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The Rundown 02.10.17


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Fri, Feb 10, 2017 09:06 AM

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Ron Swanson's Scotch, SEAL-approved Bags, Our Moving Sale, Al Green the Wingman, and more... The Run

Ron Swanson's Scotch, SEAL-approved Bags, Our Moving Sale, Al Green the Wingman, and more... The Rundown is back with another round of recommendations from Team Huckberry. Today, we’re joined by our move-making officemate Ryan Moses of [Myles Apparel]( and longtime Huckberry member Phil Kim. Read up, start bookmarking, and high-tail it into the weekend. Favorite Huckberry Purchase: My [Fellow kettle](. It's unlocked my inner coffee snob. Next Huckberry Purchase: I’ve had my eye on a [Tuft & Needle]( mattress for a while now. We spend a third of our lives in bed and I think you should spend your money where you spend your time. Lifehack: Keep a bottle of Dr. Bronner's castile soap in the shower and use it to wash your [gym clothes]( after a workout. It’ll save you a load of laundry and your clothes will be dry by the time you’re ready to sweat in them. Splurge Drink: [Lagavulin]( scotch. It’s smoky as a campfire, and if it’s good enough for [Ron Swanson]( it’s good enough for me. Podcast Recommendation: I’m loving [Noah Kagan Presents](. Noah was the 30th employee at Facebook and is the founder of [](. His new podcast is a mix of insightful interviews with other entrepreneurs and short episodes with actionable tips. I tried his 5 am wake up challenge last week — with mixed results. Book That's Influenced Your Behavior: [On Writing by Stephen King](. It’s part writing lesson, part memoir, and a must-read for anybody who wants to master a craft. Recent Discovery: I’ve been snowboarding for 15 years and recently took a lesson with a few friends who are just learning the ropes, and I couldn’t believe how much I improved. It made me appreciate the power of good coaching and getting back to basics. Tell Us What You've Been Up To: Shameless plug alert — [Myles Apparel](. We just released our new collection and I’ve basically been living in our new Everyday Tee and Elements Hoodie. Vacation Bucket List: A week long ski trip in [Val d'Isere](. A visit to [Francis Mallmann]('s island in Patagonia (who has a connection?). Any adventure with [El Camino Travel](. Next Huckberry Purchase: The [Hori Hori]( is basically the Swiss Army knife of gardening. I'm one of the few lucky souls to have a backyard in San Francisco and since I’m looking to develop my green thumb this spring, this thing will be my secret weapon. Splurge Drink: High West Rendezvous Rye. I love Park City, Utah and this whiskey takes me back to the mountains every time. When I’m feeling fancy (even if I’m in my sweats) I’ll toss in a perfectly clear ice sphere from [Wintersmiths](. Who To Follow On Instagram: [Anna Alexia](. She's an SF photographer and her feed is a feast of color. It's a welcome shock to the system and brightens my day every time I dive into it. She makes everyday objects look like something I want to frame and hang in my house. For A Little "Me" Time: Satsuki Shibuya's new book, [Moment]( is my favorite new purchase. She frames it up as "A book of poetry and paintings for anyone seeking a moment of clarity in the everyday." It celebrates mindfulness, simplicity, and intention and always helps me remember to pause, reflect, and be grateful. On Your Wishlist: We did an [Artist Series collaboration](with [Caroline Z Hurley]( and she does a great job translating shapes and color into textiles that work in any space. I want it all. If I Had $500 To Spend On Huckberry: [The Orbit Plus]( record player. I want to upgrade from my current Audio-Technica LP-60. What To Watch: [The Expanse](. Been a fan of the book series for a long time now, and the TV adaptation is incredible. A great sci-fi epic with realistic physics, great characters, and behind-the-scenes politics with themes that are especially relevant to today’s cultural climate. Favorite Drink: [Scapa 16yr.]( Damn near impossible to find now since they stopped releasing it, but if you ever get your hands on some, give it a taste. Smooth maltiness with a bit of cream, spice, and wood notes. Perfect for taking the edge off a long day, especially in a Glencairn glass, or for some fun, the Half Dome glass from my set of [Whiskey Peaks]( glasses (my friend actually helped prototype these). Off-the-clock Music: [The Greatest Hits by Al Green](. One of my favorite vinyl acquisitions (thanks, Huckberry). It’s such a solid selection of hits from the venerable Al Green and really helps add some sensuous fun to whatever you're doing, whether it be cooking, reading a book, or, ahem, looking to set the mood. Twitter Account Worth Following: [@rikergoogling]( for those Star Trek TNG fans. Whatever Commander Riker would probably be googling in the 24th century — funnier than it sounds. Travel Hack: If I'm tight on space for my travel bag (a [Filson Pullman](), I like to pack clothes into gallon Ziploc bags, cut a corner off, and then squeeze out as much air as possible as a sort of improvised vacuum pack. It worked well for 10 days in Japan running around from the Japanese Alps down to Kojima.  Have a recommendation or two of your own? Drop us a line on Twitter ([@Huckberry](). If we share it in the next Rundown, we'll hook you up with $100 in Huckberry credit. Two eternal truths: Pizza is always good. And it's impossible to take a bad photograph in South Tyrol, Italy 📷 : [@fubiz]( [Facebook]( | [Instagram]( | [Twitter]( ©2016 Huckberry Inc | 290 Utah St. San Francisco, CA 94103 [Web Version]( | [Manage Preferences]( |  [Remove From List](

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