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[If first 15 minutes of mash was over 160 is it ruined?]( Â ( 37 New Posts Yesterday )
I reckon your maltodextrin level will be a bit higher than normal and give you a slightly...
[What are you drinking now?]( Â ( 29 New Posts Yesterday )
Enjoying a few All Togethers from NY. Thanks @pshankstar for these great ð»
[Brewing Shoes]( Â ( 13 New Posts Yesterday )
This is technically an equipment question. What shoes do you wear while brewing? It seems that...
[Adding Strawberries to Blonde Ale?]( Â ( 13 New Posts Yesterday )
Hey everyone. Long time craft beer fan/craft brewery bartender, new home brewer. I am planning...
[PSA - Stop lifting your heavy kettle. Clean more efficiently. Save your back!]( Â ( 13 New Posts Yesterday )
To get a full FV from the garage floor into the FC, a 2x10x8' plank could be used as a slide...
["Northeast" style IPA]( Â ( 12 New Posts Yesterday )
New post from Scott Janish discussing in detail the "Survivables" concept that Yakima Chief...
[Fast Souring - Modern Methods]( Â ( 11 New Posts Yesterday )
Thanks for the welcome. This forum has been a treasure trove, especially this thread. - When is...
[Dry vs Liquid Yeast]( Â ( 11 New Posts Yesterday )
Hi all, im new to the mead making process. Reading over some guides and recipes the majority...
[water app? is there one]( Â ( 9 New Posts Yesterday )
I recommend MpH, either the standalone available (free) here...
[So who's brewing this weekend?]( Â ( 9 New Posts Yesterday )
Woke up to rain, decided to scramble a batch of my imperial chocolate stout with its 42 pound...
[Fruit Addition Adjustment]( Â ( 8 New Posts Yesterday )
I have enjoyed fruit beers and an starting to brew my own. I have done a few but not worried too...
[Observations, thoughts, and questions on fermentation temperature]( Â ( 7 New Posts Yesterday )
Warning: this post is very long, for anyone interested. Iâve recently started brewing again...
[What I did for beer today]( Â ( 6 New Posts Yesterday )
Great info, I sent it to my daughter. She loves heading up to Santa Barbara (UCSB alum) and her...
[Can you make a clear oat beer?]( Â ( 6 New Posts Yesterday )
I just brewed up a recipe with 28% malted oats. I wasn't planning to follow my normal procedure...
[How much carbonation is in my keg?]( Â ( 6 New Posts Yesterday )
I have some carbonated Weizen in a keg which I racked this morning. Fermentation totalled 16...
[Fellowship of the Drink XXII: Dry Hop with a Vengeance]( Â ( 6 New Posts Yesterday )
@JamesonFan your beer is on the way!
[BlowTie spunding valve help needed, please]( Â ( 5 New Posts Yesterday )
Did two tests, one with valve set to a point well above the 10 PSI in the keg and one with the...
[floating keg tube]( Â ( 5 New Posts Yesterday )
I actually changed ther tubing to a moe flexible silicon tubing I had for this same reason. At...
[Flat soda but foams when dispensing]( Â ( 5 New Posts Yesterday )
Thanks! I'm going to order the 39' roll of that 4mm tubing. I dont like having 20 feet of tube...
[My Bottom Freezer Kegerator Build- Tap Height?]( Â ( 5 New Posts Yesterday )
Hey man.....I have had no issues putting 3-4 full kegs in my bottom freezer kegerator. Might not...
Question for the masses: I have the 6.5 gal version and a good number of 1 gallon all grain kits...
[Second Homebrew is (weirdly?) thick]( Â ( 4 New Posts Yesterday )
I added the priming solution while I siphoned the fermenter into the bottling bucket, and I did...
[Claw hammer supply vs. highgravitybrews]( Â ( 4 New Posts Yesterday )
I'll just provide a little update on my last post... Last week Dave and I went back and forth...
[How long does your beer last? Does it even get a chance to age?]( Â ( 4 New Posts Yesterday )
... :mug:
[Robobrew regrets?]( Â ( 4 New Posts Yesterday )
Hi guys, I did my first brew last week and I almost had a stuck sparge in my 35L. It took a long...
[2V SS Brewtech Brewing System Review Page]( Â ( 3 New Posts Yesterday )
I just ordered the 2V system, I been running 120V on my kettle and Tun so this is going to...
[From the lab - family tree of White Labs yeast]( Â ( 3 New Posts Yesterday )
There's a new preprint out from the Dunham lab in Seattle that is mostly looking at what happens...
[Cream of Three Crops (Cream Ale)]( Â ( 3 New Posts Yesterday )
I have been brewing this recipe for a few years now. It seems to me that mashing for 1 1/2 hours...
[Giveaway for Lerway Heating Pad!]( Â ( 3 New Posts Yesterday )
Congratulations, Remy and Hoppy2bmerrry!
[I'm about to give up.]( Â ( 3 New Posts Yesterday )
I couldn't get Brewer's yeast at the beginning of quarantine. Now I'm a pro with my instant...
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