What to Do After a Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis | 1031 Exchanges vs Opportunity Zones | The Biggest Retirement Planning Gaps I See Among DIYers
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[] Family Matters
[] [What to Do After a Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis](
[What to Do After a Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis]( (Getty Images)
Financial, medical and safety preparations can [ease the burden for caregivers]( while ensuring your loved one receives their preferred care. Financial professional and attorney Douglas A. Rothermich explains what to address. [] Taxes
[] [1031 Exchanges vs Opportunity Zones](
[1031 Exchanges vs Opportunity Zones]( (Getty Images)
Real estate investing expert Daniel Goodwin pits 1031 exchanges against opportunity zones in various scenarios to determine which offers [better tax benefits and investment potential](. [Your IRA, made to order](
Choose where and when you want to retire, and a Betterment IRA can help make your money hustle all the way there. [Learn More]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Saving for Retirement
[] [The Biggest Retirement Planning Gaps I See Among DIYers](
[The Biggest Retirement Planning Gaps I See Among DIYers]( (Getty Images)
Consulting with a professional, especially when it comes to insurance and taxes, could [save you a ton of time and hassle and money](, according to CFP Evan T. Beach. Featured Content Sponsored Content from Kiplinger Advisor Collective [Expand Your Influence in the Financial Industry]( Join the Kiplinger Advisor Collective: the ultimate platform for financial experts. Network, build your brand, and share your expertise with readers. [Inquire Now]( [] Estate Planning
[] [Gift and Estate Tax vs Capital Gains Tax: Which Is Less?](
Capital gains tax rates might be lower than the gift and estate tax rate, but estate planning attorney Rustin Diehl points out that how you handle your estate and whether you use a trust can make a big difference in taxes owed. [Read More]( [This Billion Dollar Startup Wants to Help You Retire](
This Princeton grad's startup raised $161 million to help people plan for retirement. If you're one of the whopping 110 million Americans over the age of 50, or wisely planning ahead, SmartAsset's no-cost tool can help match you with up to 3 vetted financial advisors. [Learn more]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Retirement Planning
[] [Five Ways to Lower Your Risk in Retirement](
Financial professional Mike Decker writes that if you're losing sleep at night worrying about your investments, you might want to consider the benefits of protecting at least some of your principal. [Read More]( [How to Turn $100K into $420K Through the Use of Depreciation](
Depreciation allows a write off an asset's value over a period of time. Depreciating the asset over time allows you to spread out that cost while at the same time generating Income.
Looking at data from Bloomberg, a $100,000 investment in real estate beginning on December 31, 2000, would have been worth about $420,000 on December 31, 2019. That same $100,000 investment in the S&P 500 would be worth about $356,000 on December 31, 2019. [READ MORE]( ADVERTISEMENT [] RELATED KIPLINGER ARTICLES WE THINK YOU'LL ENJOY
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