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Marketing with an investment mindset, setting up Sales for success, organic search vs. paid search, and more


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Thu, Sep 7, 2023 02:17 PM

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Learn with MarketingProfs: Today's dose of marketing know-how. Thursday, September 7, 2023 Direct th

Learn with MarketingProfs: Today's dose of marketing know-how. [MarketingProfs Today]( Thursday, September 7, 2023 [Reason #14 to Attend B2B Forum]( Direct the 'droids. Worried about keeping up with AI? Attend six actionable sessions to learn how to use AI to maximize engagement, drive ROI, refine SEO, and more. Code COUNTDOWN saves you 15% on in-person passes! [Crack the AI code]( 📋 Table of Contents 1. [It's Time to Start Thinking of B2B Marketing as an Investment]( 2. [Email Marketing Myths Debunked](ZKJPrrEqsz/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) sponsored webinar 3. [Empowering Sales Success—The Role of Marketing in Sales Enablement]( 4. [Does Marketing Leadership Value Team Training?]( MarketingProfs report 5. [Organic Search vs. Paid Search: What's the Difference?](v/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) 6. [The Marketers You'd Like to Market To? They're Here at MarketingProfs!]( 7. [Help Them Help Themselves]( MarketingProfs PRO webinar Scroll down for more, including industry news, community goings-on, and other useful resources. [It's Time to Start Thinking of B2B Marketing as an Investment]( article [It's Time to Start Thinking of B2B Marketing as an Investment](YcZ/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) B2B digital marketing may not share every similarity with B2C marketing, but it can certainly benefit from using some of its tactics—an [investment mindset, in particular. »]( [Email Marketing Myths Debunked](~d8J6/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) sponsored webinar [Email Marketing Myths Debunked]( There are a lot of opinions about maximizing your email marketing results. Experts argue on both sides of every variable. After months of testing best-practices, Kelsey Yen and Matt Sailor will reveal in this webinar what actually works in B2B emails and how you can apply those ideas to [your own email campaigns. »]( [Empowering Sales Success—The Role of Marketing in Sales Enablement]( podcast [Empowering Sales Success—The Role of Marketing in Sales Enablement]( The best thing you can do for your sales enablement, says podcast guest Owen Richards, is fix your Sales and Marketing alignment. Empathy between the two teams leads to shared celebrations of success. [Read more and listen in. »]( [Does Marketing Leadership Value Team Training?](YcLZ/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) MarketingProfs report [Does Marketing Leadership Value Team Training?]( The new State of B2B Marketing Training Report reveals that marketing leadership doesn't invest in B2B marketing training. Maybe that's why 23% of marketing teams don't work well together? Make the case for better team training with the 2023 State of B2B Marketing Training Report. [Get the free report now! »]( [Organic Search vs. Paid Search: What's the Difference?]( infographic [Organic Search vs. Paid Search: What's the Difference?]( This infographic from Brafton explores the similarities and differences between organic search and paid search marketing. [Check out the infographic. »]( [The Marketers You'd Like to Market To? They're Here at MarketingProfs!](~d8JV6/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) advertise with MarketingProfs [The Marketers You'd Like to Market To? They're Here at MarketingProfs!]( Like you, they read this newsletter and others, attend our sought-after webinars and virtual events, listen to our podcasts, engage in networking at our in-person events, and visit our website to learn and advance their careers. That gives you a range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to reach them in the right context—a marketing site where they come to learn and interact. They're here with open minds, looking for opportunities. From lead gen to branding and thought leadership... you too have opportunities—for reaching them. See how you can [market to marketing decision-makers. »]( [Help Them Help Themselves]( MarketingProfs PRO webinar Long before your prospects talk with Sales, they want to research your solutions. Give them the self-service content they crave! Jeannie Walters shows you just what to do in B2B Content as CX, a four-part Working Webinar series. Available on-demand now! [Give customers what they want]( Afoot in the Neighborhood MarketingProfs community goings-on A brand-new AI weekly series approaches! [AI for Digital Marketers]( is here to help you move beyond content creation and learn how AI can assist you in building and optimizing your marketing campaigns. And it's FREE for PRO members! Join speaker Andy Crestodina for the first session on October 18. Register now to [up your game with AI](. September is packed with PRO Roundtables! Join our expert moderators for conversations on what matters in marketing today—and offer your own input. On the docket this month are [AI Prompts]( with Marcus Nelson, [Email Marketing]( with Jay Schwedelson, and [Content Marketing]( with Ashley Faus. The pluses of being PRO never end! Did You Miss Us? Recent MarketingProfs content [Unlock the Power of Your SEO: A Beginner's Guide to Measuring Success »]( [New B2B Email Marketing Techniques That Work Right Now »]( [Five Steps to More Creative Marketing »]( [Revolutionizing B2B Brand Monitoring With AI-Powered Insights: Meghan Bazaman on Marketing Smarts [Podcast] »]( [SaaS Stats You Need to Know in 2023 [Infographic] »]( [The Importance of Being Human in Your B2B Content »]( News You Can Use Updates from around the industry ZapScale Unveils Groundbreaking AI Churn and Upsell Prediction Model, Revolutionizing Customer Success in the SaaS Industry [PR Newswire]( Debuts the First Event CMS Solution That Enables Marketers to Create Webpages With a Click of a Button [PR Newswire](~R9CP/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/) Giftsenda Integrates With Zapier for Streamlined Corporate Gifting [MarTech Series]( Swiss B2B Fintech GenTwo Raises $15M [Finextra]( commercetools Announces the Appointment of Dan Murphy as Chief Financial Officer [PR Newswire]( Kaltura Enhances HubSpot Integration With Seamless Transfer of Advanced Event and Webinar Data [MarTech Series]( Upcoming Events SEP 14 [Email Marketing Myths Debunked]( 60-minute webinar | sponsored by Act-On SEP 15 [Demand Generation Friday Forum](YY3efYZ/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) 3 sessions on demand gen | sponsored by Cvent SEP 19 [How B2B Brands Grow: The Science of Marketing Effectiveness]( 45-minute webinar with Ty Heath SEP 28 [From Overwhelmed to AI-nspired]( 60-minute webinar | sponsored by Drift OCT 4-6 [MarketingProfs B2B Forum](YY3ef-Z/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2) Join us live in Boston or online for insight-packed sessions, full-day workshops, and unforgettable activities OCT 18 [AI for Digital Marketers]( An all-new, 9-week online event for marketers who want to improve their digital programs with the power of AI [MarketingProfs]( Comments? [Contact us](YY3efZ/WEp5aTlkWVcyUTk2WDNsaVVFMks5MndUckpwTFRFZksvaTBhVTdvazRJZ3FuZmtxRHJ3SkhPOS9zWWRMUSsvdG8rY0NoNlp2czRKZnB5eEY5N3NMSUZOUnNDOGc1OEdlbERzNUdPY1B2V3FJZDlaS2xGb3N6dz09S0/T2NxREoxTHpOZXRzMDNUeGlQNi9VazdGbTZlWm5hR1FHcEk1Si9lZEkvekMxR0gwcW1XK2J4eXZab25qem5wYUFpQ2tEd3o1bFRWblRoeFRNVnM3QWc9PQS2). Advertising/Sponsorship [here]( or telephone 866-557-9625. Read our Terms of Service [here](. MarketingProfs LLC 1985 Riviera Dr, Ste 103-17 Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 This email was sent to {EMAIL} as part of your MarketingProfs Subscription. If you prefer to no longer receive MarketingProfs Today, you can always [leave this list](. Did someone who cares about you forward this to you? 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