12 Most Frequently-Asked Medicare Questions | 10 Reasons You Don't Want to Retire in Florida | AARP Travel Deals and Tips for Your Next Vacation
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[] Navigating Medicare
[] [12 Most Frequently-Asked Medicare Questions](
[12 Most Frequently-Asked Medicare Questions]( (GETTY IMAGES)
The year 2024 will be record-breaking for retirement. In 2024, 11,200 Americans are expected to celebrate their 65th birthday every day until December. When you turn 65, you have to [master a new health care system](. We're here to help. [] Quality of Life
[] [10 Reasons You Don't Want to Retire in Florida](
[10 Reasons You Don't Want to Retire in Florida]( (GETTY IMAGES)
Stay a few days -- or, better, a few weeks -- and, as the realities of Florida living sink in, you might not like what you see. To that end, we took a serious look at the [downsides of retiring in Florida](. Here's some of what we found. [7 Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Financial Advisor](
Working with a financial advisor can be a crucial part of any healthy retirement plan. But choosing the wrong one could wreak havoc. Avoid these 7 mistakes when hiring an advisor, so you can work to potentially save years of stress. [See the list]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Travel on a Budget
[] [AARP Travel Deals and Tips for Your Next Vacation](
[AARP Travel Deals and Tips for Your Next Vacation]( (GETTY IMAGES)
Vacations are much more enjoyable when you don't have to worry about going over your budget. But scouring the internet for offers takes time. If you're an [AARP]( member, though, you have plenty of [travel deals already included in your membership](. [] Social Security Tips
[] [How IRAs Impact Social Security](
[How IRAs Impact Social Security]( (GETTY IMAGES)
In many cases, [traditional IRAs affect Social Security benefits]( by increasing your taxable income. Having a solid plan for your IRA distributions can save you thousands of dollars, so it's worth understanding how these two pillars of retirement planning work together. [When Can I Retire?](
As you're deciding when to retire, you'll need to think about how much money you're likely to spend each year. Vanguard advisors are here to help investors like you make more informed and confident financial decisions. [LEARN MORE]( ADVERTISEMENT Featured Content Sponsored Content from Kiplinger Retirement Planning 2024
[Plan and enjoy a worry-free retirement.](
Whether you've already left the workforce or you're just beginning to think about it, [Kiplinger Retirement Planning 2024]( will show you how to maximize your 401(k), select top-performing investments, get the most from Social Security, protect your estate, ensure affordable top-notch health care and much more. [Click to see table of contents.](
[] Real Estate Hazards
[] [Beware of Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Property](
[Beware of Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Property]( (GETTY IMAGES)
If someone makes an offer on your property out of the blue, be careful. H. Dennis Beaver, Esq., warns that sometimes these people are counting on you not knowing your property's value and will [offer only a fraction of its worth](. [5 Things to Know When Building a Retirement Plan](
Just like a movie, a comprehensive retirement income plan incorporates the ebb and flow of cash flows, ensuring your assets align with your living expenses throughout retirement. To build an effective plan, start with these five essential steps. [Learn More]( ADVERTISEMENT [] Retirement Companions
[] [How to Save Money on Pet Costs](
[How to Save Money on Pet Costs]( (GETTY IMAGES)
Many people underestimate the lifetime cost of owning a pet, from emergency vet visits to food to doggy bags. The good news is there are [smart ways to trim your pet's expenses](. These tips will help you keep your pet healthy and happy for less. [] RELATED KIPLINGER ARTICLES WE THINK YOU'LL ENJOY
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How do you find the best dividend stocks to buy? Income investors know there's no substitute for regular dividend increases over the long haul.
[Three Smart Ways to Store Cash This Year](
Looking for smart ways to store cash this year? Here are three ways to profit off interest-earning investments. [Sign up free for A Step Ahead: Guidance on how to navigate today's challenges to business, the economy, and financial markets.]( ABOUT KIPLINGER
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