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Free Rande Howell webinar: Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that Keep Your Trading Potential Stuck


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Mon, Apr 1, 2024 08:15 AM

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Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that keep Your Trading Potential Stuck ? Hello Trader, ?

Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that keep Your Trading Potential Stuck   Hello Trader,                    You don’t see them, but they are there. Those hidden barriers that you hit while trading, when suddenly your mind goes tilt. They are there every time, and you make the same mistakes over and over again. Why can’t you see them until after the damage is done? One minute your mind is solid and doing its job. Then you enter a particular spot in the trading process and something else takes over and sabotages your well-intended plans. That something else is what we are here to explore.    Blind to What You Can’t See Hidden barriers – you are going to have to train yourself to see them and to fix them so they do not derail your trading. You know you have the potential to become an elite (consistently profitable) trader or a trader who produces wealth. But these destructive invisible moments sneak up on you (just when you need a disciplined mind) and hijack your trading mind. If you truly are looking to become an elite trader, you are going to have to solve this problem. It takes courage and specialized Emotional Intelligence knowledge. But how do you start this journey into creating a peak performance mind for trading? First, trading is different from other occupations where you may have found success. People think they know what is required to produce a successful mindset in trading. After all, they have created success in other areas of their life’s journey. Quite understandably, they think that all they have to do is apply the same principles to trading that they have used in other endeavors in their life. They are confident that they are going to make things happen. With sheer mental toughness and a winning attitude, they will control the outcome of their trading career. And they hate losing. There is no room for competitively not ending up on top. They will make it happen. They will be winners.  Not. The mind that produces success in other occupations is not the mind that is going to produce success in trading – no matter how much you want it to be so. Trading requires a very different mind than the mind that produces success in business or in corporate life. In those endeavors a competitive spirit, coupled with a desire to win and not lose and make things happen, is the mark of success. A person assumes that he or she can simply transfer the skill set that created success in business into trading. This is the first Invisible Barrier that you must master. Success in trading requires something very different. The successful trading mind acknowledges that it has no control over outcome – that control is an illusion that stands in your way. And trying hard and making things happen creates disaster. Your understanding of winning and losing has to change also. Winning only means that you landed on the right side of probability – it has nothing to do with your value as a human being (so much for the competitive spirit). And losing only means that you landed on the wrong side of probability relative to you. It, also, has nothing to do with your value as a human being. But losing also has another side to it that is difficult for traders to grasp. You are going to have to become a very good loser if you are to find success as a trader. Hating to lose is the kiss of death to the person learning the ropes of trading. Losing is an acquired skill. It doesn’t come naturally. If you hate losing (which all newly minted traders come stocked with), you are going to have to learn to see this as a substantial invisible barrier that you must master. Few get past this necessity. It is so ingrained into our culture and our evolutionary psychology that most remain blind to it as a flaw in the trading mind. This is mindlessness. Winning Redefined    In trading success, winning is not everything. It is something that you do not have control over. And in trading, winner does not take all. Probability is inclusive of both winning and losing capital. Control over outcome is an illusion – albeit a very persistent one. Yet, your trading account is the truth meter, not your lying mind that easily acts as a hidden barrier to your success in trading. Success in trading is not defined as winning in the traditional way. It is defined as extracting more capital from the markets than you give back.     Why is this so hard to see? If you look at the health of your trading account, it is easy to see. It will show you whether the beliefs you have about embracing the uncertainties of life are effective for extracting more capital from the markets than you invested. But this points to a glitch in our evolutionary psychology that you are going to have to overcome. You are not a rational creature. You are a rationalizing creature. Your brain naturally makes up stories (often lies) and alibis that lead you into denial about what you are seeing with your own eyes.  This was necessary way back in our caveman days. It allowed us to survive (e.g. always being wary of a saber-toothed tiger behind every rock) and to evolve into people who fall into trading with life patterns good for caveman survival, but not for success in trading. That has to be learned. Building a Thriving Mind for the Specialized Task of Trading    You must learn to accept that the brain/mind that you brought to trading (no matter how much success it has brought you) is not going to be the brain/mind that will produce success in trading. Until this becomes clear to you, a new pathway is not possible for your trading future. Much of our inheritance from our caveman ancestors (what we learned in our family of origin, in our communities, and in our culture about success) became the invisible barriers to our potential success as traders. Fortunately, that brain/mind is malleable. It can be reshaped for higher function in the world of uncertainty found in trading.    It starts by recognizing that we are emotional creatures. And emotions are not what you think they are. They are biological action potentials that coordinate action between the environment (the markets) and the organism (the trader). Thinking, in Emotional Intelligence, is considered to be a behavioral output. It is not king. It is servant. Understanding this opens a whole new door to developing the mind for success in trading (extracting more capital that you put in).    I call this the process. The first step in that process is learning about emotions so that they can become your trusted associates rather than dangerous interlopers. The second step is to learn to manage their intensity by Emotional Regulation. Until you learn to regulate physicality of emotions, knowledge is useless in the clutch. Third, you learn to awaken your Observing Self or become mindful. In mindfulness, you come to realize that you and your thoughts, you and your beliefs, are not the same. They are not “YOU”. In fact, you don’t have them. They have you. Actually, you are enslaved by them. That’s why you get emotionally hijacked so easily. Fourth, you come to understand that there is an internal dialogue in your head that you must learn to master. You have to develop the empowered potential that is embedded in your brain in order to create the mind that can successfully risk capital to an uncertain future. That is the discipline, the courage, the self-compassion, and the impartiality that is part of your human potential. And it is the mindset that prepares you to engage uncertainty with a calm, disciplined, patient, and clear mind.    Finally, you learn that life is challenging by its nature. Trading just makes this fact unavoidable. Your job is to build a performance mind to engage those challenges. It is the mind that you bring to the struggle of uncertainty that you can control. This represents the psychological edge you need to forge into your method edge that gives you the edge in life that you need.    Do you want to learn how to do this? If you do (and I acknowledge that many people are not willing to take the bull by the horns and master the self), I invite you to [watch my new video]( down a bit.) It takes this conversation another step further. Then, [register and attend this month’s free webinar]( is not just about trading mind mastery. This is about self-mastery. It is about waking up the sleeping potential that lives within us all. In trading, you must produce self-mastery if you plan on truly becoming successful. Let’s start that journey.    The journey is the destination, Rande [Facebook](  [Linkedin](   Rande Howell Traders State of Mind   Free Rande Howell webinar in April 2024 Title - Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that Keep Your Trading Potential Stuck Speaker: Rande Howell Date/Time: [Thursday, April 4, 4:30-5:30pm EDT]( IMPORTANT! The time shown is in U.S. Eastern Daylight Saving Time! Description:   It’s not just you. You know better – you know how to trade.  But there are particular trade management moments that have your number. One moment, you have a perfectly sane mind managing a trade; the next moment you sabotage your best laid plans – and take a big loss. This is not the first time. Truth be told, it happens a lot. When the smoke clears, you have lost all your gains for the week or month. And you have no idea what happened. Sound familiar? What would your life be like if you could solve this problem? Welcome to the power that your primitive survival instincts of the emotional brain has over your performances in trading. You probably don’t even know they are there because your Thinking Brain (that you identify with) cannot see the emotional patterns that trigger and sabotage your trading performance. And that keeps you from the promise of trading. Come to this free webinar and learn how to deal with these invisible barriers that hold you back. They are there, and you have to learn how to see them before they do more damage to your trading. Then, learn how to fix the problem so that you achieve the potential that is waiting for you when you learn to see with more equipped eyes. Register now. Please [click here]( to register for this free webinar. IMPORTANT! The time shown is in U.S. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. This Month's Free Video  Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that Keep Your Trading Potential Stuck Your trading performances are a mystery. You understand the potential that trading offers. And you know how to trade. You’d think that would be enough. But there is a pattern of sabotage that continually raises its ugly head that keeps your trading on the ropes. And it baffles you. Sound familiar? Why is this sabotage happening. Why can’t you just trade your charts and rules? It is like there is an invisible barrier that you keep blindly running into. This is an emotional pattern that operates below the threshold of your working awareness. And it won’t go away until you can spot it and fix the psychology behind it.  Come watch my video this month and learn how to develop the trading mind so that you fix the problem of sabotage. It is time to develop your Emotional Intelligence to help you use all your trading knowledge effectively when you are under the gun. Fortunately, this can be learned. Come and learn. Watch this video. Please [click here]( (and scroll down a bit) to view the video. Developing Traders State of Mind Group Course - Summer, 2024 The emotional brain is built to seek safety in a dangerous world. The world that it was created for has long since disappeared. It developed a hair-trigger to the fight/flight response because that is what was needed for survival. Now, it has been taken out of the jungle (where risk meant danger) and is being asked to act civilized in a world of probability - where risk is not lethal. Without re-training and re-programming the emotional limbic system, this is not going to happen. It is built to react to danger quickly. It was never built to ponder your rules when it is experiencing vulnerability, discomfort, and fear. It was programmed to act from your survival instinct.  Until this is done, your emotional brain will continue to hijack your thinking brain when you feel the discomfort of uncertainty and risk. This is your silent partner. The question is: Are you going to try to continue to pretend it's not part of your trading mind? Or, are you ready to re-program it for the modern world of trading and probability. Fortunately, this can be done. The Developing Traders State of Mind Group Course Teaches You How to Master Reactive Emotions The Group Course has been called a wake-up call by many traders. Most simply have no idea how the brain and mind work to produce performance in the clutch with risk on. You learn here. It's more than a wake-up call - it a door that opens you to a whole new world. You learn how the emotional brain (so focused on survival) needs to be handled to become an effective working partner with the thinking brain. This course is eye-opening. I had no idea how to fix the problems I had with my trading until this course. Learning how to manage emotions is only the start. You learn how to create a mind built to manage uncertainty. Bottom line is that I know longer sabotage myself and have become profitable. I wish I had taken the group course a long time ago. It's a difference maker. SD From the start you learn how to calm survival emotions down before they become big and hijack your trading mind. That's just the first step. The major benefit is that you learn how to create a mind built for trading, rather than survival in the past. This is what has to happen for success in trading. You have been using a brain/mind created for circumstances that no longer exist. What is needed is a brain/mind built for probability management. Where you learn to become comfortable with the discomfort of uncertainty rather than triggering to your survival instinct. This is what every trader, to be successful, has to learn. All those who register now will be enrolled in the Summer 2024 Group Course, which has its 1st Group Meeting on June 6. Give yourself time to study, and get started now! The survival Instinct is not going to just go away. It is your partner. Do you want to learn to work with it so that it helps you to become the trader you can be? [Please Click here to register ]( the Group Course. [Please Click here to view a video about the Group Course or for more information.]( The DTSM Group Course teaches the same basic skills that are taught in my individual course, but is only $1195. This can be spread out as five payments of $239/each over a 10-week time period. It's a whole lot of training for a reasonable cost. SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING PAYMENT - PayPal CANNOT be used as a payment method for this Group Course since PayPal does not allow for rebilling. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Delores at     Mindful Trading: Mastering Your Emotions and the Inner Game Author: J. Rande Howell, MEd., LPC If you know how to trade when not in the pressure of trading, but you have not been able to trade live from a calm, detached, and disciplined state of mind, this book will open your eyes. Mindful Trading actually shows you HOW to develop a peak performance state of mind specifically for trading. This book gets in the head of a trader. You will meet a number of real life traders who have overcome self doubt, fear, and impulsiveness. You will see how they overcame self-limiting beliefs and began trading from an empowered state of mind. You will discover your core beliefs that actually trade your system and methodology. And without change at this fundamental level, old self-limiting patterns of thought and belief re-assert themselves shortly after your brain pushes off any "tricks and tips" you learned from self-help seminars. It is this change at the organization of meaning and biology that makes this book so different. A number of disciplines are folded into a unified process that really gets at long term change. Those disciplines include neuro-biology, emotional intelligence, ontological reconstruction of the self, attachment theory and the meaning of the self, and Jungian archetypes. In Mindful Trading, imbedded in self-limiting beliefs, you are carried through a change process that transforms traders mired in mediocrity to a re-organization of the mind for peak performance trading. Mindful Trading is available both as an [Audio book]( a [paper book]( and a [downloadable e-book](. [Read an excerpt from Mindful Trading]( free and you get to look inside a trader's mind) And consider the companion study tool: the  [Mindful Trading Companion]( [e-Workbook!](   Explore a Trader's State of Mind Coaching Relationship with Rande Howell This is a personalized course for the trader who is ready to move beyond being stuck in self limiting beliefs. If you have recognized that it is you that stands in the way of your becoming a more successful trader, then this challenge can become an opportunity for re-invention of yourself as a trader, rather than something to avoid. It's like a door opening to an entirely new world. Great athletes recognize that the mental aspect of their game requires a performance coach for them to reach their potential. Trading is the same. Self-limiting beliefs have to be rooted out and changed - and a peak performance mindset has to be developed. It's all part of the training. Having a methodology that gives you an edge is not enough. You have to develop your mind so that it gives you the psychological edge to use your methodology and platform so that the uncertainty found in trading favors you. This is trading beyond fear. It is trading from a disciplined, impartial, patient, and courageous state of mind. Without emotional regulation training, this can take years (if ever) to achieve on your own. Teasing apart uncertainty from fear is simply something that the brain will not do on its own. The psychology to this has to be developed...or you stay stuck in the same old self-fulfilling prophesies of mediocrity. Do you want to move beyond fear and trade from a calm, detached, and disciplined state of mind?  If you are seriously considering registering for the Individual Course, then [click here to check out a free, no obligation consult with Rande Howell.]( get to see how this powerful technology of the mind can move your trading to the next level. To make this free consult productive for you, I recommend that you first attend one of my free webinars. This will lay down a lot of groundwork so that when you speak with me -- you'll be hitting on all cylinders. Also, reading my book - Mindful Trading - is advised.     [Website]( Book]( & Interviews]( Videos]( | []( [By joining you get to keep connected to this powerful training process for the development of the potential you have as a trader. And if you decide differently, you can always un-subscribe. If you're a student of trading, this newsletter is a powerful tool for your development.]( Empowered Horizons | 1824 Prescott Ct., Iron Station, NC 28080 [Unsubscribe {EMAIL}]( [Update Profile]( | [Constant Contact Data Notice]( Sent by powered by [Trusted Email from Constant Contact - Try it FREE today.]( [Try email marketing for free today!](

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