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My real advice for 3 Earnable students


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Wed, May 15, 2024 04:05 PM

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Yesterday, I told you about one of the most unique elements of Earnable Live, my step-by-step busine

Yesterday, I told you about one of the most unique elements of Earnable Live, my step-by-step business-building program [Rich Life Insiders Banner](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nGW7BZTWx8YR8wtW1pyWcJ2T_HgcW6sb1104hdzwNW3Bcmyj3_2hKWW5gNgNk8ZvglJN4Vr8blSK_r2W6vdgPQ4slcHlW45qFRP95S-_GVJ8mJ-1s5J3fW4fTSq75QYZWXV4tNKJ4JmG2wW4VTxRM7J0P2HW7ZYRCW4-nRDRN1x3lWkkyQsHW2xMSTt3l-gjFW4WNFC-5Ht9cvW47NCdb6lX0TMW2k0__35324wHW3LfKxn69KSZDW3jJLGW2DzHNwN5RK0fGMrN_qW5Ym1vZ68_m6sW7fXXhy36RGbnW1g6h8G2cZLK5W4kNlY_8NmF0MW6KhVv57MBqVFf6rbDjx04) {NAME}, Yesterday, I told you about one of the most unique elements of [Earnable Live, my step-by-step business-building program](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3kyW2f5pvk808fPDW279ptT525dPyW5g34-x5pNXPLW6pqLMd45K3sfW4k5Tjm5ghMNpW8bJLFS6Tm2lSW5821rw2bjJVQN1_WWYHBGDv0W3z4jXw54zm3sW39Mj4F1Y9xyzW3Bv8kz3sf191W1bDh-N1L4kwtW695NCg243dtCW23L8167p4g7pW3yGzn78PJZ8SW5XX8mK37HFBDW57xXC04dbPjkW3R3S7C37Fx2QW6Gfk663jCQJ5W1c3FHx4cCBVYW807vYk73YM6KW6nsBSJ2KHrxnW6VD5Qg2SffDQW4gpspG6VMv2HW1vzs8W7W9WnJW20J_Ly6y6c7gW5HlQs06NLyQRW1df9RH4TkPWJVZBLbz7yw3xjW9f3s5x6DlMJXf7Vc5RR04) that’s helped more than 15,000 students find, test, and launch their profitable business idea. That unique element? Live monthly workshops with me. Every month, I walk Earnable Live students through a new business topic, and we talk about how they can apply it to their businesses. In these calls we’ve talked about: - moving from hourly pricing to packages - selling productized services - making [passive income](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg87H5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3mpW49NmZw1b5brsW8gnTvP43n6KSW1YSFhx2VWzdKW8Cfb7s4QJjBFW5DFR-51hJ4LqW2K315w5kjTy7VjJF4Q5GBD9zW68j3YR8473hDW4MyfyD94YdCxVM4cWp8h0wb6W38P_By4ZnHg9W1M_2y53C9mZwN4D5BDbfCrCWW8cJGlz8M7xfPN8_v2Q56fmmGW7lNmJw7lQXxbW1_0D2l5SMZrwN60t8FMN5825W3NNh2s69Wv-FW59sPR21KYkqqW89mxMN5_tDqTW7Xrxmm6m854lN5M0WlSv_VMVW8PyqsN7p6Yh1W8HWYjh2_1BVyW404MR94BDHpcW5G96Zc7hxjklW45Y6Qk39x265W3sm1zP8t2LxKN6NB99Djy29yW78Xnx88LfKCvW1mp_n_3VMDqLW3D0m5x1m_lmmW3k9FqG2GkYBkf1dblx004) - dealing with competition - niching down - doing market research …and much more. When you [join Earnable Live to start your business](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3n2N4XHCq1qHvGTN6Ysbj4yrl2lN2vHsDzxn5Z4N3PHDvSXRL3xW2_YbPt47zB8bW5-gS6y5B2LWwW6ymVjm6xlLxkW8Xhw6x13RBQfVPvfwR3Zv2PFW4RjRmH6msbZCW204mrJ7gn62hW9cpsH26pWyZbW2M7KvW3GW6RtW7SGG7V1d_XGyW1MD5P46Ph0j9N2ydvPkc08w-W8XrRzZ7CgxjrW2SjZrt5kzj8VN2dgyqV7qK-hW1F76155_N31qW3Wgn5d7HPRKpVySBPt3rwnd5W1gHgsD2tLP3MW6QlMkp3x6zCRW9kb5bM8J8kwbW7W9xcC3D4YNgN7jgcTnDnFRWMn4nxSVwscwW19yvr29jP6F8W4HZgcz2N_KVdf9hkktT04), along with your cohort’s live calls, you’ll have access to all past workshops and monthly calls, where you can hear my advice on a TON of topics. Here’s a small sample of the recordings you’ll have access too: [Screenshot of Earnable topics] Next, we move into hot-seat-style sessions where I check in with students, hear what’s going well and what they’re struggling with, and give them advice and action steps to build the business THEY want. These “business makeovers” are often turning points in my students’ businesses. Today, I’m checking in with 3 Earnable Live students from a previous cohort to see how they’ve shaped and grown their businesses since we last talked. The successful side hustler: Madeline Pesavento Madeline is a fashion designer (an unusual niche for Earnable!) who wanted to keep her limited-edition, hand-dyed sweater store as a side business while she worked full-time. Here’s how she’s doing: [Madeline_Pesavento] "Thanks for checking in — a lot has been happening!! I temporarily put my sweater drops on hold, because I also switched from working as a full-time fashion designer to consulting and that took my monthly income from 10.5K a month to ~13.5K a month. I had been debating redoing Earnable with my design consulting business... I did just get two full-time job offers this week though and both brands are fine with me having my own sweater business on the side. So my plan is to do another crochet tank drop this summer in the Hamptons and one sweater drop in late August to kick off fall. I will keep you posted!!" — Madeline Pesavento Wow, go Madeline! (I love that she casually slipped in there that she replaced her full-time job income with consulting and started making $162,000/year. That’s $36,000/year MORE than she made working full-time for a brand.) And on the flip side, I also love that she’s choosing her own path. After proving to herself that she can make a great living from consulting, now she’s picking between two amazing new full-time opportunities — while keeping her lucrative business on the side. Madeline’s choices are proof that YOU get to define your Rich Life. Whether that means taking your business full time as soon as possible, or intentionally staying small and exclusive (which doesn’t mean making less!) so you have room for other opportunities, your Rich Life is up to you. The confident content writer: Claire Bonneau Claire is an operating room nurse turned medical content writer (and a great example of how Earnable helps you turn your existing expertise into a profitable business). When we talked, she had earned $180K over 3 years of running her business. She was raising her rates to $150/hour, which made her nervous, and was about to leave her agency job to write for clients full time. I told Claire she could easily turn her business into a $500K-$1M/year medical content agency, if that’s what she wanted — but to get there, she had to stop charging hourly. Let’s see how she’s doing: [Claire_Bonneau] “Ramit's advice during my Business Makeover was super helpful and very eye-opening. Prior to talking with him about it, I had assumed that my only way to charge retainer rates for my work was to do it hourly because that is what other freelancers in my space were doing, but turns out I had other options I hadn't thought about. So, after Ramit mentioned that I should do flat rate package amounts instead (starting at 5k a month), it has really helped me learn how to advocate for myself and my business. I have had 3 potential client calls since the business makeover, each of which I shared that my rates ‘start at 5k/month’ instead of my usual rambling explanation for my hourly rate. So far, I haven't had any bites on this rate yet (one person ghosted me after, and two people said this was out of their budget), but I have learned some key takeaways that have really changed how I view my business: 1. It is OK (and arguably a good thing) that not everyone can afford my rates 2. I used to play this game of not wanting to share my rate and waiting to hear their budget to adjust my rate for their needs. I now know that I don't need to do that to find great clients 3. Being upfront about my worth and rates makes it easier for the right clients to say yes to me My current client load and income are the same as when I talked to Ramit, as I haven't had any new clients land (yet), but I am feeling more confident and more capable of selling my business and services than ever before. Still have a lot of room to grow, but I have less fear about charging my worth now, which is really helpful!” — Claire Bonneau What a shift! Claire went from feeling like $150/hour was too much to ask…to creating a monthly package that allows her to deliver her absolute best work. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, Sure, but she hasn’t signed any new clients. I’m not concerned about that in the slightest. Because now, Claire is in the right mindset to find her perfect clients and negotiate from a place of power. And when she does sell packages, she’ll gain more insight on the services, positioning, and approach that her best clients find valuable. The financial whisperer: Abigail Gorton Abigail is a fractional chief financial officer. She works with businesses to understand their cash flow, identify opportunities and issues, and turn their numbers into clear business goals. When she enrolled in Earnable Live, Abigail was already charging $1,500/month for her services, and had 4 clients for a total of $6,000/month. She wanted to grow to $15,000/month, and was planning to launch courses to help business owners understand and dig into their own finances vs. paying her to do it. Here’s Abigail’s report: [Abigail_Gorton] “At first I thought I would start a new business offering online financial coaching and courses to business owners. I knew they cared about their finances and I thought they'd want to learn how to get into the books and directly see and interpret what was happening. Then I joined Earnable, and one of the first exercises was market research with business contacts and prospective clients. I quickly learned that while business owners do indeed want to know more — a lot more! — about their finances, and they do want projections and forecasts, they do not want to learn how to do it themselves. But they really wanted someone else to prepare the information for them, and to be ready to explain and dissect it. They need to keep their own energy focused on their own niche and the 'secret sauce' of their own business. As a result, I pivoted from setting up an online knowledge center to regular monthly engagements where I remotely access their books. I pull the data for them and I bring it back to them in a format they can understand, with clear next steps to follow. I have clients in several states — I meet in person if they are nearby, and Zoom works at a distance. In my business makeover with Ramit, the biggest takeaways I received were to: - Focus and niche down into the high end of the business range I had been targeting - Build more than one subscription option (not done yet, but I am planning on it!) - Bring back the online training plan — only if and when I am oversubscribed - Embrace the business name that people are responding to: Financial Whisperer.” — Abigail Gorton Abigail is crushing it. I’m so glad she did the research that kept her from launching courses right away. Instead, she’s moved slightly upmarket so she can charge more, refined her services, and has a solid plan to release DIY training ONLY when she’s already maxed out on clients. Just 3 more days to join Earnable Live Do you want to earn more, build a business you love, and get my personal support while you do it? Whether you want a fun, profitable side hustle, a full-time consulting income, or ultimately to create products and productized services that keep paying you long after you’re done building them, [Earnable Live has the resources to get you there](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3mVW5-znRz9bYD26W6jvvbD7YfMfkW60pZ0v8vrSMZW4ZG_vR4dbJRpN645WS34cLTPN569Fpt3yR9gW4bc6q63p1_FdW7mMD815KMWwQW41yJqs76cCYMW5WjQnW98R7dZW5tyVQ06lbsYrW4MJ_x88VzRPsW8p-J5117XBvXW8QQ-L377f70_W8RQVRZ8nSf8wW8TmW2W21M7PHW8kCDlj4fd-8gW2pQCMG6d0zpTVBJjl52XFm3wN89Jk8F4rrvnW15hlVk5DwSDPW1dllyV7D2JMMW954S6n38z9StW2FwKCL8HQZ_MW3YL8hQ12hFdKW8w5fl87rK12YW4z7zf27JD4FRW5rNy5R8ckMk_W5QT9zk1r_cW8W3fg_yw75HjQRf5dLz-804). [Earnable](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3l3W5D97hQ9bx0tRW6xDb-Z8rYjxyW8bq7wL6c2FklW2dz3_M9blvSbW89NhyF4ZFvjTW7FLHcJ1llkgCN8VxbGqGSrc6W987CZW2ll5V5W2cp4d74zxx5HW59Tcft3SGMDfW2jyzv84yfHgYW2z8whQ4mKV7YW1cmCn58QjzN7W8L8N446TqNQbW2Q4QTr5Zf-MZW4S0S6Y5P0mfqW7Hxp9X6ykg_bW60SV6f31zjG2W6Yrz6Z4_CCZvW1BPzfM3pGJCrW1cz-1f1KGN5mW5Fc5fZ2x6JdJVHFGFJ93ZfvfW2twKdk14cCwVW11GjYk1zbpyyW3j9pZ43Vn4BDW1Xyb7z3tNx96w95rsqysdvW6YPTP020-jMXW2VRvfX54_yqXf5MNVXq04) [CLAIM YOUR SPACE](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3l7V-7bBM1gh5sXW8gMVXR7HYJdFW54TjnG98bT63W4yF0z93cjs98W2ClB0M2NKs5qW3R4Zf364tn16W2ghp5l8vxYbCN1KHL3JqfrDVN5zknPYxhyd0W9lNT-t6sxctYW2TLqGb64Bck7W8NnGXB7k2lz0VPz8zP64cNJdN837tGwlMPk0N96HMYwynlgzW5FMrRV7fH6v_W697zKB7sSmstW7PhP6H4XFcs9V_Hw3178pzWFW2lSSKk3twJlgW3G3L3R6G0HlrW6CZYsM38-gpsW5HDp162bWmFJVn7JrV542BK2W9ldgcy1DZhQdN5qTx2RVzCMPW3B4W-47Cmpx_N78CKYLQ_hjWW4M1_9h98FBwXW6WKPfv1MZgBSf7tLpZY04) Earnable Live enrollment closes this Friday, May 17, at 11:59pm Pacific. If you want access to the systems, advice, and community that have helped more than 15,000 IWT students start their business — without even having an idea first — then I want to see you in our next cohort. [Join here to save your spot](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3q0F7YWkRplSvwW3Qq_gW3mgX33V7p1xh13TKVlW2R4Q4h4tR79BVY37hR81mzhkW1yYlYc2K9jgxM1ShZJcjRlPW92G98z818CrgVxvSN85zGj3LW8dZS7y22JKY9W51yjh52sBX9GW8TKVS38Kjm1mN4Z0t4GmbtQZW7rcyX21lGNrVW4s4ySm7skRCxW6wdLnJ1cmcn1W47hqng2cCLPRW67dp-d4FhMSKW3Bx76_2kMPq_W7pNJPk4HjLP4W3_NDmK4Qc-YnW4KxjLm4VRMKxN7Mf8f4kd8gRW2pJnYW6-T9rcW5PPpgQ6dcS7KW7tvFxc6yFkvWW5j_v2v6g2ZphW7Pptsd7hPbW1W7nNJ_d7cV80-W28dLNm7kk34tf6wTH3g04). [Ramit Sethi Signature] PS. As you can see above, [Earnable](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3myW4tgjQd71z3F2N5Wj3Lq7L3KdVFMggw3M2SwRW7zYSWy3JW1g0W1ClpR12YB3zDW44l92z8n-lZLVzx7yB5kbcLQN6TByG8f8WhQW8D2y2j8xJbY5W45Mw3J2jcKHNN8Z_yDZB0FsWW1Z86KW2nq-W6W4lH7v13T-552N77MT4n8X4ydW1XP8cS6-0KN9W7gJRdQ2tK78GW1wGKVR4_SyJsW1Vn0gQ7tX0_7W2D4fVp6lt3ysN2TJy_k62bsxN1dHr7zTNy8HW6RMGT82TRF6FW85VlQ47m0X9pW9fFXB95dk690W862m6h3-F2JjW8YZyBB7WcllGW7sdbVx2k0bKNV53RBF60m1l9W3Z8qhg3by3LvW8hTMt436J8kxf6RS74-04) helps you launch and run any kind of business — even if you don’t have an idea yet. I’m so confident in this material and community, I’ll bet you the cost of the program. Give [Earnable](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg89s3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3nyW5lDP1j6bHbnRN8mPhrz7cHksW6szcGP5rGrrqVd5n0D2-Ny8DW6mc3305hCprlW4vgpk92KRnn5VH9TR_3_x5tlW2BqchW2Q4WPsW60dvnB834S9dW2K62y-6qvD52W219VRf6J69-_W51X__S1Z47YpW3Y2slR88mdfSW14rwff6pT3P1W169Ngd7kQzf6W91M1G13sVzdXW1N_GKL8W9TZ2W3Zc1Q68GSJKlW4JM_1b47tKbTW7_5m7H7xqfq_W4ZTQz-5SWbMFW20mVq378cxvXW3kT8228pRFZbW5tmqbq5FRGg0W8qRkSp5L6QpgW8TwbqR1S-2vnVpX4cb57cQcMW2w9Ry91njkWXW3mGmQh5LZLbtW5zZbzv6qG7XVf9lTyTM04) a try for 2 full months. If you put in the work and still don’t feel it was worth the investment, I’ll refund 100% of your money. [Programs →](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg8983qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mrW2DnsCs1CCmmtW8HJ38G5CS0jGW3_pV5s5hXMp-W8nHQ5W6Q_Gq7W6Cswnh3G8Dq-W8v1vy-5MkqmhW78TWc478mcnvW21NB0p4006tfN2cR7Z7J7mZkW4ymymy5mnwRvW3m7l9B5QDjDMW4zQnhR6Rpng2N57yGfjfRv4_W1Wpnd81GPJ23W2-g5tX5CKC6bW4qQ7pY5LP9MzW8nfTPh1DQdK3W5m15TV14mqg3W7SQcdW18SngNN7ZLMc2dzWRnW5t28HH4Lr9njW7J0jQQ70z46CW5w_bW78YkLQ0N7v_rbTCFGCXVCjZZ612dvMNVXYYQn8TbX6bV-WmVK18l8S1W3Y_TMf5R_dpPf2XmKvn04) [Podcast →](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg8983qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mMW3sDGl27r5NjDW4t5vcn8XCksJW4X06HC8FttJ8W4650Pj5KHCGrW8zBNWp4DSZQqVhpwr36jKF3YN1NRsGrV8PPZW75ZHY43ndCNJVnZzzK2RzLvJW42S5NF8w_kwVW6gG5fS3Yx86GW4rwFrk3jZn92W2-sPxl8WnbFsW1HTPlT1sqktmN8y-KhHVZYfBW4h2xFq2VcXVrN5LB_zvByHzxW8Z12Hs7M--ZvW16vDSK5TrwtGW70kd8z8JBjh_W443-FG5sCBGxVvnJ7J7zCHkqW19YF585lkk-2W1MzYKk5qRHH_W7mttTp99f4WcVfz8b64SCX24W3pXhQD90_tpbN6_g89HW9pLqf7dq-sW04) [Netflix Show →](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg8983qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3m0W4ZrdgD7tvrYyVzW5TJ66VY_FW7w1MwJ3Ty3l4W6-ZbB-8j3zG3N5q44-WPqlz8W8_GJ3W67_zHMW6KkWQG5qdpv5W4llbSq5smQPPW5_Qd1L6sHZPtW6scRKS2v5RwbW2JZXs325MqqxW3ckWBL6XM5LHW73bwnH16kz1KN2jGzyGCmGXFW3TF45z9j2x2wW2DVVJm1-dh15VX2XnL4n5sKCN2_1Gbm5JdnwW1T-dLH4qWpbnW4T04PR23vtBHW3fnkMX2gJ0dzW6-gS9Q768GLSW3ycn_L5CF79vW5x8CTm55LBC-W5CYQQb7HGNsyW6dwSWm4RxQbNW8fDbfT875HLVVfBDzB5bMlTHf6M-Htb04) [Books →](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg8983qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3pPW8CVx5K6PRtrbW8wrpXC2mqNg2W85HZDD6RsDXYW60ZMCB6RNW3WW97dT3K8J_gxVW1zn5_s7ZRyJnW7qgh6p4YjNXpF2sgpKmCx9gV1t6Z45jg_qNN3lyyyzxwRGpW6hFp6C7hQv5yVKGvgC3PD__DW1Z78sM5W558hVdxHMw7_BGs5W49pN5y1SqtCDW8DNZzn57-G7NW5nD_7P2V4NQpW2QpY-17S9PP2W7LmNvN2Sqk-wW5zmqzW4Dz4RTW6BpZ5c8P0Mk0W7RJq5J1YLzRJW2BtNN-8tBQStW3LkrZz2s7jS4W7K9sD777GrbmW7X2l234qGZ3bW7jnwlY65KR2WW3BXN9V72r2yJf4q7YlH04) [Website →](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3n1W4GxX6G4SMCJ_W2pyRhV5mX44hVLkR721L6WRRW5cbdDN89M3khN9dQzvN855g7W5nFBr187V-VgW7t2rKt78Z4tbW43tjgS2mTNmcW4ggdbj13xPZ4W8g_G4y4tNw5xW5dnX5_33bwSPW81jXCq5vvNZlW1t10Yn4Nk_p9W1SvW8V5GwjmDW6JzlmN3SN5pkW6vX5gK7BZTNPW1vRvbG6HrbrDW30xJgF14pxMwW4mlKbF5Yp8_CW5ZyDjH7kXm93W6Rj58W7d4ydrW1y7wqQ8lFX0VW8nWYsw1g1BhrW6sLgnZ84wF_2W43CfX71vMw73W1CbyCh8R5DK-f85S2Hs04) [Instagram](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3l0VRjrTS289BdJW3xJ4G35c8s-hW7PNFsv2ncD-MW6FPNLK67njNgW28j1PL3-Yv22VxNbg_1PH_D5W1GqbKl8GWmJFN7mljxlLpnyRW74BG-b9bsCKFW31zX2T3358zxW40-HqV6HcFSNW7kqfNc46ZdmGW1YzzLc1L_wTHW8nVDnq1LvC0XW3Qqf4y3dmkfvW1078-Z26SxPWW6CmTGB4RnLSQW6TF2km5NdBhqW6chyrt2G66h-W6Hd2Yt40sCqFW5XGJT68QYrPwW8Vl61N2M1BgSW2mYmGd1SrxqLW7XmNpw19vGW6W28fNw-4-ggFbVMZSw-8qlvkPf6cVGxn04) [LinkedIn](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lBW3r6mzN8h3L7JVHMdy03sfLWyW2z3zb86WP3_bW35blXJ1N5PlfW7s8hVL6_BV48W3xqDYn2bWLd7W4QQC7b3tBvhlW5jWQJL3jc6qPW6NWpdt7c_MCKW13560R8yW0tMN6jkzd0hFZPdW7k6Qyh7MywxfW50KlVQ56BWqyW1W8FKn3KX1B1W4JJq5V4m_-yZVHsQLT7bnHKjW3sHCxQ1LgrNXW6Ndb8g5wMqFNW2rxy9C6w9PgBN6T0KbqLShQ6W8r9Ss42Z9byvW5fs1Gx9k-m-jW1xWZrJ6Kz_08W3P2zfR5y6q3NW6xWXxl7PMwMKW5xDTC_8JbKFDf4yJ8-C04) [Twitter](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88z3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3kyW6MTK7-1Bx8dRN4gpvhSpFrC1W1sRTBx7Z_VGXW49zSdM2cxRcjW51hrfW4w3jYQN86Dl0MmY3TrW37gWmy3Lw4MxN9bdZN8r9wB_V4vZ4N5V_mFlW6Fxdys5kKXgMW4FZK_r5VD4bwW1cHd1x20My08N43NnSV1S9CSW83cSN15lLmNYW4YTd6w6-b0qnW3sV5Zs7j7kNxW9khn9W2R3HqkW7CkYrT3WKrGxW7WrJj5303vhyW8Xp5l92y8RLRW4Brxxj88nQs8N1tXXZ6rMck9VwZdhG6YtvJSN7bxt9YXDsxff2zdTLg04) [YouTube](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mRMKVTRhdxx5hW8XJNyW74fQXRW3rsSxk9gcsYwW3ytKdT6zHBSFVnTw2W5frMjlW8-5bXs7gfmdTW6L_xtH7snT3kW5slXwN86dRk3W9ljtLY32sx3KW7q89hm6K1vfhW1XFRTR5gG4s_W6n-mct6vgQ_HW95j5Wf117WgcVNQQL431s6NPW1Zpjlk7xGsj7W5j00yJ75Xg7DW1vl9515sqH4nN6llgd_zcxBjW2wgd1J4XyxJzW5rc_qV1ZF94rW3MdkB968ZslwW5Vmlp64F4Pp9Mm0mwjvztnwVLqCxq56vpYxW7cRp152_N54SN2qKqtv88ryff7vF1sx04) Was this forwarded to you? [Sign up here.](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3p4N3VPLbfH7HJzW93Ssd89jdPpcW1ZMjn093WTHZW8QtkzX94gB_GW8y23pQ2k3K11V76NPP7XKRwpW3n96_38hMtQrW6HWbzz9fMHBNW6ZYwRg1WXxjZW55w3BX1bHZLQW8VPN4x89Vr_yW1vthG43GjJbrM6ZqW0cByRcW1n4tS189qqW6N2gM_DMHnMd9W253Xwt5dxryTW3dPT4M4BJlyqW2dRdSM62K9SHVlX4dW5mzRsjW40v8vN8TtKVNW2B66fz2cY1wjW8PkGrD8fYRtfW3rghvF45crMJN7zQfjG36KTrW5kRr7r96VDKYW2T-MCD6qj50Nf6qlmnd04) [Unsubscribe here]( [Manage preferences]( I Will Teach You To Be Rich 548 Market Street #89946 San Francisco, CA 94104-5401 [20th Anniversary Badge](113/d586LZ04/MWHl3vCl-yNW8PPYBY6jrR44W89-nNw5f684yN3Lg88T3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nlW3lgjqN8DqTCtW38lzNv8brn06W6Rvtkt6hT6CGW8yMbvw61L08CW8V7yZ442nV24W7v3knl8sBGZ4W8rDrhC3MNdk3W7WN3Kx4HDWvsW3rYMQw29tfJfN6F95WZ_7DsjW3vJfyH9kXT84W5zts2M7C4FNCW48tWJZ6kj_RLVxF9dK8wpJcVW2CMGRB5l2CLfW625gkJ5y-tc0N4qy3thRcgXjW7_bDW88ggvLmW4Q5b_t41SMxRN65S-kt2bWBLW1jDlxH5b70yBW7z7p6V5Pk9Z8W3jL09K2WJhSXW30znWH76DCB7W2RLL6P326hvJW78vQTD7qPFYlf4dpQD604)

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