Here are tips for decluttering towels and washcloths, plus electronics charging station organizer ideas. Here are tips for decluttering towels and washcloths, plus electronics charging station organizer ideas.
[View this email in your browser]( [Home Storage Solutions 101: A Place For Everything That Matters]( Dear {NAME}, Towels and washcloths are a necessity, but they also take up a lot of space and many of us have way more of them than we really need. Here's my article with tips for how to declutter towels and wash cloths. Obviously you need to keep some of these items for use, but perhaps not as many as you have now. Here's how to declutter some of the ones you've got! [Click Here For How To Declutter Towels & Washcloths]( [Pin The Article For Later]( In addition, this same article discusses guidelines and factors to consider when deciding how many towels to keep in your home, and also provides ideas for what to do with the old towels you decide to declutter. [Click Here For Guidelines For How Many Towels You Need In Your Home]( [Guidelines for how many towels you need in your home]( [Pin The Article For Later]( Declutter 365 Products Sale: 50% Off For Second Half Of Year For Select Products It's now the second half of 2024 and so I've created some discount promo codes for the daily text messages, and premium group, which are annual Declutter 365 programs, to allow you to start now while still getting a great value. Right now you can get 50% off select products during this sale! After all, you can jump into the Declutter 365 missions whenever you want, and the sooner you get started the sooner you'll begin to see results! So take advantage of these promo codes and get started with Declutter 365 today! [Click Here To Learn More About The Summer Declutter 365 Products Sale]( Charging Station Organizer Ideas For Phones & Other Electronics Are you or family members always forgetting to charge your electronic devices, or misplacing them within the house? Either way, a designated charging station in your home will help you solve both of these problems. I've collected quite a few ideas in the article for how you can create your own charging station in your home, so come check it out! [Click Here For Charging Station Organizer Ideas For Phones & Other Electronics]( [Electronics charging station organizer ideas]( [Pin The Article For Later]( Moment Of Motivation From Taylor I love this quote: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." -- Confucius [It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.] I got a comment from a Declutter 365 participant showing me their progress, but then lamenting that this was only perhaps one tenth of the total clutter she had to go through to complete the job. First of all, I get it. Sometimes the enormity of the task ahead seems daunting, and if doing maybe one tenth of the task was so exhausting, you wonder, how can I finish this? BUT, now she's 10% closer to completion than she was before. It's all in how we look at it. And when you lament that it will take too long to complete, the true fact is it will never get even close to completion until you start. Soooo, that's a long winded way to say, it's OK if the progress is slow. The key is to keep going, slowly, ploddingly, sometimes painfully, but to keep going. Don't stop. I hope you have a great and productive day! [Taylor] [Facebook](
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