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Your January Recap - Check out these new TDCP books!


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Mon, Feb 12, 2024 10:06 PM

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Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Seanan McGuire Portals and danger, and a girl who can find both in the n

[View in browser](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF4z5kvg0W5BWr2F6lZ3nNN1dhmxQ6W0CjW6D_Rzw6wYZ_0VhWjpK8c8bXDW4XsscS70tnknW1n5Qw79gmH8yW58lZ6D1zfkYZW2RYMWL3Gx1PgW6fKgbx8NYKSlW6ZQvlK1zmB-tW728r2_2v2hXGW4CJJLb3JKLJ5W1vZXqP1BLPkLW1HmqVf5g_WGWW2sclCw1s9CnTW7ypxYL2B_0dPW4mG9B_2sXrHyW96lzF17Sq3_dW7ntRbX76mndDW7nfSKb3hmK1GW3pPYp86jn77HW7v340H6plzD3W8htlpH3Z8f3GVXGdwK1GJ1PtW8qQfQj1C8FpqW8BS3NG8rTxNqN4ByVd24WK-gW8tTrjY7l-QdQW94CPLw5MBb8hW5D3-zT9ggv1vW40GpTG2tvccjW7sPGcq96YFM7V_WfmT46K7GCN69lWXL7ym_6W4NpXSW5tfW-Wf10Ttd404) [3102124b-2cb8-4bab-9ce5-d0c9d12b8454] Tordotcom Books Published in January [9781250848505] Mislaid in Parts Half-Known Seanan McGuire Portals and danger, and a girl who can find both in the next book in the Hugo and Nebula Award–Winning Wayward Children series from Seanan McGuire. Antsy is the latest student to pass through the doors at Eleanor West's School for Wayward Children. When the school’s (literally irresistible) mean girl realizes that Antsy's talent for finding absolutely anything may extend to doors, Antsy is forced to flee in the company of a small group of friends, looking for a way back to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go to be sure that Vineta and Hudson are keeping their promise. Along the way, they will travel from a world which hides painful memories that cut as sharply as its beauty, to a land that time wasn’t yet old enough to forget—and more than one student's life will change forever. Mislaid in Parts Half-Known is a story that reminds us that getting what you want doesn't always mean finding what you need. [Get Your Copy Today!](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF5M3lYMRW7Y8-PT6lZ3lmW4FWNj939GGCVW5rF9pH45mlSpW3jylrd6KPTgwW9gC1lJ20Tk6mV73Mtl3vxR4tW7-ndT28SqLdMW7ndHGh30VHD7W33BH5Q1qxSM9W47dQVs9hSyWGW1rjldJ6_Tw_BW3xrf7K2q5Zc8W7Dzl248NCKcpW4RqLww5skxyxW6NftMQ2q2GQ4W6H7z475t8SQ_W3Ff7kM91RyfGW5Z2KFD8bqcfyW80DDHN2SxJD1W1j5vs62xwMT2W4BypJn7Ln-F6W8QrF9D7Xs-21W8Fmk3j5m-rL8W34F7983_Tk1yW8_sw3t2nlNBFN1T5slmCXzwVVrbsWb74Cykff3tsNK804) [9781250820976 (1)] The Parliament Aimee Pokwatka The Birds meets The Princess Bride in this tale of friendship, responsibility, and the primal force of nature. “Murder owls are extreme,” Jude said. “What’s more extreme than murder owls?” Madigan Purdy is stuck in her home town library. When tens of thousands of owls descend on the building, rending and tearing at anyone foolish enough to step outside, Mad is tasked with keeping her students safe, and distracted, while they seek a solution to their dilemma. Perhaps they’ll find the inspiration they seek in her favorite childhood book, The Silent Queen…. With food and fresh water in low supply, the denizens of the library will have to find a way out, and soon, but the owls don’t seem to be in a hurry to leave… The Parliament is a story of grief and missed opportunities, but also of courage and hope. And of extremely sharp beaks. [Get Your Copy Today!](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF5s3lYMRW7lCdLW6lZ3pBW4vpvFn8R-ZFZW6MYgK45vLvh_VMlyMw54p_blW5jD9rq8ktTSnW3N4b1N1FVx-zW5pcxmR3lscPRW68jCB67hN0ShN6RPdXlPjxd6W9dBNJ_2WKMSpW5Hhj-83rbspxW84QxjZ502NbCW7ZcM8c43WVlVW1s70kW83rgrFW3pBxc-573kScW1tNdcj10lNPyW2Y3jzg5BHWWDW6KZGtP1_zQ3VW6-B0B25j4rwcN1bWtb8kqKclW70fWxt69SrdSW4PlKtw1sxQTZW78XHRt5v_YRJW82mdjc26XRt5W60Xvv31rndv_f9g1q5204) [9781250855527 (1)] The Tusks of Extinction Ray Nayler When you bring back a long-extinct species, there’s more to success than the DNA. Moscow has resurrected the mammoth. But someone must teach them how to be mammoths, or they are doomed to die out again. Dr. Damira Khismatullina, an expert in elephant behavior, was brutally murdered trying to defend the world's last elephants from the brutal ivory trade. Now, her digitized consciousness has been downloaded into the mind of a mammoth. As the herd's new matriarch, can Damira help fend off poachers long enough for the species to take hold? Or will her own ghosts, and Moscow's real reason for bringing the mammoth back, doom them to a new extinction? A tense SF thriller from a new master of the genre. [Get Your Copy Today!](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF5s3lYMRW7lCdLW6lZ3plN4Z8DBKpT908Vm9vyf6DhyqYW2F7QVf5-_VwLW59LQQG1XGrRdW69r1-16GwjfCN8KD5rR7Qz2DN6YvpwVCjygyN865Vbm8Hv4HW5qxPbD87tk9xW1-lnKF2fzpHGW2Q85tM52BL3gW4DgV3y5YSfYPW7Gxf2T1slN56W3FWDmn1wNQtxW8-tCt847ymPvW6jntCr98JB1RW7XmSSR1VBsTQN5zbnDwzy5XfW9cc2lS1WCY_5VSN8vG3KYx6WW8wSjDn2qMWZQW1kKg0v1kMgTgW2tCZ3m2Q77_xW8CvN5x2TJ2ybf5rC8GT04) [9781250233011] Exordia Seth Dickinson Michael Crichton meets Marvel’s Venom in award-winning author Seth Dickinson’s science fiction debut. “Anna, I came to Earth tracking a very old story, a story that goes back to the dawn of time. It’s very unlikely that you’ll die right now. It wouldn’t be narratively complete.” Anna Sinjari—refugee, survivor of genocide, disaffected office worker—has a close encounter that reveals universe-threatening stakes. Enter Ssrin, a many-headed serpent alien who is on the run from her own past. Ssrin and Anna are inexorably, dangerously drawn to each other, and their contact reveals universe-threatening stakes. While humanity reels from disaster, Anna must join a small team of civilians, soldiers, and scientists to investigate a mysterious broadcast and unknowable horror. If they can manage to face their own demons, they just might save the world. [Get Your Copy Today!](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF583lYMRW6N1vHY6lZ3nkW2WRfPk90NT-3W4d4VdP4Q3yGyW2-n0PM3bjydDW2bZDJH3dX92sW5t96kM1m-dPbW1QgMfp2KPTtDW42yyJ43mcbj3W2wj2NF7J_M78W47sW-z1xBzsRW7-vsbd4N7jS9W8xwbd_3PZ6J8W2R6xqz1kNgcNW4MHRCL46GVWvW3SV2XZ2zkdHMW4Jbmh-8R3GmPW78mr0K2ykfxhW2Hc42k5P76MZN4gMG3j6hPb1W3mpCwf8S33hNW6rFG3D6Gg4TQW3_pzqM7NcbYBW3T0nZt6S1F_LdYkkM-04) Follow Tordotcom Publishing [Facebook](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF583lYMRW6N1vHY6lZ3pLW7-GgYG15c-3kVXNmyj4rnwcfW1Vff0p6DFVndN4Yb-jnfZpJCW8Q7F3H86lKf4W4m13Kk7hsq8lW4mD1946S-sRYW5hW7jx53NQ90N2LyzMKN8rNlW7NS09g6ZSg10W33mFXq6nw4GmW72NgKy3BjtldVT5dhz384VZrW4ckJVJ8_yKBZW5yWtW331HDKHW68Q9ms71VffbW3ZsD0l90Gm-tW2sVtfh8v6GBPN1dfkKCzxt-4N29KdQXkYhRgW5y16Km6WGLx-W42-mCx7yrppTf3hk7H404) [X](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF4T3lYMRW69sMD-6lZ3mqW4gB4Zq93V44vW4fxSMC3KyYBrW22QVJx1DVx3QW8T_fQy8wx5bjN2dhD-lrpmQ9W5DJPX_6WWH7MW5_gXy77GYVVSW3N5-Hl7WlrxhW8V-TMk3_y9n_W2zWB4z5FZ3skW6FV7qC7t81jmW77J0FC5SKJyzW2Yz3QH5CxjLQW9fcZzy544Gq1W6V2R6Q91HdjsW2QN1bH8QqtK6W8plhtk7xyZp6W1Lh5xg336qCvW4vqyp52XpJPyMbGSwFZNJ_Cf1BxCjW04) [Instagram](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF583lYMRW6N1vHY6lZ3psW6V6GdG6nsP4dW2cBVnB4Kt6BDW9bbRq219V65xW7xGLGP6pKpSQVpWgnj91G1B-MD0bcRbpTb-W2jTt5c56C2vKW1CPGJP5yqSMbW1wcWNH8nZn0dW6wT85H6wGPKDW1M0tJm7JMVBKW8s4kBb1dZs4_W56s4yb3ClSwZW91-ccs6J0PjrW8fmS4p59371WW6LsM7J3CnWjKW3SYVm-9f9VR4W2Rz56T6LF46VW3pq3zm86_q_TW1729WL6kRt5FW2MrW211FNm4bW8WF5rC4q_Z89f7D8Nd404) [goodreads icon](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF5s3lYMRW7lCdLW6lZ3mgW3lRV1V486k2gW7TmrP47YG1FDW3jKWDp8l6WlFW500Ymh6t2x5XW7WdgX15XMQ60V_n36Y6V0B6ZW5LC9BB3BCDLkW3MRT2y7GGVnVVfThtx8ytKwBW4Dt1fk5Rblz3N4C81l-jT0X4W4zrcg27gqHt5W7qbVcr3kLdDNW7mHJJn65xtpbW2y6qDD1Jx4K4W80s4MM1KpX8sW3PWRKf1qFhVMW1LCfcF5dpB3BW7w8xFp213LNzW2KQyqw71cqqsW8KSGMc8LmZPPW2TLvcf2y935qW3Nk3vY5cT6ynW39cCvR98yRz1dVD_WH04) [tumblr icon 2](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF4T3lYMRW69sMD-6lZ3mqVMCvq05qJG9JW2_TJwp2yJ-qDW8xv95L5S_5H3W6c3v7V3BHw48W79SGHG6vkWqBW88tQhn8yNLKPW6HfZ5Y4DTsFzW8hTQ8p8PGqFdW4vLnPq8hzL-4W7cqSWb88ljGqW4QlQJf8t0vB1VX14TH93jt6DW8zxv-Y3PgBp1W2Dw8Fm5KLt4YN8XxqfWJjYmGW21pQBs1JcvWtW2Z5wHT6d8CVYW9cr_7151TLhYN3DHY_fx4c7wW56NW_51PxLS0f1pVx4C04) © 2024 Macmillan Publishers | [Privacy Notice](113/d4GfKf04/VWjXX58Dq84NN4SsJ_nzRSCnW3X6sTS59rmf8N8rPF583lYMRW6N1vHY6lZ3lFW4TdWyG3lDkCjW7QZnFV3LHs-mW5Jw50T8NgcSsW82J62H3h92t0W4KQ3cB5PM0hkW8xpG0W6_Tz9sW6rTDMv52-w2PW51r28Z6wzgClW76g-R031-9xPW5lxx1g6vgc_qW6dVXLm76Sl42N4gxX8D9mvFCW2K9DpQ86djdTVt-mCg4Tftz1W2jGdTW330G38W2T_13C1MT_L1W3lwwN32PP5ZRN8TWJn1LK4NnW1N9KlF86F1fkVYStkm57YGNrW35FMyh1NKvclW5zCR282NQz7Jf9bgJQP04) Macmillan Publishers, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences](

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