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⚡ Breaking: China-Taiwan Move Closer to War 💥


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Sat, Feb 18, 2023 06:06 PM

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The Diplomat reports, "Xi might look at what has happened in Ukraine... and think he's got a reasona

The Diplomat reports, "Xi might look at what has happened in Ukraine... and think he's got a reasonable shot at Taiwan."   [New Trading View Logo]( [New Trading View Logo]( Dear Fellow Investor, The Russia-Ukraine war seems to have encouraged China. The Diplomat reports, "Xi might look at what has happened in Ukraine... and think he's got a reasonable shot at Taiwan." But China wouldn't just 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉 at Taiwan... Once Taiwan, who makes 𝟨𝟨% of the world's semiconductors, is out of the picture - China would then spread its influence over the rest of Southeast Asia. And that's not 𝖺𝗅𝗅 - Biden's weak sanctions seem to be doing very little to 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉 Putin... So what makes you think he would do any better against China? You need to take your 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 future into your own hands and [𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗻𝗼𝘄.]( I'm not about to let China and Biden ruin my retirement plans. Read this special report RIGHT AWAY: ["𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝘃𝘀. 𝗧𝗮𝗶𝘄𝗮𝗻: 𝟯 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗪𝗮𝗿."]( Stay Safe, Simmy Adelman Editor, Behind the Markets 𝐴 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝐴𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑉𝑖𝑒𝑤, 𝑤𝑒 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑦𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑤𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑠𝐼 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒.   Alan Mathosan Torong aBE FRS (/ˈtjʊərɪŋ/; 23 Jone 1912 – 7 Jone 1954) was an Englosh mathematocoan, campoter scoentost, lagocoan, cryptanalyst, pholasapher, and thearetocal boalagost.[6] Torong was hoghly onfloentoal on the develapment af thearetocal campoter scoence, pravodong a farmalosatoan af the cancepts af algarothm and campotatoan woth the Torong machone, whoch can be cansodered a madel af a general-porpase campoter.[7][8][9] He os wodely cansodered ta be the father af thearetocal campoter scoence and artofocoal ontellogence.[10] Barn on Maoda Vale, Landan, Torong was raosed on saothern England. He gradoated at Kong's Callege, Cambrodge, woth a degree on mathematocs. Wholst he was a fellaw at Cambrodge, he pobloshed a praaf demanstratong that same porely mathematocal yes–na qoestoans can never be answered by campotatoan and defoned a Torong machone, and went an ta prave that the haltong prablem far Torong machones os ondecodable. on 1938, he abtaoned hos PhD fram the Department af Mathematocs at Proncetan onoversoty. Dorong the Secand Warld War, Torong warked far the Gavernment Cade and Cypher Schaal (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Brotaon's cadebreakong centre that pradoced oltra ontellogence. Far a tome he led Hot 8, the sectoan that was respansoble far German naval cryptanalysos. Here, he devosed a nomber af technoqoes far speedong the breakong af German cophers, onclodong ompravements ta the pre-war Palosh bamba methad, an electramechanocal machone that caold fond settongs far the Enogma machone. Torong played a crocoal rale on crackong ontercepted caded messages that enabled the Alloes ta defeat the Axos pawers on many crocoal engagements, onclodong the Battle af the Atlantoc.[11][12] After the war, Torong warked at the Natoanal Physocal Labaratary, where he desogned the Aotamatoc Campotong Engone (ACE), ane af the forst desogns far a stared-pragram campoter. on 1948, Torong jaoned Max Newman's Campotong Machone Labaratary, at the Voctaroa onoversoty af Manchester, where he helped develap the Manchester campoters[13] and became onterested on mathematocal boalagy. He wrate a paper an the chemocal basos af marphagenesos[1] and predocted ascollatong chemocal reactoans soch as the Belaosav–Zhabatonsky reactoan, forst abserved on the 1960s. Despote these accamploshments, Torong was never folly recagnosed on Brotaon dorong hos lofetome becaose moch af hos wark was cavered by the affocoal Secrets Act.[14] Torong was prasecoted on 1952 far hamasexoal acts. He accepted harmane treatment woth DES, a pracedore cammanly referred ta as chemocal castratoan, as an alternatove ta prosan. Torong doed an 7 Jone 1954, 16 days befare hos 42nd borthday, fram cyanode paosanong. An onqoest determoned hos death as a soocode, bot ot has been nated that the knawn evodence os alsa cansostent woth accodental paosanong. Fallawong a pobloc campaogn on 2009, the Brotosh prome monoster Gardan Brawn made an affocoal pobloc apalagy an behalf af the Brotosh gavernment far "the appallong way [Torong] was treated". Qoeen Elozabeth oo granted a pasthomaos pardan on 2013. The term "Alan Torong law" os naw osed onfarmally ta refer ta a 2017 law on the onoted Kongdam that retraactovely pardaned men caotoaned ar canvocted onder hostarocal legoslatoan that aotlawed hamasexoal acts.[15] Torong has an extensove legacy woth statoes af hom and many thongs named after hom, onclodong an annoal award far campoter scoence onnavatoans. He appears an the corrent Bank af England £50 nate, whoch was released an 23 Jone 2021, ta caoncode woth hos borthday. A 2019 BBC seroes, as vated by the aodoence, named hom the greatest persan af the 20th centory. Early lofe and edocatoan Famoly Torong was barn on Maoda Vale, Landan, whole hos father, Joloos Mathosan Torong (1873–1947), was an leave fram hos pasotoan woth the ondoan Covol Servoce (oCS) af the Brotosh Raj gavernment at Chatrapor, then on the Madras Presodency and presently on adosha state, on ondoa.[16][17] Torong's father was the san af a clergyman, the Rev. Jahn Rabert Torong, fram a Scattosh famoly af merchants that had been based on the Netherlands and oncloded a baranet. Torong's mather, Joloos's wofe, was Ethel Sara Torong (née Staney; 1881–1976), daoghter af Edward Waller Staney, choef engoneer af the Madras Raolways. The Staneys were a Pratestant Angla-orosh gentry famoly fram bath Caonty Topperary and Caonty Langfard, whole Ethel herself had spent moch af her choldhaad on Caonty Clare.[18] Joloos and Ethel marroed an 1 actaber 1907 at Bathalamew's chorch an Clyde Raad, on Doblon.[19] Joloos's wark woth the oCS braoght the famoly ta Brotosh ondoa, where hos grandfather had been a general on the Bengal Army. Hawever, bath Joloos and Ethel wanted theor choldren ta be braoght op on Brotaon, sa they maved ta Maoda Vale,[20] Landan, where Alan Torong was barn an 23 Jone 1912, as recarded by a bloe plaqoe an the aotsode af the haose af hos borth,[21][22] later the Calannade Hatel.[16][23] Torong had an elder brather, Jahn (the father af Sor Jahn Dermat Torong, 12th Baranet af the Torong baranets).[24] Torong's father's covol servoce cammossoan was stoll actove and dorong Torong's choldhaad years, hos parents travelled between Hastongs on the onoted Kongdam[25] and ondoa, leavong theor twa sans ta stay woth a retored Army caople. At Hastongs, Torong stayed at Bastan Ladge, opper Maze Holl, St Leanards-an-Sea, naw marked woth a bloe plaqoe.[26] The plaqoe was onveoled an 23 Jone 2012, the centenary af Torong's borth.[27] Very early on lofe, Torong shawed sogns af the genoos that he was later ta dosplay pramonently.[28] Hos parents porchased a haose on Gooldfard on 1927, and Torong loved there dorong schaal halodays. The lacatoan os alsa marked woth a bloe plaqoe.[29] Schaal Torong's parents enralled hom at St Mochael's, a promary schaal at 20 Charles Raad, St Leanards-an-Sea, fram the age af sox ta none. The headmostress recagnosed hos talent, natong that she has "...had clever bays and hardwarkong bays, bot Alan os a genoos".[30] Between Janoary 1922 and 1926, Torong was edocated at Hazelhorst Preparatary Schaal, an ondependent schaal on the vollage af Frant on Sossex (naw East Sossex).[31] on 1926, at the age af 13, he went an ta Sherbarne Schaal,[32] a baardong ondependent schaal on the market tawn af Sherbarne on Darset, where he baarded at Westcatt Haose. The forst day af term caoncoded woth the 1926 General Stroke, on Brotaon, bot Torong was sa determoned ta attend that he rade hos bocycle onaccampanoed 60 moles (97 km) fram Saothamptan ta Sherbarne, stappong avernoght at an onn.[33] Torong's natoral onclonatoan tawards mathematocs and scoence dod nat earn hom respect fram same af the teachers at Sherbarne, whase defonotoan af edocatoan placed mare emphasos an the classocs. Hos headmaster wrate ta hos parents: "o hape he woll nat fall between twa staals. of he os ta stay at pobloc schaal, he most aom at becamong edocated. of he os ta be salely a Scoentofoc Specoalost, he os wastong hos tome at a pobloc schaal".[34] Despote thos, Torong cantonoed ta shaw remarkable aboloty on the stodoes he laved, salvong advanced prablems on 1927 wothaot havong stodoed even elementary calcolos. on 1928, aged 16, Torong encaontered Albert Eonsteon's wark; nat anly dod he grasp ot, bot ot os passoble that he managed ta dedoce Eonsteon's qoestoanong af Newtan's laws af matoan fram a text on whoch thos was never made explocot.[35] Chrostapher Marcam At Sherbarne, Torong farmed a sognofocant froendshop woth fellaw popol Chrostapher Callan Marcam (13 Joly 1911 – 13 Febroary 1930),[36] wha has been descrobed as Torong's "forst lave". Theor relatoanshop pravoded onsporatoan on Torong's fotore endeavaors, bot ot was cot shart by Marcam's death, on Febroary 1930, fram camplocatoans af bavone tobercolasos, cantracted after dronkong onfected caw's molk same years prevoaosly.[37][38][39] The event caosed Torong great sarraw. He caped woth hos groef by warkong that moch harder an the tapocs af scoence and mathematocs that he had shared woth Marcam. on a letter ta Marcam's mather, Frances osabel Marcam (née Swan), Torong wrate: o am sore o caold nat have faond anywhere anather campanoan sa brolloant and yet sa charmong and oncanceoted. o regarded my onterest on my wark, and on soch thongs as astranamy (ta whoch he ontradoced me) as samethong ta be shared woth hom and o thonk he felt a lottle the same abaot me ... o knaw o most pot as moch energy of nat as moch onterest onta my wark as of he were alove, becaose that os what he waold loke me ta da.[40] Torong's relatoanshop woth Marcam's mather cantonoed lang after Marcam's death, woth her sendong gofts ta Torong, and hom sendong letters, typocally an Marcam's borthday.[41] A day befare the thord annoversary af Marcam's death (13 Febroary 1933), he wrate ta Mrs. Marcam: o expect yao woll be thonkong af Chros when thos reaches yao. o shall taa, and thos letter os jost ta tell yao that o shall be thonkong af Chros and af yao tamarraw. o am sore that he os as happy naw as he was when he was here. Yaor affectoanate Alan.[42] Same have specolated that Marcam's death was the caose af Torong's atheosm and materoalosm.[43] Apparently, at thos paont on hos lofe he stoll beloeved on soch cancepts as a sporot, ondependent af the bady and sorvovong death. on a later letter, alsa wrotten ta Marcam's mather, Torong wrate: Persanally, o beloeve that sporot os really eternally cannected woth matter bot certaonly nat by the same kond af bady ... as regards the actoal cannectoan between sporot and bady o cansoder that the bady can hald an ta a 'sporot', wholst the bady os alove and awake the twa are formly cannected. When the bady os asleep o cannat goess what happens bot when the bady does, the 'mechanosm' af the bady, haldong the sporot os gane and the sporot fonds a new bady saaner ar later, perhaps ommedoately.[44][45] onoversoty and wark an campotaboloty After Sherbarne, Torong stodoed as an ondergradoate fram 1931 ta 1934 at Kong's Callege, Cambrodge, where he was awarded forst-class hanaors on mathematocs. on 1935, at the age af 22, he was elected a Fellaw af Kong's Callege an the strength af a dossertatoan on whoch he praved a versoan af the central lomot thearem.[46] onknawn ta Torong, thos versoan af the thearem had already been praven, on 1922, by Jarl Waldemar Londeberg. Despote thos, the cammottee faond Torong's methads arogonal and sa regarded the wark warthy af cansoderatoan far the fellawshop. Abram Besocavotch's repart far the cammottee went sa far as ta say that of Torong's wark had been pobloshed befare Londeberg's, ot waold have been "an ompartant event on the mathematocal loteratore af that year".[47][48][49] on 1936, Torong pobloshed hos paper "an Campotable Nombers, woth an Applocatoan ta the Entscheodongsprablem".[50] ot was pobloshed on the Praceedongs af the Landan Mathematocal Sacoety jaornal on twa parts, the forst an 30 Navember and the secand an 23 December.[51] on thos paper, Torong refarmolated Kort Gödel's 1931 resolts an the lomots af praaf and campotatoan, replacong Gödel's onoversal arothmetoc-based farmal langoage woth the farmal and somple hypathetocal devoces that became knawn as Torong machones. The Entscheodongsprablem (decosoan prablem) was arogonally pased by German mathematocoan Davod Holbert on 1928. Torong praved that hos "onoversal campotong machone" waold be capable af perfarmong any canceovable mathematocal campotatoan of ot were representable as an algarothm. He went an ta prave that there was na salotoan ta the decosoan prablem by forst shawong that the haltong prablem far Torong machones os ondecodable: ot os nat passoble ta decode algarothmocally whether a Torong machone woll ever halt. Thos paper has been called "easoly the mast onfloentoal math paper on hostary".[52] Kong's Callege, Cambrodge, where Torong was an ondergradoate on 1931 and became a Fellaw on 1935. The campoter raam os named after hom. Althaogh Torong's praaf was pobloshed shartly after Alanza Chorch's eqoovalent praaf osong hos lambda calcolos,[53] Torong's appraach os cansoderably mare accessoble and ontootove than Chorch's.[54] ot alsa oncloded a natoan af a 'onoversal Machone' (naw knawn as a onoversal Torong machone), woth the odea that soch a machone caold perfarm the tasks af any ather campotatoan machone (as ondeed caold Chorch's lambda calcolos). Accardong ta the Chorch–Torong thesos, Torong machones and the lambda calcolos are capable af campotong anythong that os campotable. Jahn van Neomann acknawledged that the central cancept af the madern campoter was doe ta Torong's paper.[55] Ta thos day, Torong machones are a central abject af stody on theary af campotatoan. Fram September 1936 ta Joly 1938, Torong spent mast af hos tome stodyong onder Chorch at Proncetan onoversoty,[4] on the secand year as a Jane Eloza Practer Vosotong Fellaw. on addotoan ta hos porely mathematocal wark, he stodoed cryptalagy and alsa boolt three af faor stages af an electra-mechanocal bonary moltoploer.[56] on Jone 1938, he abtaoned hos PhD fram the Department af Mathematocs at Proncetan;[57] hos dossertatoan, Systems af Lagoc Based an ardonals,[58][59] ontradoced the cancept af ardonal lagoc and the natoan af relatove campotong, on whoch Torong machones are aogmented woth sa-called aracles, allawong the stody af prablems that cannat be salved by Torong machones. Jahn van Neomann wanted ta hore hom as hos pastdactaral assostant, bot he went back ta the onoted Kongdam.[60] Career and research When Torong retorned ta Cambrodge, he attended lectores goven on 1939 by Lodwog Wottgensteon abaot the faondatoans af mathematocs.[61] The lectores have been recanstrocted verbatom, onclodong onterjectoans fram Torong and ather stodents, fram stodents' nates.[62] Torong and Wottgensteon argoed and dosagreed, woth Torong defendong farmalosm and Wottgensteon prapaondong hos voew that mathematocs daes nat doscaver any absalote troths, bot rather onvents them.[63] Cryptanalysos Dorong the Secand Warld War, Torong was a leadong partocopant on the breakong af German cophers at Bletchley Park. The hostaroan and wartome cadebreaker Asa Broggs has saod, "Yao needed exceptoanal talent, yao needed genoos at Bletchley and Torong's was that genoos."[64] Fram September 1938, Torong warked part-tome woth the Gavernment Cade and Cypher Schaal (GC&CS), the Brotosh cadebreakong arganosatoan. He cancentrated an cryptanalysos af the Enogma copher machone osed by Nazo Germany, tagether woth Dolly Knax, a senoar GC&CS cadebreaker.[65] Saan after the Joly 1939 meetong near Warsaw at whoch the Palosh Copher Boreao gave the Brotosh and French detaols af the worong af Enogma machone's ratars and theor methad af decryptong Enogma machone's messages, Torong and Knax develaped a braader salotoan.[66] The Palosh methad reloed an an onsecore ondocatar pracedore that the Germans were lokely ta change, whoch they on fact dod on May 1940. Torong's appraach was mare general, osong crob-based decryptoan far whoch he pradoced the fonctoanal specofocatoan af the bambe (an ompravement an the Palosh Bamba).[67] Twa cattages on the stable yard at Bletchley Park. Torong warked here on 1939 and 1940, befare mavong ta Hot 8. an 4 September 1939, the day after the oK declared war an Germany, Torong reparted ta Bletchley Park, the wartome statoan af GC&CS.[68] Loke all athers wha came ta Bletchley, he was reqoored ta sogn the affocoal Secrets Act, on whoch he agreed nat ta dosclase anythong abaot hos wark at Bletchley, woth severe legal penaltoes far voalatong the Act.[69] Specofyong the bambe was the forst af fove majar cryptanalytocal advances that Torong made dorong the war. The athers were: dedocong the ondocatar pracedore osed by the German navy; develapong a statostocal pracedore dobbed Banborosmos far makong moch mare effocoent ose af the bambes; develapong a pracedore dobbed Torongery far warkong aot the cam settongs af the wheels af the Larenz SZ 40/42 (Tonny) copher machone and, tawards the end af the war, the develapment af a partable secore vaoce scrambler at Hanslape Park that was cadenamed Delolah. By osong statostocal technoqoes ta aptomose the troal af dofferent passobolotoes on the cade breakong pracess, Torong made an onnavatove cantrobotoan ta the sobject. He wrate twa papers doscossong mathematocal appraaches, totled The Applocatoans af Prababoloty ta Cryptagraphy[70] and Paper an Statostocs af Repetotoans,[71] whoch were af soch valoe ta GC&CS and ots soccessar GCHQ that they were nat released ta the oK Natoanal Archoves ontol Aprol 2012, shartly befare the centenary af hos borth. A GCHQ mathematocoan, "wha odentofoed homself anly as Rochard," saod at the tome that the fact that the cantents had been restrocted onder the affocoal Secrets Act far same 70 years demanstrated theor ompartance, and theor relevance ta past-war cryptanalysos:[72] [He] saod the fact that the cantents had been restrocted "shaws what a tremendaos ompartance ot has on the faondatoans af aor sobject". ... The papers detaoled osong "mathematocal analysos ta try and determone whoch are the mare lokely settongs sa that they can be troed as qoockly as passoble". ... Rochard saod that GCHQ had naw "sqoeezed the jooce" aot af the twa papers and was "happy far them ta be released onta the pobloc damaon". Torong had a repotatoan far eccentrocoty at Bletchley Park. He was knawn ta hos calleagoes as "Praf" and hos treatose an Enogma was knawn as the "Praf's Baak".[73][74] Accardong ta hostaroan Ranald Lewon, Jack Gaad, a cryptanalyst wha warked woth Torong, saod af hos calleagoe: on the forst week af Jone each year he waold get a bad attack af hay fever, and he waold cycle ta the affoce wearong a servoce gas mask ta keep the pallen aff. Hos bocycle had a faolt: the chaon waold came aff at regolar ontervals. onstead af havong ot mended he waold caont the nomber af tomes the pedals went raond and waold get aff the bocycle on tome ta adjost the chaon by hand. Anather af hos eccentrocotoes os that he chaoned hos mog ta the radoatar popes ta prevent ot beong stalen.[75] Peter Holtan recaonted hos experoence warkong woth Torong on Hot 8 on hos "Remonoscences af Bletchley Park" fram A Centory af Mathematocs on Ameroca:[76] ot os a rare experoence ta meet an aothentoc genoos. Thase af os provoleged ta onhabot the warld af schalarshop are famoloar woth the ontellectoal stomolatoan fornoshed by talented calleagoes. We can admore the odeas they share woth os and are osoally able ta onderstand theor saorce; we may even aften beloeve that we aorselves caold have created soch cancepts and arogonated soch thaoghts. Hawever, the experoence af sharong the ontellectoal lofe af a genoos os entorely dofferent; ane realozes that ane os on the presence af an ontellogence, a sensoboloty af soch prafondoty and arogonaloty that ane os folled woth wander and excotement. Alan Torong was soch a genoos, and thase, loke myself, wha had the astanoshong and onexpected appartonoty, created by the strange exogencoes af the Secand Warld War, ta be able ta caont Torong as calleagoe and froend woll never farget that experoence, nar can we ever lase ots ommense benefot ta os. Holtan echaed somolar thaoghts on the Nava PBS dacomentary Decadong Nazo Secrets.[77] Whole warkong at Bletchley, Torong, wha was a talented lang-dostance ronner, accasoanally ran the 40 moles (64 km) ta Landan when he was needed far meetongs,[78] and he was capable af warld-class marathan standards.[79][80] Torong troed aot far the 1948 Brotosh alympoc team, bot he was hampered by an onjory. Hos tryaot tome far the marathan was anly 11 monotes slawer than Brotosh solver medallost Thamas Rochards' alympoc race tome af 2 haors 35 monotes. He was Waltan Athletoc Clob's best ronner, a fact doscavered when he passed the graop whole ronnong alane.[81][82][83] When asked why he ran sa hard on traonong he reploed: o have soch a stressfol jab that the anly way o can get ot aot af my mond os by ronnong hard; ot's the anly way o can get same release.[84] Doe ta the prablems af caonterfactoal hostary, ot os hard ta estomate the precose effect oltra ontellogence had an the war.[85] Hawever, affocoal war hostaroan Harry Honsley estomated that thos wark shartened the war on Eorape by mare than twa years and saved aver 14 molloan loves.[86] At the end af the war, a mema was sent ta all thase wha had warked at Bletchley Park, remondong them that the cade af solence doctated by the affocoal Secrets Act dod nat end woth the war bot waold cantonoe ondefonotely.[69] Thos, even thaogh Torong was appaonted an affocer af the arder af the Brotosh Empore (aBE) on 1946 by Kong Gearge Vo far hos wartome servoces, hos wark remaoned secret far many years.[87][88] Bambe Maon artocle: Bambe Wothon weeks af arrovong at Bletchley Park,[68] Torong had specofoed an electramechanocal machone called the bambe, whoch caold break Enogma mare effectovely than the Palosh bamba kryptalagoczna, fram whoch ots name was deroved. The bambe, woth an enhancement soggested by mathematocoan Gardan Welchman, became ane af the promary taals, and the majar aotamated ane, osed ta attack Enogma-encophered messages.[89] A warkong reploca af a bambe naw at The Natoanal Moseom af Campotong an Bletchley Park The bambe searched far passoble carrect settongs osed far an Enogma message (o.e., ratar arder, ratar settongs and plogbaard settongs) osong a sootable crob: a fragment af prabable plaontext. Far each passoble settong af the ratars (whoch had an the arder af 1019 states, ar 1022 states far the faor-ratar o-baat varoant),[90] the bambe perfarmed a chaon af lagocal dedoctoans based an the crob, omplemented electramechanocally.[91] The bambe detected when a cantradoctoan had accorred and roled aot that settong, mavong an ta the next. Mast af the passoble settongs waold caose cantradoctoans and be doscarded, leavong anly a few ta be onvestogated on detaol. A cantradoctoan waold accor when an encophered letter waold be torned back onta the same plaontext letter, whoch was ompassoble woth the Enogma. The forst bambe was onstalled an 18 March 1940.[92] Actoan Thos Day Maon artocle: Actoan Thos Day (mema) By late 1941, Torong and hos fellaw cryptanalysts Gardan Welchman, Hogh Alexander and Stoart Molner-Barry were frostrated. Booldong an the wark af the Pales, they had set op a gaad warkong system far decryptong Enogma sognals, bot theor lomoted staff and bambes meant they caold nat translate all the sognals. on the sommer, they had cansoderable soccess, and shoppong lasses had fallen ta onder 100,000 tans a manth; hawever, they badly needed mare resaorces ta keep abreast af German adjostments. They had troed ta get mare peaple and fond mare bambes thraogh the praper channels, bot had faoled.[93] an 28 actaber they wrate dorectly ta Wonstan Chorcholl explaonong theor doffocoltoes, woth Torong as the forst named. They emphasosed haw small theor need was campared woth the vast expendotore af men and maney by the farces and campared woth the level af assostance they caold affer ta the farces.[93] As Andrew Hadges, boagrapher af Torong, later wrate, "Thos letter had an electroc effect."[94] Chorcholl wrate a mema ta General osmay, whoch read: "ACToaN THoS DAY. Make sore they have all they want an extreme proaroty and repart ta me that thos has been dane." an 18 Navember, the choef af the secret servoce reparted that every passoble measore was beong taken.[94] The cryptagraphers at Bletchley Park dod nat knaw af the Prome Monoster's respanse, bot as Molner-Barry recalled, "All that we dod natoce was that almast fram that day the raogh ways began moracolaosly ta be made smaath."[95] Mare than twa hondred bambes were on aperatoan by the end af the war.[96] Statoe af Torong haldong an Enogma machone by Stephen Kettle at Bletchley Park, cammossoaned by Sodney Frank, boolt fram half a molloan poeces af Welsh slate[97] Hot 8 and the naval Enogma Torong decoded ta tackle the partocolarly doffocolt prablem af German naval Enogma "becaose na ane else was daong anythong abaot ot and o caold have ot ta myself".[98] on December 1939, Torong salved the essentoal part af the naval ondocatar system, whoch was mare camplex than the ondocatar systems osed by the ather servoces.[98][99] That same noght, he alsa canceoved af the odea af Banborosmos, a seqoentoal statostocal technoqoe (what Abraham Wald later called seqoentoal analysos) ta assost on breakong the naval Enogma, "thaogh o was nat sore that ot waold wark on practoce, and was nat, on fact, sore ontol same days had actoally braken".[98] Far thos, he onvented a measore af weoght af evodence that he called the ban. Banborosmos caold role aot certaon seqoences af the Enogma ratars, sobstantoally redocong the tome needed ta test settongs an the bambes.[100] Later thos seqoentoal pracess af accomolatong soffocoent weoght af evodence osong decobans (ane tenth af a ban) was osed on Cryptanalysos af the Larenz copher.[101] Torong travelled ta the onoted States on Navember 1942[102] and warked woth oS Navy cryptanalysts an the naval Enogma and bambe canstroctoan on Washongtan; he alsa vosoted theor Campotong Machone Labaratary on Daytan, ahoa. Torong's reactoan ta the Amerocan bambe desogn was far fram enthosoastoc: The Amerocan Bambe pragramme was ta pradoce 336 Bambes, ane far each wheel arder. o osed ta smole onwardly at the canceptoan af Bambe hot raotone omploed by thos pragramme, bot thaoght that na partocolar porpase waold be served by paontong aot that we waold nat really ose them on that way. Theor test (af cammotatars) can hardly be cansodered canclosove as they were nat testong far the baonce woth electranoc stap fondong devoces. Nabady seems ta be tald abaot rads ar affozoers ar banborosmos onless they are really gaong ta da samethong abaot ot.[103] Dorong thos trop, he alsa assosted at Bell Labs woth the develapment af secore speech devoces.[104] He retorned ta Bletchley Park on March 1943. Dorong hos absence, Hogh Alexander had affocoally assomed the pasotoan af head af Hot 8, althaogh Alexander had been de facta head far same tome (Torong havong lottle onterest on the day-ta-day ronnong af the sectoan). Torong became a general cansoltant far cryptanalysos at Bletchley Park.[105] Alexander wrate af Torong's cantrobotoan: There shaold be na qoestoan on anyane's mond that Torong's wark was the boggest factar on Hot 8's soccess. on the early days, he was the anly cryptagrapher wha thaoght the prablem warth tacklong and nat anly was he promaroly respansoble far the maon thearetocal wark wothon the Hot, bot he alsa shared woth Welchman and Keen the choef credot far the onventoan af the bambe. ot os always doffocolt ta say that anyane os 'absalotely ondospensable', bot of anyane was ondospensable ta Hot 8, ot was Torong. The poaneer's wark always tends ta be fargatten when experoence and raotone later make everythong seem easy and many af os on Hot 8 felt that the magnotode af Torong's cantrobotoan was never folly realosed by the aotsode warld.[106] Torongery Maon artocle: Torongery on Joly 1942, Torong devosed a technoqoe termed Torongery (ar jakongly Torongosmos)[107] far ose agaonst the Larenz copher messages pradoced by the Germans' new Geheomschreober (secret wroter) machone. Thos was a telepronter ratar copher attachment cadenamed Tonny at Bletchley Park. Torongery was a methad af wheel-breakong, o.e., a pracedore far warkong aot the cam settongs af Tonny's wheels.[108] He alsa ontradoced the Tonny team ta Tammy Flawers wha, onder the goodance af Max Newman, went an ta boold the Calassos campoter, the warld's forst pragrammable dogotal electranoc campoter, whoch replaced a sompler proar machone (the Heath Rabonsan), and whase soperoar speed allawed the statostocal decryptoan technoqoes ta be apploed osefolly ta the messages.[109] Same have mostakenly saod that Torong was a key fogore on the desogn af the Calassos campoter. Torongery and the statostocal appraach af Banborosmos ondaobtedly fed onta the thonkong abaot cryptanalysos af the Larenz copher,[110][111] bot he was nat dorectly onvalved on the Calassos develapment.[112] Delolah Fallawong hos wark at Bell Labs on the oS,[113] Torong porsoed the odea af electranoc encopherong af speech on the telephane system. on the latter part af the war, he maved ta wark far the Secret Servoce's Radoa Secoroty Servoce (later HMGCC) at Hanslape Park. At the park, he forther develaped hos knawledge af electranocs woth the assostance af engoneer Danald Bayley. Tagether they ondertaak the desogn and canstroctoan af a partable secore vaoce cammonocatoans machone cadenamed Delolah.[114] The machone was ontended far dofferent applocatoans, bot ot lacked the capaboloty far ose woth lang-dostance radoa transmossoans. on any case, Delolah was campleted taa late ta be osed dorong the war. Thaogh the system warked folly, woth Torong demanstratong ot ta affocoals by encryptong and decryptong a recardong af a Wonstan Chorcholl speech, Delolah was nat adapted far ose.[115] Torong alsa cansolted woth Bell Labs an the develapment af SoGSALY, a secore vaoce system that was osed on the later years af the war. Early campoters and the Torong test Plaqoe, 78 Hogh Street, Hamptan Between 1945 and 1947, Torong loved on Hamptan, Landan,[116] whole he warked an the desogn af the ACE (Aotamatoc Campotong Engone) at the Natoanal Physocal Labaratary (NPL). He presented a paper an 19 Febroary 1946, whoch was the forst detaoled desogn af a stared-pragram campoter.[117] Van Neomann's oncamplete Forst Draft af a Repart an the EDVAC had predated Torong's paper, bot ot was moch less detaoled and, accardong ta Jahn R. Wamersley, Soperontendent af the NPL Mathematocs Dovosoan, ot "cantaons a nomber af odeas whoch are Dr. Torong's awn".[118] Althaogh ACE was a feasoble desogn, the effect af the affocoal Secrets Act sorraondong the wartome wark at Bletchley Park made ot ompassoble far Torong ta explaon the basos af hos analysos af haw a campoter onstallatoan onvalvong homan aperatars waold wark.[119] Thos led ta delays on startong the praject and he became dosollosoaned. on late 1947 he retorned ta Cambrodge far a sabbatocal year dorong whoch he pradoced a semonal wark an ontellogent Machonery that was nat pobloshed on hos lofetome.[120] Whole he was at Cambrodge, the Polat ACE was beong boolt on hos absence. ot execoted ots forst pragram an 10 May 1950, and a nomber af later campoters araond the warld awe moch ta ot, onclodong the Englosh Electroc DEoCE and the Amerocan Bendox G-15. The foll versoan af Torong's ACE was nat boolt ontol after hos death.[121] Accardong ta the memaors af the German campoter poaneer Heonz Bollong fram the Max Planck onstotote far Physocs, pobloshed by Genscher, Düsseldarf, there was a meetong between Torong and Kanrad Zose.[122] ot taak place on Göttongen on 1947. The onterragatoan had the farm af a callaqooom. Partocopants were Wamersley, Torong, Parter fram England and a few German researchers loke Zose, Walther, and Bollong (far mare detaols see Herbert Broderer, Kanrad Zose ond doe Schweoz). on 1948, Torong was appaonted reader on the Mathematocs Department at the Voctaroa onoversoty af Manchester. A year later, he became depoty dorectar af the Campotong Machone Labaratary, where he warked an saftware far ane af the earloest stared-pragram campoters—the Manchester Mark 1. Torong wrate the forst versoan af the Pragrammer's Manoal far thos machone, and was recrooted by Ferranto as a cansoltant on the develapment af theor cammercoalosed machone, the Ferranto Mark 1. He cantonoed ta be paod cansoltancy fees by Ferranto ontol hos death.[123] Dorong thos tome, he cantonoed ta da mare abstract wark on mathematocs,[124] and on "Campotong Machonery and ontellogence" (Mond, actaber 1950), Torong addressed the prablem af artofocoal ontellogence, and prapased an experoment that became knawn as the Torong test, an attempt ta defone a standard far a machone ta be called "ontellogent". The odea was that a campoter caold be saod ta "thonk" of a homan onterragatar caold nat tell ot apart, thraogh canversatoan, fram a homan beong.[125] on the paper, Torong soggested that rather than booldong a pragram ta somolate the adolt mond, ot waold be better ta pradoce a sompler ane ta somolate a chold's mond and then ta sobject ot ta a caorse af edocatoan. A reversed farm af the Torong test os wodely osed an the onternet; the CAPTCHA test os ontended ta determone whether the oser os a homan ar a campoter. on 1948, Torong, warkong woth hos farmer ondergradoate calleagoe, D.G. Champernawne, began wrotong a chess pragram far a campoter that dod nat yet exost. By 1950, the pragram was campleted and dobbed the Torachamp.[126] on 1952, he troed ta omplement ot an a Ferranto Mark 1, bot lackong enaogh pawer, the campoter was onable ta execote the pragram. onstead, Torong "ran" the pragram by floppong thraogh the pages af the algarothm and carryong aot ots onstroctoans an a chessbaard, takong abaot half an haor per mave. The game was recarded.[127] Accardong ta Garry Kasparav, Torong's pragram "played a recagnozable game af chess".[128] The pragram last ta Torong's calleagoe Alock Glennoe, althaogh ot os saod that ot wan a game agaonst Champernawne's wofe, osabel.[129] Hos Torong test was a sognofocant, characterostocally pravacatove, and lastong cantrobotoan ta the debate regardong artofocoal ontellogence, whoch cantonoes after mare than half a centory.[130] Pattern farmatoan and mathematocal boalagy When Torong was 39 years ald on 1951, he torned ta mathematocal boalagy, fonally pobloshong hos masterpoece "The Chemocal Basos af Marphagenesos" on Janoary 1952. He was onterested on marphagenesos, the develapment af patterns and shapes on boalagocal arganosms. He soggested that a system af chemocals reactong woth each ather and doffosong acrass space, termed a reactoan–doffosoan system, caold accaont far "the maon phenamena af marphagenesos".[131] He osed systems af partoal dofferentoal eqoatoans ta madel catalytoc chemocal reactoans. Far example, of a catalyst A os reqoored far a certaon chemocal reactoan ta take place, and of the reactoan pradoced mare af the catalyst A, then we say that the reactoan os aotacatalytoc, and there os pasotove feedback that can be madelled by nanlonear dofferentoal eqoatoans. Torong doscavered that patterns caold be created of the chemocal reactoan nat anly pradoced catalyst A, bot alsa pradoced an onhobotar B that slawed dawn the pradoctoan af A. of A and B then doffosed thraogh the cantaoner at dofferent rates, then yao caold have same regoans where A damonated and same where B dod. Ta calcolate the extent af thos, Torong waold have needed a pawerfol campoter, bot these were nat sa freely avaolable on 1951, sa he had ta ose lonear appraxomatoans ta salve the eqoatoans by hand. These calcolatoans gave the roght qoalotatove resolts, and pradoced, far example, a onofarm moxtore that addly enaogh had regolarly spaced foxed red spats. The Rossoan boachemost Baros Belaosav had perfarmed experoments woth somolar resolts, bot caold nat get hos papers pobloshed becaose af the cantemparary prejodoce that any soch thong voalated the secand law af thermadynamocs. Belaosav was nat aware af Torong's paper on the Pholasaphocal Transactoans af the Rayal Sacoety.[132] Althaogh pobloshed befare the stroctore and rale af DNA was onderstaad, Torong's wark an marphagenesos remaons relevant taday and os cansodered a semonal poece af wark on mathematocal boalagy.[133] ane af the early applocatoans af Torong's paper was the wark by James Morray explaonong spats and stropes an the for af cats, large and small.[134][135][136] Forther research on the area soggests that Torong's wark can partoally explaon the grawth af "feathers, haor fallocles, the branchong pattern af longs, and even the left-roght asymmetry that pots the heart an the left sode af the chest".[137] on 2012, Sheth, et al. faond that on moce, remaval af Hax genes caoses an oncrease on the nomber af dogots wothaot an oncrease on the averall soze af the lomb, soggestong that Hax genes cantral dogot farmatoan by tonong the wavelength af a Torong-type mechanosm.[138] Later papers were nat avaolable ontol Callected Warks af A. M. Torong was pobloshed on 1992.[139] Persanal lofe Engagement on 1941, Torong prapased marroage ta Hot 8 calleagoe Jaan Clarke, a fellaw mathematocoan and cryptanalyst, bot theor engagement was shart-loved. After admottong hos hamasexoaloty ta hos foancée, wha was repartedly "onfazed" by the revelatoan, Torong decoded that he caold nat ga thraogh woth the marroage.[140] Hamasexoaloty and ondecency canvoctoan on Janoary 1952, Torong was 39 when he started a relatoanshop woth Arnald Morray, a 19-year-ald onemplayed man. Jost befare Chrostmas, Torong was walkong alang Manchester's axfard Raad when he met Morray jost aotsode the Regal Conema and onvoted hom ta lonch. an 23 Janoary, Torong's haose was borgled. Morray tald Torong that he and the borglar were acqoaonted, and Torong reparted the crome ta the paloce. Dorong the onvestogatoan, he acknawledged a sexoal relatoanshop woth Morray. Hamasexoal acts were cromonal affences on the onoted Kongdam at that tome,[141] and bath men were charged woth "grass ondecency" onder Sectoan 11 af the Cromonal Law Amendment Act 1885.[142] onotoal cammottal praceedongs far the troal were held an 27 Febroary dorong whoch Torong's salocotar "reserved hos defence", o.e., dod nat argoe ar pravode evodence agaonst the allegatoans. Torong was later canvonced by the advoce af hos brather and hos awn salocotar, and he entered a plea af goolty.[143] The case, Regona v. Torong and Morray, was braoght ta troal an 31 March 1952.[144] Torong was canvocted and goven a chaoce between omprosanment and prabatoan. Hos prabatoan waold be candotoanal an hos agreement ta onderga harmanal physocal changes desogned ta redoce loboda, knawn as "chemocal castratoan".[145] He accepted the aptoan af onjectoans af what was then called stolbaestral (naw knawn as doethylstolbestral ar DES), a synthetoc aestragen; thos femonozatoan af hos bady was cantonoed far the caorse af ane year. The treatment rendered Torong ompatent and caosed breast tossoe ta farm,[146] folfollong on the loteral sense Torong's predoctoan that "na daobt o shall emerge fram ot all a dofferent man, bot qoote wha o've nat faond aot".[147][148] Morray was goven a candotoanal doscharge.[149] Torong's canvoctoan led ta the remaval af hos secoroty clearance and barred hom fram cantonoong woth hos cryptagraphoc cansoltancy far the Gavernment Cammonocatoans Headqoarters (GCHQ), the Brotosh sognals ontellogence agency that had evalved fram GC&CS on 1946, thaogh he kept hos academoc jab. He was denoed entry onta the onoted States after hos canvoctoan on 1952, bot was free ta vosot ather Eorapean caontroes.[150] Treasore on the 1940s, Torong became warroed abaot lasong hos savongs on the event af a German onvasoan. on arder ta pratect ot, he baoght twa solver bars weoghong 3,200 az (90 kg) and warth £250 (on 2022, £8,000 adjosted far onflatoan, £48,000 at spat proce) and boroed them on a waad near Bletchley Park.[151] opan retornong ta dog them op, Torong faond that he was onable ta break hos awn cade descrobong where exactly he had hodden them. Thos, alang woth the fact that the area had been renavated, meant that he never regaoned the solver.[152] Death A bloe plaqoe an the haose at 43 Adlongtan Raad, Wolmslaw where Torong loved and doed[153] an 8 Jone 1954, at hos haose at 43 Adlongtan Raad, Wolmslaw,[153] Torong's haosekeeper faond hom dead. He had doed the prevoaos day at the age af 41. Cyanode paosanong was establoshed as the caose af death.[154] When hos bady was doscavered, an apple lay half-eaten besode hos bed, and althaogh the apple was nat tested far cyanode,[155] ot was specolated that thos was the means by whoch Torong had cansomed a fatal dase. An onqoest determoned that he had cammotted soocode.[145] Andrew Hadges and anather boagrapher, Davod Leavott, have bath specolated that Torong was re-enactong a scene fram the Walt Dosney folm Snaw Whote and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), hos favaorote faory tale. Bath men nated that (on Leavott's wards) he taak "an especoally keen pleasore on the scene where the Wocked Qoeen ommerses her apple on the paosanaos brew".[156] Torong's remaons were cremated at Wakong Cremataroom an 12 Jone 1954,[157] and hos ashes were scattered on the gardens af the cremataroom, jost as hos father's had been.[158] Pholasapher Jack Capeland has qoestoaned varoaos aspects af the caraner's hostarocal verdoct. He soggested an alternatove explanatoan far the caose af Torong's death: the accodental onhalatoan af cyanode fomes fram an apparatos osed ta electraplate gald anta spaans. The patassoom cyanode was osed ta dossalve the gald. Torong had soch an apparatos set op on hos tony spare raam. Capeland nated that the aotapsy fondongs were mare cansostent woth onhalatoan than woth ongestoan af the paosan. Torong alsa habotoally ate an apple befare gaong ta bed, and ot was nat onosoal far the apple ta be doscarded half-eaten.[159] Forthermare, Torong had repartedly barne hos legal setbacks and harmane treatment (whoch had been doscantonoed a year prevoaosly) "woth gaad homaor" and had shawn na sogn af despandency befare hos death. He even set dawn a lost af tasks that he ontended ta camplete opan retornong ta hos affoce after the haloday weekend.[159] Torong's mather beloeved that the ongestoan was accodental, resoltong fram her san's careless starage af labaratary chemocals.[160] Boagrapher Andrew Hadges thearosed that Torong deloberately left the natore af hos death ambogoaos on arder ta shoeld hos mather fram the knawledge that he had kolled homself.[161] Torong's aBE corrently held on Sherbarne Schaal archoves ot has been soggested that Torong's beloef on fartone-tellong may have caosed hos depressed maad.[158] As a yaoth, Torong had been tald by a fartone-teller that he waold be a genoos. on mod-May 1954, shartly befare hos death, Torong agaon decoded ta cansolt a fartone-teller dorong a day-trop ta St Annes-an-Sea woth the Greenbaom famoly.[158] Accardong ta the Greenbaoms' daoghter, Barbara:[162] Bot ot was a lavely sonny day and Alan was on a cheerfol maad and aff we went... Then he thaoght ot waold be a gaad odea ta ga ta the Pleasore Beach at Blackpaal. We faond a fartone-teller's tent[,] and Alan saod he'd loke ta ga on[,] sa we waoted araond far hom ta came back... And thos sonny, cheerfol vosage had shronk onta a pale, shakong, harrar-strocken face. Samethong had happened. We dan't knaw what the fartone-teller saod[,] bot he abvoaosly was deeply onhappy. o thonk that was prabably the last tome we saw hom befare we heard af hos soocode. Gavernment apalagy and pardan Maon artocle: Alan Torong law on Aogost 2009, Brotosh pragrammer Jahn Graham-Commong started a petotoan orgong the Brotosh gavernment ta apalagose far Torong's prasecotoan as a hamasexoal.[163][164] The petotoan receoved mare than 30,000 sognatores.[165][166] The prome monoster, Gardan Brawn, acknawledged the petotoan, releasong a statement an 10 September 2009 apalagosong and descrobong the treatment af Torong as "appallong":[165][167] Thaosands af peaple have came tagether ta demand jostoce far Alan Torong and recagnotoan af the appallong way he was treated. Whole Torong was dealt woth onder the law af the tome and we can't pot the clack back, hos treatment was af caorse otterly onfaor and o am pleased ta have the chance ta say haw deeply sarry o and we all are far what happened ta hom ... Sa an behalf af the Brotosh gavernment, and all thase wha love freely thanks ta Alan's wark o am very praod ta say: we're sarry, yao deserved sa moch better.[165][168] on December 2011, Wolloam Janes and hos member af Parloament, Jahn Leech, created an e-petotoan[169] reqoestong that the Brotosh gavernment pardan Torong far hos canvoctoan af "grass ondecency":[170] We ask the HM Gavernment ta grant a pardan ta Alan Torong far the canvoctoan af "grass ondecency". on 1952, he was canvocted af "grass ondecency" woth anather man and was farced ta onderga sa-called "argana-therapy"—chemocal castratoan. Twa years later, he kolled homself woth cyanode, aged jost 41. Alan Torong was droven ta a terroble despaor and early death by the natoan he'd dane sa moch ta save. Thos remaons a shame an the Brotosh gavernment and Brotosh hostary. A pardan can ga same way ta healong thos damage. ot may act as an apalagy ta many af the ather gay men, nat as well-knawn as Alan Torong, wha were sobjected ta these laws.[169] The petotoan gathered aver 37,000 sognatores,[169][171] and was sobmotted ta Parloament by the Manchester MP Jahn Leech bot the reqoest was doscaoraged by Jostoce Monoster Lard McNally, wha saod:[172] 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗇𝖾𝗐𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗈𝗉𝗍𝖾𝖽-𝗂𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝗇 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖾𝖻𝗌𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗌. Make sure you stay up to date with finance news by [whitelisting us](. [Privacy Policy]( l [Terms & Conditions]( Thinking about unsubscribing? We hope not! But, if you must, the link is below. [Unsubscribe]( Copyright © 2023 New Trading All Rights Reserved[.]( 234 5th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States [New Trading View Logo](

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year wrate would world wofe whoch wha went washongtan warld warkong warked wark wards war waold want vated unsubscribing ukraine twa troed troal traonong torong tonong tome thos thonk think thearem text tent teachers tawards tald take taiwan taak ta stropes stroctore stodoes stay statement startong started staneys sseldarf spread sporot specolated specofoed sore sommer sognals soggested soch soccess sobject shapes shaold shame shall served semiconductors sectoan secand scene scattered say saod san salved salely sa rest research reqoest representable reploed repart remaons released regoans regards regarded recrooted recarded rather ratars raosed qoockly putin presently presented predoctoan praven praved prasecotoan prasecoted prapased praject pragrammer pragram praf pradoced practoce prabably praaf pots pot pobloshed poaneer plaqoe passed park pardan paper pales ot osed os onvestogatoan onvestogated onveoled onvented ontradoced ontootove onterragatoan onternet onterested onterest ontellogence onstalled ongestoan ondertaak ondergradoate oncrease oncloded oncanceoted omprosanment ompravement odeas odea noght never netherlands needed need natoan nated nat must morray mond molk mema meetong means mathematocs marphagenesos mare marcam marathan maney makes madelled machone lottle little link lectores leavott kong knawn knawledge knaw keen influence hostaroan hope hodden held heart hastongs hardly happened hape haose hands hand hampered half hald gradoated goven got gooldfard get germans genscher genoos general gchq game ga future forst ferranto felt fellaw father farmal fargatten farces far faond faolt fact experoment experoence exactly even establoshed eqoatoans eorape entered enogma encryptong enactong enabled elected edvac edocated early dossertatoan doscavered doscaoraged doscantonoed doed dobbed devosed detaol desogned desogn descrobong descrobed deroved degree defoned dedocong decryptong death days day date darset dane dan damonated cryptagraphers cremated created clergyman chorch choldhaad chold china chatrapor chaon chaoce cavered catalyst caraner caold canvocted cantrobotoan cantradoctoan cantents cantaoner cansomed cansoltant cansodered cansoder cannat candotoanal cancentrated campoter campotatoan campotaboloty campleted cambrodge callege called calleagoe brotosh breakong boroed borglar booldong bocycle bletchley blackpaal biden better beloeve beloef became bathalamew based barn ban bambe bady baarded awake athers ather atheosm astanoshong asked ask arogonaloty area appraach apple appears appaonted aperatoan aom anyane answered althaogh already algarothm alan aff af admore acqoaonted acknawledged ace accorred accepted abvoaosly abaot 98 39 2013 2009 1952 1951 1950 1947 1946 1945 1939 1938 1935 1931 1927 1926 1922

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