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The Silver Lining To An Economic Downturn


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Thu, Jan 27, 2022 08:59 PM

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Even with economic hardships headed our way in the not-too-distant future, the world is full of prof

Even with economic hardships headed our way in the not-too-distant future, the world is full of profit opportunities for those who know where to look. January 27, 2022 [Turn on your images.]( The Silver Lining To An Economic Downturn Even with economic hardships headed our way in the not-too-distant future, the world is full of profit opportunities for those who know where to look. All it takes is a change of mindset and little shifting of gears… Some innovative technological breakthroughs are set to revolutionize our lives and put money in our pockets, and we can show you how to get involved TODAY! And one Atlanta couple just proved that if you’re not paying attention to the NFT craze…then you’re missing out. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Turn Your Images On] [From Rags To Riches Thanks To NFTs]( Shawn Ambrosino “Bulls**t.” How exactly the excrement of cows became synonymous with lies is a story lost to the ages. Maybe whoever came up with this little adage had an abundance of manure lying around, or maybe they just really hated bovines–either way, if there is a word that better describes “a lie,” I haven’t heard it. I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard stories from the people around me that seem just a bit too crazy to be true and the first word that enters my mind is always “bulls**t.” [Turn Your Images On] When I first read the story I’m about to tell you, my reaction was no different…and once you’ve heard it, you’ll understand why. However, after doing a little bit of research, I found out that this story is 100% accurate, which makes it the most amazing modern rags to riches story that I’ve ever heard. The Amazing Story Of Dastardly Ducks Thorne Melcher and her girlfriend Mandy Musselwhite own a homestead on the outskirts of Atlanta, and they were living the good life as Melcher’s software engineering job paid the bills and allowed Musselwhite to follow her dream as an artist. However, disaster struck in February of 2021 when Melcher lost her job, and the couple found themselves pinned under a tower of mounting bills. Musselwhite was able to keep them afloat for a while by selling some of her artwork, but in the end, it wasn’t enough. The two women found themselves facing homelessness once they completely depleted the $30,000 they had in savings. However, that doesn’t fully paint the picture of how desperate they truly were. The couple had a few overdrawn bank accounts, one shared account that “was less than $1,” Musselwhite had a balance of -$4.11 in one account, and just 89 cents left on her Cash App. In other words, they were broke as broke can be. Facing dire straits, they had a lot more to lose than just their home. They had turned their home into a little farm and had six ducks, two geese, and a few other animals to feed as well. Musselwhite told a local news outlet, “I knew we had to think of something. We really didn’t want to lose this property. We love it here. The animals love it here.” So, what did the computer engineer and artist do? They turned on their creative genes and decided to get with the times by jumping into the NFT world. So, with the specter of foreclosure hanging over their head, Melcher and Musselwhite co-created Dastardly Ducks, a collection of 10,000 cartoon duck NFTs in order to raise the money they needed to hold onto their home. [Turn Your Images On] And the situation was urgent. Their household owed $35,587 in mortgage back-payments and had to drop a check to their lawyer on Thursday, January 20th, or they would’ve been expected to appear in court on Friday, January 21st. Talk about being under the gun… They were in a “make or break” situation, with the collection set to launch on Wednesday, January 19th, giving them just 24 hours to save their home. And save it they did. The Dastardly Duck collection sold out in less than six hours, netting them around $120,000. Can you believe it?! “Our Lives Changed OVERNIGHT!” An ecstatic Melcher says, “We saved our farm by selling cartoon ducks. It was like a fever dream! They immediately started going so fast. I couldn’t sleep until they were all gone.” Remember that $35,587 Melcher and Musselwhite owed? Well, Musselwhite was able to walk into her lawyer’s office and hand them a $40,000 check, actually putting them ahead on their mortgage payments. [Turn Your Images On]( What a feel-good story, right? And as awesome as it is that this couple was able to save their home and animals, it’s even MORE awesome to see the real-world proof of Blockchain’s ability to transform people’s wealth, lives, and futures. It gives me hope for the technology, even as the crypto crash tries to drain me of it. This is awesome to hear and I hope to hear more stories like it. With all the bad news circulating these days, it’s always nice to hear something good for a change. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Turn Your Images On]( [Imperium: The Countdown Has Started…]( Shawn Ambrosino While there are many ways to make money on Wall Street, there’s really only one TRUE way to build a financial legacy. It’s not blue-chippers… It’s not speculation… It’s discovering which direction not only our economy but the entire WORLD is headed before anyone else does. I’m not talking about trends… Trends come and go. No, I’m talking about seeking out the things molding our future while everyone else is trying to figure out what’s going on in our present. Like those savvy minds that saw in the 1970s that computers were going to be the future of our society. Those that moved swiftly and didn’t sleep on companies like Apple or Microsoft had the potential to build fortunes–while other people were investing in obsolete stocks. We saw the same thing happen during the dot-com era too. Those that acted fast profited BIG; those that doubted the legitimacy of the emerging market and its technology found themselves on the outside looking in. If you truly want to find the type of success that changes lives, you can’t live in the past or present…. You have to keep your eyes on the future. The Future Is Speaking To Us What if I told you that, as with any mystery, there are already clues that tell us the direction our future is heading? Would you start looking for those clues? Or would you not even have an idea of where to start looking for these clues? Look, I’m not ashamed to say that I would fall in the latter category…but I’ve got one thing going for me. I know people who not only know where to look but have also pieced together enough of the puzzle to see where the future is taking us. Now, there are some people who will keep this information to themselves because they want to keep this discovery a secret for as long as possible and ensure they have the chance at the biggest profits… But Adam O’Dell isn’t one of those people. He’s revealing the direction that our world is headed right NOW - giving anyone who will listen a chance at the type of transformative wealth that most investors dream about. Right now, it’s going by a codename: [Imperium]( And if you want to see how this could be the future we’re headed towards, watch this short explanation by Adam–and you’ll see what Bill Gates calls “One of the most powerful technologies of the 21st Century”. [Watch it HERE.]( --------------------------------------------------------------- [Turn Your Images On] [Shifting Gears: An Economic Downturn Brings Opportunity]( Shawn Ambrosino I can’t stand Negative Nellies… “Life’s too short to be unhappy,” that’s my mantra. Sure, everybody has bouts of pessimism, but it’s the people that dwell there that really rub me the wrong way. Your average Negative Nellies, Debby Downers, and other depressing alliterative names never have anything positive to say. It’s always one calamity or another–and if calamity isn’t befalling them now, one is about to. [Turn Your Images On] I can’t live like that. I have to have hope. Now, I can understand how that may confuse some of you Money Movers because I’ve been talking a LOT about the impending bear market, the current economic hardships, and the problems plaguing the global market. Hardly a positive outlook. But that’s not because I’m being pessimistic. I focus on these things because I don’t want our readers getting caught with their pants down. That’s not pessimism…that’s prudence. One of my more endearing traits (or annoying, depending on how you look at it) is the fact that I try to look for the silver lining in all situations…and contrary to what you might think, there is actually a lot of silver surrounding the imminent economic downturn. Silver Lining To Rate Hikes? New Opportunities… Now, what tends to happen in a bear market is pretty cut and dry. History shows us what to expect. Inflation soars, the Fed raises rates, prices begin to stabilize, growth lowers, the Fed started lowering rates to promote growth, high-growth returns, and we’re back on the bull. Wash, rinse, repeat. The Fed has been very vocal about hiking up interest rates, and as of [yesterday’s meeting]( it looks like March is when we’ll see them make the first move. And when that happens, those high-growth speculative stocks tend to take a backseat to more asset-driven investments that have something tangible in which investors can put their faith. It’s been that way of it since the dawn of the stock market. So, in the spirit of being optimistic about the coming downturn, let’s take a look at some of the markets that are bound to get a boost from the elevated interest rates. These could give us a few opportunities to thrive when the many are trying to hold onto every dollar they get. It’s important to keep in mind that the Fed has had eight “hiking cycles” since 1975, and examining the way stocks have responded during each of these cycles gives us a glimpse of what to expect this year. If historical data is accurate, you may want to start looking at Europe… Historically, European stocks have delivered returns while the Fed hikes rates, most notably during the first six months after the first hike, during which these stocks tend to jump 9% on average during that period. Now, American stocks don’t do too bad either, but the fact is that European stocks tend to trade at a 27% discount to their American counterparts, which is too much of a discount to ignore. The next market? Value stocks. With the implementation of rate hikes, the effect tends to close the gap in returns between the riskiest and least risky assets out there. Investors may sell off their riskier and most expensive stocks (which tend to be growth stocks in the tech sector) and buy into the “safer bets” that are offering higher returns. Obviously, the hard part is finding those undervalued stocks–but it’s not as hard as you may think. Ditch The Growth, Look For Assets Lastly, we’re going to look into asset stocks. Energy, real estate, and basic resources are traditionally the best sectors to be in when the Fed hikes–but there are a few pitfalls you may want to avoid. For now, you may want to hold off on grabbing any defensive sectors like utilities, telecoms, and consumer goods, especially with the pandemic still exacerbating supply chain issues. You may also want to avoid financials too, as this sector has underperformed more than any of its defensive cousins. That’s because the gap between short-term US government bond yields and long-term yields usually narrows during hiking cycles, making it harder for banks to earn a profit…. But that may be more of a short-term view. These defensive sectors could still be ripe with profits, especially in Europe, as the region’s interest rates are currently negative. Any rise could be positive for banks’ earnings. We’ll just simply have to keep our eyes on it. Now, all that being said, I hope the takeaway from this is that we don’t need to be pessimistic during a bear market or economic downturn. We merely need to shift our focus from short- to long-term assets that can at least return us some kind of profit rather than a high-growth stock that yo-yos and plays with our emotions. We’ve been the hare for so long that we’re scared to become the turtle. But turtles live rich, fulfilling, LONG lives–and who doesn’t want to do that? --------------------------------------------------------------- [Turn Your Images On] [Innovative Product That Can Supercharge Batteries By 2,500%!](?customerNumber=000103047050&campaignId=fa66caf6-aa59-44d6-b0b8-45ade215de80&r=eml&experimentId=48163110-b338-a892-6b90-1b215539091b&vid=xRGQBo&customerId=000103047050-000084741705)by Ryan James If you have been reading Money Moves for a while—and if you haven’t been, that’s your first mistake— you know that we are big fans of new battery technology. [Turn Your Images On] We have written about lithium batteries, solid-state batteries, and iron-flow batteries. We love electric vehicles and we’re super pumped about the future of automobiles. However, these new electric vehicles will require a massive amount of storage on the electric grid, something that renewable energies can’t produce at this point. And the tragic downfall of renewables is that, if the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining, there is no energy. However, that problem is about to become a thing of the past. A new company has developed an innovative product that can supercharge batteries by 2,500%! I’m no math major, but even I know that’s a high number! This means that a battery will be able to charge faster over a longer range and the battery itself will live much longer. This technology is not only going to revolutionize electric vehicles but will also provide “endless energy!” That’s right, endless energy! It sounds too good to be true, but trust me, it isn’t. I thought the same thing at first… But then a friend of Money Moves named Paul Mampilly—who, unlike myself, is actually good at math and even better at making investors like you money—explained the process to me, and I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Now he wants to share this information with you, too. And, in the process, help you make money by letting you know what company is making this new battery enhancing technology so you can cash in before anyone else! I won’t tell you much more because that’s where Paul’s expertise really comes into play, but what I can tell you is that experts are calling this new battery-enhancing technology “black magic powder,” and “magic sand” or “magic dust.” This sounds like something out of Harry Potter, I know. Like it was developed in Professor Snape’s potions class or something. [Turn Your Images On] But I assure you this is real, and within a few short years America will run on something other than Dunkin. [Click Here]( to find out more about it… [Turn Your Images On] Our entire world may soon run on Black Magic power, and this energy can be produced on-demand for cheap. So, if you want to profit from this black magic, [click here]( --------------------------------------------------------------- For more quality content like this, and to learn more about the Money Moves team, visit us at [( Privacy Policy The Money & Markets, P.O. Box 8378, Delray Beach, FL 33482. To ensure that you receive future issues of Money & Markets, please add to your address book or [whitelist]( within your spam settings. For customer service questions or issues, please contact us for assistance. The mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so please do not reply. Your feedback is very important to us so if you would like to contact us with a question or comment, please click here: [( Legal Notice: This work is based on what we've learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you should not base investment decisions solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer general customer service questions, they are not licensed to address your particular investment situation. Our track record is based on hypothetical results and may not reflect the same results as actual trades. Likewise, past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Certain investments carry large potential rewards but also large potential risk. Don't trade in these markets with money you can't afford to lose. Money & Markets expressly forbids its writers from having a financial interest in their own securities or commodities recommendations to readers. 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