Project HOPE is responding to the devastation. The following advertisement from Project HOPE has been sent to you via Mother Jones' email list. Mother Jones is a nonprofit, and most of our budget comes from readers like you, but revenue from advertisers helps us produce more of the hard-hitting journalism you expect. We never disclose your information to an advertiser. Mother Jones does not endorse any candidate, political organization, commercial product, or service, and the views expressed in this email do not constitute any endorsement or recommendation by Mother Jones. [EMERGENCY 3X MATCH: Project HOPE is on the ground in North Carolina delivering critical medical care and relief supplies to devastated communities has deployed. Please make an emergency gift today and your generosity will go 3X as far to help children and families enduring disasters, conflicts, and health crises around the world. →]( [Project HOPE logo][Project HOPE logo](
[Rush My Gift]( [⚠️ Hurricane Helene Brings Disaster to North Carolina and Beyond ⚠️]( Dear Friend, Hurricane Helene has caused widespread destruction and has claimed over 170 lives. North Carolina has been particularly hard-hit, with hundreds of roads closed and countless homes submerged due to record rainfall. Entire communities continue to be cut off from power, clean water, and critical healthcare. Project HOPE's emergency response team is on the ground in North Carolina delivering critical medical care and relief supplies to devastated communities. We’re also working to support local clinics and focusing on mental health needs. To help us continue our work at this critical time, an emergency 3X Matching Gift Challenge is available now through 10/9. [Please rush your gift today — your generosity will go 3X as far to help our teams save lives here in North Carolina while we continue to deliver urgent aid in Lebanon, Gaza, Ukraine, and beyond.]( [Rush My Gift]( Arlan Fuller, Project HOPE’s Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response, told our team that “Hurricane Helene has left a trail of devastation, leaving families homeless overnight. People have gone days without power or potable drinking water. Flooding has caused sewage overflow which contaminates the surrounding area and creates a breeding ground for water-borne illnesses. With roads impassable, many areas are cut off from basic services like pharmacies and grocery stores. We’re racing against time to provide relief to people who need it most. Our team is working closely with local partners to provide support where it is needed.” Arlan’s team is doing everything they can to ensure necessary supplies, health care, and other support can reach impacted children and families. [Your emergency gift today can help us respond to crucial health care needs in North Carolina and help us continue to support other communities and health systems across the globe.]( With current relief efforts also taking place in Lebanon, Gaza, Ukraine, and other parts of the world, your support is needed now more than ever. Thank you for your partnership and compassion. [Rabih Torbay signature][Rabih Torbay signature] Rabih Torbay
President & CEO
Project HOPE P.S. If you or your loved ones have been affected by this storm, our thoughts go out to you. We hope everyone remains safe and can begin the recovery process. [Rush My Gift]( [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [Instagram]( [LinkedIn]( [YouTube]( [TikTok]( []( PO Box 3270, Harlan IA 51593-0450 | 844.[349.0188](#)
© Project HOPE. All rights reserved. Every $1 you give can help Project HOPE secure $4 in medicines, supplies, and lifesaving aid. A gift to this appeal will be used to support Project HOPE’s global emergency response, medical, educational, and humanitarian assistance programs, wherever the need is greatest. Project HOPE — The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. Dba Project HOPE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, CFC #11115, EIN 53-0242962. [Mother Jones]( Mother Jones and its nonprofit publisher, The Center for Investigative Reporting, do not endorse any political candidate, political organization, commercial product, process, or service, and the views expressed in this communication do not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Mother Jones. This message was sent to {EMAIL}. To change the messages you receive from us, you can [edit your email preferences]( or [unsubscribe from all mailings.]( For advertising opportunities see our online [media kit.]( Were you forwarded this email? [Sign up for Mother Jones' newsletters today.]( [](
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