What was your name again? [What was your name again?] [View Online Version]( [Quick Tips]( How to Be Memorable When it Matters Hi , “Do you know anyone who writes resumes?”
My designer friend was hoping I could refer someone. And I did know of someone… but what was his name?? He had reached out to me in the hopes that we could be referral partners. But since he never followed up, didn’t have a newsletter, and I hadn’t seen any of his posts on LinkedIn… His name totally slipped my mind. I wracked my brain and finally remembered that we had met right before I got a haircut. So I found my last haircut on my calendar and - aha! - there he was. Can you guess why I’m telling you this? Because most potential clients won’t look through their calendar to find you in their moment of need. Instead, they’ll reach out to whoever they remember. Especially if they already know and trust the person from, say, reading their newsletter. Is this a not-so-subtle hint that you should start a newsletter? Absolutely! And just in case you’re getting ahead of yourself, thinking, “no one wants another newsletter” or “I’ve got nothing original to say”… Here are three newsletter metaphors that I hope will change your mind: - A newsletter is the accelerator in your car (or business) -- you press on it when you want work. - A newsletter is a fishing pole -- what kind of bait do you need to attract the fish you want? (What do you want to be known for?) - A newsletter is a well -- your newsletter list is a well you can go to when you’re thirsty for more work. And if you don’t think in metaphors, think about it like this: A newsletter is how you stay top-of-mind to ensure your network doesn’t forget you exist. It doesn’t need to be long or complicated. It doesn’t need to be a big production. And it doesn’t need to be perfect! In fact, most people won’t even read it. (And that’s really OK.) When you regularly send a newsletter – whether it’s through email or LinkedIn – you stay in people’s minds. And that’s how more work “magically” falls in your lap when you need it. ([Here’s how to start a LinkedIn newsletter](.) Watch the Best Bits from our recent SMP Office Hours Party, where I share the “resume” story with a surprise guest - brand messaging specialist, copy coach, and newsletter expert [Lisa Mullis](. Lisa shares her thoughts on how often you should send your newsletter and whether you really need a CRM. [Watch it here](. In the next issue I’ll share my 3 hallmarks of an effective newsletter with some “excellent examples.” Stay tuned! In the meantime, do you already have a newsletter? Or do you have a favorite one to recommend? Leave a link [in the comments here](! And if you need someone who writes resumes, reply to this message and I’ll share my new contact, whose name I will now never forget! (BTW: he thanked me for sharing this story and promised to start a newsletter soon!) That’s all for today. Thanks for reading. What did you think of this week's newsletter? 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We talked cultivating a deep, focused niche… boosting your business with a vertical niche… truly enjoying your work… and more! [Listen (and watch) here](. â Let’s Chat: AI and Your Business Did you know AI can shortcut your marketing process by finding actual clients for you? If you want help figuring out exactly how, book a one-on-one AI Client-Finding Coaching Call with me. [Book a call here](. â Free Writing & Branding Workshop - this Friday! If you worry that you don’t have anything interesting to say, and you don't know how to talk about your business – or yourself... Join this live interactive workshop with my friend, author and coach, Terri Trespicio! [Sign up here](. â Get More Confidence And More Money in Your Bank Account! You're Worth It! Know exactly what to say when... - It’s time to increase your rates with a long time client... - A prospect asks for a proposal but you’re not sure if they can afford you... - A friend (or family member) expects you to provide your services for free... - You have a promising exchange with a prospect who's a great fit and they ghost you! - A client dislikes the work you deliver or, worse, asks for a refund... - And more! Say Goodbye to All Those Anxieties and Fears... And hello to confidence and more money in your bank account. You see, when you master the money conversation, you will know exactly what to say. And “Worth It: How Getting Good at The Money Talk Pays Off,” my popular, 54-page ebook, will show you how to master the money conversation for good. Plus, it's 50% off right now! [ð Get it now here](. â FOLLOW US [Facebook]( [Twitter]( [LinkedIn]( [YouTube]( [marketing-mentor.com]( | [View Online]( | [Unsubscribe]( [Manage]( your preferences | [Opt Out]( using TrueRemove™
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