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Newsletter Friday, July 29, 2016


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Fri, Jul 29, 2016 08:06 PM

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) Hugh Jackman + Barbra Streisand () Pippa?s marrying a guy who?s been into her for 10 years ()

[ - Calling all smuthounds!] Friday, July 29, 2016 [Intro for July 29, 2016] [Stand By Me] Dear Gossips, Have you started watching Stranger Things yet? Sarah’s review [was posted yesterday] . Every day for the last couple of weeks I overhear people having conversations about Stranger Things. There are a lot of us who grew up in the 80s, including Wil Wheaton, who told The Wrap this week that Stranger Things could be this generation’s [Stand By Me]. Stranger Things homages Stand By Me both subtly and obviously. Did you know that during auditions for the series, showrunners asked the actors to read lines from the film? August will mark the 30th anniversary of Stand By Me. Yesterday Variety published an [oral history of the film] with commentary from the producers, writers, director Rob Reiner, Richard Dreyfuss, and three of the four surviving leads. I was 12 when Stand By Me came out, exactly the age of the characters in the film. It was a confusing time for me. My parents were divorced. I was struggling with identity, feeling other as a Chinese kid, wishing I had a different family, a different face, a different life. I was angry without knowing why. That combination of not liking myself and being mad all the time was a lonely experience. What those boys were going through and growing through was recognisable. And probably for many of you too. Which is why the film now represents an interactive photo album of adolescent feelings. If that’s how it is for you, the oral history is [mandatory reading]. One quick note though before you go – Rob Reiner tweaked a detail in the film about River Phoenix’s character in the book, Chris, and when exactly you find out what happened to him. This is Richard Dreyfuss talking about the difference that makes: “I do remember from the novel, a piece of information that’s given away very early, is that Chris dies [as an adult]. I think it’s one of the ways that Rob improved on the story. You don’t know that until the end and it breaks your heart.” Does that chill you the way it chills me? Are you watching Stand By Me and Stranger Things this weekend? Have a great weekend! Yours in gossip, Lainey [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 1:44 PM [Smutty Tingles] Whoopi Goldberg’s warning of danger definitely applies here ([Dlisted]) Hugh Jackman + Barbra Streisand ([Just Jared]) Pippa’s marrying a guy who’s been into her for 10 years ([Cele|bitchy]) Joe Jonas plays f-ck, marry, kill and the f-ck and kill surprise me ([TooFab]) More pictures of Katy and not-“Lando” at the DNC ([TMZ]) Bradley Cooper is with Hillary ([The Superficial]) Good dress bad shoes ([Go Fug Yourself]) This interview was actually hilarious ([Evil Beet]) [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 7:20 PM [Smutty Social Media, July 29, 2016] Yesterday I posted a Maverick throwback, and today Annabelle Wallis shared this from the set of The Mummy. We don’t get a lot of Tom on social media, but do you think he secretly uses Instagram? Is that frowned upon by the organization or is he “clear” enough to be able to do it anyway? [#THEMUMMY in Africa. #Namibia, you are beautiful and we are so excited to be here. Thank you for having us! @universalpictures #TomCruise @mrjakejohnson #courtneybvance #Africa photo by @cbj_photo] A photo posted by @annabellewallis on Jul 29, 2016 at 4:54am PDT Taylor Lautner and Lindsey Vonn work out together (that’s not a euphemism). [Fun hanging with my gym buddy @taylorlautner tonight at the @dodgers charity gala. #LADFgala 💪🏻💪🏻] A photo posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on Jul 28, 2016 at 10:08pm PDT TMZ has an interesting story detailing why Justin Bieber turned down $5 million to perform [at an RNC event]. And like Lainey said in the intro, let’s not fight about politics. Today. [A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber)] on Jul 28, 2016 at 7:32pm PDT I think Andrew McCarthy has set a notification for “mannequin theft” and I’m not mad about it. Look, [@TheTorontoSun], it wasn't me. Check my passport, I wasn't even in Canada [ — Andrew McCarthy (@AndrewTMcCarthy) [July 28, 2016] Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally look so tickled to be at the White House. happy feelings [@WhiteHouse] [@Nick_Offerman] [] — Megan Mullally (@MeganOMullally) [July 28, 2016] Blake’s cover got a political spin, but he doesn’t want any part of it. (He should really be mad about the photo they chose – I feel like he could be MUCH hotter than this.) [Gx] A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on Jul 28, 2016 at 7:48pm PDT Hey before this gets going like it always does... I haven't enforced ANYBODY for president. And I not going to. I don't do that shit. — Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) [July 28, 2016] Dirty dream Twitter confessions leave Russell Crowe speechless. Given that this is your very first tweet for 2016 I feel some responsibility to comment...however , I'm speechless [ — Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) [July 27, 2016] [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 7:01 PM [Swoki can’t help it] [Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston have dinner in LA, July 27, 2016] Yesterday [I posted about Swoki] out for dinner. At the time there were no pap shots, just someone who creeped them from inside the restaurant and posted it on social media. [Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift were spotted together at a restaurant in Santa Monica this evening. #tomhiddleston #taylorswift #hiddleswift] A photo posted by FANdemonium Network (@fandemoniumnet) on Jul 27, 2016 at 9:04pm PDT Turns out the paps were there. They're smiling, they're holding hands, they're not at all affected by the sh-t that's gone down - or they want to make sure YOU KNOW they're not at all affected. I got it. You got it? Who, at this point, doesn’t have it? So much for my hope that she would pull it back, especially since “overexposure” was her concern even before Gossip Christmas. In [Taylor]’s mind though, she is being mysterious. She’s not posting on social media. She’s not talking about her relationship. She IS, by her rationale, totally trying to live undercover. But if the paps find them, well, she can’t help that, you know? How is she supposed to know that out of all the restaurants in LA, that’s where they’d be hanging out the other night? As for [Tom], [Page Six is reporting] that he might be taking Bond meetings in LA. Other sources say this is way too premature to even get into casting and that there are no talks happening at all. Bond is supposed to project an air of mystery. I’m not sure…this is one of Tom Hiddleston’s attributes. [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 6:28 PM [Mel Gibson’s return] [Trailer stills for Hacksaw Ridge] Are you ready for [Mel Gibson] to come back? No? Me either. But he is. His first film as a director since Apocalypto ten years ago is coming out this fall, with a splashy Venice Film Festival debut and an Oscar-friendly November release date. That means the film, Hacksaw Ridge, is prime Oscar bait, so Gibson is not only getting a comeback, he’s going to be an award season contender. The first trailer for Hacksaw Ridge came out yesterday and while Mel Gibson certainly knows how to do battle scenes, the movie looks terrible. [Andrew Garfield] stars as Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector in World War II who won the Medal of Honor after saving dozens of lives at the Battle of Okinawa without ever firing a single shot. That’s a helluva story, but the trailer for the Mel Gibson version of it is unintentionally hilarious. Everyone’s Southern accents are so over the top they sound like they’re starring in an SNL spoof of a Southern Gothic family drama. Garfield’s is so far gone he’s about two steps outside of Simple Jack territory. And then there’s the violence for which Gibson, as a director, is famous. Mel Gibson loves to make movies about morally pure men who are beaten and flogged for their beliefs, and that is certainly the case here as there are clips of Doss being repeatedly beaten and degraded by his fellow soldiers. I don’t know about you, but I can’t take Gibson seriously after South Park so thoroughly [mocked his persecution complex]. At this point his MO is so obvious it’s become self-parody. But no matter how ridiculous this movie looks—and it looks VERY ridiculous—it’s getting the Oscar roll-out. Whether we’re ready or not, Mel Gibson is back. [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 4:30 PM [Superena] [Serena Williams] 73 Questions with Serena Williams! Serena is not an actor. So the flow here is probably not as “natural” as you might find with, say, [someone like SJP]. That said, it’s also no less awkward than [Nicole Kidman’s]. In fact, some Serena’s answers are total gold. For example, “Aubrey” comes up. And you know, there’s only one “Aubrey” who could be associated with Serena. Also who she’d want to give tennis lessons to? Emma Stone! Serena also makes a point of singing – to prove the point that she can’t sing, which is cute as f-ck. But mostly I love Serena for taking time to single out Althea Gibson. Because there can be purpose in these opportunities, showing that she understands who came before her and what she represents now. [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 3:55 PM [The Chris Evans Wheel of Fortune] [Chris Evans] It’s time once again to play everyone’s favorite game—[Chris Evans] Wheel of Fortune! With a spin of the wheel we’ll determine if Chris Evans’ next movie will be another Snowpiercer, or will it be a chance to make another godawful movie like [Playing It Cool]? Will it land on “Impressive Supporting Turn” like The Iceman and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, or will Chris Evans’ luck run out and he’ll get “Sh*tty Rom-Com” again? Nobody knows! So let’s play a round of the Chris Evans Wheel of Fortune! The movie in question is currently in development—uh-oh! Plenty of time for things to go wrong!—and is called Jekyll. It’s a feature film adaptation of a 2007 BBC miniseries written by Steven Moffat, which is a modern day sequel to Robert Louis Stevenson’s Victorian-era Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It centers on Jekyll’s only living descendant, Tom Jackman, who starts displaying the same symptoms as his ancestor. The miniseries is pretty good, and the film version is written by the guys who worked with Shane Black on The Nice Guys and his upcoming Doc Savage. There’s no director yet, but they have plenty of time to find one since Avengers 3/4 starts filming later this year and will shoot straight through next summer. So let’s spin the wheel and determine the degree to which type of Chris Evans movie this will be, a cheesy romantic comedy or an overly sincere drama? And it lands on… “Doesn’t sound like a twee nightmare”! We’re off to a decent start, as we’ve already avoided the “Sh*tty Rom-Com” category. The next spin is to determine the odds that Evans can pull off a dual role like Jekyll and Hyde. Here we go… “Remember The Iceman”! Yes, to be fair, Evans was virtually unrecognizable as a hitman in that movie, proving he can play twisted characters. And our last spin will decide the odds on how good or bad Jekyll could be. And it’s… “This is Chris Evans, remember? His taste is terrible”! Ouch, that’s a bummer of a final spin! But it’s true, this IS Chris Evans and his taste IS terrible. However, by the time Jekyll goes into production he could well be done with Captain America, which means he has to get smart about building his career outside of Marvel because that safety net is vanishing. Taking a chance on a high concept movie like Jekyll is, at least on paper, a good idea. He’s got to take chances like this. [Source] [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 3:28 PM [Katy & “Lando” at the DNC] [Katy Perry performs on the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center on July 28, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] Let’s not fight over politics (today). Let’s instead big up whoever was calling the shots in the control room during the four nights of the Democratic National Convention this week for the excellent celebrity cutaway selections. Can we agree on that? Why can’t they figure that out at the Oscars? Camera on Jennifer Aniston when Brad Pitt is on stage, PLEASE. Anyway, great work last night, in particular, during Katy Perry’s performance. Clearly whoever was directing the show was briefed on gossip because they cut away a few times to Orlando Bloom. Did they also know that her line, “It’s not where you come from, it’s what you grow into” was his? . [@sofifii] Lando put that one in. ❤️ — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) [July 29, 2016] “Lando”, is that what she calls him? And not Orly? As in Lando… CALRISSIAN?!?!?! As IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. [Four prom dates are better than one. Blessed to have friends that use their hearts & their voices to fight for a fair healthy balanced world, because it is SO SO important! I hope you join us 🙌🏽❤️🌎] A photo posted by miamoretti (@miamoretti) on Jul 28, 2016 at 10:37pm PDT [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 2:24 PM [July 29, 2016 – Smutty Shout-Outs] [Colin O’Donoghue for Paula] Paula! Happy Birthday from Carolina! By request, here’s Colin O’Donoghue. My wish for you this year? That “every action’s an act of creation”. “Rossana i am super bummed that i will be missing out on your b-day festivities and i wanted to wish you a f-cking fabulous 40th. You are an awesome person who has dealt with A LOT of sh-t this past year but you made it through with such class & grace - i am in awe of you. looking foward to many more 90s hip hop dance parties in our future. happy birthday from me & your freebie 5s: dave gahan, larry mullen jr, joel kinnaman, bradley cooper, mark Wahlberg. love nad xo” To Allison from Michelle – Happy Birthday tomorrow! Here are Charlie Hunnam and Duran Duran’s John Taylor. [Click here for the rest of the photos.] Posted at 2:01 PM [Privacy Policy] - [Unsubscribe]

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