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[Fast Profits with Money Morning]
Dear Fast Profits Member,
Hi, Bob Keppel here, publisher of Money Morning and Money Map Press.
With half of America on a government-imposed lockdown, we're facing a financial crisis the likes of which we have never been seen before.
Now, let me be frank with you: We're not at the beginning of the crisis, nor are we at the end of it. I believe we're somewhere in the middle.
The markets are getting whipsawed on every piece of news, every day. I'm getting thousands of e-mails a day from our beloved readers:
What do I buy? What do I sell? When do I get in? How do I "buy down"?
And most importantly: When this thing ends, how do I come out on top in a big way?
The good news is this: Help is on the way.
Moving forward, every day that the markets are open, we're going to be doing something that's never been done before, ever.
We're making our top experts available every single day to help you not just survive, but thrive through this crisis.
We're going to be [broadcasting live throughout the day](, every day. So that you know, moment to moment, the truth about what's going on - and what you can do to ensure your financial survival - and more importantly, thrive during this crisis. And long after!
It's called [Markets Live with Money Morning](. Some of our top investors and traders - Shah Gilani, Tom Gentile, Chris Johnson, and D.R. Barton, Jr. - will be live streaming every day, to unravel the latest breakthroughs for you and offer their advice. They will break down every move up, down, and sideways. Every bit of information you need. Live. And they'll show you what you could be doing today to keep your money safe - and actually make huge gains.
[You are going to want to attend these events](. Shah has already helped his readers make over 2,000% in total gains since the crisis started. Chris and D.R. are on par. And Tom's made our readers more money than anyone in our 12-year history. That's why you must follow along.
This is an unprecedented move we're making. All in our desire to contribute to the national effort.
You'll see where the markets are headed in real time on [Markets Live with Money Morning](, whether you're on a computer, smartphone, or any other mobile device. You'll learn the best ways to raise capital right now. You'll discover simple stock and options trades to make money in the short and long term. For example, should you buy McDonald's now? At what price? Did it already run up too much? How long will it take to double my money? Do I keep it or trade it? What other stocks will go up the fastest?
And of course, all of the ticking time bombs you need to avoid.
Look, this doesn't cost you a penny. Like I said, it's just our contribution, at my direction, to give people the best, most truthful information they can act on today - and for months to come.
During these [Markets Live with Money Morning]( sessions, you'll also be able to submit your questions live and learn exactly what you need to be doing with your money that day.
It's incredibly easy to watch, too. We'll send you a reminder when it's time; all you'll have to do is click the link we send you to "tune in" from your computer, Android or Apple smartphone, tablet, or other device.
If you can't watch live, don't worry. You'll receive a daily summary of the live action, including links to all the day's broadcasts right after the markets close.
And to be sure we're giving you all the help you need, please send us your most pressing questions and the topics you want to see covered on Markets Live with Money Morning [right here](.
In fact, our next industry expert, Tom Gentile, is preparing to go live [today at 11:30 AM EST](. D.R. Barton, Jr., will be on at 1:30 p.m., and Shah Gilani at 3:45 p.m.
So be sure not to miss it, or any of our other real-time investing expertise!
See you there.
Bob Keppel
Publisher, Money Morning
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