY On Jan. 4, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson outlined the goals of his ''Great Society'' in his State of the Union address. [See this Front Page]( | [Buy this Front Page]( FOLLOW US: [Facebook] [Facebook]( | [Twitter] [@NYTimes]( | [Pinterest] [Pinterest]( | [Instagram] [Instagram]( [NYT]( Access The New York Times from anywhere with our suite of apps: [iPhone®]( | [iPad®]( | [Android]( | [All]( [.] Save 15% at [The NYTimes Store »]( [.] Have questions? [Help Section »]( [.] Visit our mobile website at [ »]( About This Email This is an automated email. Please do not reply directly to this email. You received this message because you signed up for's Today's Headlines newsletter. [Unsubscribe]( | [Manage Subscriptions]( | [Change Your Email]( | [Privacy Policy]( | [Contact]( | [Advertise]( Copyright 2018 | The New York Times Company | 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

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